Reno’s DOJ Pride Murder Lab, October 22, 1996
Rand Paul Grills Sec. of State Clinton on Benghazi: I Would Have Relieved You Of Your Post
By Benghazi Whistleblowers Reveal Their Clinton Cover-up Moment
Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire – Mon, May 6, 2013
Mark I. Thompson, the acting deputy assistant for operations in theState Department's counterterrorism bureau, will testify on Wednesday that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton willfully blocked out his department's involvement on the night of the September 11 Benghazi attacks — and that he has been threatened and intimidated by unnamed State Department officials about saying as much in public, and that al-Qaeda was involved all along. The scoop comes from — where else? — sources close to the congressional investigation speaking to Fox News, two days ahead of testimony by Thompson and two other whistleblower witnesses before Rep. Darrell Issa's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Fox's sources characterize Thompson has having "concluded on Sept. 11 that Clinton and Kennedy tried to cut the counterterrorism bureau out of the loop [man-in-the-middle attack by DOJ Murder Lab using VideoGuard key to set up a virtual private network] as they and other Obama administration officials weighed how to respond to — and characterize — the Benghazi attacks."
“NDS Group Ltd. (Formerly traded as NASDAQ: NNDS) develops software for the [Murdoch Family’s] pay TV industry. NDS was established in 1988 as an Israeli start up company.[1] It was acquired by Cisco in 2012. The company is currently headquartered in Staines, United Kingdom. Filling The Executive Chairman and CEO roles at NDS is Abe Peled with former CEO Dave Habiger having left in 2012. The company's major product is the VideoGuard conditional access system, which is used by more than 85 leading pay TV operators around the world. NDS technology includes end to end connections for satellite, broadband IPTV, Hybrid, OTT, and EPGs. It has launched VideoGuard Connect, the DRM for Pay-TV, designed to help TV operators to seamlessly extend their pay-TV services to connected media devices, enabling secure ingestion, delivery and consumption of premium content over both managed and OTT networks while maintaining subscription privileges across devices. NDS also provides advanced advertising, professional services and system integration services. New ways to secure content on PCs, tablets, and other devices are displayed at IBC and CES. Cisco Systems announced the acquisition of the company in March, 2012. [and now controls conditional access to pedophile pay-per-view industry]”
“FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAG TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1996 (202) 616-2777TDD (202) 514-1888
WASHINGTON, DC -- Attorney General Janet Reno presentedHammer Awards to three employee working groups from JusticeDepartment components as part of the Department's "JusticePerformance Review Lab Day," an event showcasing the achievements of the Department's 16 reinvention labs.
The Hammer Award is Vice President Gore's specialrecognition to teams of employees which made significantcontributions in support of the President's National PerformanceReview (NPR) principles of improving customer service, cuttingred tape, empowering employees, and getting back to basics.
"By accepting the challenge to re-invent government, theseemployees are making government more efficient and improving theway we perform our public responsibilities," Reno said during theLab Day event in the Justice Department's Great Hall. DeputyAttorney General Jamie Gorelick, who also attended, noted thatthe employees "have taken the concept of creating a governmentthat works better and costs less and have made it a reality."
The three Justice Department teams receiving the award are:
* The SENTRI Reinvention Lab, for developing a secure, high-tech, automated border inspection system at Otay Mesa, California;
* The Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) Lab, a multi- component effort which has significantly improved the prisoner booking process;
* The Justice Prisoner Alien Transportation System (JPATS), which combines the resources of several DOJ components to schedule and transport prisoners more quickly, safely, and economically.
Additional information on the awardees is attached.
96-523 ###”
“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a video on Tuesday commemorating LGBT Pride Month and the effort to advance equal rights.
"I am honored to join you to celebrate the fundamental freedoms that all human beings deserve –- no matter who they are or whom they love," she says. "This month, and every month, we proudly reaffirm our commitment to making sure that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."
Clinton's statement follows a similar one released by President Barack Obama late last month, officially proclaiming the month of June "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month."
In her statement, Clinton praises the progress being made to further LGBT rights, but says the fight is far from over.
"We will not rest until full and equal rights are a reality for everyone," she says. "History proves that the march toward equality and justice will overcome barriers of intolerance and discrimination. But it requires a concerted effort from all of us. No matter how long the road ahead, I’m confident that we will travel it successfully together."
Clinton has been a strong Obama administration ally for the LGBT community. For the past three years, she has delivered statements or remarks to celebrate Pride Month.
Late last year, she also delivered a high-profile speech in Geneva in observance of Human Rights Day in which she memorably declared that "gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights."
The full text of Clinton's statement in honor of LGBT Pride Month is below:
I am honored to join you to celebrate the fundamental freedoms that all human beings deserve –- no matter who they are or whom they love. This month, and every month, we proudly reaffirm our commitment to making sure that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
In the United States and around the world, progress is being made. The tireless advocacy of generations is bending the arc of history. Barriers are being torn down, discriminatory laws repealed, and millions are now able to live more freely and participate in the future of their communities and countries.
But there is still much more to be done. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender men and women continue to be persecuted and attacked. They are arrested, beaten, terrorized, and even executed.
United States Embassies and Missions throughout the world are working to defend the rights of LGBT people of all races, religions, and nationalities as part of our comprehensive human rights policy and as a priority of our foreign policy. From Riga, where two U.S. Ambassadors and a Deputy Assistant Secretary marched in solidarity with Baltic Pride; to Nassau, where the Embassy joined together with civil society to screen a film about LGBT issues in Caribbean societies; to Albania, where our Embassy is coordinating the first-ever regional Pride conference for diplomats and activists to discuss human rights and shared experiences. And through the Global Equality Fund that I launched last December, we have strengthened our support for civil society and programs to protect and promote human rights.
We will not rest until full and equal rights are a reality for everyone. History proves that the march toward equality and justice will overcome barriers of intolerance and discrimination. But it requires a concerted effort from all of us. No matter how long the road ahead, I’m confident that we will travel it successfully together.
Wherever you are celebrating this month, I wish you a happy Pride.”
“Rick Moran
Vice President, Small Business Marketing
Vice President, Small Business Marketing
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Advocates Network (GLBT)
Rick Moran is the Vice President responsible for driving awareness and demand for Cisco's product and service offerings among small businesses and the partners that serve them. Driven by a great understanding and appreciation of the challenges faced by small businesses around the world, Rick focuses Cisco's resources on creating an engaging experience that aligns the appropriate technologies and solutions with the specific business needs of customers.
In characterizing the sub-segments of the Small Business, Rick was instrumental in the identification and articulation of distinct customer profiles, which served as the guiding framework for the development of products, services and Cisco's go to market approach. In November 2009, this strategy was awarded the SMB Excellence Award for Market Segmentation from market research firm IDC.
Through his leadership of the Small Business Marketing efforts, Rick's team has transformed the way that Cisco uses the Web to reach out and interact with customers and partners. As a leader and member on several of Cisco's leadership boards, Rick plays a key role in developing strategy across multiple routes to market, which are vital to the company's success in Small Business.
Rick joined Cisco in 2003 as Vice President of Unified Communications and the broader portfolio, including Cisco IPICS, Cisco Small Business Systems (Linksys One), TelePresence, Business Video and Physical Security.
During his 25 plus years in marketing and selling technology Rick has held posts in various European locations, as well as Bahrain and Canada. Prior to coming to Cisco Moran worked at Nortel Networks for more than 21 years where he held a variety of senior roles. Rick also worked for two private companies, focused on high speed MPLS switching and next generation IP network signaling for service provider networks.
Rick is a graduate of the University of Guelph in Canada where he earned a Bachelor's of Arts in Economics and Politics.
GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network), Board Member Recipient, 2008 Above and Beyond Executive Sponsorship Award – Workplace Diversity, Working Mother Media & Diversity Best Practices”
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