See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1512: Marine Links Murdoch’s Most Wanted IMDb Snuff Films to Clinton’s Benghazi JABS
Prequel 2:
#1501: Marine Links Kristine Marcy to Robert Hanssen Quantico Handlers, FBI's DNA Plant on Boston Bomb
Robert Hanssen - The Master Spy
“Many Americans are baffled at how a low-budget, horribly produced, vaguely pornographic, Islam-defaming movie that almost nobody had heard of on Sept. 10became the flashpoint for dangerous, sometimes deadly riots around the world starting Sept. 11. And not even the whole movie — just a 14-minute clip uploaded to YouTube, one of a gazillion clips that litter the videographic graveyard at the popular website. There are lots of unanswered questions surrounding the movie, Innocence of Muslims, and its fallout, but it's clear that the eruption was months in the making. [Including the identity of the hacker who inserted it into Murdoch’s Fox News as an MitM attack on the IMDb feeds]"
“IMDB Admin is developed by Nortel [for Amazon director Jamie Gorelick]. The most popular version of this product among our users is 3.2. The product will soon be reviewed by our informers. [allegedly including Murdoch Masterspy hacker Robert Hanssen]”
“Nortel Networks hackers [allegedly including Murdoch Masterspy Robert Hanssen] had “access to everything” for years
The once-thriving telecom firm, a maker of switches and other gear that runs …
by Dan Goodin - Feb 14 2012, 11:46am PST
Nortel Networks suffered a security breach that for almost a decade gave attackers with Chinese IP addresses access to executive network accounts, technical papers, employee emails and other sensitive documents at the once-thriving telecommunications firm, The Wall Street Journal reported (subscription required).
The publication, citing a former 19-year Nortel employee who oversaw the investigation into the hack, said Nortel did nothing to keep out the hackers except to change seven compromised passwords that belonged to the CEO and other executives. The company "made no effort to determine if its products were also compromised by hackers," the WSJ said. Nortel, which sold off parts of its business as part of a 2009 bankruptcy filing, spent about six months investigating the breach and didn't disclose it to prospective buyers.
The infiltration dated as far back as 2000 and allowed the hackers "access to everything," Brian Shields, who was a senior adviser for systems security at Nortel, told the WSJ. By 2009—five years after a breach was first discovered, he found rootkits still burrowed deep into some of the laptops he examined. They were using an encrypted channel to send e-mail and other sensitive information to servers near Beijing.
Security experts call the type of attacks described in the report APTs, or advanced persistent threats. The term came into vogue in early 2010, following a disclosure by Google that it was the victim of a "highly sophisticated and targeted attack" that stole intellectual property and information used to spy on Gmail users. APTs differ from financially motivated attacks in that they're aimed at a particular company or group of companies and the hackers behind them are willing to remain dormant for months or years so they can surreptitiously access as much sensitive data as possible.
RSA has said that it was a victim of an APT, in an attack that exposed information that could compromise the effectiveness of two-factor SecurID tokens 40 million employees use to access corporate and government networks around the world. Military contractor Lockheed Martin also disclosed a breach it said was aided by the theft of that confidential RSA data. Other companies reported to suffer APTs in the past few years include Morgan Stanley, Exon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Marathon Oil, ConocoPhillips, and Baker Hughes.”
“The FBI Academy, located on Marine Corps Base Quantico in Quantico, Virginia, is the training site for new Special Agents of the United StatesFederal Bureau of Investigation. It was first opened for use in 1972 on 385 acres (1.6 km²) of woodland. It is a relatively small government academy, housing three dormitory buildings and associated facilities. Federal law enforcement officers from the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration undergo training courses here. FBI agents currently have a 20-week long training course.
Facilities [edit]
The main training complex has three dormitory buildings, a dining hall, library, a classroom building, a Forensic Science Research and Training Center, a 1,000-seat auditorium, a chapel, administrative offices, a large gymnasium and outside track, along with a fully equipped garage. In addition to the main complex, there is a mock city known as Hogan's Alley, which consists of facades replicating a small town. The Hogan's Alley facades are primarily used for FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration New Agent Training, while behind the facades are fully functioning classrooms, audio-visual facilities, storage areas, and administrative and maintenance offices. Just beyond Hogan's Alley is a 1.1-mile pursuit driving/defensive driving training track. The extensive firearms training provided to all FBI/DEA and other law enforcement officers is conducted at the indoor firing range, the eight outdoor firing ranges, four skeet ranges, or the 200-yard rifle range. The FBI Academy is a secured facility and, as such, is not open to the public for tours.
Units [edit]
The units that reside here are the Field and Police Training Unit, Firearms Training Unit, Forensic Science Research and Training Center, Technology Services Unit (TSU), Investigative Training Unit, Law Enforcement Communication Unit, Leadership and Management Science Unit's (LSMU), Outreach and Communications Unit (OCU), Physical Training Unit, New Agents' Training Unit(NATU), Practical Applications Unit (PAU), and the Investigative Computer Training Unit (ICTU).[2] Most of these are training units for developing new field agents, but they are also used to help get other agents up to date on new techniques through in-service training.
Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) [edit]
The Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) is a component of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) that uses behavioral sciences to assist in criminal investigations. The mission of the NCAVC and the BAUs is to provide behavioral based investigative and/or operational support by applying case experience, research, and training to complex and time-sensitive crimes, typically involving acts or threats of violence. which an example could be seen on the ION television show CRIMINAL MINDS
Technology Services Unit (TSU) [edit]
The Technology Services Unit is a part of the FBI Training Division as well as being the host to a number of technological services which aid in the instruction of new agents. Such services include the following: Audio/Visual services, Engineering Technology Services, The FBI Training Network (FBITN), Graphic Services, Information Technology Services (ITS), Photography Services, and Video Services.
The Forensic Science Research and Training Center [edit]
The Forensic Science Research and Training Center is considered a world-class forensic laboratory, as well as a world-class center for forensic studies in the areas of biochemistry, genetics, chemistry, and physics.
The FBI National Academy [edit]
The FBI National Academy is an independent program for U.S. and international law enforcement leaders. The program focuses on leadership and the administration of justice in state and local law enforcement. The National Academy conducts four ten week sessions each year for groups of American and international law enforcement executives.
In popular culture [edit]
In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Elliot Stabler has a video conference from the FBI Academy
The FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, is one of the main locations in Thomas Harris' bestseller The Silence Of The Lambs, and its film adaptation. It is also shown briefly in the film Mindhunters while the "Crime City" where much of the film takes placed is based largely on Hogan's Alley.
In the CBS series, Criminal Minds Quantico serves as the homebase of the Behavioral Analysis Unit.
The television series The X-Files mentions it as the characters are FBI agents.
The character of Don Eppes on the television series NUMB3RS is quoted as having decided to attend Quantico and join the FBI when he realized that his baseball career had little hope of advancing beyond Double-A teams. One of the members of his team at the beginning of the series, Terry Lake, attended Quantico at the same time and they had an intimate relationship during that period. Don is also mentioned as having taught tactical training classes at Quantico later in his career, sometime between leaving the Fugitive Recovery division and becoming a Special Agent in Charge (SAC) at the FBI office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. One of his students from that time, Liz Warner, becomes a member of his team and mentions having been attracted to him during her time as a cadet, which opens the door for a brief relationship between the two characters during the series.
In the USA series White Collar the FBI agents on occasion mention their training at Quantico.
It appears in several books from the Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell.
It was mentioned frequently throughout the film American Psycho 2
In Season 1, Episode 18 of the TV show FlashForward titled "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" there are lots of flashbacks of Janis going through Quantico.
In "The Trouble with Trillions", the twentieth episode of the ninth season of the animated television series The Simpsons, the FBI uses a surveillance van with the words Two Guys From Quantico Pizza on the side.
Much of the James Patterson thriller, The Big Bad Wolf, is set at the FBI Academy at Quantico where the novel's protagonist, Alex Cross, attends numerous courses and training programs.
In the film Shooter, Agent Nick Memphis is an FBI agent who recently graduated from the FBI academy.
In the film Point Break, the lead character Johnny Utah is a recent Quantico graduate.
In the Syfy series Haven, the lead character Audrey Parker remembers being trained at Quantico.
In the SyFy series Sanctuary, one of the main characters Will Zimmerman is a graduate of Quantico.”
“Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story (TV 2002)
TV Movie - 200 min - Biography | Drama - 10 November 2002 (USA)
Your rating:
User Reviews
American Television at its best- but not perfect
6 June 2008 | by Afzal Shaikh (London, England) – See all my reviews
There really is no point in arguing over what drove Hanssen (although it is interesting to note the strong, equivocal feelings he seems to arouse). Hanssen will always be a deeply controversial and contradictory character.
What should be celebrated about Masterspy is the fact that the filmmakers didn't take the easy option and try to simplify Hanssen in order to please nonplussed viewers. Indeed, in an interview Mailer, who wrote Masterspy, said he found Hanssen the most fascinating living subject he has ever studied, and this shows in his careful, even a little obsessive screenplay. And Schiller's subdued, unfussy direction only highlights his own fascination with Hanssen in the form of his leading man, William Hurt. And Hurt really delivers as his performance drives the film- I can't think of another actor, let alone an American, who would dare portray Mailer's strange Hannsen and grasp his confused, contradictory but insatiable needs. In his endeavour, Hurt is strongly supported by inspired company who maximise their own well-written roles, Boyle's seedy, sadistic father Howard, Mary-Louise Parker's loving wife Bonnie, Ron Silver's sympathetic boss Mike, and Sthraitern's strange best friend Jack (though even he comes across as pretty normal alongside Hanssen!).
Television is increasingly becoming the only place for focused, thoughtful studies of complex characters in adult situations. And Masterspy is Television at its best. Still, it is not perfect. Mailer's old-fashioned view of women does affect the film slightly, especially in the case of a one-dimensional harridan female FBI intern, and Louise-Parker's Bonnie cries out for more screen time. Perhaps this is part of a more general fault, which is that the film needed to be longer (it seems too long for a TV Movie and too short for a Mini Series, and as far as I can understand has been billed as both). More detail on Hannsen's youth would have been desirable (perhaps a young actor to fill in for the Middle Aged Hurt?) and Hannsen's bizarre relationship with his best friend Jack needed more screen time.”
What should be celebrated about Masterspy is the fact that the filmmakers didn't take the easy option and try to simplify Hanssen in order to please nonplussed viewers. Indeed, in an interview Mailer, who wrote Masterspy, said he found Hanssen the most fascinating living subject he has ever studied, and this shows in his careful, even a little obsessive screenplay. And Schiller's subdued, unfussy direction only highlights his own fascination with Hanssen in the form of his leading man, William Hurt. And Hurt really delivers as his performance drives the film- I can't think of another actor, let alone an American, who would dare portray Mailer's strange Hannsen and grasp his confused, contradictory but insatiable needs. In his endeavour, Hurt is strongly supported by inspired company who maximise their own well-written roles, Boyle's seedy, sadistic father Howard, Mary-Louise Parker's loving wife Bonnie, Ron Silver's sympathetic boss Mike, and Sthraitern's strange best friend Jack (though even he comes across as pretty normal alongside Hanssen!).
Television is increasingly becoming the only place for focused, thoughtful studies of complex characters in adult situations. And Masterspy is Television at its best. Still, it is not perfect. Mailer's old-fashioned view of women does affect the film slightly, especially in the case of a one-dimensional harridan female FBI intern, and Louise-Parker's Bonnie cries out for more screen time. Perhaps this is part of a more general fault, which is that the film needed to be longer (it seems too long for a TV Movie and too short for a Mini Series, and as far as I can understand has been billed as both). More detail on Hannsen's youth would have been desirable (perhaps a young actor to fill in for the Middle Aged Hurt?) and Hannsen's bizarre relationship with his best friend Jack needed more screen time.”
“Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD-63) established a fifth column within our government for the ostensible purpose of "critical infrastructure protection".
The FBI through the Justice Department was made the lead agency:
As part of a national warning and information sharing system, I immediately authorize the FBI to expand its current organization to a full scale National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC). This organization shall serve as a national critical infrastructure threat assessment, warning, vulnerability, and law enforcement investigation and response entity. During the initial period of six to twelve months, I also direct the National Coordinator and the Sector Liaison Officials, working together with the Sector Coordinators, the Special Function Coordinators and representatives from the National Economic Council, as appropriate, to consult with owners and operators of the critical infrastructures to encourage the creation of a private sector sharing and analysis center, as described below.
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC): The NIPC will include FBI, USSS, and other investigators experienced in computer crimes and infrastructure protection, as well as representatives detailed from the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community and Lead Agencies. It will be linked electronically to the rest of the Federal Government, including other warning and operations centers, as well as any private sector sharing and analysis centers. Its mission will include providing timely warnings of international threats, comprehensive analyses and law enforcement investigation and response.”
More to follow.
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