McConnell claims that to prepare for the Christmas Day 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey, his SES capo sister Ms. Marcy, the former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and current Amazon director Jamie Gorelick, launched a virtual pedophile matrix from the Deputy Attorney General’s Office in Washington, DC, to extort concessions from Christian anti-gay family groups and what 'lesbiennes radicales' call 'heteropatriarchal' society.
Kristine Marcy’s SES protégée Francey Hakes, the first-ever National Coordinator for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction (January 2010 to March 2012). Prosecutor for more than 15 years, serving first as a state prosecutor then as an Assistant U.S. Attorney. Francey has held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance as part of her work on national security investigations [FBI Pedophile Tainted Lab – Robert Hanssen!].
“IRS Attacks on Tea Party Patriots Predicted in Political Thriller 'Patriots of Treason'
Contact: Scott Lorenz, Westwind Communication Book Marketing, 734-667-2090,
HOUSTON, May 16, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The shocking news of the Internal Revenue Service attacking members of the Tea Party was foretold in a recently published novel by an author who himself has been the target of IRS harassment which he believes is because he is a Tea Party member and organizer.
For the past two years the IRS has singled out for scrutiny groups with "tea party" or "patriot" in their names as well as nonprofits that have criticized the government.
Those attacks are foretold in a novel by David Thomas Roberts that centers on the IRS and other federal agents attacking Tea Party members for their critical comments of the government.
"As a direct recipient of IRS targeting the political opponents of this administration, specifically the Tea Party, I am not surprised by the recent IRS announcements," says Roberts. "I also do not believe this was only orchestrated by low-level field examiners. Unfortunately, this administration continues to fulfill the plot in my novel Patriots of Treason which described this exact type of political retribution."
Roberts is author of Patriots of Treason (ISBN 978-1-936688-36-4, 2012, AKA Publishing, 300 pages, Paperback $16.32, Kindle $7.99 and Hardcover $23.69) which is a novel filled with political intrigue, heroes, scumbags, and amazing characters that addresses over-extension of anti-terrorism measures, trampling on the rights of a citizens group, burgeoning federal power, states' rights and Texas secession.
"'Patriots of Treason' presents a "what if" scenario throughout the pages and crescendos to a surprise ending no one would predict," says Roberts, who is a proud Texan actively involved in politics who has researched Texas history and the issue of secession to great depth.
Roberts describes himself as a fiscal conservative bordering on a constitutional libertarian who got tired of complaining about the rapid growth of federal abuse and decided to write a book instead.
Roberts, who attended Texas A&M and the University of Texas, is CEO of a technology firm. A resident of Houston, Roberts has lived in Texas since 1966. He has been twice nominated as Entrepreneur of the Year for the Houston region. He is a Tea Party organizer, member of the NRA, and political activist. He loves Texas music, hunting, fishing, racquetball and bicycling in addition to writing and spending time with his wife, four adult children, and one grandchild.
Roberts describes himself as a fiscal conservative bordering on a constitutional libertarian who got tired of complaining about the rapid growth of federal abuse and decided to write a book instead.
Roberts, who attended Texas A&M and the University of Texas, is CEO of a technology firm. A resident of Houston, Roberts has lived in Texas since 1966. He has been twice nominated as Entrepreneur of the Year for the Houston region. He is a Tea Party organizer, member of the NRA, and political activist. He loves Texas music, hunting, fishing, racquetball and bicycling in addition to writing and spending time with his wife, four adult children, and one grandchild.
“42 USC § 17611 - Establishment of National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction
(1) In general
The Attorney General shall designate a senior official at the Department of Justice with experience in investigating or prosecuting child exploitation cases as the National Coordinator for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction who shall be responsible for coordinating the development of the National Strategy established under subsection (a). The National Coordinator for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction shall be a position in the Senior Executive Service.
The duties of the official designated under paragraph (1) shall include—
(A) acting as a liaison with all Federal agencies regarding the development of the National Strategy;
(B) working to ensure that there is proper coordination among agencies in developing the National Strategy;
(C) being knowledgeable about budget priorities and familiar with all efforts within the Department of Justice and the FBI related to child exploitation prevention and interdiction; and
(D) communicating the National Strategy to Congress and being available to answer questions related to the strategy at congressional hearings, if requested by committees of appropriate jurisdictions, on the contents of the National Strategy and progress of the Department of Justice in implementing the National Strategy.”
“[Kristine Marcy's SES protegee] Francey Hakes served as the first-ever National Coordinator for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction from January 2010 to March 2012. The United States Attorney General appointed her to the post, which was created by the U.S. Congress in the Protect Our Children Act of 2008, and which was housed in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, DC.
As the first coordinator, Francey was responsible for creating the inaugural U.S. strategy addressing child sexual exploitation entitled, The National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction, which was submitted to the U.S. Congress in August 2010.
After submitting this first National Strategy to Congress, Francey was charged with its implementation. She lead multiple working groups across federal, state, local and international agencies, and regularly briefed the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, drafted remarks for delivery by the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, and helped prepare the Attorney General for testimony before the U.S. Congress. Francey also testified before the U.S. Congress and the United States Sentencing Commission, and briefed senior officials at the White House and on Capitol Hill.
Francey was a prosecutor for more than 15 years, serving first as a state prosecutor then as an Assistant U.S. Attorney. Francey has held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance as part of her work on national security investigations [FBI Tainted Lab], and was lead counsel on dozens of trials.
She received her bachelor’s degree in Political Science, with a Global Policy Studies Certificate, from the University of Georgia. Francey also holds a Juris Doctor from Ohio Northern University. She now runs her own consulting firm, Francey Hakes Consulting LLC, that provides advice in the field of child protection.”
“January 4, 2012
TIGTA - 2012-1
Contact: David Barnes
(202) 622-3062
TIGTA - 2012-1
Contact: David Barnes
(202) 622-3062
SES Diversity Demographics at IRS Compare Favorably With Those of Other Federal Agencies, TIGTA Finds
WASHINGTON -- The IRS's Senior Executive Service (SES) diversity demographics statistics compare favorably with those of other Federal agencies, according to a new report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).
For example, TIGTA found that in Fiscal Year 2009, the IRS exceeded the Federal Government as a whole in placing more females in executive positions at the SES level, which is the highest rank achievable for civil servants in the Federal Government. In addition, TIGTA found that in Fiscal Year 2009, the IRS's SES level was more diverse than other Federal agencies in eight of 12 Office of Personnel Management diversity categories. In the other diversity categories, the IRS was very close to the Federal Government's SES percentages.
TIGTA conducted this audit to determine the level of diversity in IRS SES appointments and whether the IRS has an effective strategy that complies with applicable law and regulations to achieve diversity within executive positions.
As part of its audit, TIGTA interviewed key IRS leaders to determine the IRS's organizational posture toward diversity. TIGTA found that the IRS has an agency-wide diversity policy that includes the SES level and below.
"The IRS is to be commended for the success that it has achieved in its SES diversity demographics," said J. Russell George, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. "We found that the IRS has undertaken a broad-based approach to diversity to achieve a workforce that represents the taxpayers it serves."
TIGTA made three recommendations addressing the IRS's ongoing and future commitment to diversity. First, TIGTA recommended that the IRS ensure that its key diversity practices are made part of its internal guidance. Second, TIGTA recommended that the IRS consider partnering with Federal professional executive organizations to gain additional insight on diversity issues in the Federal executive community. Lastly, TIGTA recommended that the IRS consider ways to communicate to its employees the existence of professional executive organizations that may assist employees in their self-development efforts toward attaining higher level and SES positions.
The IRS agreed with all of TIGTA's recommendations and has taken or plans to take corrective actions.”
“Politico .. Heads won't roll at the IRS When someone is just a terrible worker, federal rules require the supervisor to give him or her an opportunity to improve. When it’s a conduct case, though — as the IRS scandal would be — the agency wouldn’t have to take the time to teach its employees not to do something as problematic as targeting conservative groups.
There are other cases in which fired employees wouldn’t even get to appeal. By law, the IRS commissioner can — but doesn’t have to — fire any employee who engages in the so-called 10 deadly sins as defined by a law enacted in 1998 to overhaul the agency.
The “sins” include falsifying information or destroying documents to cover up mistakes, violating a taxpayer’s constitutional rights, abusing privacy clauses to conceal information from a congressional inquiry and threatening to audit taxpayers for personal gain or benefit.
But would any of the activities related to the IRS scandal qualify? J. Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, suggested at Tuesday’s hearing that it’s possible — noting that one of the sins is revealing taxpayer information to harm a taxpayer.
When Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) asked if the Cincinnati employees violated the sins, he responded: “In theory, it could be interpreted that way,” if they shared confidential information with outside groups. George is looking into the question.
Ask them to resign
There’s always another option: Even if the new IRS leadership doesn’t want to go through the hassle of getting rid of people, it could always ask them to resign.
Outgoing acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller, for example, could have hung on if he’d really wanted to. Just because he was filling in for a politically appointed position doesn’t mean he can be fired by the president like political appointees typically can.
But when Treasury Secretary Jack Lew asked him to step down, he did. That could be an option if the administration wants to get rid of Lerner.
Sander Levin, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, has already said he wants Lerner to be relieved of her duties, and her future is widely seen as being up in the air.
“If the president/Secretary Lew could ask Steve Miller to resign, they should be able to ask Lois Lerner to resign. They are both long time members of the Senior Executive Service,” one former IRS employee told POLITICO.”
“IRS Targeted Billy Graham Ministry and Other Christian Groups Dave Bohon New American May 18, 2013 As the White House announced May 15 that acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller would resign in the wake of revelations that the tax agency had targeted conservative groups, news has surfaced that the tax-exempt status of prominent Christian organizations had also been targeted. …. The Baptist Biblical Recorder appears to have been targeted because of a now-famous interview it ran with with the Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy in which Cathy boldly spoke out in favor of traditional marriage and families. In the interview Cathy said that he and his fast-food chain were “guilty as charged” in their support “of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.” The comments enraged homosexual activists, who saw it as a direct challenge to their militant efforts to normalize homosexuality and same-sex “marriage.”
“At hearing on US tax agency's screening of tea party groups, star witness plans to stay mum
WASHINGTON - A Republican-controlled committee taking Congress' latest look at the federal tax collection agency's mistreatment of conservative groups will apparently have to do so without input from the official who helped unleash a firestorm of criticism against the Obama administration.
Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner will invoke her constitutional right to not answer questions on Wednesday at a House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, her lawyer told the panel in a letter. Lerner triggered the recent IRS uproar at a legal conference nearly two weeks ago, when she revealed that the agency had subjected tea party and other conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status to extra scrutiny.
Republicans have used the scandal to attack President Barack Obama as he tries to push through his second-term legislative agenda ahead of next year's elections for Congress. The controversy also has breathed new life into the small-government tea party movement, whose influence had been waning.
Lerner, 62, an attorney who joined the IRS in 2001, heads the unit that decides whether groups qualify for the tax-exempt status. She apologized for the agency's actions, but has come under fire from members of both parties, including Democrat Elijah Cummings, top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, who said in an interview Tuesday that she should lose her job.”
“CTV News PM’s former legal adviser arranged deal for Wright to give Duffy $90K [Allegedly to ensure Duffy, the former CTV News Editor in Ottawa, did not reveal the CTV Cold Squad conspiracy with Kristine Marcy and Jamie Gorelick in re the infiltration of racketeering pedophiles into the U.S. SES and its Canadian equivalent - the Prime Minister's Office]
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“Andrea Janus,
Published Monday, May 20, 2013 10:06PM EDT
Last Updated Monday, May 20, 2013 10:12PM EDT
Published Monday, May 20, 2013 10:06PM EDT
Last Updated Monday, May 20, 2013 10:12PM EDT
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former special counsel and legal adviser worked on the legal deal between Nigel Wright and Sen. Mike Duffy’s lawyer that called for Wright to help Duffy pay off $90,000 in invalid expense claims, CTV News has learned.
Sources told CTV’s Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife that back in February, Benjamin Perrin helped draft the letter of understanding that called for Duffy to publicly declare that he would repay the money. In return, sources say, Wright would give a personal cheque to Duffy to cover the $90,000. Sources say the agreement also stipulated that a Senate investigation into expense claims would go easy on Duffy.
The Prime Minister’s Office insists that neither Perrin nor Wright told Harper about the payout to Duffy or about any aspects of the secret arrangement.”
“Vanlsl "The letter of understanding" - the contract, in effect - that governed the terms of the "gift" was drafted by Benjamin Perrin, Special Counsel and Harper's personal legal adviser. Not just one close adviser [Wright] but two. And, for Perrin, the prime minister was his 'best client ever', his only client. There is no way Wright would have asked Perrin to do this and no way Perrin would have done this without first having Stephen Harper's instructions. Perrin is said to have resigned last month and returned to UBC's law faculty. He's apparently not returning phone calls from reporters. When your chief of staff's and your personal lawyer's fingerprints and signatures are all over the documents, it's over.”
“Benjamin Perrin
Associate Professor
Tel: 604.822.1208
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Office Location: Allard Hall, 363
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Office Location: Allard Hall, 363
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Benjamin Perrin is an Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law and a senior fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute for Public Policy. He recently returned from a leave of absence in Ottawa where he served as special advisor and legal counsel to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and was lead policy advisor on all matters related to the Department of Justice, Public Safety Canada (including the RCMP, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Correctional Service of Canada, and Parole Board of Canada), and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Professor Perrin is an internationally recognized researcher and advocate for victims of crime. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called him a "hero", and the Governor General of Canada and victims' groups have also honoured him for his work to combat human trafficking and child sexual exploitation. Professor Perrin is the recipient of the Wilson-Prichard Award for Community and Professional Service from the University of Toronto, and the Graduate of the Last Decade award from the University of Calgary. Reader's Digest has profiled him as an "influential Canadian", and Maclean's magazine has listed him as one of Canada's "best and brightest".
Professor Perrin's book Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking (Penguin, 2010) became a bestseller and was named one of the top books of the year by the Globe and Mail. He is co-editor of Human Trafficking: Exploring the International Nature, Concerns, and Complexities (CRC Press, 2012), and editor of Modern Warfare: Armed Groups, Private Militaries, Humanitarian Organizations and the Law (UBC Press, 2012). He is also the author of numerous law review articles and book chapters, and regularly provides commentary in the media.
Professor Perrin received a Bachelor of Commerce (with distinction) from the University of Calgary in 2001, a Juris Doctor from the University of Toronto in 2005, and a Master of Laws (with honours) from McGill University in 2007. He was called to the Bar in Ontario in 2007 and the Bar in British Columbia in 2010.
Prior to joining UBC, Professor Perrin was a law clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada, judicial intern at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, assistant director of the Special Court for Sierra Leone Legal Clinic (which assisted the Trial and Appeals Chambers), senior policy advisor to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, and executive director of a non-governmental organization that combats human trafficking.
Criminal Law & Procedure
International Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Constitutional Law
International Law
Victims of Crime
Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation
Benjamin Perrin, ed., Modern Warfare: Armed Groups, Private Militaries, Humanitarian Organizations and the Law (UBC Press, 2012).
John Winterdyk, Benjamin Perrin, and Philip Reichel, eds., Human Trafficking: Exploring the International Nature, Concerns, and Complexities (CRC Press, December 2011)
Benjamin Perrin, Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking (Hardcover - Toronto: Viking Canada, 2010; Paperback - Toronto: Penguin, 2011).
Benjamin Perrin, "Mind the Gap: Lacunae in the International Legal Framework Governing Private Military and Security Companies" (2012) 31(3) Criminal Justice Ethics 213-232.
Benjamin Perrin, "Private Security and Humanitarian Assistance: International Humanitarian Law Implications" in Benjamin Perrin, ed., Modern Warfare: Armed Groups, Private Militaries, Humanitarian Organizations, and the Law (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012) 123-156.
Benjamin Perrin, "Trafficking in Persons & Transit Countries: A Canada-U.S. Case Study in Global Perspective", (2011) 14:2-3 Trends in Organized Crime 235-264
Benjamin Perrin, "Just Passing Through? International Legal Obligations and Policies of Transit Countries in Combating Trafficking in Persons" (2010) 7:1 European Journal of Criminology 11-27.
Benjamin Perrin, "Taking a Vacation from the Law? Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction and Section 7(4.1) of the Criminal Code" (2009) 31 Canadian Criminal Law Review 171-206.
Benjamin Perrin, "Searching for Accountability: The Draft U.N. International Convention on the Regulation, Oversight and Monitoring of Private Military and Security Companies" (2009) 47 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 299-317.
Benjamin Perrin, "Apprehension of Indicted War Criminals: Lessons from the former Yugoslavia" in Roberta Arnold, ed., Law Enforcement within the Framework of Peace Support Operations (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2008), 139-155.
Benjamin Perrin, "Searching for Law While Seeking Justice: The Difficulties of Enforcing International Humanitarian Law in International Criminal Trials" (2008) 39 Ottawa Law Review 367-403.
Benjamin Perrin, "Promoting Compliance of Private Security & Military Companies with International Humanitarian Law" (2006) 863 International Review of the Red Cross 613-636.
Benjamin Perrin, "Challenges Facing the EU Network of Competition Authorities: Insights from a Comparative Criminal Law Perspective" (2006) 31 European Law Review 540-564.
Benjamin Perrin, "Making Sense of Complementarity: The Relationship Between the International Criminal Court and National Jurisdictions" (2006) 18 Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 301-325.
Benjamin Perrin, "Child Soldiers: Legal and Military Challenges in Confronting a Global Phenomenon" (2005) 50 McGill Law Journal 687-694 (book note re: Peter W. Singer,Children at War. (New York: Pantheon, 2005)).
Benjamin Perrin, "Terrorism, Secession & Multinational Constitutions: The Challenge of Sri Lanka" (2004) 16 Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 175-234.
Benjamin Perrin, Migrant Smuggling: Canada's Response to a Global Criminal Enterprise, Macdonald-Laurier Institute Commentary Series (Ottawa: MLI, October 2011).
Benjamin Perrin, "Written Submission on the Safe Streets and Communities Act (Bill C-10 - The Safe Streets and Communities Act)", Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (October 13, 2011).
Benjamin Perrin, "Discussion Paper: Sexual Exploitation of Children & Adolescents (Canada)", Canada-U.S. Consultation in Preparation for the World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (Washington, D.C.: October 2-3, 2008).
Benjamin Perrin, "Recommendations on Proposal for a National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking", Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women (The Future Group: Ottawa, 2007).
Benjamin Perrin, "Ensuring Effective Implementation of Measures to Protect Victims and Creation of a Canadian Counter-Human Trafficking Office", Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women (The Future Group: Ottawa, 2006).
Benjamin Perrin, "Falling Short of the Mark: An International Study on the Treatment of Victims of Human Trafficking" (Calgary, Alberta: The Future Group, 2006).
Benjamin Perrin et al., The Future of Southeast Asia: Challenges of Human Trafficking and Child Sex Slavery in Cambodia (Phnom Penh: The Future Group, 2001).
Publications listed on the UBC Law Library Faculty Research Publications Database”
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