Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s apparent use of the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) to deploy pedo-femme extortionists in 100 Women in Hedge Funds, to her Fall 2001 placement of James Comey, a former Bridgewater Hedge Fund Counsel, as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York where he allegedly blocked any investigation into Marcy’s payments to Femme Comp Inc agents hired for the SBA mentor-protégée war game which killed American Airlines Flight 77 pilot, Captain Chic Burlingame III on 9/11.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1542: Marine Links Kristine Marcy 8(a) Splice of Taylor War Game to Femme Comp Hit of Captain Chic
Prequel 2:
Belief Leah Zell, Wade Rathke used market panic 9/11 to launder money through Acorn Int. credit pools; share profits with Michelle Obama, Phil Condit directors at Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
#1543: Marine Links Con Air sister’s Terrorism Interdiction Program to Taylor Bridge Bomb USS Cole
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his ‘Con Air’ sister Kristine Marcy’s Terrorism Interdiction Program to Francis Xavier Taylor, the former U.S. Coordinator for Counter-terrorism who allegedly used Entrust PKI root keys to the U.S. Federal Bridge Certification Authority to relay the signals which detonated bombs by the USS Cole in Aden Harbor on October 12, 2000.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Prequel 2:
#1528: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Stratum Zero ConAir Killers to Gorelick Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Prequel 3:
#1524: Marine Links FBI Boston Bomber Casting Call Lab to Kristine Marcy Forfeiture JABS
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Prequel 2:
#1528: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Stratum Zero ConAir Killers to Gorelick Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Prequel 3:
#1524: Marine Links FBI Boston Bomber Casting Call Lab to Kristine Marcy Forfeiture JABS
#1542: Marine Links Kristine Marcy 8(a) Splice of Taylor War Game to Femme Comp Hit of Captain Chic
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the synchronized ‘splice’ of his sister Kristine Marcy’s U.S. Small Business Administration 8(a) companies into the Global Guardian war game staged on 10-12 September 2001 by then U.S. Coordinator for Counter-terrorism Francis Xavier Taylor, to the alleged 9/11 contract killing (hit) of the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, Captain Chic Burlingame III, by agents of women-owned company Femme Comp Inc.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Prequel 2:
#1541: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick United 93 JABS to Figliuzzi’s Sandy Hook Casting Call
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Prequel 2:
#1541: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick United 93 JABS to Figliuzzi’s Sandy Hook Casting Call
#1541: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick United 93 JABS to Figliuzzi’s Sandy Hook Casting Call
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked former 9/11 Commissioner and Amazon director Jamie Gorelick’s use of the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) in the casting of Ben Sliney in the GE-Vivendi movie ‘United 93’, to the casting call apparently made by GE Assistant Chief Security Officer and former FBI Assistant Director, Frank Figliuzzi, for Wayne Carver to act as a spokesman/coroner in the handling (?) of the bodies of 20 children and 6 adult female victims of contract killings allegedly staged at, or near, the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012.
Prequel 1:
#1539: Marine Links Gorelick JABS to FBI Anthrax Anna and Delisle Hangouts for Lesbian Hedge Funds
Prequel 2:
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Prequel 1:
#1539: Marine Links Gorelick JABS to FBI Anthrax Anna and Delisle Hangouts for Lesbian Hedge Funds
Prequel 2:
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
$6.3 Million Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Grants - Funneling Money to Lesbian Insurrectionists to Overthrow the State? - Who Gets Mentored To Do What?
Commerce Department Announce $6.3 Million Minority Business Grant Competition
May 24, 2013
By D.L. Chandler
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Commerce made an announcement that will change the fortunes of a number of minority business owners: Through a grant competition, minority business will get to run one of six Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) [a bureau within the United States Department of Commerce] centers in major metropolitan hubs nationwide in order to grow their jobs and businesses.
SEE ALSO: REPORT: NewsOne Breaks Down President’s Plans For Black Community In Second Term
Thirty of these centers are already in existence across the United States and Puerto Rico. With this new competition, though, grant winners will be able to operate MBDA Business Centers in New York, Houston, San Francisco, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Washington, which, according to David A. Hinson, MBDA national director, “is critical to furthering the Agency’s mission in assisting minority-owned businesses in gaining access to contracts, access to capital, and access to markets.” Hinson adds, “It is our goal to ensure the continued success of minority-owned firms who, in turn, strengthen the economy and create American jobs.”
Commerce Department Announce $6.3 Million Minority Business Grant Competition
May 24, 2013
By D.L. Chandler
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Commerce made an announcement that will change the fortunes of a number of minority business owners: Through a grant competition, minority business will get to run one of six Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) [a bureau within the United States Department of Commerce] centers in major metropolitan hubs nationwide in order to grow their jobs and businesses.
SEE ALSO: REPORT: NewsOne Breaks Down President’s Plans For Black Community In Second Term
Thirty of these centers are already in existence across the United States and Puerto Rico. With this new competition, though, grant winners will be able to operate MBDA Business Centers in New York, Houston, San Francisco, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Washington, which, according to David A. Hinson, MBDA national director, “is critical to furthering the Agency’s mission in assisting minority-owned businesses in gaining access to contracts, access to capital, and access to markets.” Hinson adds, “It is our goal to ensure the continued success of minority-owned firms who, in turn, strengthen the economy and create American jobs.”
Money For Nothing - $200 Million a Year On Government 8(a) Contracts - Lurita Doan (Administrator of the GSA): "I Was Totally Clueless" - All You Need Are: Connections to the Republican Mafia
Source: Channeling Reality
Money For Nothing
April 3, 2007

Lurita Doan, GSA Administrator
Last week, watching the congressional hearing on the alleged misconduct of Lurita Doan, Administrator of the GSA, the level of political incompetence exhibited by Doan was striking. My impression was that she would make a great PTA mom. The obvious question, “How in the world did she manage to be appointed to be the Administrator of the GSA?” was answered when Rep. Henry Waxman asked her if she contributed $200,000 to the Republican party and she said ‘yes’. She went further to boast of how proud she was to be a successful small businesswoman and her priority at GSA was to help minority businesses.
It turns out that Doan’s degree is in Renaissance literature but in 1990, she supposedly set out with $5 in her purse. She went to her local Kinko's, "ran off some stationary and claimed to be in business," and went searching for government contracts offering to sell information technology services. According to her bio on the GSA website, “before entering the field of computer technology, Mrs. Doan taught at several colleges in the Washington, DC area”. Since her Masters is in literature, presumably that’s what she was teaching. From those meager beginnings, she built a $200 million dollar a year business on government 8(a) contracts.
Money For Nothing
April 3, 2007
Lurita Doan, GSA Administrator
Last week, watching the congressional hearing on the alleged misconduct of Lurita Doan, Administrator of the GSA, the level of political incompetence exhibited by Doan was striking. My impression was that she would make a great PTA mom. The obvious question, “How in the world did she manage to be appointed to be the Administrator of the GSA?” was answered when Rep. Henry Waxman asked her if she contributed $200,000 to the Republican party and she said ‘yes’. She went further to boast of how proud she was to be a successful small businesswoman and her priority at GSA was to help minority businesses.
It turns out that Doan’s degree is in Renaissance literature but in 1990, she supposedly set out with $5 in her purse. She went to her local Kinko's, "ran off some stationary and claimed to be in business," and went searching for government contracts offering to sell information technology services. According to her bio on the GSA website, “before entering the field of computer technology, Mrs. Doan taught at several colleges in the Washington, DC area”. Since her Masters is in literature, presumably that’s what she was teaching. From those meager beginnings, she built a $200 million dollar a year business on government 8(a) contracts.
Arrest John McCain - Illegal Entry Into Syria - Facilitating Terrorists in Syria - Foreign Criminal Mercenaries Operating in Syria - Investigate US State Department - Clandestine Activity in Syria
Source: We The People blog
Arrest John McCain & Investigate US State Department & Clandestine Activity in Syria
Attorney General Eric Holder,
The Federal Bureau of investigations suggested I contact your office regarding Senator John McCain's illegally entry into Syria yesterday, Monday, May 27, 2013.
It is my understanding that US State Department and other clandestine activity has been facilitating intelligence, logistics and weapons to militants and criminal mercenaries operating in and around Syria for over two years.
Arrest John McCain & Investigate US State Department & Clandestine Activity in Syria
Attorney General Eric Holder,
The Federal Bureau of investigations suggested I contact your office regarding Senator John McCain's illegally entry into Syria yesterday, Monday, May 27, 2013.
It is my understanding that US State Department and other clandestine activity has been facilitating intelligence, logistics and weapons to militants and criminal mercenaries operating in and around Syria for over two years.
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 28, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 28, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 28, 2013
#1539: Marine Links Gorelick JABS to FBI Anthrax Anna and Delisle Hangouts for Lesbian Hedge Funds
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Jamie Gorelick’s use of the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) to FBI agent Frank Figliuzzi whose role in the limited hangout arrests of Anthrax [sic father] Anna Chapman and Jeffrey Delisle, appears to have been designed to divert attention from front-running profits made by 100 [Lesbian] Women in Hedge Funds invested in the contrived panic of the international capital markets on 9/11.
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
#1538: Marine Links Obama Harvard Overseers to CSIS Unabomber KSM JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Obama’s mentors and erstwhile members of the Harvard Board of Overseers, David Johnston and Amazon director Jamie Gorelick, to the CSIS-Nortel Joint Automated Booking System, allegedly used by Unabomber and Khalid and/or Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) agents to build an international revolutionary network to bomb and to kill.
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
Monday, May 27, 2013
#1537: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick to BBC Woolwich Special Effects and MI-5, Tooth and Claw
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked some of the ‘personalities’ listed in Amazon director Jamie Gorelick’s Internet Movie Database (IMDb) to Any Effects, the alleged provider of special effects to a BBC news story of a bloodless beheading of a Woolwich car-crash victim and various episodes of the BBC’s “MI-5” and “Doctor Who” such as “Tooth and Claw”.
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
#1536: Marine Links Crown Sister to Hanssen, DeLisle Decoys for 100 Women Pig Farm Hedge Funds
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy to a Crown Agents’ deployment of Robert Hanssen and Jeffrey Delisle as decoys to divert public attention from the alleged sexual entrapment and extortion of Prince William and Prince Harry into patronizing an SBA* RICO enterprise which McConnell has named 100 Women in Pig Farm Hedge Funds.
SBA = U.S. Small Business Administration allegedly run for Crown Agents with a $50 billion loan portfolio by McConnell's sister Marcy while she served as SBA Chief Operating Officer during the Pickton pig-farm murders in British Columbia 1996-2001
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1534: Marine Links Nancy’s Private-Equity Pension Pay-Per-View Pig Farm to Duffy Amazon Bribe
SBA = U.S. Small Business Administration allegedly run for Crown Agents with a $50 billion loan portfolio by McConnell's sister Marcy while she served as SBA Chief Operating Officer during the Pickton pig-farm murders in British Columbia 1996-2001
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1534: Marine Links Nancy’s Private-Equity Pension Pay-Per-View Pig Farm to Duffy Amazon Bribe
#1535: Marine Links Serco’s Packet-Switch Snuff Film Crews to Cameron Woolwich Pay Per View
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s apparent development of packet-switching services for paroled or escaped prisoner snuff-film crews, to David Cameron, the former Director of Corporate Affairs at Carlton Communications where he allegedly sponsored VideoGuard pay-per-view contract killings with associated Wag the Dog stories as was probably the case with a staged traffic accident and bloodless (victim already dead!) beheading in Woolwich on 22 May 2013.
#1405 Marine Links Ian Cameron to Front-Running Serco Clock and BBC Packet-Switched Brighton Bomb
#1405 Marine Links Ian Cameron to Front-Running Serco Clock and BBC Packet-Switched Brighton Bomb
Sunday, May 26, 2013
#1534: Marine Links Nancy’s Private-Equity Pension Pay-Per-View Pig Farm to Duffy Amazon Bribe
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked private-equity investments made on behalf of Nancy Cambell’s pension fund (bcIMC) for mortgage finance of a pay-per-view snuff film studio at the Pickton Family pig farm in British Columbia, to the $90,000 bribe apparently paid to Mike Duffy to keep his mouth shut re a private-equity pay-per-view snuff-film archive, allegedly developed for the purposes of blackmail of pension-fund trustees by Amazon director Jamie Gorelick in a conspiracy with some of the 5+ million personalities in the Internet Movie Database.
Prequel 1:
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
Prequel 1:
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
Friday, May 24, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 24, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 24, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 24, 2013
#1533: Marine Links Gorelick IMDb Snuff-Film Keys to Cameron 7/7 and Woolwich ITV
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Jamie Gorelick’s keys to a pay-per-view snuff-film archive, apparently embedded in the Amazon Internet Movie Database (IMDb), to ultra vires authorities allegedly given by the former Carlton/ITV Director of Corporate Affairs David Cameron, for live-broadcast news of the 7/7 bombings and the Woolwich killing on ITV.
Prequel 1:
#1530: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick’s Pedophile Database to Duffy’s Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Prequel 1:
#1530: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick’s Pedophile Database to Duffy’s Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 14
Umbrellaman Takes DUMP On Queen’s Pussy FOUL TAINT
In Operation TURGID REFLEX 2013/ Benghazi Vaginagate
Fellow Gay Harper Embraces Nigel Glasscock In GAY HUMPTY DUMP 2013
Jamie Gorelick, Janet Reno, Kristine Marcy Added To Memorial Day Message
FM Whistleblowing Network Reaches MR Status, Time Is Right, Game Over
Thursday, May 23, 2013
#1532: Marine Links Johnston-Obama Entrust Key to Boswell Stand Down, Benghazi Rape
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the ultra vires delegation of Entrust Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) authorities by Canadian Governor General David Johnston and POTUS 44 Barack Obama, to a stand-down order, allegedly given by their delegees, the former U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton and her former head of Diplomatic Security, Eric J. Boswell, to permit the snuff-film torture, rape and murder of late U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, in a Benghazi hospital on September 11, 2012.
Prequel 1:
#1531: Marine Links Amazon-Bullingon Pedophile Database to Tricky Bin Laden Massive Attack
Prequel 2:
#1510: Marine Links Gorelick’s IMDb Murder Lab to Clinton VideoGuard and Benghazi JABS
Prequel 1:
#1531: Marine Links Amazon-Bullingon Pedophile Database to Tricky Bin Laden Massive Attack
Prequel 2:
#1510: Marine Links Gorelick’s IMDb Murder Lab to Clinton VideoGuard and Benghazi JABS
#1531: Marine Links Amazon-Bullingon Pedophile Database to Tricky Bin Laden Massive Attack
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a joint IMDb/JABS pedophile tracking database – apparently populated by Amazon director and former Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick and the late Bullingdon Club alumnus and former UK Minister for War Jack Profumo – to pedophile actors and parolees allegedly hired by a Tricky Bin Laden Group for the “first live-broadcast mass snuff film in human history” during a phony continuity-of-government exercise on 9/11.
Prequel 1:
5-23-2013 #1530 Marine Links Amazon Gorelick Pedophile Database to Duffy Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Prequel 1:
5-23-2013 #1530 Marine Links Amazon Gorelick Pedophile Database to Duffy Cold Squad Boston Bombs
#1530: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick’s Pedophile Database to Duffy’s Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a joint IMDb/OneDOJ pedophile-tracking database in the custody of Amazon director and former Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, to a box-office (?) bribe apparently paid to silence the former CTV News Channel editor Mike Duffy re the alleged deployment of CTV Cold Squad crews and FBI Lab agents to taint evidence of pedophile actors and paroled inmates at the Boston bombing crime scenes.
Prequel 1:
#1493 Marine Links Furlong CTV Cold Squad Cisco Keys to Derail-Train, Boston-Bomb Plots
Prequel 2:
#1528: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Stratum Zero ConAir Killers to Gorelick Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Prequel 1:
#1493 Marine Links Furlong CTV Cold Squad Cisco Keys to Derail-Train, Boston-Bomb Plots
Prequel 2:
#1528: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Stratum Zero ConAir Killers to Gorelick Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Loan Faucet - Principal Drain - Interest Drain - Populist Social Credit, or Ongoing Interest Slavery? - National Economy - Purchasing Power
Don't reject real victory when someone entrusts you with it
Don't abandon real people when the means is provided to set them free.
#1529: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Racketeering Pedophile SES to Christian Anti-Gay Tea-Party Tax
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s alleged infiltration of FBI, DOJ Pride and U.S. Senior Executive Service (SES) with racketeering pedophiles, to IRS officials’ targeted tax audits and extortion of Christian anti-gay tea-party groups.
McConnell claims that to prepare for the Christmas Day 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey, his SES capo sister Ms. Marcy, the former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and current Amazon director Jamie Gorelick, launched a virtual pedophile matrix from the Deputy Attorney General’s Office in Washington, DC, to extort concessions from Christian anti-gay family groups and what 'lesbiennes radicales' call 'heteropatriarchal' society.
McConnell claims that to prepare for the Christmas Day 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey, his SES capo sister Ms. Marcy, the former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and current Amazon director Jamie Gorelick, launched a virtual pedophile matrix from the Deputy Attorney General’s Office in Washington, DC, to extort concessions from Christian anti-gay family groups and what 'lesbiennes radicales' call 'heteropatriarchal' society.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
5-21-2013 Pressure Points: Government Paranoia - The Rutherford Institute - A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
On Target with John Whitehead - Government Paranoia
In conjunction with the upcoming release of his new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, John W. Whitehead sits down to discuss several "pressure points" that are threatening the Bill of Rights and undermining our essential freedoms. In part three of this special series, Whitehead examines the language of fear and government paranoia. Rutherford Institute
On Target with John Whitehead - Government Paranoia
In conjunction with the upcoming release of his new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, John W. Whitehead sits down to discuss several "pressure points" that are threatening the Bill of Rights and undermining our essential freedoms. In part three of this special series, Whitehead examines the language of fear and government paranoia. Rutherford Institute
#1528: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Stratum Zero ConAir Killers to Gorelick Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s Stratum Zero ConAir killers – ConAir (JPATS) paroled inmates or unwitting actor passengers who allegedly synchronize the FBI Lab’s international murder-for-hire operations with Serco’s cesium clock – to Amazon director Jamie Gorelick's CTV Cold Squad Boston bombs.
5-21-2013 #1526 Marine Links FBI’s Tainted Con Air Lab to Kristine Marcy’s Piggy Palace JABS
5-21-2013 #1526 Marine Links FBI’s Tainted Con Air Lab to Kristine Marcy’s Piggy Palace JABS
#1527: Marine Links FBI’s Tainted Con Air Lab to Kristine Marcy’s Piggy Palace JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the FBI’s Tainted Con Air Lab to his sister Kristine Marcy’s alleged use of the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) to move paroled inmates and unwitting actors through snuff-film crime scenes under the erstwhile management of the federally-registered Piggy Palace Good Times Society in British Columbia.
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 20, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 20, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Abel Danger - Misprision of Treason Parts 1-5 - C2CSI May 20, 2013 - Field McConnell and David Hawkins - 9/11 - JonBenet Ramsey
Abel Danger - Misprision of Treason Parts 1-5 - C2CSI May 20, 2013 - Field McConnell and David Hawkins - 9/11 - JonBenet Ramsey
Misprision of Treason - C2CSI May 20, 2013 Part 1
Misprision of Treason - C2CSI May 20, 2013 Part 1
#1526: Marine Links Private Equity Harper to Piggy’s Palace Playbook and Duffy CTV FBI JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Stephen Harper’s private equity handlers (CAI, Onex, Carlyle) to a snuff-film playbook developed by the Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society, and Mike Duffy’s alleged use of Nortel's Joint Automated Booking System to ‘spin’ CTV/FBI assets through snuff-film crime scenes such as those associated with the bombing of the Boston Marathon.
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 20, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 20, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 20, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 20, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
#1525: Marine Links FBI Pay-Per-View Snuff-Film Lab to Harper Cineplex Bribe, Bin Laden Cast by JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the FBI Laboratory’s pay-per-view snuff-film lab to a bribe paid to Senator Mike Duffy by Stephen Harper’s former aide Nigel Wright, the former managing director of Cineplex-owner Onex and alleged investor in Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System which cast Osama bin Laden as the ‘red-team’ leader for the Global Guardian war game during the “first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history” on 9/11.
In the context of the alleged Harper Cineplex bribe and Nigel Wright’s apparent role in the FBI’s casting call for 9/11 snuff film, McConnell is warning United States governors of Marcy, Reno & Gorelick JABS – Misprision of Treason by FBI Lab Justice Department Great Hall “Lab Day” – Tuesday, October 22, 1996.
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Chapter 13
In the context of the alleged Harper Cineplex bribe and Nigel Wright’s apparent role in the FBI’s casting call for 9/11 snuff film, McConnell is warning United States governors of Marcy, Reno & Gorelick JABS – Misprision of Treason by FBI Lab Justice Department Great Hall “Lab Day” – Tuesday, October 22, 1996.
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Chapter 13
Saturday, May 18, 2013
#1524: Marine Links FBI Boston Bomber Casting Call Lab to Kristine Marcy Forfeiture JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the FBI Laboratory’s online casting call for Boston Bomb parolees and actors to his sister Kristine Marcy and her alleged procurement of Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) with the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund to allow the FBI to track and where necessary, kill selected parolees and actors (IMDb?) at various Boston crime scenes.
McConnell believes that his sister is guilty of misprision of treason after she failed (?) to warn United States governors of the FBI Laboratory’s Bombers Casting Call projects and the FBI’s use of JABS to track and, where necessary, kill selected parolees and actors at crime scenes associated with the bombing of the East African Embassies (1998), the USS Cole (2000) and the Pentagon U.S. Navy Command Center (9/11).
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
McConnell believes that his sister is guilty of misprision of treason after she failed (?) to warn United States governors of the FBI Laboratory’s Bombers Casting Call projects and the FBI’s use of JABS to track and, where necessary, kill selected parolees and actors at crime scenes associated with the bombing of the East African Embassies (1998), the USS Cole (2000) and the Pentagon U.S. Navy Command Center (9/11).
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Friday, May 17, 2013
#1523: Marine Links Marcy Reno Gorelick JABS to Misprision of Treason by FBI Labs – 10/22/96
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell is informing United States governors of the links he has found between a procurement of Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) by his sister Kristine Marcy, Janet Reno and Jamie Gorelick, to the Misprision of Treason which occurred after the women attended a “Lab Day” event on 22nd October 1996 and allegedly heard of a conspiracy by FBI Laboratory agents to use JABS to overthrow the government of the United States by force.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
#1522: Marine Links Trudeau-Marcy Forfeiture JABS to Gorelick JonBenet and Inmates’ Cold Squad Boston Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Trudeau and Marcy Families’ apparent procurement of Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) with the U.S. Assets Forfeiture Fund, to Jamie Gorelick’s allegedly-synchronized deployment of paroled inmates with Cold Squad snuff-film crews for the 1996 rape-murder of JonBenet Ramsey and the Boston Marathon bombs.
McConnell alleges that the Trudeau-Marcy Families extorted KPMG with a $454 million fine and RICO threats to stop partners from exposing Inmates' Trust use of Assets Forfeiture Fund/JABS in a Gorelick Cold Squad conspiracy for 9/11 as;‘The first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history’.
Happy Googling!
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1521: Marine Links Trudeau, Marcy to Cold Squad Forfeiture Funds, Furlong-Beaudry Contract Hits
Prequel 2:
McConnell alleges that the Trudeau-Marcy Families extorted KPMG with a $454 million fine and RICO threats to stop partners from exposing Inmates' Trust use of Assets Forfeiture Fund/JABS in a Gorelick Cold Squad conspiracy for 9/11 as;‘The first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history’.
Happy Googling!
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1521: Marine Links Trudeau, Marcy to Cold Squad Forfeiture Funds, Furlong-Beaudry Contract Hits
Prequel 2:
In 2013 War Is Too Important To Be Left To The Samesex Politicians; See Also Pat Tillman and Benghazi’s Tyrone
Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79 Washes Bloody Hands Of Hillary?
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 12
In 2013 War Is Too Important To Be Left To The Samesex Politicians; See Also Pat Tillman and Benghazi’s Tyrone
Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79 Washes Bloody Hands Of Hillary?
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 13, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 13, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 13, 2013
#1521: Marine Links Trudeau, Marcy to Cold Squad Forfeiture Funds, Furlong-Beaudry Contract Hits
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
his brother-in-law and erstwhile pro hac vice lawyer Eric. B. Marcy, and Lena Trudeau to Ottawa-based CAI private-equity forfeiture funds, apparently used to finance the Cold Squad snuff-film scripts, casting and post-production projects associated with the alleged contract killings (hits) of Deborah Furlong and Wendy Ladner Beaudry.
McConnell claims that Marcy and Trudeau began moving CAI asset forfeiture funds into CORRECTIONAL SERVICE CANADA and U.S. Bureau of Prisons’ Inmate Trusts in 1998 and allegedly proceeded to use the funds to reward alibied parolees’ posing as Cold Squad actors in a global IMDb murder-for-hire racket.
Happy Googling!
See #1:
#1477: Marine Links KPMG B.C. Pig-Farm Pension Public Key to Cisco’s SNAP Rack Ladner Beaudry Hit
Prequel 1:
#1519: Marine Links Governor General Overseers Cold Squad Script to Sister’s WH Man Who Never Was
Prequel 2:
#1509: Marine Links Gorelick Issue of IMDb Access Cards to Deborah Furlong’s Cold Squad Boston Bomb
McConnell claims that Marcy and Trudeau began moving CAI asset forfeiture funds into CORRECTIONAL SERVICE CANADA and U.S. Bureau of Prisons’ Inmate Trusts in 1998 and allegedly proceeded to use the funds to reward alibied parolees’ posing as Cold Squad actors in a global IMDb murder-for-hire racket.
Happy Googling!
See #1:
#1477: Marine Links KPMG B.C. Pig-Farm Pension Public Key to Cisco’s SNAP Rack Ladner Beaudry Hit
Prequel 1:
#1519: Marine Links Governor General Overseers Cold Squad Script to Sister’s WH Man Who Never Was
Prequel 2:
#1509: Marine Links Gorelick Issue of IMDb Access Cards to Deborah Furlong’s Cold Squad Boston Bomb
Monday, May 13, 2013
#1520: Marine Links Sister’s Forfeiture Fund Cold Squad Bribes to Holder’s Quantico Boston Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s apparent use of the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund to bribe Cold Squad ‘personalities’ in the Amazon database (cf. Gorelick IMDb and the late Deborah Furlong), to Eric Holder’s agents in the FBI Quantico Lab who were allegedly paid from the Fund to design Cisco/CTV wireless triggers for the Boston bombs.
Happy Googling!
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1519: Marine Links Governor General Overseers Cold Squad Script to Sister’s WH Man Who Never Was
Happy Googling!
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1519: Marine Links Governor General Overseers Cold Squad Script to Sister’s WH Man Who Never Was
Sunday, May 12, 2013
#1519: Marine Links Governor General Overseers Cold Squad Script to Sister’s WH Man Who Never Was
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
Cold Squad scripts apparently written by FBI Quantico agents for Canadian Governor General David Johnston and his former colleagues on the Harvard Board of Overseers, to McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy, the former Senior Counsel for the United States' INS Detention and Deportation Program, who allegedly transitioned The Man Who Never Was identity of Barry Soetoro into the White House as Barack Obama.
Happy Googling!
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
#1518: Marine Links Governor General’s Cold Squad Scripts to Quantico Sister’s Benghazi JABS
Happy Googling!
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
#1518: Marine Links Governor General’s Cold Squad Scripts to Quantico Sister’s Benghazi JABS
Psychopathy, Politics, and the New World Order
Source: Global Research
Psychopathy, Politics, and the New World Order
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society
By Colin Todhunter
Global Research, May 09, 2013

When attempting to analyse what is happening in the world, it is important to appreciate past economic, social, and political processes that led us to where we are today. Understanding the tectonic plates of history that led certain countries towards fascism, communism, or capitalist liberal democracy, for example, is essential (1) (2).
At the same time, however, it can become easy for us to push aside the individual as we focus on theoretical perspectives that refer to the ‘underlying logic of capitalism’ or some other notion that draws heavily on theory. It can get to the point where individual motive or intent (agency) is airbrushed from the narrative because human action is deemed to have been shaped by the dead weight of history or forces beyond our control.
Psychopathy, Politics, and the New World Order
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society
By Colin Todhunter
Global Research, May 09, 2013
When attempting to analyse what is happening in the world, it is important to appreciate past economic, social, and political processes that led us to where we are today. Understanding the tectonic plates of history that led certain countries towards fascism, communism, or capitalist liberal democracy, for example, is essential (1) (2).
At the same time, however, it can become easy for us to push aside the individual as we focus on theoretical perspectives that refer to the ‘underlying logic of capitalism’ or some other notion that draws heavily on theory. It can get to the point where individual motive or intent (agency) is airbrushed from the narrative because human action is deemed to have been shaped by the dead weight of history or forces beyond our control.
#1518: Marine Links Governor General’s Cold Squad Scripts to Quantico Sister’s Benghazi JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked scripts for Cold Squad productions funded by the Office of the Canadian Governor General, to his sister Kristine Marcy’s agents at the FBI Quantico Lab who allegedly used the OneDOJ database and JABS* to deploy Cold Squad actors for the snuff-film rape of Christopher Stevens in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
JABS = Joint Automated Booking System for ‘reinventing government’, announced October 22, 1996
Happy Googling!
See# 1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1517: Marine Links Quantico Governor General to B.C. Pig-Farm JABS in Nortel $6 billion Pump-and-Dump
JABS = Joint Automated Booking System for ‘reinventing government’, announced October 22, 1996
Happy Googling!
See# 1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1517: Marine Links Quantico Governor General to B.C. Pig-Farm JABS in Nortel $6 billion Pump-and-Dump
Saturday, May 11, 2013
#1517: Marine Links Quantico Governor General to B.C. Pig-Farm JABS in Nortel $6 billion Pump-and-Dump
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked agents deployed through the FBI Quantico laboratory and the Canadian Governors General office, to the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) allegedly used by B.C. pig-farm snuff-film crews to obtain DNA from guests and extort their participation in a Nortel pump-and-dump scheme which netted almost $6 billion for private-equity insiders of the provincial public-sector pension fund bcIMC [sic].
#1516: Marine Links Canadian GG Private-Equity Pig-Farm Pension to Sister’s Most Wanted Quantico JABS
#1516: Marine Links Canadian GG Private-Equity Pig-Farm Pension to Sister’s Most Wanted Quantico JABS
#1516: Marine Links Canadian GG Private-Equity Pig-Farm Pension to Sister’s Most Wanted Quantico JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Canadian Governors General private-equity pig-farm investments in the bcIMC [sic] pension fund to Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (JABS), allegedly used by McConnell’s sister Kristine ‘Con Air’ Marcy to deploy America’s Most Wanted actors and FBI Quantico agents at snuff-film crime scenes.
McConnell notes that Marcy’s Quantico agents appear to have ordered Canadian Governor General and Special Investor in the CAI Private Equity Group David Johnston, to destroy the uniforms of the former Governor-General pilot Russell Williams, after an analysis of JABS records allegedly linked Williams’ Most Wanted passengers to the JonBenet Ramsey murder on Christmas Day 1996 in Boulder, Colorado, and a bcIMC-funded snuff-film operation run over Nortel Networks from 1996 to 2001 at the Pickton Family pig farm in British Columbia.
Mconnell also notes that at the time of the pig farm murders, the Canadian Governors General had joined private equity to bcIMC pension funds with a position in JABS-developer Nortel of over 55,000,000 shares, giving them the ability to deploy Marcy’s Con Air killers through Quantico 9/11!
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
McConnell notes that Marcy’s Quantico agents appear to have ordered Canadian Governor General and Special Investor in the CAI Private Equity Group David Johnston, to destroy the uniforms of the former Governor-General pilot Russell Williams, after an analysis of JABS records allegedly linked Williams’ Most Wanted passengers to the JonBenet Ramsey murder on Christmas Day 1996 in Boulder, Colorado, and a bcIMC-funded snuff-film operation run over Nortel Networks from 1996 to 2001 at the Pickton Family pig farm in British Columbia.
Mconnell also notes that at the time of the pig farm murders, the Canadian Governors General had joined private equity to bcIMC pension funds with a position in JABS-developer Nortel of over 55,000,000 shares, giving them the ability to deploy Marcy’s Con Air killers through Quantico 9/11!
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Re: #1515: Marine Links Sister’s DOJ Pride Murder Lab to Clinton Quantico Scripts, Blue Mountain Benghazi Rape
Benghazi Lawsuit No. 1: JW Seeks U.S. Consulate Videos at Time of Attack
On February 25, 2013, Judicial Watch sued the State Department seeking "all videos and photographs" depicting the Benghazi, Libya Consulate between September 10 and September 13, 2012, the period leading up to, during, and immediately following the deadly attack.
Specifically, Judicial Watch seeks the following records pursuant to its December 19, 2012, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request:
On February 25, 2013, Judicial Watch sued the State Department seeking "all videos and photographs" depicting the Benghazi, Libya Consulate between September 10 and September 13, 2012, the period leading up to, during, and immediately following the deadly attack.
Specifically, Judicial Watch seeks the following records pursuant to its December 19, 2012, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request:
"Any and all videos and photographs depicting U.S. Consulate facilities in Benghazi, Libya (including the Special Mission Compound and the Annex) between September 10, 2012, and September 13, 2012, that were provided to the Accountability Review Board (ARB) for Benghazi and/or to any individual member of the ARB."The State Department acknowledged receiving the Judicial Watch FOIA request on January 4, 2013, and was required by law to respond by February 4, 2013. Now, more than three months later, no documents have been produced. The Obama administration cannot claim it came up empty in trying to locate the records. The records exist for certain because they are referenced by the Accountability Review Board (ARB), convened by then - Secretary of State Clinton last December, in its final report.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Terrorism by Design - Commerce is a War on You: Terrorism™ - Boston Marathon Bombing - "Trojan Triangle" - Criminality of Government Partnering with Corporations - "Critical Infrastructure Protection": Allegedly Requires "Terrorism"
Terrorism By Design
Last night, C-Span broadcast the first Congressional Hearing on the Boston Marathon episode in the continuing drama series "Terrorism in America". Anybody with an IQ over 80 couldn't fail to understand the Boston event was a test of the emergency - first responder systems effectiveness along with the Fusion Center information sharing systems. Not everything went perfectly, but they all did "a great job" and the money coming from the Feds is what really made the difference in Boston First Responders performance.
Boston Marathon Bombing - Part 1
May 9, 2013
Program ID 312587-1
If you recall, on April 8, I posted a webpage titled, Homescam Unveiled in which I noted the fact that the Homescam Security Department budget was up for renewal and that their program of Fusion Centers was being criticized as not having the desired result of catching terrorists. And as we know, there is a terrorist behind every bush in America so they should be really easy to find.
The Boston Marathon "bombing" event was on April 15th. The mad bombers allegedly used pressure cookers filled with nails and screws. You have to love the symbolism of all that.
As you can see from my website, I've been working on this story for a long time - knowing that it all revolves around computer systems and the criminality of government partnering with corporations - changing our form of government to a fascist system. My recent research - looking into Clinton's initiative for "Critical Infrastructure Protection" brings it all together. Here's the rundown:
#1515: Marine Links Sister’s DOJ Pride Murder Lab to Clinton Quantico scripts, Blue Mountain Benghazi Rape
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s DOJ Pride Murder Lab to scripts, apparently prepared in the FBI Quantico lab by extorted (?) behavioral analysts for Hillary Clinton to read prior to her concussion but after the alleged Blue Mountain transmission of encrypted snuff-film (Murdoch - VideoGuard - IMDb?) images showing the torture rape of the late Christopher Stevens in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
Happy Googling!
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Thunder Thighs Finally Gets A Bust
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 11
Hillary’s Low Hanging Fruit Snatched By Man With
Thunder Thighs Finally Gets A Bust
Jane Rodham Doe, Jane LaVaughan Doe, Jane Ann Doe, Jane Wood Doe, Jane S. Doe
#1514: Marine Links Murdoch’s Quantico 'Master Spy' Hacks to Gorelick, Nortel and Benghazi Attack
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Rupert Murdoch’s alleged former FBI-Quantico 'Master Spy' Robert Hanssen, to apparent hacks of Amazon director Jamie Gorelick’s Nortel IMDB Admin software during the Benghazi man-in-the-middle attacks on September 11, 2012.
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1512: Marine Links Murdoch’s Most Wanted IMDb Snuff Films to Clinton’s Benghazi JABS
Prequel 2:
#1501: Marine Links Kristine Marcy to Robert Hanssen Quantico Handlers, FBI's DNA Plant on Boston Bomb
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1512: Marine Links Murdoch’s Most Wanted IMDb Snuff Films to Clinton’s Benghazi JABS
Prequel 2:
#1501: Marine Links Kristine Marcy to Robert Hanssen Quantico Handlers, FBI's DNA Plant on Boston Bomb
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
#1513: Marine Links Murdoch’s Most Wanted Amazon IMDb to Rapists’ Muslim Innocence With Gorelick Benghazi
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Rupert Murdoch’s America’s Most Wanted personalities in the Amazon Internet Movie Database (‘IMDb’) to Jamie Gorelick’s alleged use of paroled rapists and the “Innocence of Muslims” movie timeline as decoys for the filmed torture murder of the late Christopher Stevens, Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Libya.
#1512: Marine Links Murdoch’s Most Wanted IMDb Snuff Films to Clinton’s Benghazi JABS
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1512: Marine Links Murdoch’s Most Wanted IMDb Snuff Films to Clinton’s Benghazi JABS
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1512: Marine Links Murdoch’s Most Wanted IMDb Snuff Films to Clinton’s Benghazi JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Rupert Murdoch’s America’s Most Wanted snuff-film personalities in the Jamie Gorelick Internet Movie Database (‘IMDb’) to Hillary Clinton’s alleged use of Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) to place actors (?) at the Benghazi crime scenes to back-haul snuff-film images of the torture, rape and murder of Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Libya, the late Christopher Stevens.
#1511: Marine Links Clinton Murder Lab Pride to Murdoch VideoGuard Keys for Cisco Snuff From Benghazi
#1511: Marine Links Clinton Murder Lab Pride to Murdoch VideoGuard Keys for Cisco Snuff From Benghazi
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
#1511: Marine Links Clinton Murder Lab Pride to Murdoch VideoGuard Keys for Cisco Snuff From Benghazi
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked linked Hillary Clinton’s DOJ Pride Murder Lab, apparently launched by Janet Reno on October 22, 1996, to the Murdoch Family's VideoGuard keys allegedly used to encrypt Cisco pay-per-view snuff-film images back-hauled from Benghazi on 9/11 2012.
Monday, May 6, 2013
#1510: Marine Links Gorelick’s IMDb Murder Lab to Clinton VideoGuard and Benghazi JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Amazon director Jamie Gorelick’s de facto custody of the Internet Movie Database (‘IMDb’) and its associated Murder Lab with over 5,000,000 personalities, to Hillary Clinton’s apparent use of the Murdochs' VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption cards to conceal snuff-film images, allegedly transmitted from the 9/11 2012 Benghazi crime scenes by IMBd actors deployed through Nortel Networks Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’).
#1509: Marine Links Gorelick Issue of IMDb Access Cards to Deborah Furlong’s Cold Squad Boston Bomb
#1509: Marine Links Gorelick Issue of IMDb Access Cards to Deborah Furlong’s Cold Squad Boston Bomb
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 6, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 6, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 6, 2013
#1509: Marine Links Gorelick Issue of IMDb Access Cards to Deborah Furlong’s Cold Squad Boston Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Amazon director Jamie Gorelick’s issue of common access cards for users of the Internet Movie Database (‘IMDb’) – over 2,500,000 titles and 5,000,000 personalities – to the apparent murder of the late Deborah Furlong whose card-carrying Cold Squad post-production crew allegedly moved a “Tiny Minority” (see article below) of unwitting actors through phony crime scenes associated with the bombing of the Boston Marathon.
#1508: Marine Links Carlton Cameron IMDb Drill-for-Snuff Card to Shanksville/London/Boston Bombs
#1508: Marine Links Carlton Cameron IMDb Drill-for-Snuff Card to Shanksville/London/Boston Bombs
Sunday, May 5, 2013
#1508: Marine Links Carlton Cameron IMDb Drill-for-Snuff Card to Shanksville/London/Boston Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked former Carlton Communications’ Director of Corporate Affairs, David Cameron, to IMDb Drill-for-Snuff access cards, allegedly developed for use by the real/fake phony-drill crime-scene actors who synchronized the snuff films and bomb detonations at Shanksville (9/11) , London (7/7) and the 2013 Boston Marathon.
McConnell claims Cameron developed the IMDb Drill-for-Snuff access cards in a conspiracy with Rupert Murdoch’s NDS/Cisco security chief, Ray Adams, a former senior officer in the Metropolitan Police, and one-time commander of the special SO11 intelligence squad (now Counter Terrorism Command). Happy Googling!
McConnell claims Cameron developed the IMDb Drill-for-Snuff access cards in a conspiracy with Rupert Murdoch’s NDS/Cisco security chief, Ray Adams, a former senior officer in the Metropolitan Police, and one-time commander of the special SO11 intelligence squad (now Counter Terrorism Command). Happy Googling!
(Chris Kyle, Child of God)
American Gun Field McConnell to File Treason Charges 11 May, 2013
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 10
(Chris Kyle, Child of God)
American Gun Field McConnell to File Treason Charges 11 May, 2013
"God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men."
Saturday, May 4, 2013
#1507: Marine Links Sidley’s Snuff-Film Tax Shelters to Gorelick Cisco-Switched Boston Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Sidley Austin IMDb snuff-film tax shelters – apparently developed for the 2001 IPO of KPMG Consulting – to the alleged use of Cisco switches in the Boston bombs by continuity of government guru, Jamie Gorelick.
Happy Googling!
#1506: Marine Links IMDb Murder-for-JABS to the Boston BOOGA Loop (Bomb Oversee Obama Gorelick Amazon)
Happy Googling!
#1506: Marine Links IMDb Murder-for-JABS to the Boston BOOGA Loop (Bomb Oversee Obama Gorelick Amazon)
Friday, May 3, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 3, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 3, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 3, 2013
#1506: Marine Links IMDb Murder-for-JABS to the Boston BOOGA Loop (Bomb Oversee Obama Gorelick Amazon)
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
IMDb Murder-for-JABS to the ‘Boston BOOGA Loop’ (BOOGA = Bomb Oversee Obama Gorelick Amazon).
#1505: Marine Links Boundary Road Cold Squad JABS to Con Air SABRE Seats for the Gorelick Boston Bombs
#1505: Marine Links Boundary Road Cold Squad JABS to Con Air SABRE Seats for the Gorelick Boston Bombs
Thursday, May 2, 2013
#1505: Marine Links Boundary Road Cold Squad JABS to Con Air SABRE Seats for the Gorelick Boston Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (`JABS`) apparently used by the Boundary Road Studio’s Cold Squad crews, to ‘Con Air’ parolees who were allegedly issued with SABRE seat reservations by Jamie Gorelick’s DoJ associates to camouflage travel through crime scenes associated with the Boston Marathon bombs.
McConnell points out that Jamie “The Wall” Gorelick used Nortel JABS servers and Con Air SABRE seat reservations to move Cold Squad actors / parolees through 9/11 crimes scenes at the Pentagon, where, after the clean-up crew had removed evidence of a Pentagon attack by what appears to have been a droned Raytheon A-4 Skywarrior, the Cold Squad members were given a ‘Clear the Skies’ authority by Ben Sliney to return to their 1875 Boundary Road Studio base in Vancouver, B.C., Canada and celebrate!
McConnell suggests that anyone in contact with Ms. Gorelick should warn her there is a leak in her OODA loop (Clue: Check woman who told Janet Reno that they were beating the children at Waco).
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1504: Marine Links Vancouver Cold Squad JABS to Karla-Jason d/b and `Plain Sight’ Gorelick Boston Bomb
McConnell points out that Jamie “The Wall” Gorelick used Nortel JABS servers and Con Air SABRE seat reservations to move Cold Squad actors / parolees through 9/11 crimes scenes at the Pentagon, where, after the clean-up crew had removed evidence of a Pentagon attack by what appears to have been a droned Raytheon A-4 Skywarrior, the Cold Squad members were given a ‘Clear the Skies’ authority by Ben Sliney to return to their 1875 Boundary Road Studio base in Vancouver, B.C., Canada and celebrate!
McConnell suggests that anyone in contact with Ms. Gorelick should warn her there is a leak in her OODA loop (Clue: Check woman who told Janet Reno that they were beating the children at Waco).
See# 14
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1504: Marine Links Vancouver Cold Squad JABS to Karla-Jason d/b and `Plain Sight’ Gorelick Boston Bomb
#1504: Marine Links Vancouver Cold Squad JABS to Karla-Jason d/b and `Plain Sight’ Gorelick Boston Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Vancouver Cold Squad’s Joint Automated Booking System (`JABS`) to a database – allegedly sponsored by Karla Homolka and Jason McLean – of parolee names and skill sets needed by Jamie Gorelick and her ilk to hide Cold Squad snuff-film crews in plain sight at the crime scenes associated with the Boston Marathon bombs.
McConnell has located the Cold Squad's JABS servers, the Karla-Jason (K-J?) parolee database and the Jamie ‘Plain Sight’ Gorelick IMDb snuff-film archive in Sam Cam Family Offices of D2 Banking, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London at the HQ of the big money-laundering bank, HSBC.
Prequel 1:
#1498: Marine Links Jason McLean’s Cold Squad ‘Rope a Boeing Dope’ to bin Laden Landing Gear
Prequel 2:
Sexual Deviants, Pedophiles, Hybristophilia, Murder and Entrapment · David Hawkins - April 23, 2013
McConnell has located the Cold Squad's JABS servers, the Karla-Jason (K-J?) parolee database and the Jamie ‘Plain Sight’ Gorelick IMDb snuff-film archive in Sam Cam Family Offices of D2 Banking, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London at the HQ of the big money-laundering bank, HSBC.
Prequel 1:
#1498: Marine Links Jason McLean’s Cold Squad ‘Rope a Boeing Dope’ to bin Laden Landing Gear
Prequel 2:
Sexual Deviants, Pedophiles, Hybristophilia, Murder and Entrapment · David Hawkins - April 23, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 1, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 1, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 1, 2013
#1503: Marine Links Sidley’s Pedo-Hybris Immigrant Database to Marcy, Canadian’s Mumbai Massacre
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
Sidley Austin’s apparent development of a Pedophile Hybristophiliac Immigrant Database (‘PHIDb’), to his sister Kristine ‘Paperclip’ Marcy and the Canadian Tahawwur Rana, who allegedly used the Sidley Austin database to select snuff-film torturers and killers for deployment during the Mumbai Massacre of 2008.
McConnell claims that Sidley began assembling names for its Pedophile Hybristophiliac Immigrant Database (‘PHIDb’) in 1984 when Sidley partner Newton Minow, allegedly hired Bernardine ‘The Fork’ Dohrn to groom female interns in the art of pedophile entrapment and extortion of government officials such as McConnell’s sister, Kristine Marcy, the former Senior Counsel for the Detention and Deportation Program of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service.
N.B. Abel Danger forced Sidley and DLA Piper trustees to close Hull House in January 2012 [sic].
See# 1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1363 Marine Links Obama to Canadian BlackBerry Spread-Bet Vig, Mumbai Torture-Terror Gig
McConnell claims that Sidley began assembling names for its Pedophile Hybristophiliac Immigrant Database (‘PHIDb’) in 1984 when Sidley partner Newton Minow, allegedly hired Bernardine ‘The Fork’ Dohrn to groom female interns in the art of pedophile entrapment and extortion of government officials such as McConnell’s sister, Kristine Marcy, the former Senior Counsel for the Detention and Deportation Program of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service.
N.B. Abel Danger forced Sidley and DLA Piper trustees to close Hull House in January 2012 [sic].
See# 1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1363 Marine Links Obama to Canadian BlackBerry Spread-Bet Vig, Mumbai Torture-Terror Gig
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