Feeling laconic, McConnell invites DOJ Pride counter-intelligence experts to check his sister for kickbacks apparently paid to Kuchera Defense Systems as protégés and U.S. Navy officers as mentors for al-Qaeda – the Arab American partition of JABS database – profiles where Raytheon victims died during a Senior Executive Service attempt to overthrow the United States government by force on 9/11.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Marine Links Sister to Libor-Funded HUBZone and Obama Forged Birth Certificate
Sample of Marcy’s SBA protégés funded by Libor loans from racketeering British bankers Association.
Al-Qaeda profile flown by Marcy protégés as the rehearsed the 9/11 attack allegedly mentored by treasonous U.S. Navy officers in June 2001.
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!"
“The Stink Of Raytheon 911”
“Flight 11:
Peter Gay was Raytheon’s Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif.
This division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk. (ISR Journal, 3/02)
Kenneth Waldie was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheon’s electronic systems.
David Kovalcin was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheon’s electronic systems.
Flight 175:
Herbert Homer was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense.
And for some very strange reasons he was listed for several days as having died in the while working in the Pentagon.
Flight 77:
Stanley Hall was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare.
One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare."
Charles S. Falkenberg:
He worked on "EOS Webster" a mapping system which provides Landsat Images, which are part of the mapping system for the Global Hawk technology.
Raytheon is working on Global Hawk piloltless aircraft program.
Now, if this is not coincidental enough for you:
What are the odds that Raytheon also had one office in the WTC2?
(AP, 9/11/01)
It was located in 91st floor in WTC2.
Raytheon shared the floor with Washington Group and Gibbs&Hill.
While 13 employees of Washington Group died
None died from Raytheon and Gibbs&Hill:
This is rather surprising as after the hit of the second plane only four people survived who were above the 78th floor where the plane hit.
(Research from former DU member John Doe II)”
“Rep. John Murtha facilitated 911 FF-CMU-MITRE-TRW-NIAC-Interoperability-Ptech
I never included the document link to the budgetary doc linked from another thread from here, so here it is:
This is a must read along with this thread:
The Johnstown "Terror Team" Cover-up
As Pittsburgh Channel revealed in September 2001, in September 2001, Flight 93 was "scheduled to land at Johnstown airport". According to air traffic manager Dennis Fritz, the "plane veered south somewhere within 15 miles of Johnstown."
Baltimore Sun reported, that air traffic controllers at Cambria County received the same information from Cleveland shortly before 10 a.m., "that a suspicious airplane was headed for Johnstown, flying much lower than it should be".
They evacuated the airport except for two control-room employees, but had trouble locating the plane.
On the morning of September 11th, yet another account seemed to confirm the odd similarities with the summer drill:
Colonel John Hugya, an administrative assistant to U.S. Rep John Murtha, said he was told that the plane initially flew over Cambria County Airport in Johnstown.
Murtha has a strong record in Congress on job development. In recent years, he has been a key to the economic-development initiatives from United Defense Systems (Carlyle), Pittsburgh Electric Engines, Inc., Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, Blairsville.
Interestingly, his 1998 Raytheon deal, subcontracted to Kuchera Defense Systems (led by former coal miner Greg Percosky), turned meanwhile into a mass production for many of the weapons being used in Iraq, from Tomahawk and Paveway missiles to Apache helicopters.
John Hugya, Murtha's assistant was also experienced with a possible terror threat.
On February 28th, 2001, Hugya represented Cambria County for the "Pennsylvania Region 13 Task Force" on Weapons of Mass Destruction, as part of a program in Pittsburgh titled "Mitigating The Terrorist Threat: The Community Leaders Role".”
I never included the document link to the budgetary doc linked from another thread from here, so here it is:
This is a must read along with this thread:
The Johnstown "Terror Team" Cover-up
As Pittsburgh Channel revealed in September 2001, in September 2001, Flight 93 was "scheduled to land at Johnstown airport". According to air traffic manager Dennis Fritz, the "plane veered south somewhere within 15 miles of Johnstown."
Baltimore Sun reported, that air traffic controllers at Cambria County received the same information from Cleveland shortly before 10 a.m., "that a suspicious airplane was headed for Johnstown, flying much lower than it should be".
They evacuated the airport except for two control-room employees, but had trouble locating the plane.
On the morning of September 11th, yet another account seemed to confirm the odd similarities with the summer drill:
Colonel John Hugya, an administrative assistant to U.S. Rep John Murtha, said he was told that the plane initially flew over Cambria County Airport in Johnstown.
Murtha has a strong record in Congress on job development. In recent years, he has been a key to the economic-development initiatives from United Defense Systems (Carlyle), Pittsburgh Electric Engines, Inc., Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, Blairsville.
Interestingly, his 1998 Raytheon deal, subcontracted to Kuchera Defense Systems (led by former coal miner Greg Percosky), turned meanwhile into a mass production for many of the weapons being used in Iraq, from Tomahawk and Paveway missiles to Apache helicopters.
John Hugya, Murtha's assistant was also experienced with a possible terror threat.
On February 28th, 2001, Hugya represented Cambria County for the "Pennsylvania Region 13 Task Force" on Weapons of Mass Destruction, as part of a program in Pittsburgh titled "Mitigating The Terrorist Threat: The Community Leaders Role".”
Tag Archive: Kuchera Defense Systems
Filed under: Corruption, Fraud, Politics — Leave a comment
June 13, 2009
May 30, 2009
Link to Original: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/front_page/20090530_Navy_blocks_accused_Pa__firm.html
Kuchera Defense faces allegations of fraud. The contractor has ties to Murtha, who spurned questions.
By Pete Yost and Dan Nephin
Associated Press
WASHINGTON – A Pennsylvania defense contractor that got millions of dollars in congressional earmarks from Rep. John P. Murtha has been blocked from doing business with the Navy amid allegations of fraud.
Details of the suspension surfaced yesterday as another Democrat who serves on the Murtha-chaired House Appropriations subcommittee on defense, Rep. Pete Visclosky of Indiana, was subpoenaed in a Justice Department criminal investigation. That probe involves a Washington-area lobbying firm with strong links to Murtha and Visclosky.
A federal grand jury subpoenaed records relating to a firm known as PMA Group from Visclosky’s congressional office, his campaign committees, and from some of his employees. In recent months, FBI agents raided PMA and the suspended Pennsylvania firm, Kuchera Defense Systems Inc.
During a brief news conference yesterday at a trade show for defense contractors in Johnstown, Murtha turned aside questions about the suspension of Kuchera, a family-run business that has supported him with $60,000 to his campaign and to his political action committee since 2002.
Over the last two years, Murtha has secured $14.7 million in congressionally directed funds known as earmarks for Kuchera to perform work for the military, a tiny slice of Murtha’s earmarks overall.
Asked about Kuchera’s troubles, Murtha said: “What’s that got to do with me? What do you think, I’m supposed to oversee these companies? That’s not my job. That’s the Defense Department’s job.”
Asked if he had a lawyer, Murtha responded, “What kind of question is that?” and then turned around and walked out of the room.
Murtha is chairman of one of the most powerful panels in Congress, the House Appropriations subcommittee on defense, where he has been a member for more than two decades. Visclosky is the third-ranking Democrat.
In remarks to defense contractors before the news conference, Murtha defended the much-maligned practice of congressional earmarking.
He said the money he directs pays for road and sewer improvements and improving water quality in the Western Pennsylvania region. He said the annual trade show helps promote economic development there.
At the Pentagon, Lt. Clay Doss, a Navy spokesman, said the Navy suspended Kuchera Defense Systems on April 23 for “alleged fraud,” including “multiple incidents” of incorrect charges, along with allegations of defective pricing and ethical violations.
In a story May 17, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette quoted a former Kuchera director of human resources as saying that the firm had moved employees to Kuchera Defense from another Kuchera entity, Kuchera Industries. That personnel move would have in effect raised the amount of overhead costs on Kuchera Defense’s government contracts, allowing the company to claim a higher reimbursement for its costs.
Regarding Murtha and PMA, in the last two years alone, the congressman has directed $78 million in earmarks to clients of PMA.
A former staffer on Murtha’s subcommittee, Paul Magliocchetti, left Capitol Hill to start the lobbying firm in 1989, the same year Murtha became chairman of the subcommittee. A former chief of staff to Visclosky also went to work for PMA.
From 2005 through 2007, more than one of every five dollars Murtha collected in campaign contributions came from PMA lobbyists or their clients – more than $1 million in all, according to Federal Election Commission records.
The annual defense contractors’ trade show in Johnstown is in the heart of Murtha’s congressional district.
This year, seven of the world’s largest defense contractors, who have been among the veteran Pennsylvania Democrat’s biggest campaign contributors over the years, helped bankroll it.
In a 15-month span ending March 31, employees of the seven defense contractors sponsoring the Johnstown show this week put more than $200,000 into Murtha’s campaign account. The seven are Lockheed Martin Corp., Boeing Co., BAE Systems P.L.C., Northrop Grumman Corp., General Dynamics Corp., Raytheon Co., and DRS Technologies Inc.
The “Showcase for Commerce” has helped cement a partnership of major defense contractors and Johnstown-area firms, including Kuchera.
For example, in 2007 Murtha announced that Kuchera Defense Systems had been awarded a $100 million, 10-year contract by Raytheon Missile Systems to build circuit boards for the Air Force.
On Thursday, Anne Marie Squeo, a spokeswoman for Raytheon, said the company was complying with federal acquisition regulations, which allow a suspended firm to complete work on an existing project but bar it from being awarded new government work or any expansions of existing projects.
Thursday night, Dennis McGlynn, an attorney representing Kuchera, said the company was appealing the Navy suspension and “we hope to have it lifted after we have an opportunity to present our reply.”
More to follow.
Presidential Mandate
Abel Danger
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