Source:, hawkscafe,
Hawkins/McConnell Interview with Rayelan on Rumor Mill News
December 30, 2009 – Part 2 (Hour 2)
Rayelan: And David, you were, you were just explaining about Bruce McConnell and ah, you know, this FC-KU, and it really does, hahaha, ah, when you say those for letters together, it really does sound like what this Chicago cabal is yelling at all of us.
David Hawkins: Ya it is, FC-KU to the world in general because we’re going to kill you if you don’t pay protection money.
Rayelan: Right.
David: Which is a payment for the right to breath. So, on nine-one-one, in the Twin Towers, they were playing this game, dictator game, written with ah, and financed by Barack Obama at the Joyce Foundation.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Where groups of people were herded into various parts of the building like the sky lobby or the elevators, and offered the opportunity ahm, would they pay the going rate for the carbon dioxide right to breath.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Accepting that that would require killing some of their friends, because if you’re in an enclosed space and the carbon dioxide is climbing, right, those people are going to die.
Rayelan: Ya, I can understand that, but killing some of their friends?
David: Well, this is the problem, if you don’t pay the going rate, right, and you’re told that everyone in the group is going to be killed there’s a tremendous pressure on you to break ranks and be ‘accidentally’ out of the building when your friends are killed.
Rayelan: Which is why all those Goldman Sachs people were in Offut Air Force Base and quite a number of other people didn’t show up.
David: Well most important is a man called Philip ah, Ginsberg, who is on the faculty at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, who worked for a company called Co2 dot com in the North Tower, and he evidently decided that he was willing to pay the going rate to live and he was ‘accidentally’ out of the building when his colleagues were whacked.
Rayelan: Ya.
David: Now, coming back to the fire, the mystery of the firefighter’s tooth, in Chapter Ten of Hunter’s Wingman, a book that Captain Sherlock ah, a man called ‘Chips’, who may or may not be Field McConnell, in this imaginary world, they went over the fence at the Fresh kills Landfill…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …on Stanton Island and they dug into some ah, garbage hills, either one or nine with a sniffer dog and they came up with some bits of evidence.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Now whether that’s true or not, it’s up to them to prove it’s not true, but ah, as far as I know, and I’m ah, sort of partial author of this book and I do some research and I don’t know what Field does in the imaginary world, what’s real and what’s false. I’d just like to read you an excerpt of what happened to a couple of firefighters on nine-one-one.
“A lost tape of lost voices ignored until recently by investigators studying the emergency response on September the eleventh shows that firefighters had climbed far higher into the south towers then practically anyone had realized. At least two man reached the crash zone on the seventy-eighth floor where they went to the aid of grievously injured people trapped in a sprawl of destruction, until the buildings final minutes, one of the firefighters, Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer”, I’ll repeat that because it’s important we don’t forget these people, particularly when we’re hunting down their killers.
Rayealan: Right.
David: “Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer was organizing the evacuation of people hurt by the planes impact”, so if any of the relatives of Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer, are listening to your show, or anyone who knows of him, I would invite them to say to those relatives, that we are hunting down the killers of Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer. And it wasn’t Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.
Rayelan. Yea.
David: “He was accompanied by Fire Marshall Ronald P. Bucca”, that’s B-u-c-c-a, and I apologize if I haven’t got the pronunciation right Fire Marshall Ronald P. Bucca, B-u-c-c-a, “both men died only now a year after the attacks the efforts of Chief Palmer and Mr. Bucca and others becoming public. City fire officials simply delayed listening to a seventy-eight minute tape that is the only known recording of firefighters inside the towers.” Rayelan, that is unforgivable.
Rayelan: Absolutely.
David: So, when Chips, which may or may not be Field McConnell and his dog team, and investigated went over the fence and into the Fresh Kills Landfill ['fresh kills', I mean, really?], they came back with some teeth.
Rayelan: How many teeth did they come back with besides the fire chiefs?
David: I don’t know, Field will have to tell you.
Field: Well, ah, we discussed it in the chapter in the first book but ah, the DNA will prove what happened to who in the heat and physics. Ah, Doctor Nano Aluminum, also known as ah, August Dunning, is an expert in that field, and I don’t say that to use my own name. But I do draw attention to something I think is rather explosive, Rayelan, I’m sending you an email right now.
Rayelan: Okay.
Field: Before I send it, I’m going to hit ‘click’ here in about sixty seconds, it’s addressed to Director of the Minne – the Director of the Minneapolis office of the FBI, the director of the FBI, Randy Babbitt, in charge of the FAA, Senator Dorgan, in Charge of senate aviation safety, John Pratar, ALPA president , the ah, a couple of news reporters and yourself, agent Bean down in Phoenix, ah Skymaster, ah, ah good investigative reporter in Washington D.C. and there’s only one blind carbon and that’s to a legal entity and attorney, but ah, the first blind is this: Director Mueller, here’s the item, I’m sorry it took nine minutes, Field and my cell phone number. And then the item Monday twelve-eleven zero six, the eleventh of December zero six, and it is the email traffic from within Northwest Airlines responding to my suggestion in writing my suggestion that they clear the skies, and when you get this, and let me just hit send before I get carried away.
Rayelan: Okay.
Field: You’ll have this in less than sixty seconds, my question to you, and you’re going to get it too, David, and of course Agent Bean will get in Phoenix, but ah, my question to you three would be, if you were the director of the FBI and you got this notice from three years ago and bounced around Northwest Airlines, and specifically identified the technolo - technology by which aircraft could be snatched and then three years later you have two Northwest flights, and those being Northwest one-eighty-eight on the twenty- first of October and one being flight two-fifty-three on the twenty-first of December, what would someone like ah, FBI Director, or the Director of the DHS [Homeland Security] who I met with by the way, not the director, but DHS agents were at the reunion in Florida in October, and I don’t think they have much confidence in their leadership, I’ll leave it to that. But let me know when you get the email ah, Rayelan, we’ll do this live right on the radio, tell me if you would like to receive that email if you were in anyway responsible for aviation safety?
Rayelan: Ah, yes, I haven’t gotten it yet, just checking.
Field: Okay, you will let me and I’ve got it, it’s two-o-eight…
Rayelan: It’s called ‘Failure to Respond.’ Yes, that’s what it is, ‘Failure to Respond.’
Field: Yup, there you go, I mean, I didn’t make this up, this is three years old.
Rayelan: Ah yes, ah, December eleventh two-thousand six. And it is ah, I, I see it. Have you sent it out to your ah, emailing list yet?
Field: Excuse me?
Rayelan: Has it gone to David’s emailing list yet? Because I’m hoping all of our ah, listeners are signed up at that list…
Field: Oh, you want this to go where?
Rayelan: Ah, to ah, to ah, the Yahoo Group that David has. I was hoping…
Field: Oh, David?
Rayelan: I was hoping all of our listeners are signed up there now.
Field: Well, I would recommend that ah, any one who can snag this email that I just sent ah, three min - no, one minute ago, this should be up on everyone’s website because this is the true history of the lack of response from Washington.
Rayelan: Okay, well I will ah, forward it to somebody I know will post it right now on our website.
Field: Okay. I hope, I would hope, Ray and David, that you would agree I’m not being a reactionary or a impetuous here, but I think three years sitting on this information is enough.
Rayelan: Ya, ahuh, have you tried sending it back to him again?
Field: Excuse me?
Rayelan: Have you tried sending it to director, Mue - is it director, is that what he is called?
Field: Ya, FBI Director Mueller, his name is Robert Swan Mueller the third. [my prayers are with this man]
Rayelan: Ahuh.
Field: And ah, if you take a look at who I send it to, I sent it too ah, Robert Swan Mueller the third, the Minneapolis FBI office, the FAA ah, Administrator, Randy Babbitt, Senator Dorgan, ah, John Pratar, the President of ALPA, these guys cannot deny they’re getting it.
Rayelan: Ya, I can see that, and they’re…
Field: Ya, and I…and I would suggest…
Rayelan: Oh, Tim Campbell, I thought it was Tom Campbell and ah, if it had a been Tom Campbell somebody may have responded to it. Well, yes, I don’t want to take time and read everything here ah, ah, online, but ah, yes, please send it to David’s Yahoo Group and if our audience is not signed up at David’s Yahoo Group you really should because every single day, sometimes twice a day, you just get absolutely amazing ah, letters that David has written and sent out to ah, an entire list of people [authorities] and none of them are responding. I mean, isn’t there some sort of law that, you know, when a government official is aware of a crime, or something about it, isn’t that government official just as responsible for the crime as the people who committed the crime?
David: Yes, it’s called misprision of treason, it’s a seven year sentence but, I keep coming back to this point, if these people are terrified, and we don’t know they’re terrified alright, and they don’t know who to go to, you’re in a state of paralysis, I mean, I think the FAA, I believe they have fifty-five planes in their fleet who do, I don’t know, in order to do intelligence investigations or forensic analysis of crashed and this sort of thing. If everyone of those planes has been modified into a gas chamber, a remotely controlled gas chamber, which is insured obviously, and the senior people inside the FAA are told, if you don’t do what we tell you to do, that is the dictator, you’re not going to complete your journey. It’s no good standing back and saying, “These people are not doing their job.” We know they’re not doing their job.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: The question is, “Why aren’t they doing their job?” Now, just think of the people working in the Department of Defense at the Pentagon on nine-eleven where normally you would expect it to be pretty safe.
Rayelan: Right, right.
David: I mean, you are dealing with the world’s most powerful military power, yet somehow, probably through this manipulation of what’s called public key escrow, all of the defensive ah, assets of the Pentagon were stood down.
Rayelan: Yes.
David: And they flew a missile through and took out the US Naval Command Center.
Rayealn: Yes.
David: Right, so let me just back up here an I think we have a parallel task here. Field has to hammer on regardless with no defying the FAA with what they should do, but we should understand very clearly why they don’t do what they should do.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: And there’s a variety of reasons, either they’re all corrupt, they’re all disloyal, which I find highly unlikely, or they’re all terrified which I think is very plausible.
Rayelan: I would think that too.
David: Because again, if I can say to the Department of Defense senior people, we can treat your US Naval Command Center as a gas chamber…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Where we can remotely modify the - ah monitor, the amount of carbon dioxide accumulating in that building and have a computer automatically trigger a homing beacon that can bring in a plane and kill you all unless you accept paying a great deal of protection money for the right to breath out.
Rayelan: Ah, you know, I’m just thinking about, you know, John McCain, he just ran in this election, in other words, every single plane he took, if it was a Boeing, and that would be interesting to see if he has his own plane ah, you know his wife was rich enough to fly him around, but it would be interesting to see if he was on, you know, commercial Boeing planes, or how they travel, I mean, how do presidential campaigners travel?
David: They travel in aircraft, and again, whether they travel in Bombardier, Embraer, ah, Airbus or Boeing Aircraft, the fact is, if they have been linked up to what we call the FC-KU crime scene anyone of them can be destroyed in mid-air, or flown in such a way that it looks like it’s been hijacked, or staged with a video camera and a guy who is at university college in London…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …whose pension funds were invested in catastrophe bonds in that plane.
Rayelan: Ya.
David: So let me back up, let me come back to the tooth and I’m not ah, gain saying anything here and I’m saying we actually have a challenge, you and your audience, Americans, Canadians, Australians and ah, ah, Brits around the world and their friends, which there are billions, they’ve got a lot of work to do to learn how people behave when they are terrified.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Right, and the collaborators which are known as the capos in the concentration camps is truly disgusting but I don’t know what anyone would do in circumstances for example, you are told as a capo inside the camp, that your family will be slaughtered outside the camp if you don’t assist in killing your fellow Jews.
Rayelan: Oh my God.
David: So the drivers, or some of the drivers in Hungry in that were George Soros and his father.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Anyway, coming back to the mystery of the fireman’s tooth, what Chips who is the character in these books is doing, is he went in with his dog team and he retrieved the tooth, or teeth, of Fire Marshall Ronald Bucca who got up to the seventy-eighth floor…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …and Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: But what’s also interesting is, that he came back without the teeth of the pilot of one-seven-five.
Rayelan: Oh boy, isn’t that…
David: Meaning that one-seven-five, we have circumstantial evidence that flight one-seven-five did not hit the South Tower. It goes back to the Sherlock Holmes stories, the presence of evidence and the absence of evidence is very important.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: So the absence of evidence, I think there was a Sherlock Holmes story about the about the dog that didn’t bark? So when a house was burgerled and Sherlock Holmes was investigating it, and trying to work out who burgerled the house, the question he asked is, “Why the dog didn’t bark”, because there was a dog inside the house.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: And the dog didn’t bark because it was the owner burgling his own house.
Rayelan: Oh, of course.
David: Alright, so looking at nine-one-one, there’s a whole bunch of government organizations that are not barking.[it could be because 'we' really don't have a government that can bark]
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Now what can that mean? They’re terrified, because if a dog is terrified it will crawl away and, with its tail between its legs and whimper and that sort of thing, or make a big noise, or they’re actually burgling the house.
Rayelan: Okay, so the fact that you didn’t have any teeth from flight one-seventy-five, you’re coming to a Sherlock Holmes-type conclusion on this then?
David: Ya, the, you see we know the pilot was Victor Saracini, First Officer Michael Horrox, flight attendant Robert Fangman, Amy Jarret, Amy King, Katherine Laborie, Alfred Merchand, Michael Tarrou and Alicia Titus so these are names they would prefer to be swept into the garbage of history.
Rayelan: Right.
David: But as we all want to be a Sherlock Holmes [have decided to start reading more Sherlock Holmes] today we should not let these people be swept away into the garbage of history, we should think of each of them as a murder victim.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: So if Chips in chapter ten of the book number one Hunter’s Wingman doesn’t find any teeth in the garbage piles which does have the teeth of Fire Marshall Ronald Bucca and battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer, he’s got circumstantial evidence that that plane, flight a hundred and seventy-five did not hit the South Tower.
Rayelan: Well we all saw it hit the South Tower.
David: You saw a television picture of something hitting the South Tower.
Rayelan: Well it looked like it had wings and it looked like an airplane to me.
David: Well, what it was, I mean, what United Airlines a hundred and seventy-five was, and I’m just reading this, incidentally United Airlines is a partner with Northwestern University’s Transportation Group [can just imagine, the flying circus showing up at their next annual forum in Chicago], it was a Boeing seven-six-seven two-two-two/ER built in nineteen eighty-three registration number N61T12UA. I’m not sure that’s in dispute, ah, Field, what you saw hitting the South Tower, did that look like a Boeing seven-six-seven two-two-two/ER?
Field: It did in a lot of ways and in two very important ways it did not. Number one, is there was a conformal shape on the lower right side of the aircraft. And ah, had that been a airliner, the airline crew would have noticed that conformal shape because civilian airliners don’t have conformal shapes, military aircraft do. And so the…
Rayelan: What’s a ‘conformal shape?’
Field: Excuse me?
Rayelan: Explain ‘conformal shape?’
Field: It’s a, it’s, it would be similar if on your arm or your abdomen you had scare tissue so you have something that’s elevated that’s outside the normal surface of a fuselage, and when you guys displace me as a speaker I’ll get you a picture of a conformal shape ah, in fact we have a picture of a conformal shape in the chapter that has the joint star DHC in it, I think it was one or two chapters ago, and I’ll find it and send you the link.
But conformal shapes are military hardware, they’re either, and cannot raise or they’re forward firing ordnance in the case of that flying vehicle that hit the twin towers, in the case of both the North and South Tower, they both had conformal shapes on the forward right leading part of the fuselage ah, and one frame, and this is precise information, one frame before the ray dome hit the building, a bright white flash was witnessed by cameras owned by everybody. In other words these are not high quality cameras that caught it, everybody who was filming the impact of the second ah, aircraft or flying vehicle hitting the tower they all got the white flash and that’s the ignition of the ah, shape that’s on the forward lower right part of the fuselage.
Rayelan: So in other words, there are a couple of sites around that show this picture that this plane ah, and I have seen it, its got something on it under its fuselage which nobody can explain.
Field: Well I’m explaining it to you right now, those were drone Boeings, they were not airliners, they’d been replaced, and this is not novel or new information. We had it in our movie that came out in April of two-thousand and seven. And so what people saw, they saw Boeing drones that had conformal forward firing shapes on their lower right side of their fuselage and what the ah, the nomenclature, of the specific weapon that was launched is not known to me, but I would bet my teeth that it is provided by Ratheon Corporation, the same people who have the Raytheon ah, laser guided forward firing munitions, such as the AGM Maverick and these are ah, these forward firing munitions launch incredibly fla - fast off of aircraft. The aircraft is probably flying, ah, and I know there’s people like ah, Jim Fesser [Fetzer], whatever his name is ah, and ah, John Lear, who claimed that ah, airplanes can’t fly this fast, and by the way one of those guys works for the CIA and the other guy is not a pilot, so draw your own conclusion. But I guarantee you I can fly a Boeing that fast and the speed of the airplane…
Rayelan: And John should know better quite frankly…
Field: …we knew, we knew that these ere not airliners because airliners are restricted to two-hundred and fifty knots below ten-thousand feet, the point being if they had been airliners flown by United and American pilots they would not have been flying that fast and if the were flown by Muslims they did not have the skill or proficiency, and they never would of flown a simulator…excuse me, higher than two-hundred and fifty knots and remember one of the simulators that they practiced in was at Northwestern Airlines Training Facility in ah, Eagan, Minnesota…*garbled*.
Rayelan: Now what do you mean when you call it a drone? It looks like a real plane doesn’t it?
Field: Yes, and drones are real airplanes…
Rayelan: Okay.
Field…but ah, and let me give you some background. As early as nineteen seventy-seven, I started flying against drones when I was a interceptor pilot for the Air Defense Command, and some people would call that NORAD, ah, some people now days might call it NORAD, Northern Command, but whatever you call it he business is always the same and ah, hang on while I kill the cell phone call…
Rayelan: Hahaha…
Field: …ah, somebody doesn’t want to be known, private number I’ll get rid of them.
Rayelan: Okay.
Field: When I flew f fours for the Dakotoa National Guard and later f sixteen’s, our mission was ah, get airborne with very little notice and to fly very quickly to the closest point of approach, in other words we, we would do one-hundred eighty degree intercepts of unknown flying objects that were operating anywhere near North American airspace or had penetrated North America air space. And this was ahm, not only something that was enjoyable to do, it was fairly exciting and it was something that could be done better by people who could process information quickly because in the case of an f four phantom, ah, you might be going ah, mach two heading at some vehicle that could be going as fast as mach three or mach four, if it was a missile…
Rayelan: Mhm.
Field: …or mach two if its an airplane, so you have to be able to make calm decisions fairly quickly and ah, in practicing to be able to have the skills to protect America if you will ah, we routinely flew against simulators [background noise] – whose calling with a private number five minutes after I send a private message to the FBI - but I ah, apologize for the noise in the background, anyway as early as nineteen seventy-seven we routinely went out and intercepted drones ah, we would ah, also on some occasions, fire live weapons at them, and when I say live weapons, I mean, AIM seven sparrow radar missiles…
Rayelan: Mhm.
Field: It’s called an AIM 7, and AIM means Arial Intercept Missile, and we also fired AIM 9, AIM nine ahm, heat seeking missiles, and that’s the one that made David giggle every time I tell him that we call them ‘skinny little wingmen’, because the heat seeking missile is a lot more slender than the ah, the big radar missile called ‘great white hope’ and it was called ‘white hope’ because the accuracy was ah, less than seventy percent if you fired them one-at-a-time and so they were big and white and you had to hope they worked. But anyway that’s, that’s *garbled* you can read about in our writings, but when I use the term ‘drone’, any, any aircraft, ah, and I’ll give you some examples that your listeners will be very, very familiar with. Ah, the b fifty two has never been droned, I don’t know, but its immediate predecessor was a six engine Boeing ah, jet bomber with a *garbled* range of a b fifty two and as early as nineteen fifty-three it was droned and anyone with ah, moderate Google skills would be able to find this, if you do a web search for ‘Boeing mike bravo forty-seven’, ‘mb forty-seven’, you can determine that in nineteen fifty-three they had these six engine ah, jet bombers flown remotely, ah, if you want to use a different letter, like ‘q’, you can Google ‘Boeing qb forty seven’ and ah, you will find history that in one date in nineteen sixty-three, a qb forty-seven drone on approach to Kendall Air Force Base’s auxiliary North-South runway where the drones take off to the south over the water and recover to the north over the water so that if they loose control of them ah, odds are it’s going into the water where they’ll do no damage, unless you happen to like rare sea life like FEMA [this is though to be the correct acronym] does. But anyway in nineteen sixty-three, and I think it was in June a qb forty-seven lost control on short final and actually killed some people unfortunately on the ground…
Rayelan: On the ground.
Field: …so drones have been around for as early as world war two and I’ll give you juicy bit that most people have never heard, but ah, John F. Kennedy’s elder brother, which I think his name was Joseph Kennedy Junior?
Rayelan: That’s correct.
Field: He, he died in a droned b twenty-four liberator, the nomenclature of that piece of equipment was ‘bravo quebec eight’, ‘bq8’, you can Google that, if you - ‘bq8 plus kennedy’, you’ll find the story, or, if you, if you like ah, Boeing airplanes instead of the consolidators like the b twenty-four was consolidated in San Diego, the Boeing product ah, was the b seventeen flying fortress and the drone version was the qb seven, so if you put in ‘Boeing qb seven’, you can read all about it, or you can read our books because we write all about it. But they’ve been droning airplanes for over sixty years and you have – in ah, when I filed the lawsuit regarding ALPA [Airline Pilots Association International] and Boeing and drones on the twenty-seventh of February of two-thousand and seven, the airline pilots union suggested I had a ‘mental problem’, ah Boeing suggested I was a ‘troubled guy’, and for days later Boeing did the smart thing, and admitted, they made it public for the first time ever, four days after I sued them, that if the Boeing uninterruptible auto-pilot existed, and they went on to a great big, big flowery explanation it’s a good thing for passengers, which it could be a good thing for passengers, but as we saw on nine-eleven it could also be a bad thing.
Rayealn: “A bad thing”, right, and so…
Field: Well this is all historically accurate and you yourself Ray, saw me send an email to the FBI a forty minutes ago haha, and it was three years-old.
Rayelan: Right.
Field: They’ve done nothing in the interim.
Rayelan: Okay, so what you are saying is that any plane that is equipped to fly without a pilot is a drone?
Field: That’s exactly right, they’re remotely controlled either by operators on the ground that I shot at with fairly good accuracy including ah, hitting a couple of them which is very fun to see a full sized airplane blowup in front of you, especially when you’re not killing a human, you’re just killing…
Rayelan: And the other thing about ah, Joseph Kennedy junior, he was the one picked to be president, not Jack Kennedy and he had been groomed by his father and others to be – to become President of the United States which means that he could have possibly run against Eisenhower. And so are you saying that he was murdered by this same cabal?
Field: Well, I’m not prepared to say that, but I’m not going to shy away from the question either. What I will tell you is that flying right behind Kennedy’s bq8 was a mosquito, which is ah, the British people like to call their airplanes names, where the Americans like to call our airplanes numbers. We have the b twenty-four they have the mosquito. But what the mosquito was, was a two engine piston driven, I believe it was a wood structured straight winged ah, fighter and the mosquito was flying in a ‘chase position’ which means typically between seven-hundred and fifteen hundred feet behind the behind the bomber and it’s, it’s pure defensible reasons for being there was to ensure the crew got out safely because these drones operated in world war two required humans crews to be in the cockpit for takeoff, climb and level off.
Once they leveled off they would set the coordinates for the ah, location they wanted bombed with a drone, and then the crew would bail out ah, over the English Channel where there would be rescue craft waiting for them. But in the case of Joseph Kennedy junior who was killed in nineteen forty-three off the top of my head, could have been forty-four ah, and you can Google it, while I, while I, bring this up from off the top of my head, your listeners can just put in ‘joseph kennedy junior bq8’ and read all about it. But the really tantalizing prospect if you want to suggest he was taken out ahm, is that they had ahm, a Bell & Howell camera in the mosquito directly behind the bq8 and what, this is an absolutely historically accurate statement, the bq8 was prematurely detonated with Kennedy and the co-pilot in it and that film existed at some point because that’s the whole reason the mosquito was there was to get video ah, video proof that the crew had bailed out and that would help them find the crew if they had bailed out at the wrong spot, but ah, once again these are ostensible nick [not sure of exact word] names, and I’ll give you, well I’ll give you four of them and I’m going to give hem to you slowly so your listeners can Google this, prove something very, very significant, the four items are ‘Boeing uninterruptible auto-pilot’…
Rayelan: Mhm.
Field: …so they need to put that in their search bar and than a ‘plus’ sign ‘qrs11, so what we have now is, ‘boeing uninterruptible auto pilot plus qrs11 plus samsonic’ [boeing uninterruptible auto pilot+qrs11+smacsonic], and I’ll spell that, s-m-a-c-s-o-n-i-c we have the uninterruptible auto-pilot plus qrs11 plus smacsonic plus ku band’, and that’s two words, ‘ku’ by itself, then b-a-n-d ah, and when you or your listeners get entered you will only get six returns, in other words there’s only six places in the cyber world where these four technologies have been tied to each other.
Rayelan: Mhm.
Field: Five of those places are at the Captain Sherlock site the sixth place is James Delingpole’s blog at the Daily Telegraph in London, and Delingpole is the gentleman who is widely credited with helping bring down the ‘climategate’ scam and I believe, David correct me if I’m mistaken, I believe it was James Delingpole who first coined the phrase ah, ‘climategate’, was it not, David?
David: Yes, well he picked it up from one of his ah, readers.
Field: Oh okay, ya, David and I always like – because we’re dealing with some stuff that is not widely known and its ah, got huge consequences, often times I’m the very quite one that’s doing nothing other than listening to every word David said and trying to find a mistake because we want to correct each other before neutrals or libel parties correct us…
Rayelan: Ah, yes.
Field: We really are slaves to accuracy.
Rayelan: Okay, I looked up Joseph Kennedy and I did see a picture of him before. He looks like, ah, you know when you see these combination morphed photographs?
Field: Yup.
Rayelan: He looks like a morph of Edward Kennedy and Jack Kennedy. Just really ah, ah, amazing here and it does ah, talk about that ahm, you know, that drone, I’m just looking at hm, ha, ya, they called it a ‘robot’ there, a ‘q8 robot aircraft’, loaded with twenty-one thousand kgs of torpex [fifty percent more powerful then TNT by mass]. What’s ‘torpex?’
David: It’s an explosive.
Rayelan: And so that plane was a bomb?
David: So were the planes on nine-one-one. They were droned bombs.
Rayelan: Okay folks, do you get what, what Field and David has - have just communicated to you? These drone, or what they called them, they called ‘em ‘robot aircraft’ back in world war two, it was loaded with nine-thousand six-hundred kilograms of torpex which made it a bomb. So in other words, this technique of drone aircraft being bombs has been around since, well since Joseph Kennedy was killed in one of them.
David: That’s what those little toy planes are that children play with with the radio controls and they make them fly and do aerobatics…
Rayelan: Yes.
David: …and if you put an explosive inside that you can detonate it remotely you have a bomb. And that’s what they did on nine-one-one so in…
Rayelan: But not with little children’s aircraft, but I….
David: But it’s the same principle.
Rayelan: Ya, I have heard about people being murdered with these children’s aircraft because it had c4 in it and the minute it, it was about ah, ah inch away from the guy that it was aimed they detonated the bomb and killed him.
David: Right, so what we have here is a sophisticated technique. Think of each of these planes as a gas chamber, now it’s not a physical gas chamber on the ground, but remember, the key to the administration or management of gas chambers to eliminate human beings was to monitor the gas going inside the chamber.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Now there are three gases as I mentioned, cyanide gas which is obviously extremely dangerous, so if you’re cleaning out a chamber there - where the people inside are being killed with cyanide gases, your capos who do the body disposal are at severe risk of dying of cyanide poisoning.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: So the cyanide where it appears in our research was predominantly used for delousing for clothing…
Rayelan: Mhm, mhm.
David: …carbon monoxide is a problem because you have to rig up a vehicle and pump in carbon monoxide and you would leave lot’s of material, but carbon dioxide from the eliminationists point of view is perfect because the people who are dying are actually killing themselves.
Rayelan: Yes, I, I see that.
David: Ya see that?
Rayelan: And I, well what I’m seeing now is, these, these airplanes can be bombs and they can be gas chambers.
David: They’re both, I mean a plane is automatically a bomb if you fly into someone.
Rayelan: Right.
David: Right, because it’s going to kill you with a variety of techniques. It may or not be loaded, now, what we’ve discovered is, coming out of Northwestern University, they researched the development of a fuel air bomb that could be pumped into the ventilation, I think you call it a 'HVAC system’, the heating ventilation and air-conditioning systems?
Rayelan: Ya, I’m not familiar with that.
David: Anyway, HVAC, I think that’s the pronunciation, so every plane and boat and train has a HVAC system, and every building, a commercial building, has a HVAC system.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: So if you can get inside for example, the elevator shafts and using ventilation blow this explosive dust into the ventilator system of the elevator shaft, you can create what is called a ‘detonable cloud.’ So you can have an external trigger event, like a plane that is flying, or allegedly flying into the building, you show that, then after words you show the building coming down and in the public minds the plane flow - flying in to the building destroyed the building. But that doesn’t happen because there is not enough energy in a plane, if it’s loaded up with fuel, because you can’t get the temperature to vaporize the bodies.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Now, if you ah, ignite, and remember you ignite incendiaries and you detonate explosives, if you filled areas within the Twin Towers, let’s go with the South Tower specifically, one of the things you’d want to do is make sure the expert witnesses, the people who recognize the difference between what I think is called a “uhta’, ultra-high temperature accelerant.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: And an ordinary office with paper and office furniture. You want to make sure they don’t get out of the building and go into a court and declare what brought those buildings down and killed people was an ultra-high temperature accelerant or an incendiary.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: So when Fire Marshal Ronald Bucca and Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer reached the seventy-eighth floor, and for all I know they went a little bit higher, these would be superb expert witnesses in a court.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Therefore they have to be killed.
Rayelan: You are absolutely right.
David: Now, the problem with killing people with ultra-high temperature accelerants, or destroying buildings is, they leave a very characteristic signature because for example, what people remark about the buildings coming down is the explosive effect or a ah、pulverized ash or dust coming from the concrete.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Very, very small particles. Now that is because inside the concrete there is entrained water which is part of the mixing process which is inside the concrete, and when you hit the water inside the concrete with a temperature and pressure wave associated with these accelerants, you raise the temperature of the water to five-thousand eight-hundred degrees Fahrenheit, which is half the temperature of the sun, and the water turns into super heated steam at a very high pressure.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: And that literally blows the concrete into a very fine powder.
Rayelan: Hmm.
David: That’s the same with bodies, right, because the bulk of us are made of water [for the hard of thinking, that would be H2o, not Co2].
Rayelan: Right.
David: So when this very high temperature hits the body such as Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer and Fire Marshal Ronald P. Bucca and some of the people he was dealing or they were dealing with in the top of the South Tower.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: There bodies and bones were turned to, or would turn into vapor, except for the teeth.
Rayelan: “Except for the teeth”, hm.
David: And there I challenge your listeners to help us with this, it’s the perfect Sherlock Holmes story. If the teeth survived which they did…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …and then the people who were responsible for expoliation at the crime scene, which is a technical term meaning they don’t want you to investigate the crime scene to find out who did it and how it was done and that evidence is taken out to the Fresh Kills Land Fill out to Stanton Island and buried under garbage hills one and nine. Then there will be teeth inside those garbage hills some of which have been found by our group, whether in the fiction or in the fact is up to the bad guys to tell us which.
Rayelan: It, it seems to me that there should have been a whole bunch of teeth found there?
David: That’s right, and let me tell you about another tooth that ah, Chips tells me they found, it was a man called Shaun Rooney…
Rayelan: Okay.
David: …who was the vice-President for Risk Management Services at the AON Corporation in the South Tower, and because of the proximity of the teeth found ahm, for Sean Rooney and the battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer, we think they were together at the top of the South Tower at the time the buildings came down.
Rayelan: So in other words there was a, ah, what should I say, “a manifest saying Rooney was on the plane”, but your saying...
David: No, no, no, no, Rooney was the vice-President of Risk Management for AON Corporation Insurance Company in the South Tower , his wife, Beverly Echert…
Rayelan: Ahuh.
David: …refused to drop her demand for an investigation of the kind that we’re doing.
Rayelan: And that’s why she was on that plane in New York that crashed, am I correct?
David: And there have been ah, a certain number of teeth taken from that site.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: And so we have a match between Beverly Eckert’s teeth…
Rayelan: Okay.
David: …from the crash scene of the Bombardier aircraft…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …and her husband’s teeth…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …in the vicinity of the teeth belonging to Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer and Fire Marshall Ronald P. Bucca.
Rayelan: Now you’re going to have to explain how her teeth got into the Stanton Island…
David: No, no, no, no, correction. We, we have a team of investigators are going where the FBI fear to tread.
Rayelan: Right.
David: So we’re going to crash scenes, and if people read our books you’ll see that Chips is able to reorganize his team of assets and go any where in the world at very short notice.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: So he’s been to Dubai, he’s been to Moscow, he’s been to Amsterdam, he’s been to the sites where these people can miraculous can get on an airplane without a passport.
Rayelan: Ah ya.
David: So he’s examined the security arrangements at those sites…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …and noticed that many of these people are traveling on international passports provided by his sister.
Rayelan: Okay, but what, how do you get an international passport? What organization issues those?
David: The International Civil Aviation Authority in Montreal.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Which was launched by Maurice Strong.
Rayelan: What right, I mean, who gave them permission to make up these kind of international passports?
David: You don’t, you don’t give permission to dictators, what dictators do is they arrange a situation where if you disobey them they kill you.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: So we have a dictator on nine-one-one who had written the rules of a dictator game.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: In Chicago.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: And the rules of the dictator game are that every asset where people gather, whether it’s an office building, or a plane, or a boat, or a train, is a place that can be treated as potentially a gas chamber.
Rayelan: Right, right.
David: Because if I install a carbon dioxide monitor inside a boat, a plane or a train, or the sky lobby in the South Tower, or an elevator or in the offices of AON Corporation, or Marshal McLennan, I can deem if I’m the dictator, that the people inside that building have violated one of my rules.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: And I can have a computer program written in Chicago for a network, and people can Google that, called ‘Co2e’, Carbon Dioxide Electronic, right, which is monitoring globally the use that capitalists, because this is the number one enemy making planes, boats, trains and buildings like the Twin Towers.
Rayelan: Mhm, mhm.
David: So if I instruct the people to develop this software to fire these rules sort of speak, such that the last rule to be fired is whether or not the people in that area have violated the three-fifty cap, I can have the computer automatically trigger the demolition sequence.
End Dec 30 Part 1 Hour 2 Interview
The Pipeline Riders
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