Source:, hawkscafe,
Hawkins/McConnell Interview with Rayelan on Rumor Mill News
January 13, 2010 – Part 1 (Hour 1)
Rayelan Allan: Today is Wednesday and you know what that means. *music* And we’re going to present our guests today because Wednesday is ‘Guest Star Day’, Field McConnel and David Hawks [Hawkins, Rayelan, that’s Hawkins] of Hawks Café and Captain Sherlock dot com. Welcome to Radio RMN and maybe is is Rayelan’s Mickey Mouse Club today. I thought before we got into some of the really awful things that are happening in the world that we needed a little lightness. I hope that brought back memories of childhood back from the fifties and I sincerely hope that I didn’t trigger any of the MKULTRA people that are listening to us, but who knows, we may have done that. Field and David are you there?
David Hawkins: Yes I am and nice to be with you, Rayelan.
Rayelan: I hope you liked your introduction?
David: *laugh* I’m an old guy, I happen to like that kind of stuff.
Rayelan: I do too. I think we’re all from the same generation and just brings back the happy days. Before we get started into what I know ah, is going to be an incredibly detailed ah, ah, show today, I want to talk about Haiti. Shortly after it happened I received a phone call and it was from one of my, you know, ex-intelligence agency people, he said that the first reporting was a ten point four earthquake. Have any of you or your sources heard that or are you heard anything about the quake?
David: A ten on the Richter Scale?
Rayelan: Ya, a ten on the Richter Scale is what he said.
David: Well…
Rayelan: Then he immediately shut it up.
David: When you go from seven to eight, it’s ten times, eight to nine is another ten times, so a ten would be a thousand times a highly damaging earthquake, so I think that would be nonsense, I mean, if it was a ten the island would have probably disappeared.
Rayelan: Disappeared, okay.
David: And if I may say so, this is typical of the, and I’m not alleging your friend is part or party to that, but with the media having total control over the way the news is presented to the public, the media is always interested in manipulating a tragedy into something beyond catastrophic because that allows them to ah, make a game of the insurance market.
Rayelan: Oh, isn’t that interesting. And that brings up another thing, what about the insurance market? Whose going to make a million, a trillion over this?
David: Well the people who are ah, involved in the biggest financial fraud in the history of the world which are the banks, pension funds and insurance companies that have organized themselves into a loan cartel with fifty-five trillion dollars worth of assets which they’re using to write reinsurance or catastrophe bonds on disasters and destroy western capitalism.
Rayelan: Now that fifty-five trillion, isn’t that the same number of profits that the ah, ah, just announced yesterday on FOX News that the Federal Reserve made more than any corporation in history and for the first time I believe, FOX News announced the Federal Reserve is not part of the United States.
David: It’s ah, fifty-four billion, not fifty-five trillion profit they made, and that was made, that started to be made if you will, by Timothy Geithner at the Federal Reserve in New York engaged in what as known as ‘seller boxing’, or short selling frauds to destroy the companies and the first company he destroyed, Timothy Geithner, who is now your Treasury Secretary, was Lehman Brothers and he should be in jail.
Rayelan: Yup, I think we all agree that a lot of people should be in jail.
Field McConnell: I think that will happen, Rayelan.
Rayelan: And I think that you guys have a lot to do with that.
David: Yup, we’re destroying them piece-by-piece.
Rayelan: Now Field, you’re going to Washington when, tomorrow or?
Field: Well, it depends on who you want to believe, me or the internet ah, there’s people convinced I’m inside the beltway right now, but I’m not. And ah, I will be inside the beltway Monday sometime and I’m not sure – I’m not being evasive, in fact when I make my reservation ah, Uncle Ray, I’ll send you a copy, but I’d like to make ah, because I travel in an unusual fashion simply because I’m a retired ah, airline person, I can, you know I don’t have to make reservations very soon and in advance and I usually make them about twelve hours in advanced before I go. If I had to guess, I guess I would be in ah, Annapolis, Maryland by Tuesday of next Monday.
Rayelan: Well I sincerely hope you’re not going to fly a Boeing or a Bombardier?
Field: Well, I, I, but you know, I may, but we put pictures up on the internet, if you want us to put them up again we’ll put them up in chapter eight but ah, you can tell if the airplanes have been modified from the outside. There’s a very distinct antenna on the center of the spine about half way back..
Rayelan: Oh, there is.
Field: Ya, you can pick them out, I’ve got lot’s of pictures and so I prefer not to get on airplanes that have KU links.
Rayelan: Now you know, years ago when I was married to my CIA husband, he told me I should never fly anything but Southwest Air because it was the company airline and do you know if they have, if they now have ah, you know, planes that can be taken over or are they still the company air that ah, nothing can happen to their planes?
David: Can I just jump in there?
Rayelan: Sure.
Field: Ya, go ahead, and I’ll finish it off. Go ahead, David.
David: Okay, ahm, I just wanted to introduce your listeners to the name Charlotte Bryan and Charlotte Bryan was the senior Aviation Administration Security Officer on nine-one-one.
Rayelan: Yes.
David: And Charlotte Bryan in nineteen-ninety-four, commissioned in behalf of the FAA, ah, the construction of the airborne internet?
Rayelan: Yes.
David: That is being used to destroy aircraft that she and her colleges believe to be hazardous and at the FAA she basically directed a drive at the ah authority of ah, former president ah, Bill Clinton, to bring down the allowable hazardous limit of carbon dioxide in the passenger cabin to from thirty-thousand parts per million, where people sometimes feel that the air is ‘stuffy’, …
Rayelan: Yes.
David: …to five-thousand parts per million such that a carbon dioxide sensor in the passenger cabin could be used to trigger the destruction of planes selected for destruction by the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton. Now I’ll repeat, by bringing down the allowable carbon dioxide limit for ahm, hazardous treatment of passengers within that plane?
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: From thirty-thousand to five-thousand would with any plane periodically would with a full load of passengers inside the cabin?
Rayelan: Yes.
David: Violate the five-thousand cap. So in nineteen ninety-four, Charlotte Bryan, began building ‘Charlotte’s Web’, which is our name for the airborne internet that allowed remote monitoring of the carbon dioxide levels in aircraft which were illegally modified starting around that period to carry the explosives and incendiaries and gyroscopes which would allow those planes to be remotely hijacked electronically through satellite through the KU band.
Rayelan: Right.
David: And then put through what are known as ‘decoy and drone maneuvers’ to make the public believe on the outside think it had been hijacked by actors and then destroy it with all the passengers on board, those passengers having been deemed to be hazardous because, by breathing out at forty-thousand parts per million, they are automatically putting, according to the Environmental protection Agency, the other passengers at risk, because the Environmental Protection Agency under the Administration of Barack Obama, has a perfectly natural transparent fertilizer gas to be a pollutant. So the United States of America is now run by a criminal organization where essentially it is able to take any high value target, because all high value targets, whether they are the directors of Lehman Brothers or anyone else, get on a plane.
Rayelan: Okay, I just have to ask, why in the world does Co2 figure into this at all? I mean, is it a game…
David: Because it’s a…
Rayelan: Is it a game?
David: It’s a very convenient method. You see, in nineteen ninety-three when the Clintons came to power, and I say plural Clintons because by far, the most powerful member of that family is Hillary Clinton, it’s not Bill.
Rayelan: Of course.
David: And remember, she’s a patent lawyer.
Rayelan: Yes.
David: Now these people want plausible denial, so they cannot afford to have investigators coming back through the chain of command to the President of the United States when for example, a ‘hazardous passenger’, and I put that in quotes, such as US Commerce Secretary Brown, gets whacked.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Because US Secretary, US Commerce Secretary Brown had known the Clintons were transferring United States Military secrets to the communist Chinese.
Rayelan: Yes.
David: Therefore, they couldn’t afford him to come back from his trip to Yugoslavia. So we allege they modified, and Field will correct me if I’m wrong, I think it was a Boeing t thirty-seven [what's left of it], is that right Field?
Field: It was a, I think it was called ah, it was a Boeing seven-thirty-seven a military version and one version of that was called the t Tango forty-three, but I’ll Google it and get you the exact version of whatever it was ah, and you go ahead and explain the automation and then I’ll tell you another way they could have caused the same accident with older technology, go ahead David.
David: Right. So the idea from the Clinton's point of view is, if they want to have one of their enemies or rivals or whistle blowers executed, they can’t afford to have investigators trace the decision or the order to have that execution carried out back to the Clinton's, because then you really would have an impeachable offense, right?
Rayelan: Yes, of course.
David: So they sat down with senior people in the so called Senior Executive Service?
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Which was launched in nineteen seventy-nine by Field’s sister, Christine Marcey.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Who is a charter member of the SES. And one of the members of the SES that’s absolutely germane to this issue, of the murder of Ron Brown, is Charlotte Bryan.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Right, so now they dreamt up a brilliant method [technologically driven hybrid killing machine of military quality] of having someone specified for killing without the President of the United States being involved in the actual decision to pull the trigger, if you will, and detonate the bomb, or take over the pi – the auto pilot, and that was to install in planes, and we’re talking about back in nineteen ninety-four, as a compulsory modification on the orders of the Federal Aviation Administration , ah, Charlotte Bryan, …
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …to install a carbon dioxide monitor and then lower the allowable cap for hazardous emissions from thirty-thousand, and remember ah, Rayelan, you and your listeners, everyone you, exhale or breath out at forty-thousand parts per million.
Rayelan: Yes.
David: And historically, when you go into a pub, or a nigh club, or ah, the bath, or ah, you are with your relatives ah, in a house in the kitchen, historically, gradually depending on the level of ventilation, the carbon dioxide concentration climbs towards a point where it might be unsafe if there was no ventilation at all.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: But all you need to do you see so that the President of the United States or his wife does not issue an order to some mercenaries or assassins to whack an enemy…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …all you need to do is for them to tell you which enemy they want whacked…
Rayelan: Okay.
David: …and then monitor when that individual gets on a plane which has these modifications.
Rayelan: But my question is way back then, of course, you and I both know that Maurice Strong was Hillary’s mentor, one of many, you know, along with Saul Alinsky, but I’m just wondering, but Field too ratings [not sure of term here] not clear was this just part of the game? I’m not understanding why that had to be part of this, it seems to me…
David: Well, prior to nineteen ninety-four, Rayelan, the allowable limit, and it wasn’t a hard and fast limit because all that happens around thirty-thousand parts per million is the air feels stuffy, so…
Rayelan: Right.
David: …in my youth at Cambridge and so on, I use to go into pub which were very poorly ventilated.
Rayelan: Ahuh.
David: And ah, it never occurred to me that the young women and young men that I mixed with were assaulting me with carbon dioxide, I was busy on other things.
Rayelan: Right.
David: *laugh* Right? So if you have a poorly ventilated underground carriage, or platniomni [not sure of term] bus, the phrase is in the UK, or the sky lobby of the World Trade Center, or an Otis Elevator inside the South Tower, it is normal - it would be normal for the carbon dioxide levels to climb depending on the level of ventilation.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: And there’s no problem at thirty-thousand parts per million. Remember that’s nothing, it’s a trace element. Now…
Rayelan: I think you’re missing my question. Field, can you, do you understand what I’m trying to get at?
Field: Yes, I understand what’s going on here. David ah, has such a big processor he has a hard time making it real simple and ah, I would answer your question, if I understand it correctly and I think I do, that Co2 was turned into a commodity simply because it was a requirement universally, every living thing on earth ah, is related to Co2. Plants, trees, humans, cows…
Rayelan: Right, I am trying to figure out why the Co2 was used in the whacking of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown during the Clinton time, and I’m having a hard time figuring that out. So Field, you were going to explain it to me.
Field: Ya, and I, I think neither one of us understood that. I’m not so sure there was a requirement so I’ll turn it - at that time during the Ron Brown thing, but I’ll turn it over to David to answer that then I’ll tell you why I think they’re using Co2 today.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: So ah, okay, Rayelan, historically what happened in nineteen ninety-four, what had been an allowable level for Federal Aviation Administration approved aircraft and flights in the United States?
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Of thirty-thousands parts per million in the passenger cabin…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …was lowered. And you should always ask why something should be lowered, particularly from thirty-thousand parts per million to five-thousand parts per million, which is a huge reduction.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Prior to nineteen ninety-four, and remember this was a year after the Clinton's came to power?
Rayelan: Okay.
David: People were flying around the world perfectly happy and hanging out at bars and chatting with people of the opposite same sex, and the same sex for that matter, and breathing in each others ex-inhalations perfectly comfortable and perfectly safely at probably around forty-thousand parts per million if the room that they were in was not particularly well ventilated. Now, if you want to identify individuals for execution, and remember, going back to the CIA’s special activities division that was created in nineteen forty-seven two years after the end of the war, the CIA’s special activities division was responsible for assassination, sabotage and propaganda.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Alright, therefore when the President of the United States instructed the CIA to have someone killed, then the President of the United States would not want that instruction to be uncovered when investigators went up the food chain through the CIA and back to the source of instruction. So the CIA’s special activities division was tasked with finding a method of when the President of the United States said someone should be killed, arranging for them to be killed in such a way that the investigators would not be able to trace the decision to have them killed back to the President of the United States. It’s what’s called I believe plausible deniability.
Rayelan: Ya, now David, I can understand all of that, but now here’s what one of our readers just sent in about my particular question about the Co2 and of course, I want to get off this because it sounds like out listeners understand it, he says, “The Co2 is a trigger for an event, it creates a barrier or a veil between the initiator and the target allowing for any connection to be obscured and the actions moving the target toward termination to be oblique rather than direct.”
David: That - whoever that writer is who sent that in is brilliant because he said it probably far better than I ever could. As I say, going back to the CIA’s special activities division, if they’re tasked with ah , making it an anonymous decision with having someone whacked such that it could not be traced back to the President of the United States, they need to identify, because the target could be anyone.
Rayelan: Right.
David: For example, the target could be John F. Kennedy.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: Right, could be ahm, Sharon Tate, or Valerie Percy, you know, the twin daughter of Sharon – sorry, Sharon Percy. Ahm, so what is it in common that everyone ah, exhibits while they’re alive that would allow a automatic process to have them killed ah, without tracing it back to a source or order from the President of the United States - well everyone breathes out if they’re alive.
Rayelan: Ya, that’s correct.
David: Right, so everyone who might potentially a hazard to the conspirators, and this is a very important use of the word ‘hazardous’ I think, could be recognized as being a hazard a) because the President of the United States says they’re a hazard, because for example Ron Brown was intending to expose the, the sale of military secrets by the Clinton's to the Chinese, right? But what Ron Brown had in common, and it had nothing to due with whether he was black or brown or yellow or white or Muslim or Christian, he was alive, and by virtue of being alive he was exhaling at forty-thousand parts per million.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Right, therefore, when he got on a plane, it’s the equivalent of the CIA’s special activities division had been ordered to have Ron Brown killed so that he wouldn’t expose the Clinton’s treason…
Rayelan: Right.
David: …they had to find they had to find some way of initiating, and you might call it an ‘automatic kill order’, but was not generated by the United States, so all they needed to do was to have the passenger manifest of that plane…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …so that they knew he was on board with various other high profile targets including members of the United States Air Force and some press people and some senior bureaucrats, right?
Rayelan: Right.
David: And all they needed to do was have a signal from the passenger cabin transmitted back to let’s say ah, the Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management where we where we believe this conspiracy was born and developed, to a process that then sends a signal to the plane, or the avionics on that plane, to go into a ‘decoy and drone maneuver’ that would result in the death of ah, Ron Brown. And you could argue that actually was partly Ron Brown’s fault because he was breathing, if you see what I mean?
Rayelan: Well in their case, ya, that’s why…
David: Well it’s in anyone’s case if you, if you control the conditions that are going into the computer as to whether or not Ron Brown should be killed, and one of those conditions is, if there’s a violation of a cap that is deemed to be hazardous by the Federal Aviation Administration, Charlotte Bryan. In effect the computer is sending the signal to have Ron Brown killed independent of the President of the United States.
Rayelan: So you are saying it was set up by a computer?
David: Well I’m saying that in nineteen ninety-four an absolutely critical clue has come our way where the Federal Aviation Administration lowered the limit from what was perfectly safe anyway, i.e., thirty-thousand parts per million…
Rayelan: Right.
David: …to five-thousand parts per million where if the plane’s ventilation system is not adjusted perfectly it will constantly be violating the five-thousand parts per million cap.
Rayelan: Okay, ah, ah, I, I, as I said, I’m still trying to fit this into my brain and it’s not fitting in logically because you know, I’m one of the one’s who was told that it flew into the ah, mountain which means the ground proximity warning system had to have been ah, turned off or miscalibrated…
David: Let me just jump in here. If you control remotely the ground monitoring system and the planes avionics, you can arrange it to look like an accident.
Rayelan: And there were all sorts of things in the works that Ron Brown was getting ready to reveal when he was whacked. One of our listeners said, “The only thing wrong with that theory”, meaning your theory David, “is Ron Brown had a bullet hole in the top of his head.” But I don’t see how the two are inconsistent.
David: No, I mean they had to finish him off.
Rayelan: Abso - absolutely, he, he, he, he survived the crash, he was alive.
David: Exactly, and so did, I believe that one of the stewardesses, [her name was Technical Sergeant Kelly Shelley], she had her throat cut on the way to the hospital.
Rayelan: I know, and you really wonder how they can cover up things you know - the stewardess was alive, all she has was a broken ankle and they slit her throat, I mean, how in the world can they cover that up when she goes into the hospital, did they kill the hospital people too afterwards?
Field: She was incinerated.
Rayelan: She was incinerated?!
Field: Ya, and what I believe is…
David: Ya, incinerated.
Field: What’s that term when you don’t – when you get burned up? Cremated?
David: Cremated.
Field: Cremated.
Rayelan: Ya.
Field: She was cremated which is ah, in stark contrast to every other military person that is killed daily, they get sent back to Dover or to Travis Sir Force Base in a body bag or a flag-draped coffin, but they didn’t want – her injury was a very slight injury to a leg and I think, I think she cut her lower leg on some jagged metal as she let herself out of the airplane after it crashed.
Rayelan: That’s correct, that’s correct.
Field: Ya, so they stuck her in a hospital and then killed her and then they incinerated her body and, and the answer to your question Ray, is, they’re not going to get away with it, I mean, they’ve gotten away with it for way too long ah, Tuesday of next week there’s something happening in DC court, it will be sure fun to see how that goes.
Rayelan: I want to ah, ah, relate a personal story. At the time this happened I was working for an answering service while I was trying to get credentialed again as a teacher and ah, there was a young man who was killed on that plane and he lived just two to three blocks from where the answering service was. Suddenly, in my headset I’m hearing, “Do you know where the tennis ball is? Do you have the tennis ball targeted? We’ve got to take the tennis ball out today you know?” The tennis ball, or whatever the code was, I just remember tennis ball, it was Hillary’s code for that day, and somehow coming in, and you know we’ve got police calls and highway patrol calls and fire calls, you know, we can hear them in our headsets. That happened all the time, but I wonder if someone was really planning on whacking Hillary that day? That would have been here in California.
David: Let’s, let me just drop a term in here and remember, this isn’t my ‘home turf’ if you will, but there’s a word in espionage called ‘cut out’ and I’ll read you the Wikipiki - Wikipedia definition and this is what they created with Charlotte’s web, which is the airborne internet, “In espionage parlance, a cutout is a mutually related intermediary, method or channel or communication, and we’re alleging that channel of communication is Charlotte’s web…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …which facilitates the exchange of information between agents.” So think of this as an extended assassination network with one of the agents being Hillary or Bill Clinton or both, “by definition a cut out does not know the source or des – or destination of the information being transmitted or the identities of any persons involved in the espionage process. If a captured cutout cannot be used to identify members of an espionage cell a classic example of a cutout which fulfills all of the required characteristics is the dead drop postbox”…
Rayelan: That’s right.
David: …and incidentally, the dead drop postbox was used by Robert Hansson who is a Kellogg alumni – alumnus I believe of nineteen-seventy-one and another Kellogg alumnus that is critical to this is Charlotte Bryan.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: Now, what we think happened in nineteen-ninety-four is, that they created as the Clintons came in, an elaborate cutout system on the internet which allowed the Clintons to express an idea that someone should be whacked and that process could then be communicated through Charlotte’s web with encryption to the agents that needed to track the target and arrange for an assassination such that the assassination looked like an accident. Now….
Rayelan: Ahhhh, like the…
David: …one of the ways of having the decision to actually kill Ron Brown, automated if you will, so that no one individual can have been said to have ordered the killing of Ron Brown; the president having expressed the wish that he didn’t come back is rather different, right?
Rayelan: Right, right.
David: Right, is to automate the process through a computer through a central ah, this is a technical term for the military, it’s a ‘C4IRS System, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.
Field: And you misspoke David, you said, ‘IRS’, it’s ‘ISR.’
David: He’s ah, you know I pay this man a lot, he’s very good.
David: *laugh*
Rayelan: *laugh*
Field: I’ll go back to being silent now.
David: Okay, but this is, this is of vital importance for us and for America and Canada and the United States and Australia to recognize the development of a cutout, which is an airborne internet that is linked globally to trains and boats and planes if you will, where high value passengers might be traveling, and let’s face it, anyone who is anyone in industry, or the military, or in government, gets on to a plane. Now, if those planes have been illegally modified such that they are automatically sending back to the command and control center in Chicago, the level of carbon dioxide in the cabin for example, then the computers at the Kellogg School of Management can be programmed in what is known as a ‘rule based system’ take as the final decision, whether or not someone is to be whacked, as to the level of carbon dioxide there is in the passenger cabin.
Rayelan: Ya, ya.
David: Now, the important thing there is in a sense, the, the people inside the passenger cabin are unwittingly committing suicide.
Rayelan: Ya, that’s what it seems like.
David: Because they’re breathing remember. So if the ventilation system of the plane was adjusted so it didn’t clear the air through recycling…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …the level of carbon dioxide on the plane would climb towards the, the lower level set by Charlotte Bryan of five-thousand very quickly.
Rayelan: Now are you, okay, let’s get – I’m, I’m still absolutely having a hard time. This is not sinking through my thick skull today. Let me phrase the question in another way, when the Co2 levels reach what ahm, what Charlotte set, does that mean that people begin to start passing out on the airplane?
David: No, no, no, no, Charlotte Bryan and her cronies at the Kellogg School of Management and alumni, they lowered the limit such that they could legitimize the killing of the people in the planes at a lower limit.
Rayelan: But legitimize to who? Who, I mean…
David: Well, to the people wanted them killed. They needed a, a cutout you see, ah Ron – Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton did not want to have been seen as ordering the killing of Ron Brown. They need - what the needed to do was express the wish that Ron Brown didn’t come back and have an automatic mechanism, basically a murder for hire network, take care of Ron Brown, such that there could not be an attribution of the order to kill back to the President of the United States.
Rayelan: But they still had to say, “Gosh, I hope Ron Brown never comes back from that trip.”
David: Of course.
Rayelan: They had to say that to someone?
David: Going back to 1130, I forget which king it was, I went to school in Canterbury in Condon, England, there’s a very famous martyr called Thomas Becket, the Arch Bishop of Canterbury…
Rayeland: Yes.
David: …a very famous play.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: And he was being annoying to the king. So the, the phrase that comes down through history is, “Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?”
Rayelan: Got it, got it.
David: Right, so the knights in that area whose ahm, benefits were ah, conditional on the goodwill of the king, you got paid in terms of land and estates and taluses and that sort of thing, they rushed off to Canterbury and they hatched a conspiracy in Canterbury to kill Thomas Becket.
Rayelan: Yes.
David: So all the king said was, “Who will rid – who will rid me of this troublesome knight [I think David meant ‘Priest’]? Now if you’ve got the administration of the United States corrupted to the point there are people listening for the desire expressed by President of the United States to have someone got rid of, then you’ve basically got a mechanism, provided you have these cutouts…
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: …where Obama can order someone to be killed in a sense without actually giving the direct command which results in their death. Quote Beverly Eckert. Take Beverly Eckert, right?
Rayelan: Ya…
David: Beverly Eckert is the wife of I believe Sean Rooney who was a member of the AON Company at the top of the South Tower who died in the nine-one-one attack.
Rayelan: Mhm.
David: She refused to take to take the money.
Rayelan: Right, and so you’re saying…
David: A few days before she was killed she shook the hand of Barack Obama.
Rayelan: Right.
David: She was a nine-one-one activist.
Rayelan: Ahuh.
David: She was a hazardous passenger as far as the Barack Obama Administration is concerned.
Rayelan: Right. Wasn’t there another person on with her that was also killed too who was equally famous?
David: Everyone was killed, but specifically for our purposes I think it’s, it’s worth staying with Beverly Eckert because she was just as big a hazard to the corruption of the Obama Administration…
Rayelan: Sure.
David: …as Ron Brown was to the Clinton Administration.
Rayelan: Yes, yes.
David: So she would have been deemed by Obama as a hazardous passenger.
Rayelan: Right.
David: So merely by getting on a plane that had been modified to monitor the carbon dioxide through Charlotte’s web, in a sense she sealed her own death warrant, obviously unwittingly, because she got a plane where her fellow passengers would have started to raise the level of carbon dioxide in the passenger cabin depending on the level of re – recycling and ventilation by the Bombardier avionics.
Rayelan: Okay, I’m still…
David: So by merely setting the cap in Chicago that triggers the instruction to the plane to go into a decoy or drone maneuver which looks as though the passengers, sorry, the pilots have made a mistake.
Field: Hey David?
David: Yes.
Field: Can I break in with a fire hose?
David: We’re getting a lot of hits over in the chat room saying let’s wrap up the Co2 in nineteen ninety-five, and I think that’s a good point because I think we can cover this a lot better in chapter eight.
David: Okay.
Rayelan: That’ll be great. Just try to get it through my thick head why, why…
Field: Chapter eight.
Rayelan: …is there.
Field: Ya, it will be in chapter eight for you Uncle Ray.
Rayelan: Thank you so much.
Field: You’re welcome.
Rayelan: Ya we did, we spent almost forty-five minutes on that. I apologize. That was my, my doing. So ahm, David, this Charlotte’s web, how many other people do you believe have been taken out with Charlotte’s web?
David: I would say almost all of the major ah, aircraft crashes, so called crashes, or hijackings, or unexplained maneuvers such as Air France four-four-seven…
Rayelan: Yes.
David: …which appeared to go through some whip lashing maneuver that tore the tail off.
Rayelan: Yes.
David: Have been killed through the use of ah, Charlotte’s web as a cutout for a murder for hire network.
Rayealn: Okay.
David: And nine-one-one of course.
Rayelan: Okay.
David: And let me just ah, again, let’s stay off the carbon dioxide but let me talk about Charlotte Bryan because Alinsky always said, and we at Hawks Café and Captain Sherlock are adopting his techniques, the way to take down the enemy is to personalize. You know, we spend too much time talking about the Obama Administration, and the Illuminati [premier research on the Illuminati], not us particularly, or the ah, Knights of Malta, we need to identify the individuals, so this is what ahm, Charlotte did and I’m looking at her website, “For more than a decade, Miss Charlotte Bryan directed and managed US Airport security for more than four-hundred and twenty-nine airports. As a national manager for the FAA’s Aviation Security Regulatory Program”, which is a joke, she was responsible for “monitoring commercial airports operational compliance with federal aviation regulations and directed special emphasis assessment and inspections. Immediately following September the eleventh, Miss Bryan performed a key *garbled* role for the FAA and managed nation-wide “outreach efforts”, and perhaps you can explain to me what ‘outreach’ means, ahm, “outreach efforts to airport executives, aviation commissioners, state and local representatives, trade organizations, pilot and flight attendant unions, industry leaders and airport and air carrier association members to advise them on the agency’s progress in meeting congressional mandates and proposed changes to the aviation community’s organizational structure.” So this woman, I allege, told ALPA, “if you don’t shut up about what we did on September the eleventh”, with Charlotte’s web, “you are liable to get on a plane and not come home.”
Rayelan, Wow, okay.
David: So she’s arguably the most dangerous woman in America. Far more dangerous then this ah, stupid woman ahm, Bernadine Dohrn, at ah, Northwestern University. And following the formation of the TSA, that’s the Transportation Sector, what’s that, the Safety Administration?
Rayeal: Yes.
Field: Probably Security – probably Transportation Security Administration, but whatever it is it’s a shill.
David: Okay, Miss Bryan served as the first *garbled* liaison and later as TSA’s first general manager for commercial aircraft – airports. Now, she has significant experience, Charlotte, working with US and foreign air carriers on international aviation compliance issues. She served as the FAA’s aviation security division manager where she worked with the major airlines and their security officers as the principle security inspector in FAA offices in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. And I suggest to you Rayelan, and you listeners, that Charlotte Bryan organized the movement of the ‘crotch bomber’ on Christmas Day through Amsterdam Airport without a passport.
Rayelan: Right.
David: Right, and he was hired and trained not in the Yemen, but at University College in London.
Rayelan: Huh.
David: And it was intended for him not to blow up that plane on Christmas Day, the objective was not to trigger a catastrophe bond.
Rayelan: You know, as you were saying this ah, you know, I can remember some of the governmental people I use to run, run around with and every now and then, one of them would hurl the insult at another and it always looked just like a joke, but he’d say in a very serious way, “You’re breathing my air.” And I’ve…
Daivd: You’ve got it, you’ve got it, sorry to come back to the carbon dioxide thing.
Rayelan: Ya, but I now realize that that guy had just ordered an assassination on the one he said that to.
Field: Right, and…
David: And just go back and I’m sorry if people don’t like the ahm, Co2 issue, but when people were put in the, the gas chambers in the concentration camps back in the second world war, the bulk of the loading up of the gas chamber was done by people known as ‘capos’, and the capo is…
Rayelan: Right.
David: …is a Jew for example, has been told, “you’ve got a choice, you either put your colleagues inside that gas chamber or you go in with them.”
Rayelan: Right.
David: So in a sense, it’s a kind of hybrid murder-suicide by extortion, now what Charlotte Bryan did, and she can sue us if she’d like - maybe we should go to the ahm, the story, chapter seven that’s just been up, and we’ve got some pictures of this woman and it would help the listeners grasp what we’re talking about?
Rayelan: Right.
Field: Ya but, this time let’s not send them to Captain Sherlock web site, let’s send them to Abel Danger blogspot.
Rayelan: Oh, how do we find it?
Field: It’s http://abel, that’s a-b-e-l, danger, all one word, abeldanger dot blogspot dot com, and I will ah, put it up right now at the chat room also.
Rayelan: Okay, fantastic, so ah, we’ve got on abeldanger – wow, the graphics on that are just amazing.
Field: Let me stop you right there and introduce the person who is doing that work and he’s ah, are new agent, Kui Longboard, and Kui Longboard ah, is within two years of my age and you know I’m sixty ah, Kui Longboard has a lot of interesting things in his background ah, but two things that he brings to the table here, oth – other than the obvious ability with a computer, he is absolutely sick and tired of the corruption that is trying to destroy us and he also ah, thinks we’re going to win this thing and he certainly is thinking - I see you put up the blogspot, thank you.
Kui Longboard has a co-conspirator in a good sense, whose name is Banzai Pipeline [*blush*]and Kui Longboard is on an island near Niihau, N-i-i-h-a-u, and Banzai Pipeline is in Japan and so the Abel Danger Uncle Ray Captain Sherlock Hawks Café ah, globe is getting a lot smaller and we’ve got somebody on duty twenty-four hours a day, and quite often, if I’m asleep Banzai Pipeline is working over in Japan, ah, the gentlemen I just introduced, Kui Longboard, and by the way his name is derived from the singer in Honolulu ah, his name was Kui Lee, he wrote ah, ‘She’s Gone Again’ and ‘I’ll Remember You’ ah, Elvis Presley did one of them during the nineteen seventy-three show ah, and long board is simply an old fashioned long board, so Kui Longboard of course not his real name so if there’s any people driving chrome Victoria’s over in Honolulu you’re not going to find him looking for him that way. But he’s doing great…great…
Rayealn: *laugh* Ah well, just look for him with a station wagon with a long board on top.
Field: Okay, if people go to our blogspot that *garbled* just put up, if you go all the way to the bottom of our blogspot you’ll see a moving map, that’ll show you exactly how many people are hitting the blog, blogspot ah, right now this moment.
Rayelan: Oh my God, look at that.
Field: Ya, we’ve got some technology behind us.
Rayelan: Just amazing.
David: This is one of the finest websites I’ve ever seen in the world and my hats off to him.
Pipeline Riders
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