Sunday, January 10, 2010

Field McConnell & David Hawkins: Transcript—30 December 2009 Hour 1

Source:, hawkscafe,

Hawkins/McConnell Interview with Rayelan on Rumor Mill News 
December 30, 2009 – Part 1 (Hour 1)

Rayelan: And so hopefully we won’t loose you like we did last time. I think we lost you a couple of times.

Field McConnell: Yes, but if you loose me we have triple redundancy and I chose my words carefully in this case, because you might have seen some recent emails between the fearsome foursome, ah, with triple redundancy is you, and I made, or one of us made the comment that the airplanes that attacked America on nine-eleven were triple redundant when it came to guidance, explosive, communications and suppression and ah, we’re seeing triple redundancy playing out here in the ah, Northwest two-fifty-three ah, staged event.

Rayelan: Okay, well, do you want to start off with that because that really is on everybody’s mind right at mind at the moment.

Field: Well, I’ll just right ah, I think、I think we’ve seen steps one and two of a three step process and I don’t know if you’ve had the luxury of looking at ah, an email that just came in from John Prukop, regarding ah, let us remember that in mid-December the outlaws in the US House of reps voted a sixty day extension of the three provisions of the anti-Bill of Rights Patriot Act, and once again we have this triple redundancy ah, just as a refresher an aviation incident on October twenty-first, I’m doing this off the top of my head so hold me accountable, David, but I believe it was October twenty-first that ah, Northwest one-eighty-eight snatched in route from San Diego to Minneapolis ah, resulting in about an extra hour of flying time but was never explained to anyone’s satisfaction.

Rayelan: Ah, and you have an explanation for what happened?

Field: Well, you know, maybe there just trying to ah, get the kinks out of the system and see if they really can take an airbus because there’s a previous demonstration of this technology ah, and the most obvious one of course is nine-eleven, where there were not only four airliners snatched but there were ah, replacement drones for not only two Boeings, but what I believe were two Ratheon A-three Skywarriors and ah, they’ve had this technology in existence since Boeing Aircraft ah, illegally modified and exported approximately ninety-five Boeing seven-thirty-sevens…go ahead and jump in David.

David Hawkins: No, I ah, go ahead Field.

Field: Okay, well, this technology has been continuously deployed ah, since Boeing, the Boeing seven-thirty-sevens were exported ah, to China, not only violating the ex…the exporting of military hardware which is one issue for which they paid fifteen million dollars ah, to silence an investigation by the United States Department of Justice, but it also ah, besides the fact that you cannot ah, export military technology, you shouldn’t be putting military technology into commercial airliners without a satisfactory explanation. And I think I am well positioned to raise those questions because I raised them in writing to the chief executive offi…chief executive officer of Boeing Aircraft in approximately March of zero-seven and the man’s name is not Condit, it’s someone else do you recall David, but ah, oh it’s McNerney, the CEO…

David: Ya…McNerney.

Field: …I asked him in writing to please in his own hand and in his own signature, please advise me of the removal of the rogue hardware installed in Boeing Aircraft because otherwise I would be ah, by regulation, I would be prohibited from flying any Boeing aircraft unless I had ah, verification of the fact that ah, the hardware was as it was suppose to be and not modified and ah, we’ve been singing this tune now for three years and about twenty days and at first ah, the Airline Pilots Association made claims that I was a troubled person, and let me just assure you and your listeners Rayelan, I’m not troubled in the least ah, life is going very well for me, and I would give credit for that to God period.

That's a bold statement you can chew on. But as God has taken very good care of me and my family its my obligation to continue to do everything within my power ah, to get these airplanes restored to their original condition, which means that if there's any remote guidance facilities on a Boeing, an Airbus, the Embrear, or a Bombardier jets flying in the United States of America, the crew, meaning the captain and the other pilots, the crew needs to know that hardware’s on there, what its purpose is, ah, what their options are once it's engaged as if by, by Boeings own admission it is uninterruptible and ah, a real good question for Senator Dorgan of North Dakota, or Randy Babbitt who is installed at the head of the FAA, and for John Fredert [not sure on spelling] who is head of the Airline Pilots Association.

an excellent question would be, “In as much as this technology does exist and Boeing admits it exists, why is it there is not a single airline pilot in America who has been informed of it other than yours truly?” And ah, I can tell you from numerous conversations that most airline pilots ah, simply cannot grasp this stuff and like a bunch of lemmings, they go to work because they have mortgages, and you know I had the same decision to make on the thirteenth of March zero-seven when I was advised I had been taken off the payroll of Northwest Airlines and things have gone very well for me in the interim, but they’re not going very well for passengers.

Rayelan: Ah, yes, I, you know when I heard about what happened on Christmas Day with ah, ah, Northwest Airlines, what was the flight number?

Field: Yes, flight two-fifty-three.

Rayelan: Two-fifty-three

Field: Amsterdam to Detroit and you can read all about it in chapter five which I think I’ve delivered to you haven’t I Rayelan?

Rayelan: Yes, yes, I‘ve just, I’ve just opened it up ah, but ah, John Prukof sent me ah, a message that was from Debbie Kidd and ah, but you know when this happened it’s Northwest Airlines ad what has David and Field been talking about for the last couple of months ah, you know, Northwestern University and you Field, Northwest Airlines, and so I just really think God is sending the entire world a message here having this be Northwest Airlines, I mean, don’t, don’t the two of you find it strange that…

David: Well, ya, par…particularly that ah, Leo Mullen ah, was I believe the chairman of Northwest after ah, it had been ah, acquired by Delta, is that right Field?

Field: No it’s the other way around, he was the CEO of Delta before Delta acquired Northwest.

David: Okay. See, see, before Delta acquired Northwest, but ah, Leo Mullen is on the Board of Trustees of Northwestern University.

Rayelan: Oh my gosh.

David: He's on the Goldman-Sachs Partners Group ah, and Goldman-Sachs launched that snuff film network called Scream of the fourth of September two-thousand and one.

Rayelan: Yes, that's right.

David: And that was tasked we think transmitting the snuff films of nine-one-one.

Rayelan: Oh God.

David: So you see Northwestern University is front and center of this network which is essentially a global murder for hire network, where the profits from whacking a plane and a total loss of its hull and passengers, are paid or laundered through what are known as 'catastrophe bonds' into the pension funds of the investors. One of those investors being Northwestern University through the Teachers Pension Fund.

Rayelan: Now, okay, the logical question that’s probably in everyone’s mind ah, is this, was Northwestern Airlines started and named after Northwestern University, is there any connection there?

David: No, no.

Field: No it's not, it's just a coincidence.

Rayelan: A coincidence, okay.

David: And it's Northwest Airlines and Northwestern University.

Rayelan: Oh isn't that interesting. I have been calling ah, the airlines Northwestern, Northwestern Airlines too . Okay, so Field, were you finished talking about ah, what you were talking about, you were giving…

Field: Well, I'm always willing to be finished whenever you or David want to take over, but I can go on on that thread a little bit more and that is on October twenty-first flight one-eighty-eight, an Airbus three-twenty, had an event that has not been fully explained, and it’s my understanding, and if any of your listeners have better information they can either call you or email me, or both, it’s ah, my understanding that the pilots involved in that incident, and their names were Cole and Cheney, ah, I believe they’re still on the active payroll of Northwest Airlines which ah, indicates to me that there’s maybe a need to ah, to proceed slowly and check carefully what exactly happened to that airline because I’m living proof that ah, the technology is out there and has been out there for a long time to remotely overtake the airplane in the interest of safety, that’s what Boeing said on three March of two-thousand and seven, four days after I filed civil case 3:07-cv-24, and that was where the ah, title of the case, and it's not all about me, it’s all about safety, but the title of the case was 'McConnell vs ALPA and Boeing', and here we are three years later ah, and it's sort of comin' to ah, nice conclusion from my perspective because ah, three weeks from today I believe it is, on January nineteenth of two-thousand and ten, I will be in a Federal Court House in Washington D.C. with an amended filing which use to be ‘McConnell vs ALPA’, and now it's probably going to be 'McConnell vs ALPA' and another entity and ah, we’ll leave it at that.

I’m not, not trying to be evasive, ah, it would be an airline company and you can figure out which one, but that’s not a fact yet, I’m working with the attorney ah, everyday and he’s really enjoying this from an attorney’s stand point because a lot of their work is rather boring, and of course ah, let me take this opportunity to point out that ah, across North America attorneys average a fifty percent success rate because there’s always a plaintiff and a defendant, and when there’s not ah, ah no, when there’s not a hung jury or when there’s not a finding or no decision then there’s a winner and a looser, so we can conclude that attorneys as a population have a fifty percent failure rate and I don’t think anybody listening to this broadcast would get on an airplane if you thought that you had a fifty percent chance of not getting to your destination.

Rayelan: Mhmm.

Field: Is that fair enough?

Rayelan: Ya, that’s fair enough to me.

Field: Well the ah attorney who is handling my case now, and myself, are both very, very ah, anxious, or encouraged that this might go to a jury trial with common people from Washington D.C. sitting in the jury box. Speaking of the non-legal entity that knows a little about how the department of no justice works, ah, I would anticipate that a second settlement would be offered. I turned down the first offer. I don’t see any reason to take an eighty –seven percent discount off a settlement when there’s judges out there, and one of them is Judge We…Wedoff, that’s whiskey-echo-delta-oscar-foxtrot-foxtrot. Judge Wedoff is, is alleged has a fifteen, excuse me, forty million dollar bribe fund that he used to influence the illegal and corrupt bankrupting of United Airlines which was the biggest employer in Illinois and was one of the two biggest airlines when they completely ah, ripped up the retirement obligations and ah, a lot of working conditions, and medical coverages, and ah, if, if whoever pays judges can afford to pay a moron in Chicago who has just destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives they ah, don’t really have much of a chance of getting’ an eighty percent discount from the complaintent in ‘McConnell vs ALPA.'

Rayelan: You know I have some questions from our ah, wonderful listeners who are over in the chat room, and if you are one of our wonderful listeners who come every Wednesday, and you don't know anything about the chat room, please go to 'chatroomthemicroeffect dot com.' chatroomthemicroeffect dot com. And ah, the first question I’m going to address today David, what do you make of the fact that on Northwestern Airline two-fifty-three, numerous people had said that there was a man filming the entire thing.

David: Well. It's a snuff film.

Rayelan: But If he was filming the entire thing and, but ah, maybe he was broadcasting while he was filming, I don't know, but he would have been killed when the plane blew up too and his camera would have been. Don't you…

David: Unless it was intended as a piece of "shock and awe" to demonstrate that they had completely infiltrated the boarder guard, security and inspection procedures around the world so they can take any asset, and whether it's a Nigerian Muslim was totally irrelevant to this story and get it inside a passenger aircraft and film it in real time through the in-flight entertainment system of the plane, so what we believe is that videographer, if that’s his right name, was actually backhauling content through the KU band frequency via satellite to Chicago ah, for live broadcast to certain people who needed to be intimidated. Now, what we think the people needing to be intimidated is, right now the people up in British Columbia who are getting ready for the February Olympics.

Rayelan: Okay.

David: Because people up in British Columbia, where I am the leader of the reform party, are getting very antsy about having been committed to seven to ten billion dollars of debt to finance ah, infrastructure and they don’t want to pay. Right, now the people who lent the money to finance these projects want to make sure that they do pay.

Rayelan: Mhmm.

David: One of the ways which the mob has been doing for, for all I know a hundred years, what happens if you don’t pay is, they either whack you, or they whack your brother or your sister or your son or daughter.

Rayelan: It could be a message being sent to someone ah, who is objecting to the cost of the Olympics. But I thought the cost of…I thought the Olympics started this January.

David: No, the Olympics in Vancouver, the Winter Olympics in Vancouver kick off in February of next year.

Rayelan: Ahuh.

David: And what the British Columbia Government has done, through its ah, pension funds, is loaned money, and in the United States you call it racketeering and that’s what Field and I are very anxious to bootstrap countries outside the United States to understand the power of the RICO racketeering, influence corrupt organization statute in respect to this. What they’ve done is ah, loaned roughly seven to ten billion dollars to Vancouver, the city of Vancouver, the Province of British Columbia, for that matter Canada, to build these totally useless white elephant projects which will never pay back in the normal course of events. And they've plunged the province into debt which we can’t afford to pay and so a number of British Columbians including myself are saying, we’re not going to pay, Now, in order to discipline people who rebel or refuse to pay a debt, there’s a variety of techniques available to organized crime ah, that’s what we’re talking about out of Chicago. And one of those ways is physically breaking knee caps ah, torture or whatever it is, or another very sophisticated way that is being developed at ah, in Washington D.C. is to place a member of the organized crime family responsible for enforcing the debt and or the borrower of the money, it maybe a corrupt politician in jail together…

Rayelan: Mhmm.

David: And then threatening the family of the person inside the jail with an execution…

Rayelan: Mhmm.

David: …if the people inside the jail don’t issue commands to pay the debt, or to say to the family outside the jail ah, that the people inside the jail will be killed, or raped or tortured or ah, their sentences will be extended unless that money is collected.

Rayelan: Ya, sadly.

David: …so, basically you know, we’re over complicating in this whole story with politics and everything else, we’re dealing with the mob, or the Chicago outfit as it’s known out of Chicago. in combination with a radical lesbian group, and these aren’t my words, they’re their words, people can look at and if, if they think we’re alarmists and creating the impression that there’s a bunch of radical lesbians out there who want to kill heterosexuals and their children, well just google “radical lesbians’ Wikipedia, alright, and you’ll see there’s a whole philosophy which says that, “hetero patriarchy”, that is, man dominated organizations, which let’s say is the FAA or the Department of Justice, or the American Military, or the British Military or the Canadian Military historically, they have to be destroyed in order to get these women into positions of power, and in fact that’s exactly what happened, while Americans, Canadians, and Brits and Australian heterosexuals, have been asleep at the switch post war, these women have moved into position of extraordinary influence and an extraordinary threat to the free world.

They can actually put a hot crotch bomb on a plane and bring the agent through without a passport remember, and this guy got in Amsterdam on to the plane without a passport and the only way tat you can get people like that into the international travel system, is if you’ve taken control of what’s known as ‘public key escrow’. Public key, key escrow is the crypto…cryptographic system that allows people high up the hierarchy to authorize clearance of someone without a passport. So the people in Amsterdam were told to let this man onto the plane.

Rayelan: Ya, that’s exactly right.

David: Right, now in order to have someone with a video camera on the plane taking a picture of this, again, you have to have, remember, when I went to Australia last and when I came back, my partner and I , we tried to bring some honey. And when we got to the customs we were told to hand the honey over because we were told it might be an explosive fluid.

Rayelan: Oh my God.

David: Right, but that’s standard right?

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: It’s not just me, Now, how does a guy get on with a camera because inside of a camera, it being a piece of electronic equipment you could have a bomb.

Rayealn: Are you saying…I didn’t know that people couldn’t fly with cameras anymore?

David: I’m not saying that, I’m saying since I can’t get on the plane with a honey in my carry on luggage, how can someone get on with a video camera?

Rayelan: You know that is a really good question because I can remember traveling back in nineteen-eighty-nine with a computer, and they made me plug in the computer and show that it actually was a computer and wasn’t a bomb, and that was back in nineteen-eighty-nine.

David: Right. Well, we’re going back to the Northwestern University and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern the Kellogg School of Management, may I suggest people go to the website because I think the images are powerful here?

Rayelan: Okay, absolutely, I was going to do that and kept forgetting.

David: Okay, so if people can go to captainsherlock dot com alright, they will see ah, the pages with eight icons in it and for the moment we’re just going to just stay on the home page and go to the bottom row third from the left which is the book that Field and I and our twenty-five hundred agents around the world are writing right now…

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: …and you can see a picture of a woman ah, Bernadine Dohrn who lectures at Northwestern University School of Law on Torture, Paradigms and Practice and she’s an unindicted killer, a genocidal psychopath, her name is Bernadine Dohrn and she was the mentor at the Sidley Austin law Firm for young people who it was intended would eventually get into this international extortion, racketeering and terrorist network, and two of those ah, interns the first one she took hold of was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson who is now you First Lady.

Rayelan: I know. It's hard to believe.

David: And in nineteen-ninety-one, she and Michelle LaVaughn Robinson took care of the training of Barry Soetoro, otherwise known as Barack Obama, your usurper president.

Rayelan: Ya.

David: And what these people were training to do was to operate an international network, a wireless network of gas chambers. Now let me make this ah, clear with a little historical footnote. You'll remember obviously that the gas chamber solution, the final solution to the so called "Jewish problem", was launched by the Nazis, a guy called Heidrick and in his counter part in Leon in France was a guy called Klaus Barbie?

Rayelan: Yes.

David: And these people ah, experimented with various combinations of gas chambers to exterminate the Jews…right, but, but, let's just go back to the history of how a business model that was constructed on the idea of eliminating a selected group that had displeased the dictator of the day, in this case it was Adolph Hitler…

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: …how it was financed and ah, how people could make money by killing their fellow citizens and getting away with it as the Nazis did from thirty-nine, or forty-two certainly when the final solution meeting was held through forty-five and subsequently. Ah, what they discovered was that there's a variety of ways of gassing people to death in an enclosed space, ah, one is with cyanide, another is carbon monoxide, so they, the Nazis had the idea of taking a, the exhaust, the tailpipe of a car or a truck or a lorry or whatever you’d like to call it and putting it into the enclosed space and packing a whole bunch of Jews, homosexuals, Christians, whoever it was that they wanted to eliminate, and then pumping in carbon monoxide and they would die from carbon monoxide poisoning, carbon monoxide being a very toxic gas, right?

Rayelan: That's correct, right.

David: But there’s another technique, you don't need cyanide, you don’t need carbon monoxide, all you need to do is to seal that space and the gases inside that space would gradually transform from oxygen, which is going into people's lungs, and they will be exhaling at around forty-thousand parts per million carbon dioxide, and eventually if the space is either, ah has no ventilation or is very poorly ventilated people will die because they’re not breathing in oxygen.

Rayelan: Ya, that's correct.

David: Now, here's what the Nazis understood very is there would be people, and I can't say how I would behave, or probably you can’t or Field can't, if you were inside such a poorly ventilated or badly ventilated space and you were told that - there was let’s say, let's say hypothetically inside an elevator, in the South Tower, an OSHA [not sure of this is the correct term] elevator, and you've got a whole bunch of terrified people that have been herded into that elevator in the belief that there was a safe system to take them down to ground level and escape, and then suddenly someone from the outside, through a wireless system, jammed the elevator.

Rayelan: Okay.

David: So let's say I don’t know how - what the capacity of those is, but let’s say the elevator is very poorly ventilated and the people inside the elevator are told ah, "We cannot get to you before two hours, but you only have enough oxygen in that space for one hour unless you kill each other."

Rayelan: Oh my God.

David: Which is of course what would happen if a submarine was sunk, or people down in a coal mine in an enclosed space because of the collapse through coal dust explosion or whatever, ah, then you impose upon those people, and we think it was imposed on a Canadian submarine, the agonizing decision who should live and who should die, because if none of them kill the other party they’re all going to die.

Rayelan: Do you remember that coal mine where only one man survived?

David: Well, I don’t, but this would be a very typical problem as long as coal mining existed and certainly and around the first world war when they were building submarines.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: They might sink in relatively shallow water. There was a Russian submarine that sank in relatively shallow water. They knew there were people on board who were alive alright, they would be, some of them would be in communication with whatever technique submarines use to communicate so the dictator has the ability to instruct the people inside the poorly ventilated, or badly ventilated space, who will kill who and who will escape.

Rayelan: That is just amazing. And, and, you left out the part about somebody with a camera filming it all.

David: Right, now, I want to back up to the history of gas chambers because I don’t want the readers to think that Hawks Café or Captain Sherlock is invented the idea of a global network of gas chambers particularly in this modern day and age where the ah, the network of gas chambers can be communicated with and monitored by wireless links by satellite.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: So what we're saying is taking the model that the Nazis developed in the second world war to eliminate Jews, eliminated is an important word because there was no sense of feedback and passion, the objective was to eliminate Jews, or anyone else the dictator decided should be eliminated. Now one way of funded that is to take out life insurance on people that are going into the enclosed space before they go in and then buying what’s called reinsurance in the event they all die, in which case their relatives would all claim from the insurance company and the insurance company might go bust. What the insurance company can do, and I’m thinking specifically of the AON Corporation which had offices in the top of the South Tower, the insurance company can buy reinsurance in the event that all the people are trapped in the enclosed space are killed, and if it creates a big enough gap between the money that would come in from the claim for reinsurance and the money that paid out to the spouses or relatives of the people who died, it can make a huge amount of money Rayelan:

Rayelan: Ya, I can believe it. Now explain what reinsurance is because if I don't understand this, the term, I'm sure other people don't.

David: Well imagine if I'm an insurance company and my agents come to you and say, "Would you like to buy life insurance?"

Rayealn: Mhm.

David: You pay me a premium and I will guarantee a certain payment in the event of your death.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: And that money goes to your estate, your survivors, your children or your wife or whatever, or your, your husband, right?

Rayelan: Right.

David: Now in the event this kind of insurance is sold to all the people working for example, AON Corporation or Marshal McLennem [not sure of the spelling] in the top of the South Tower, in the event of someone succeeding in knocking that tower down and killing everyone in those upper floors, the insurance company would possibly be cleaned out on that particular event because it wouldn’t have enough money from its investors to pay all the claims made by the ah, families and relatives.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: With me so far?

Rayelan: Yes, I’m with you so far.

David: Okay, so there is an area called in the international insurance industry, called reinsurance where you go to for example, Lloyd's of London or there are certain types of devices called ‘catastrophe bonds’ and you say in the event that both towers are knocked over or killed or destroyed and everyone above the point of impact is killed, I need protection, I need to buy what is called ‘reinsurance.’

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: And there’s a particular instrument for that called the 'catastrophe bond,' right? And a catastrophe bond is where the ah, insurance company investors sponsor an investment – sponsor a bond which collects the money from the investors in the event both towers come down on the same day.

Rayelan: Right.

David: Now, from an investor’s point of view, in order to make lot’s and lot’s of money, the criminals in Chicago need to persuade the investors that the possibility of both towers coming down on the same day are extremely unlikely, and I think most people would agree would be extremely unlikely.

Rayelan: Absolutely.

David: Right, so during a continuity of government exercise or a war game, what we think is that the people at Northwestern University in Chicago, the board of trustees, which include the chairman of AON Corporation, we think they sold to the international market an extremely low probability that both planes - both buildings would come down on nine-eleven. And therefore the international investment community put a lot of money in what’s called escrow believing that it wouldn’t happen.

Rayelan: Okay…

David: Stop me if you don’t understand, I mean, this is important.

Rayelan: I’m following that.

David: Okay, what the sponsors, which is the pension funds of Northwestern University faculty, including Bernadine Dorn the terrorist leader do, is they put a small amount of money into the pot, the escrow, and they loose everything if the catastrophe does not happen.

Rayelan: Got it, I see what you’re saying.

David: So let’s say for example the Northwestern Board of Trustees and for example its chairman ah, Patrick Ryan who is the chairman of AON Corporation and their co-investors, they all put a little bit of money as the sponsors of the catastrophe bond which they are prepared to loose if both buildings do not come down on the same day…

Rayelan: Hm.

David: …and they place that with a law firm like Sidley Austin.

Rayelan: Okay.

David: So let’s say hypothetically that might be, I don’t know, ah, fifty million dollars.
Rayelan: Mhm.

David: Is placed by the sponsors of the catastrophe bond in escrow with a law firm like Sidley Austin which handles those kinds of transactions, right?

Rayelan: Right.

David: The international investment community ah, is told it is extremely unlikely that the twin towers are going to come down on the same day why don’t you put in ten billion dollars in escrow with Sidley Austin?

Rayelan: Okay.

David: Which you have to be prepared to loose if both buildings do come down on the same day.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: If they don’t you pick up the fifty million form the sponsors.

Rayelan: Ya, I’m getting it and…

David: You, you get the picture?

Rayelan: Ya, I absolutely do.

David: Now, going back to the second world war remember, what the Nazis were doing through their insurance companies, that were selling them life insurance, is they were, or the Jews, they were buying life insurance from insurance companies and unbeknown to the Jews going into the gas chambers the insurance companies were buying reinsurance.

Rayelan: Okay.

David: So that every Jew that went into the gas chamber that didn’t come out they collected money laundered through the international financial markets that they split with the Nazis and their so called capos who were herding the Jews into the concentration – into the gas chambers.

Rayelan: Incredible, did, have you ever gone back, ah, you know, sixty years ago to try and find out who that insurance company was or who was involved?

David: Yes, we know, we know who it was. It was the Equitable Life Insurance Company of the United States whose son of the founder, William Hyde, was a man called James Kasinhyde [not sure of the spelling], who was on the ah, initial Olympic Organizing Committee.

Rayelan: Ah, for what?

David: For organizing the Olympics…

Rayelan: I know…

David: Around the nineteen-hundred and five, nineteen-ten, first world war period.

Rayelan: Oh, you mean who set up the original Olympics?

David: Yes.

Rayelan: Now how does that tie in because you wouldn’t have brought that up unless it tide in?

David: Because the Olympic, if you look at the title of this book, what we’ve said, we’ve called the book Olympic Debt and the FC-KU Crime Scene.

Rayelan: Right, right.

David: And the International Olympic Committee is now an observer at the United Nations, it’s got observer status, and the International Olympic Committee, in our opinion, is a racketeering influence and corrupt organization that strives to take host cities and get them into unpayable debt

Rayelan: For what purpose?

David: In order that this ah, bond can be triggered and if the host city for example, like Vancouver, cannot afford to pay the debt, then you create an incident, for example, by blowing up a stadium full of people.

Rayelan: And that means…

David: And collecting the debt from the insurance companies of the people who died.

Rayelan: Yes, exactly.

David: So the Olympic is now to me a farce, a front for organized crime, its got nothing to do with sport and everything to do with extorting host cities. So for example, we’ve got Vancouver in British Columbia which is now totally broke because it owes money to the mob out of Chicago.

Rayelan: Wonderful.

David: And what can happen is, the ah, the infrastructure that has been built for the Olympics is now treated we think as essentially a gas chamber.

Rayelan: Hm.

David: Now what that means is, there are carbon dioxide monitors [example only of these products not connected in any way to these plausible scenarios] in the stadium and the Canada Way, the tube system from the airport to downtown and out at the airport Which are monitoring concentrations of carbon dioxide where people gather. The threat to the people who borrowed the money who built for example the Canadian Way or the stadium, is that if you don’t pay ah, your debts we will execute a catastrophe, or ‘trigger’ it is called, trigger a catastrophe bond using the carbon dioxide sensors at the site to fire a computer to detonate, or ventilate an explosive dust for example, and basically kill everyone in the stadium.

Rayelan: You know as you are talking about this, I’m looking at Washington D.C. where all of that money is going, you know trillions and trillions of dollars have disappeared, nobody knows where it went?

David: We do.

Rayelan: Okay, but does it have anything to do with our government paying off the Chicago cabal?

David: Absolutely, because the, the pool of credit that is being created by bankrupting capital companies has been put together and is now making loans to essentially a global network of wireless gas chambers where, and ah, let me back up here, I, I would like to sort of focus on something that people might think as extraordinarily trivial, I think we can understand this better by imagining the mystery of the firefighters tooth.

Rayelan: Okay, I'm not familiar with the firefighters tooth. What does that mean?

David: Alright, well, we’re going to just create a mystery. Last week we had a guessing game if you recollect?

Rayelan: Yes.

David: …and we went around the events of nine-one-one, we said there were six sites were the potential victims were buying the right to live.

Rayelan: That’s right.

David: By buying credits to breath out carbon dioxide at forty-thousand parts per million and as the dictator, this is a dictator game, went around the sequence of events, progressively the value of the carbon dioxide as a right to live went up. Obviously when the North Tower was hit the people who were playing in the South Tower, probably raised their bids for the right to breath out carbon dioxide because they’ve just seen the consequences of not raising it high enough in the North Tower.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: Going on to the attack on the US Naval Command Center in the Pentagon, the failed attempt to take out the Capital Building, then the destruction of building number seven in New York at five-twenty, and the last one we decided was probably the Boeing Headquarters in Chicago, right?

Rayelan: That’s right, that’s what we were talking about last week.

David: Right, well this week I’ve invited – is to consider the possibility that Field McConnell's virtual investigation team ah, chapter ten of the first book we wrote actually got to the Fresh Kills Landfill to take samples of what was buried under garbage hills one and nine and they came up with a fireman’s tooth.

Rayelan: Oh my gosh.

David: So if people go to solving America’s biggest crime ah, which is the Captain Sherlock site, going above the Olympic Debt and the FC-KU Crime Scene you’ll see a book called Hunter's Wingman?

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: And if you open Hunter's Wingman you'll see, you open at the Index page.

Rayelan: Okay.

David: Can you see that?

Rayelan: Well I can’t because my computer is crashed and I’m waiting for it to reboot itself.

David: Okay.

Rayelan: But I’m sure the rest of our audience who are following you can see that?

David: Okay, well ah, just going to the index page just across the top we have ah, a number of images, ah, we have a picture of a man called Bruce McConnell, alright?

Rayelan: He’s an ugly man isn’t he?

David: He’s a colleague of Christine Marcy, Field McConnell’s sister and he was head of encryption for the last years of the Reagan White House.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: Bush senior and the two terms of the Clinton Administration and he single handedly we believe shared the top secret encryption codes for American continuity of government with its enemies.

Rayelan: With all of its enemies you mean?

David: All of its enemies.

Rayelan: Oh boy. So do we count Iran, North Korea, China, Russia and Chicago?

David: Anywhere were a group of mercenaries can be hired to attack America and made to look like patsies.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: Because what they are trying to do is create a wireless gas chamber technology where they can destroy American assets and blame it on a party outside the country.

Rayelan: Yes, yes.

David: While in fact generating huge profits through reinsurance to fund a revolution from inside the country. Now let’s go back to the, the fireman’s tooth. Chapter Ten of Hunter’s Wingman, ah, we sent in a partly real partly imaginary team of investigators to do the fores - forensic investigation of the crime scene that should have been done but wasn’t on nine-one-one. Because on nine-one-one if you think about there should have been a yellow tape around ground zero and no one should have gone into that site or come out of that site with anything unless they were properly screened.

Rayealn: Ya.

David: But what happened is, that site before, during and after nine-one-one was converted to what we call an ‘FC-KU Crime Scene’, i.e., it was controlled by the bad guys.

Rayealn: Okay, now I know who FC, that’s Femme Comp, but I don’t know….

David: KU is the frequency band for wireless communications with people at that site.

Raylean: Okay.

David: That would be the band used to backhaul the snuff films?

Rayealn: Mhm, mhm.

David: So for example around ground zero there would be surveillance cameras.

Rayelan: Right.

David: The surveillance cameras would have been recording everyone going in and out of that building, remember it had been attacked in nineteen-ninety-three.

Rayelan: Yes.

David: So if you wanted to get a sabotage and assassination team into that building you have to take control of the surveillance cameras.

Rayelan: It would seem to me that would be fairly easy for the Chicago cabal to do?

David: If you have access to what is called ‘public key escrow’, that is all of these surveillance systems are tied in with what is known as ah, an encryption infrastructure?

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: So that you don’t have the bad guys looking at the bad guys camera.

Rayelan: Well knowing the Chicago cabal with all of the computer hackers and programmers they have they should be able to hack into that, shouldn’t they?

David: Especially if they have access to Bruce McConnell in Washington D.C. who was head of encryption for the Reagan, Bush Senior and Clinton White House.

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