Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Waking up to the realities of covert funding

Editor's note: The oligarchs the UK's Tony Blair works for want to issue a digital ID to be "used against the populist right." These oligarchs are terrified a populist revolution will sweep the west and that is looking more and more like an eventuality. The European white male does not like to be controlled or manipulated especially so when they discover a few hard realities about their existence in this predator and prey ecosphere. They do not like it in the least to be taken advantage of and f*cked over. It can be sugar coated anyway imaginable including "conspiracy theory" but the bottom line is these oligarchs want you dead. The European white males in America are circling the wagons because they instinctively know war is coming. Forget European white males. They have been neutered. 

Tony Blair urges Starmer to bring in national digital IDs to use against the populist right

The hidden hand: monstrous conspiracies and the swamp

The trail of evidence almost always leads to the moneylending oligarchies.

By Alex Krainer | February 4, 2025

[This post was originally published at I-System Trend Compass]

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) allegedly said, "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws." This statement has been very widely quoted, but what, exactly does it mean? Rothschild's contemporary Napoleon said that, "When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation." One of the directors of the Bank of England, Josiah Stamp (1880-1941) said, "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. ... if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control credit."

Are events spontaneous, or is there a hidden hand?

But it is difficult to relate these quotes with day-to-day events. We can observe our leaders' statements and actions; we can see the activities of corporations and merchants and we can read the news about global events. But if there is a hidden hand secretly directing those events toward certain outcomes, this is not readily discernible and it may only become apparent in patterns of events. Some people believe there's a hidden hand, but others don't and the former are usually dismissed as conspiracy theorists by the latter.

Conspiracy theorists are regularly ridiculed for their views and disqualified in serious discussions. But what, then, of the statement made in 1956 by the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who said that, "The individual is handicapped, by coming face-to-face, with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists. The American mind ... rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy, which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." Was Hoover also a risible conspiracy theorist?

Spontaneous wars all the time?

Either way, if conspiracies do exist, what are they? Which world events stem from spontaneous developments and which ones are driven by the hidden hand? Somehow, we're at war all the time: the US started more than 80% of all wars in the world between 1946 and today. This is an empirical fact: a group of American researchers published an article in the American Journal of Public Health and stated that,
"Since the end of World War II, there have been 248 armed conflicts in 153 locations around the world. The United States launched 201 overseas military operations between the end of World War II and 2001, and since then, others, including Afghanistan and Iraq."
Did all those 201+ conflicts erupt spontaneously, perhaps out of desire to rid the world of evil? Remember, Milosevic was very bad. Saddam Hussein was a monster. Ghadaffi was a madman. Chavez was a Communist. Maduro is a Socialist. Bashar al Assad is a brutal dictator. Putin is Hitler. It just never ends.

Xi Jinping is also very, very bad and give it time, we'll get him too. He made a deadly virus in the Chinese CCP controlled Wuhan lab and attacked us with it out of sheer malice. Or did he? In a recent interview with Alex Jones, Dr. David Martin gave this statement:
"There are 63 gain of function weapons beyond the Coronavirus weapons. There are four that are corona virus specific. But there are 63 other biological weapons currently in production in United States universities right now. And if President Trump were to take an executive action to save humanity, what he would do is, he would actually place a moratorium on every single one of these gain of function programs and shut down all 67 active programs right now. If he was going to do the right thing. Because, what's the end game? The end game has always been - and Bill Gates said this very clearly in 2011, the World Health Organization has stipulated this from 2011 and they said it again in 2018 and 2019 - their end game is the decrease of the population of humanity on this planet. And that's a polite way of saying that these are sociopathic murderers who are actually building weapons to conveniently turn what we call health care into the front line of the biggest mercenary deployment of mass-murdering psychopaths we've ever seen on this planet. And we as a society need to understand that it's not coming from a foreign adversary. It's coming from domestic adversaries who are intent on destroying the orderly structure of the United States..."
Was it all for our health and wellness?

As we now know, National Institutes of Health have been funding gain of function research through various organizations including the University of North Carolina, Ecohealth Alliance and dozens, perhaps hundreds of biolabs managed by the US Department of Defense and the Pentagon. The DOD owned up to running 48 biolabs in Ukraine. Former undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland confirmed as much explicitly in August 2022 Senate hearings when questioned by Senator Marco Rubio.

Obviously, for any such work to be done, it must be funded. It is equally obvious that the American people are only now learning about covert funding of these projects. If gain-of-function research is publicly discussed at all, it is discussed under the assumption that its objective is to find cures for diseases, prevent pandemics, etc. It would be monstrous to suggest otherwise. Who would fund tinkering with viruses to make them more deadly and more infections for any nefarious reason?

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