Monday, February 10, 2025

Data centers to power up AI will require lithium in increasing amounts

Editor's note: Has anyone calculated the environmental damage being caused by the mining and processing of Lithium? Demand for lithium is expected to increase 20 times between now and 2040. The white expanses of salt brine fields expands for thousands of kilometers where the borders of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile intersect leaving behind piles of waste containing other metals while evaporating around 2 million liters of water resources over the expanse of 12 to 18 months it takes to extract out the lithium. Lithium ion (li-ion) batteries will be needed to power up $20 billion in new data center construction to run AI announced by President Trump. We have already witnessed Russia taking Ukrainian lithium mines under their control as conflicts over resources will become more intense. Bolivia's president Evo Morales was set up in a DEA sting to frame him on drugs so the US could gain access to Bolivia's lithium Morales was opposed to. US corporations need lithium resources. The lithium isn't all for Musk's EVs...

...the lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries are going to be used to power up data centers to build AI. We had uninterruptible auto pilot. Now there is uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with li-ion as the preferred option data centers are moving towards. The data centers being constructed are huge. Most people can't appreciate the size. Once these data centers are up and running any interruption in the electrical power supply and data disappears. There are all sorts of benefits using li-ion batteries including cheaper costs and efficiency.

China has two of the largest data centers in the world running the largest at China Telecom Data Center at 10 million square feet with China leading in lithium extraction technology. The biggest producer of lithium is in Australia where China depends on for a large portion of its lithium needs.

Elon Musk has given Rwanda Starlink and that's a red flag. Rwanda has a partnership with Rio Tinto to do lithium exploration. Musk did the same with Ukraine by providing them Starlink. Sonora in Mexico has lithium as well. Is the US going to invade Mexico for the lithium, not for the Mexican cartels as the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier nears Mexican Baja California? Starlink is banned in a whole bunch of African countries, including: South Africa, Congo, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Algeria...all kinds of places. That is a huge tell in and of itself as lithium resources become targeted.

Yes, why are older Musk Starlink satellites burning up?

Do Americans really want this slick salesman to be in control of AI with Oracle's data center?

Without lithium data centers powering up to run AI won't be possible:

How Data Centers are enabling Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Lithium Ion in the Data Center?

Data centers are the future as data becomes the new commodity for AI with data centers being built or planned for new construction everywhere including in Israel. All of these new data centers being constructed will require lithium for the cost savings and efficiency of producing UPS:

Serverfarm Is Building 10MW Data Center in Israel

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