Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Notice to US Solicitor General

Editor's note: Sarah M. Harris will serve as President Trump's acting Solicitor General while John Sauer undergoes senate confirmation. Sarah Harris is then expected to stay on as John Sauer's Deputy Solicitor General. John Sauer is Catholic (also attended the University of Oxford and is a Rhodes Scholar) so maybe this will resonate with him - in a legal sense with Americans being misrepresented from birth as British Territorial U.S. Citizens:
International Public Notice: Notice to Solicitor General

February 19, 2025 | By Anna Von Reitz

It is an arcane and little-known fact that the only person responsible for knowing the actual Law in the entirety of the so-called Federal Government, is the Solicitor General. He or she is the only party who can be held accountable -- and who is accountable to the High Court -- to proceed lawfully and in honor.

Text of our letter to the Solicitor General:

Office of the Solicitor General
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

Dear Solicitor General:

It is our understanding that you are required to be "learned in the law" as opposed to the Attorney Generals and others in the executive administration, so we are writing to you as, apparently, the only one required to be a competent representative of the British Territorial United States to discuss settlement of public trusts which have been mistakenly created in the names of Americans.

Whether these are generation skipping trusts operated under the names of our parents or grandparents, or similar trusts operated in the names of present Americans, they are all impacted by the same taint of fraud and demand corrective action.

We have discovered a pernicious and fraudulent registration practice taking place in The United States, by which American babies have been misrepresented as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

These newborn State Nationals have no ability to contract; instead, this unconscionable contract is being foisted off on them by their Mothers, who are acting under conditions of force and non-disclosure, signing "birth registrations" that are presented to them by Undeclared Uniformed Officers as "routine hospital paperwork" that is worded in a deliberately deceptive way so as to obscure the meaning and intent of the documents.

This False Registration creates an American Infant Decedent Estate (because the Mother has unknowingly waived her baby's American estate) and at the same time, creates a new British Territorial U.S. Citizen using the same Given Name, operating as a corporation franchise of the United States of America, Incorporated, or as it presently presents itself, the United States of America, LLC, located in London, England.

This is an international crime of unlawful political conversion of the first order, and rates as a capital crime under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions.

The entire situation has been fraudulently misrepresented by the Perpetrators in terms of "war" and the Law of War, but diligent research has proven that no actual war has occurred ---- only illegal Mercenary Conflicts followed by equally illegal "occupations" of our own country by our own military, unlawfully converted into a Mercenary Service by Abraham Lincoln.

As the situation stands, there is no recourse for the Perpetrators of these myths and usurpations against their Employers in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contract --- that is, The Constitution of the United States of America, except to make immediate correction and return the purloined estate trusts --- both the British Territorial Estate Trust administered under Admiralty Law as, for example, "Anna Maria Riezinger" and the American Infant Decedent Estate Trust also, for example, administered as "Anna Maria Riezinger" --- along with millions of other similar public trusts that have been fronted as part of this scheme.

It is also necessary to remove derivative Municipal Estate Trusts organized as Cestui Que Vie Estates operated in our names like this: ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, from the current Municipal Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, and return those assets to the victims of this unlawful and illegal political conversion scheme.

This, together with False Legal Presumptions being made against the victims of this international crime of unlawful political conversion, results in a systemic institutionalized crime that requires immediate and systemic correction.

The Legal Presumptions must be reversed, such that the Territorial Birth Certificates and Registrations are not presumed to be valid in the case of average Americans who are not directly employed by the government services organizations. Both the Municipal ESTATE trusts derived from the fraudulently constructed British Territorial Seaman's Estates "for" these Americans via an unconscionable Third Party contracting process, as well as the original American infant decedent estates must be returned to the administration of the Americans they belong to and to their lawful government, which is now back in Session.

Please inform Mr. Donald Trump and advise him and his Treasury Secretary of the actual international and global Law involved, as you are the only one in the Corporate Government officially obligated to know the Law and perform under it; please also inform them.

Please notify the Bankruptcy Court of the District of Columbia that the Original American private copyrights have been exercised and all related and derivative estate assets and exemptions have been claimed on behalf of the living people having hands and feet and in whom the flesh lives and the blood flows. Please also consider your Office served with the proper information, as an Officer of the King and the Government of Westminster, obligated to report and prosecute international crime – including domestic crime of an Administrative nature.

The purportedly long-lost Americans have been found, and their properly declared State Governments are in Session.

As the only Officer in the entire British Territorial Government required to be conversant with the actual Public Law, we rely upon you and the United States Secretary of State, to notify the Bankruptcy Trustees and release the purloined American property to the Americans who are the rightful owners of all three public trusts: the Municipal ESTATE trust, the British Seaman's Trust and the American Infant Decedent Estate Trust.

As you know the actual Law, you will realize that these public trusts must be returned to the presumed Donors and their Heirs unharmed and unencumbered; their natural exemptions and contractual guarantees must be honored; their substantive ownership interests and exemptions must also be honored.

You will also recognize the necessity of immediately dropping all IRS and Internal Revenue Service claims made against legal fictions and misaddressed to living Americans, for example, claims made against unknown or long-disused names such as "Anna Maria Riezinger-von Reitz", which literally does not exist and for which no copyright can be honored, as I own both the Given Name and the Pen Name under American Common Law and American Admiralty Law.

As a non-citizen, non-resident, non-alien American State National, a Wisconsinite by birth, who has never voluntarily and knowingly worked for the Federal Government and never voluntarily used Federal Reserve Notes as a currency, I am bringing these unlawful conversions, False Claims in Commerce, and unlawful practices to your attention in a peaceable and honorable way, seeking to avoid any further controversy regarding my identity and political status or the identity and political status of any other living American owed their reversionary trust rights, rights of redemption, and exemptions.

These and other outrageous impositions on people merely "presumed" to be "volunteer" Taxpayers, and merely deemed to be U.S. Citizens, must be forthrightly and immediately addressed by honoring our claims and exemptions and putting an end to the personage fraud scheme your government has been engaged in.

Under Public Law and International Law and Convention, you have been served.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

Sincerely and for Your Advisement,

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