Monday, February 10, 2025

US abandoning Ukraine turning its attention to China

Editor's note: It looks as though the US under Trump are going to resolve Ukraine (UK's commercial proxy war against Russia using Ukraine) and turn their attention to a proxy war on China next. Think back on all that US money dropped into Ukraine. A lot of Ukrainians in positions of power who had access to that US loot are now showing up in Switzerland. Is is likely a proxy war on China will be staged out of Taiwan. Pravda isn't really a very good source, they even spelled Putin's name wrong but they did mention a "proxy war against China." Once the Ukraine war is abandoned by the US they will then turn their attention to China:

'Made in China 2025' puts US at risk of 'losing next industrial revolution', panel told

A hearing by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission features warnings and advice for Washington as competition with China heats up

By Mia Nulimaimaiti | February 7 2025

Beijing's progress in implementing its "Made in China 2025" (MIC2025) strategy for industrial modernisation over the past decade is raising fresh alarms in Washington, with a congressional panel using it on Thursday to warn that the US is at risk of falling behind as China takes unexpected strides in the realms of artificial intelligence (AI) and humanoid robotics.

In response, Washington should strive to boost tech ties with allies and ease visa rules for Chinese STEM talent, analysts urged on Thursday during an online hearing – dubbed "Made in China 2025 – Who is winning?" – held by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, which monitors and reports on the national security risks of bilateral trade and economic ties.

"Beijing has obliterated the myth that used to prevail in Washington a few years ago that China can't innovate – that it can only borrow and steal technology," said Liza Tobin, managing director at Garnaut Global, a geopolitical-risk advisory firm, during the hearing.

Please go to for more.

Retaliation as the trade war gets China to react:

China leads the world in lithium extraction technology:

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