Tuesday, February 4, 2025

USAID: Taxpayer-funded intel-run slush fund

Editor's note: What Americans do not generally understand is that USAID is a corporation that is managed by both the Senior Executive Service (SES) with USAID's technical assistance coming from the British Crown Agents. Americans really need to fully grasp this organizational architecture because it is clearly based on the imperial British fascist corporate superstructure. This explains why the British proxy commercial war on Russia using Ukraine as a battering ram with USAID and Victoria Nuland instigating the Maidan revolution in 2014 that has now progressed to the point of over one million dead Ukrainian soldiers.

Elon Musk is going to WAR

About $56 billion, or 70% of the US national intelligence budget in 2016, was earmarked for private contractors. Functions previously performed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and other intelligence agencies have now been transferred intelligence gathering to private British intelligence corporations. The largest of them:

- Black Cube (Israel and UK)
- Control Risks Group (UK)
- Hakluyt & Company(UK)
- Oxford Analytica (UK)
- Serco Group PLC (UK)


Trump team offers to buy out the CIA - those employees who are there just for the paycheck. Maybe they can take the buy out then disappear somewhere in America where they can produce something America actually needs.

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