Thursday, February 6, 2025

Money Laundering is called "foreign aid"

Editor's note: Listen to the former head of USAID Samantha Power coming up with one excuse after another, essentially lying out of her teeth about documents related to USAID PREDICT. Furthermore, why the hell is USAID pumping money into the WEF (see USAID gave $68 million to the WEF billionaires ski club at Davos)? Money given to Soros' subversive operations (also see USAID gave Gates, Soros and WEF initiatives billions of dollars)? Powers claimed, "USAID wanted to make the world a better place." Look around. Is the world better? The people at the top of these bureaucratic hierarchies are apex predators. And it has been shown USAID is not the biggest financial fraud going on inside US federally subcontracted corporations. Since 1961 when USAID was unfortunately created by Executive Order by John F. Kennedy, USAID has received over $330 billion in US subject corporate citizen taxpayer's money. Compare that paltry $330 billion to the more than $20.5 trillion market capitalization by the theft of the social networking platform developed by the company Leader Technologies.  The point is if the US corporation and its apex predators who manage that corporation and its subsidies like USAID run by the SES think they are the moral arbiters around the world than fix the theft of Leader Technologies.

That $1 billion this criminal is talking about is USAID money:

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