Friday, February 28, 2025

A clash in the White House...

Editor's note: a meeting with President Trump in some what of a heated exchange between President Trump and the British asset Zelensky. The day before we saw UK PM Kerl Stürmer with President Trump discussing Ukraine. There is no doubt the British are pushing aggressively for war with Russia because it is all about the money and Russian resources. The history of the British shows them again trying to insert themselves between two opposing countries to create a European war with Russia with the British now attempting to move back into the EU. This is ongoing as the terrorists™ in Kiev continue to plan attacks on Russian civilians and civilian infrastructure. This was sourced from: Trump, Vance Clash With Zelensky During White House Meeting. It was stated later President Trump asked the British asset Zelensky to "leave the White House" with a few reporting "kicked out of the White House." In other words, kicking the British out. We can see that any attempt at rapprochement between the US under President Trump and Russia under Vladimir Putin are going to be sabotaged.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Is it time to make a decision...

Editor's note: ...about whether or not it is time to leave the US? There are actually many good options as the following article suggests but also include Russia as a decent option if you leave America. Many foreigners coming to Japan for a visit also think Japan might be a good option but this is not something that should be decided on lightly. According to the Japanese politician Taro Yamamoto, Japan is running out of time with a massively shrinking population. Japan simply will not be able to sustain its population with enough domestic food production and that includes rice. Japan had to release 210,000 tonnes of emergency supplies of rice last month because the cost of rice continues to rise. Businesses and farmers in Japan are going bankrupt left and right because of rising costs. Japan as a US protectorate has very few options left. It is kind of hard to believe many Americans in this poll consider England as a destination.

Fed up: 2 in 5 Americans say living in U.S. no longer enjoyable

By StudyFinds Staff | February 26, 2025 | 72 Comments

As economic pressures mount and social tensions rise, many Americans are setting their sights beyond U.S. borders for a better quality of life

NEW YORK — In the shadow of rising housing costs, healthcare concerns, and growing social divisions, a striking number of Americans are considering a future outside the United States. According to a recent survey, 17% of American adults want to move internationally within the next five years, potentially signaling a significant shift in the country's population.

So why is all the gold from the Bank of England coming here?

Editor's note: Britain is in serious trouble. That is why Boris Johnson ran off to visit Zelensky who has no authorization to sign any treaties with Britain's PM Stürmer on a "100 year partnership." France's Macron runs off to visit with President Trump and we all know President Trump completely dominated the discussion contrary to Macron placing his left hand on Trump's arm "to correct him." France's Macon and now Britain's PM Stürmer came to meet with President Trump concerning Ukraine with Trump joking with Stürmer, "Could you take on Russia by yoursleves?" Don't let the politics here interfere in what is actually going on. When President Trump stated he would like for the US to make a deal with Ukraine for rare earth minerals, those rare earth minerals are predominantly sitting in the areas Russia now occupies. When the regime is replaced in Kiev it will be favorable to Russia and Trump's plan is to trade with Russia and that is what the British do not want to happen. That "100 year agreement" will be ripped up when the regime in Kiev is replaced. Besides, Russia has already stated they will allow trade with the US in rare earth minerals. All this while gold in Britain is being transferred to the US. The British desperately need Ukrainian and Russian resources to cover their central banking debts ("odious debt"). It is all about the money and always was.

International Public Notice: Not as We Do, But as We Say....

February 25, 2025 | By Anna Von Reitz

For months the Pikers among us have been distracting attention with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and every kind of digital coin and token from Bitcoin to so-called gold-backed Stability Coins.

Yet, all the while, the banks themselves have been stocking up on gold, gold, and more gold. People have been waiting 6-8 weeks when they have called in their gold receipts and deposits, instead of 1-2 days, and as the commentator notes --- this is enough of a delay on delivery to be considered a default:

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Delusional lunatics: "European peace with Russia is more dangerous than war"

Editor's note: The only option the central bankers in the pirate City of London have is to apply their death cult warfare model and this is UK's Keir Starmer's primary task. Starmer himself is (Kerl Stürmer) Swiss-German so that indicates his motivation and handlers. The British are largely responsible for running Zelensky. We can see what is happening in the UK with the Labour government's increase in military spending and its extraordinary new agreement with Ukraine are platforms for the UK arms industry, which Labour sees as "key to economic growth in Britain." The engine of war for economic growth is the ONLY central bank option. Peace is not an option for these central bankers with the EU planing to take Europe to war (increasing the EU's arms production) with Russia. The British-Ukraine 100 year blood partnership was signed by Stürmer and Zelensky. Read what these European delusional lunatics running their respective countries are saying. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen actually stated, "I understand that many people think that a peaceful solution or a ceasefire sounds like a good idea, but we run the risk that peace in Ukraine is actually [could be - ed.] more dangerous than the war that is going on now." Again, just a reminder to Europeans who think a war with Russia will be a good idea view how Russian Stormoviks deal with NATO volunteers.

Keir Starmer's Plan For UK Growth – The Ukraine War

To the US House and Senate executives managing US Inc.

Editor's note: Understand that Elon Musk's tech geeks are not finding wasteful spending. Musk's geeks crawling through these outdated government systems with AI are finding kickbacks, weird sex chatrooms, political slush funds, money laundering (Ukraine) and outright theft. This is why these bureaucrats inside these government agencies and intelligence agencies are screaming at Elon Musk to stop. It seems that if this type of data used by these learning systems building AI they will end up with some potentially incredibly malevolent AI. For those Americans who are opting out of this corporate system of slavery you are encouraged to click on the "Worth Millions To Their Owners" banner located at the top right of this blog then proceed from there.

Uncovering Pork Sending In 2025 Budget Proposal

February 26, 2025 | By AIM

Houses Passes GOP Budget Despite Mid-Day Revolt

Here is the full bill:

Congressional budget 2025 (Download)

Below is an AIM analysis of the House Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2025 (H. Con. Res., 118th Congress, 2nd Session), focusing on identifying potential pork spending, anomalies, carve-outs for special interests, or irregular regulations and language. This analysis is based on a review of the document's budgetary allocations, enforcement mechanisms, reserve funds, and policy statements.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

This is a really convoluted mess...

Editor's note: ...with Judaism as a cult and not a religion. Cults operate in secrecy. The Judaic rabbis gave us their religious fairy tales easily believed while they themselves operate in profound secrecy. The entire history of Judaism from its very beginnings was formulated out of ancient Greek then altered to fabricate this monotheistic death cult hiding behind a religion. There are more than likely over one million dead Ukrainian soldiers with millions of Ukrainians having left the country. The effect of American political manipulation leading to this proxy war with Russia was a loss of the Ukrainian population, through emigration, of 10 million people since 2021. In 2021, Ukraine's per capita GDP was $4,776. Over the past 3 years, that comes to $14,328 per capita. From one perspective it is almost as if Ukraine is being "cleaned out." The idea of a "new Jewish state being formed in Ukraine" (see the "new heavenly Jerusalem", or The Ukraine Solution: Two Jewish Homelands) has been around for quite some time going back to at least 2014. Is this one more reason why the British are beating the war drums and are working closely with Israel to prolong this proxy war in Ukraine?

What happens when your dick goes to your brain?

Editor's note: This should be called the Military, Incompetent, Child Porn complex. Remember some years ago it was reported over 5,000 employees at the Pentagon (Pentagon porn) who were discovered to have been spending time viewing kiddie porn, gambling and indulging in "adult entertainment" over the internet and in some cases using government credit cards? What the fuck is it with the dysfunctional American male libido?

BOMBSHELL! Operation Flicker UNCOVERED: Over 5,000 Pentagon, NSA, NASA & Military Officials Linked to Child Pornography! VIDEO

International Public Notice: The Final Straw for the CIA

February 25, 2025 | By Anna Von Reitz

John F. Kennedy vowed to make an end of the disgusting corporate atrocity known as the CIA --- just before he was betrayed by the Secret Service and assassinated.

Now we find out that the CIA has been practicing and pushing the Blackmail Cult to the NSA and other "security" agencies--- and finding plenty of soul-less converts.

It's people like this who have zero credibility

Editor's note: The Neocon ex-Congressman Adam Kinzinger was an Air Force pilot flying tankers and served in the Air Force National Guard. Kinzinger has a bachelors degree in "political science" from a degree mill in the US and knows nothing about real war and operations who called for the US military to be deployed to Ukraine in 2014 to "restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine". This Neocon ex-Republican congressman and ex-flyboy announced his Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in 2022 to wage a Neocon war in Ukraine. As it stands right now there are one million dead Ukrainian soldiers. There is no reason why Ukrainian deaths caused by American policies should be valued any differently when the standard death gratuity in the US armed forces of $100,000, paid out to the families of the deceased regardless of cause of death. The days of the Neocons are over and that includes Neocons like the fake crier Kinzinger. If readers need some back ground on how incompetent US military leaders are including Kinzinger on the conduct of real war please go to Reminiscences of the Future where you will find ample proof. Kinzinger is now with CNN. What does this say about any integrity like when it comes to January 6th Kinzinger has left?

Monday, February 24, 2025

You would never hear a US-manufactured AI-directed incoming 2,000 pound bomb before arrival

Editor's note: British officers and IDF officers have been shuttling back and forth between Britain and Israel regularly indicating there is a lot of intelligence sharing going on between the two militaries. It could be related to Iran. The Palestinians don't stand a chance against the formidable combined assault on Gaza and the West Bank (and southern Syria) by Britain and Israel. Israel has been experimenting on Gaza using AI technology to "rubber stamp" the killing of targeted Palestinians. This type of technology can be applied almost anywhere in the world after being tested out in Gaza. The "war" in Gaza is being reported as starting again. The IDF has apparently "marked" thousands of Palestinians for AI-directed assassinations. Technologically advanced kills with the AI the IDF is using "providing up to 100 potential targets a day." Israel's large construction project (Greater Israel Project) requires thousands of US-supplied 2,000 pound bombs. Think of each 2,000 pound AI-directed bomb as a bulldozer. Everything is being pulverized into powdered concrete including schools, houses, apartment buildings, stores, universities, hospitals and just about everything in Gaza. 


Netanyahu declares 'no Syrian forces' to be allowed south of Damascus

During a speech to Israel army commanders, the Prime Minister also warned Israel is ready to return at any moment to 'intensive combat' in Gaza

February 23, 2025 | By The Cradle

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded on 23 February the "complete demilitarization of southern Syria" and said Israel would not allow the new government to deploy its forces south of Damascus.

This is one reason why America just shoved Europe off a cliff

Editor's note: America needs to vaccinate themselves against the lunatics who run the EU.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

"Give Us Back Our Fu*#ing Money."

Editor's note: What Americans must comprehend is that we are living in a predator and prey ecosphere. It is a stacked deck against you and if you continue putting your faith and energy (think of it as the theft of your energy) into this system you are only going to be robbed further. Stop forfeiting your energy to this system. It is not your system. You did not create it and you have absolutely no control over it. As the US dollar era ends it has run its full course. The ONLY option now is pillaging. You do not own or create the money you use. This is a system of organized theft. An out of control bureaucracy literally eating out your substance. What makes Russian history so interesting is that a Russian ruler back several hundred years ago told oligarchs in Russia that if they didn't heel they would have their wealth confiscated or they would be outright executed. This is one of the reasons the central banks out of the west especially the central banking nexus in the pirate City of London and in Switzerland despise Russia. The only thing we have now is a "voice in the alternative media." These are not politicians listed below. They are "elected" executives who are placed in the senate and congress to run the US corporation and they are profitting like executives of any other private corporation. Yes, some politicians earned their wealth before entering the senate and congress, however, some stand out for this not being the case. It's a legitimate question: How does a bureaucrat's ("blob monsters") wealth increase by $23 million in four years?

Adam Schiff
• Annual salary: $174,000
• Net worth: $60 million
Mitch McConnell
• Annual salary $200,000
• Net worth: $95 million

The best tool in the tool kit is terrorism™

Editor's note: The buses were empty. If a terrorist or terrorists were planning an attack on buses in Tel Aviv does anyone seriously think the explosive devices would be detonated when the buses were empty at night? Or the bus bombings were staged as a "terrorist™ attack" allowing the IDF to smash through the West Bank? Tel Aviv Police Chief Haim Sargarof stated: "Looks like something [that originated] in the West Bank." Sure thing, definitely a "West Bank originated attack." Empty buses. Thank God, can't have anymore Israelis killed after the IDF killed Israelis on Oct 7. Several media sources in Israel are ramping up some seriously hard core propaganda (dead Jewish babies operation) to make the final push in Gaza and the West Bank to make room for Israel's large construction project. All Palestinians will at some point be forced out and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it. There is so much fucking hatred in the region that tensions at some point are going to explode far beyond anyone's ability to control.

Shin Bet arrests three suspects in bus bombings, including Israeli Jews

IDF launches operation in West Bank after bus explosions

Police are investigating the bombing as a terrorist attack

February 20, 2025 | By RT

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered a military incursion in the West Bank after three empty buses exploded in quick succession in parking lots in Tel Aviv on Thursday night.

"The prime minister has ordered the IDF to carry out an intensive operation against centers of terrorism in Judea and Samaria. The prime minister also ordered the Israel Police and the ISA to increase preventative activity against additional attacks in Israeli cities," Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Potential Covid Incoming: Brace yourselves for Round #2 of mRNA injections

Editor's note: Who is this guy Matt Pottinger who's wife is Yen Pottinger? It was the talented intelligence agent ("a stalwart mass formation psychosis player") Mr. Pottinger who aggressively pushed for the Covid lockdowns. Does anyone trust this guy? His wife Yen Pottinger is "intrigued apparently by infections as far as she can recollect." Yen Pottinger "cherishes infections, microorganisms, and parasites as well as cases that infections are compelling and inconceivably productive." Productive for who? At the International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP), Yen Pottinger "drives groups to regulate the turn of events, commencement, and execution of numerous lab undertakings and exercises." Focus on the fact that Yen Pottinger dedicates a greater amount of her time to "giving direction on COVID-19 diagnostics and testing uses her insight to teach people on the best way to utilize the right tests to get exact lab results." Although President Trump attempted removing the US from WHO in 2020, this time around an EO was signed to remove the US from WHO.  No sooner does this happen when a "new coronavirus" appears in China (see Express article below).

Important to know if peace is going to come to Ukraine

Editor's note: The provocations in Ukraine by the US can best be looked at by how the NSC (National Security Council) "developed secret terror blueprints to help Ukraine resist Russia." These provocations also included comparing Russia's Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler and referring to Russian soldiers as Nazis. This is being repeated constantly in the western media. The Italians have become so disgusted with the war in Ukraine and the false accusations against Russia, that 25,000 Italians signed their signatures to a petition of apology to Russia after the President of Italy Sergio Mattarella compared the Soviet Union to Third Reich. As a result of the petition hand delivered to Moscow, Maria Zakharova sang Bella Ciao and recalled the fight of Garibaldi Partizans in Italy in WW II. Another aspect to look at carefully if negotiations are to proceed is to admit the UK and the US are responsible for "creating a monster in Kiev." The Russians by the way are unrelenting in capturing war criminals bringing them to justice so no one should think the Russians are going to capitulate to any western demands concerning Ukraine. Ukraine is a western-backed money laundering scheme where over one million dead Ukrainian soldiers have paid for the destructive corruption going on there.

Why It's Crucial To Expose US Provocations in Ukraine

by Donald Smith | February 20, 2025

If you believe that Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked, you will likely compare Putin to Hitler and will likely oppose President Trump's peace negotiations with Russia. After all, if Putin's invasion was unprovoked, a settlement would reward naked aggression and would be akin to Neville Chamberlain's 1938 appeasement with Hitler in Munich.

Kash Patel's day one plans for the FBI: Go fight crime

Editor's note: That didn't take very long. How were these 1,500 FBI agents vetted before they were sent to the hinterlands to do real crime work? Kash Patel raised a good point. What are 7,000 FBI employees all doing inside the Hoover Building from day-to-day? The murderers, gangs, murderous cults and rapists are buried deep inside American cities. Go fight crime and leave politics out of it. Like in Maine where Chinese have been growing fields of marijuana illegally. Now that Kash Patel has reorganized the FBI maybe we will get a glimpse of all those classified documents sitting on the shelves prepared by the Dead FBI Agents's Society for decades?


Kash Patel Orders 1,500 FBI Agents and Staff Out of the Building on Day One

By streiff | February 21, 2025

FBI Director Kash Patel followed up a fiery introductory speech on Friday (Kash Patel Brings the Fire As He's Sworn in As FBI Director— 'There WILL Be Accountability' – RedState) with equally fiery action. He ordered 1,500 staff and agents to be transferred from its Washington, DC, headquarters to various locations across the nation. Some 1,000 agents and staff will be reassigned to cities the Trump administration has designated higher crime locations where they can fight crime rather than engage in political shenanigans. Another 500 staff will be reassigned to Huntsville, Alabama, which is the DC equivalent of exile to Siberia.

Friday, February 21, 2025

"The worst criminal in Congress in the last 250 years."

Editor's note: How many Americans have been arrested and prosecuted for "lying to the FBI" over the years? Schiff shows up outside the FBI headquarters as panic sets in after Kash Patel was sworn in as the new FBI director. There are probably worse criminals but they haven't been revealed or discovered yet. President Trump has been calling for Schiff's prosecution for the past year or more accusing Schiff of "fraud and treason."

Crucial details about the death of Gonzalo Lira

Editor's note: In memory of Gonzalo Lira who was beaten, tortured and who was stolen from in a 21st century "modern" European country who eventually died in a Ukrainian prison.

Ukrainian Whistleblower: 'How the SBU Robbed and Killed a U.S. Citizen'

The devious and inventive minds of the scientific priest class...

Editor's note: ...have taken us back into ancient Greece being initiated into a drug cult only on a mass modern scale. Why not just ban Pfizer altogether? Then ban DARPA as well considering there is nothing better DARPA would like than to crawl into your brain to take it over. The religion of science and their priest class have obviously gone too far.

POLL: Did Trump Just Set Pfizer's CEO Up?

Kentucky, Montana, Idaho Among States Looking to Ban mRNA Vaccines

Critics of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and similar mRNA products say that even though the federal government continues to claim the products are safe, they’re hopeful that state and local initiatives will succeed.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. | February 14, 2025

As calls to ban mRNA shots intensify worldwide, a growing number of U.S. states and communities are eyeing laws to prohibit or pause their use.

A bill introduced Tuesday in the Kentucky House of Representatives would ban until July 1, 2035, the administration of "any human gene therapy product for any infectious disease indication, regardless of whether the administration is termed an immunization, vaccine, or any other term."

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Will the IRS be scrapped?

Editor's note: Don't hold your breath but it is an intriguing idea and would only be beneficial. Understand that employees in the private sector in California are paying almost 60 percent of their salaries in taxes and where rent is astronomical. It is not a question if abolishing the IRS will work. There was no IRS prior to 1913 and everything worked fairly well. A tax on labor is slavery. Will the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) be scrapped

Americans deserve a dividend:

Elon Musk says he'll look into $5,000 DOGE dividend checks for Americans

IRS fires 6,000 employees as Trump slashes US government

By Nathan Layne and Andy Sullivan | February 21, 2025

(Reuters) - A tearful executive at the U.S. Internal Revenue Service told staffers on Thursday that about 6,000 employees would be fired, a person familiar with the matter said, in a move that would eliminate roughly 6% of the agency's workforce in the midst of the busy tax-filing season.

"There is an evil I have seen under the sun."

Editor's note: Well, this is encouraging. The techno-religionists are "seeking salvation in silicon and digital lines of code." What will your participation be? Will you take a knee and worship at the tech alter off your smart phone guiding you to your digital salvation?

Inquiring minds want to know what Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann's Covid injection status is?

Editor's note: Nobody likes to see this kind of thing happen but people should know what Lt. Governor of Mississippi Delbert Hosemann's Covid injection status is? There seems to be a lot of people collapsing - some permanently: Playboy Model Ariane Bellamar Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack at 46.

The "disaster" goes back a lot further than the 1990s

Editor's note: Why did the US treat Russia like an enemy when America and Russia have far more to gain from each other's countries than constant "cold war"-like confrontation? The "real life Mr. X" in the movie JFK stated CIA covert operations allowed the Soviets to shoot down the U-2 spy plane in 1960 had been set up to sabotage Eisenhower–Khrushchev peace talks. Whatever the "secret team" operating is today it prevented Germany's industrial capacity and Russian resources from converging into a global powerhouse. Look at Germany today: An absolute wreck bordering on totalitarianism - again - cut off from Russian resources. This same cabal has prevented America and Russia from becoming trading partners on an equal footing because this would jeopardize war manufacturing profits. What is this ongoing disastrous mistake President Trump wants to correct? A unique chance to redefine America's relationship with Russia. American and Russia have always been natural allies.

Real Life Mr. X in Oliver Stone's JFK Participated in Pioneering Covert Operations

Trump Looks to Correct a Disastrous 1990's Mistake

February 14, 2025 | By Crisis Magazine

This week, President Donald Trump took proactive steps to broker peace between Ukraine and Russia, actions that give me cautious optimism. Of course, his bold initiative has led the warmongers and TDS-sufferers to scream, "He's a Russian agent!" However, Trump's moves break through decades of neocon-inspired anti-Russian propaganda to strive for a lasting peace in the region. Essentially, Trump is arguing that Russia is more beneficial as an ally than an adversary and that America's historical decision to promise NATO membership to Ukraine was a significant strategic error. Both these things should be simple common sense.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Notice to US Solicitor General

Editor's note: Sarah M. Harris will serve as President Trump's acting Solicitor General while John Sauer undergoes senate confirmation. Sarah Harris is then expected to stay on as John Sauer's Deputy Solicitor General. John Sauer is Catholic (also attended the University of Oxford and is a Rhodes Scholar) so maybe this will resonate with him - in a legal sense with Americans being misrepresented from birth as British Territorial U.S. Citizens:

British PM Stürmer playing war

Editor's note: This is unbelievable with British PM Stürmer in military clothing spending time with British soldiers. Stürmer is now telling the world "President Trump has left Britain with no choice but to go to conscripts" to send British soldiers to Ukraine if a "peace deal takes place." Let's be clear about this: If a peace deal takes place between Ukraine and Russia the Russians will not accept British soldiers in Ukraine under any circumstances including as "peacekeepers". Contrary to UK media sources President Trump did not "spark WWIII fears" with negotiations going on with Russia.

Put British PM Stürmer in battle gear and let him...

Put British PM Stürmer in battle gear and let him...

Editor's note: ...lead British soldiers into battles with Russian assault forces. What a lot of observers and analysts are not mentioning about who President Trump refers to as a "modestly successful comedian" is that the comedian referred to "is acting as a direct agent of Britain's MI6, with MI6 chief Richard Moore acting as his direct handler." That comedian of course is Zelensky. It has also been noted that some of Zelensky's body guards are British. The pirate City of London currently under the deranged PM Stürmer want a bang for their pound that translates to Stürmer indicating he wants to place British soldiers in Ukraine. What Stürmer really wants are dead British soldiers just like the British soldiers killed in the Crimean War (see A New Crimean War) in the Valley of Death. The British oligarchy have a centuries long hatred of Russia and it will not simply be forgotten. The Ukrainian military were instructed by the British and NATO to kill as many Ukrainian and Russian civilians as possible to enrage Russia. The killing of Russian civilians continues with the UK's proxy terrorists in Ukraine targeting ambulances, oil infrastructure (US oil projects), civilians and non-military targets. Did the British direct their terrorists in Kiev to bomb this partially-owned by the US oil facility?

Ukraine Risks Trump's Wrath After Bombing Partially US-Owned Oil Infrastructure In Russia

By Andrew Korybko | February 18, 2025

Ukraine carried out a large-scale drone strike against the partially US-owned Caspian Pipeline Consortium's (CPC) pumping station in Russia's Krasnodar Region early Monday morning. Few were hitherto aware of this project, let alone that it continued operating without any problems amidst the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine and the West's anti-Russian sanctions, but it's one of America's most significant regional investments. This audacious attack therefore risks provoking Trump's wrath.

Fly the unmanned skies today

Editor's note: The next time you decide to fly the unmanned skies check the flight crew to see who exactly is piloting the aircraft. If you watch the much clearer than anything else video in this BBC report at full screen, you can clearly see the flaps were up and a split second before the plane touched the flaps went full down. There was no flap failure indicating incompetent pilot. This crash after careful examination really does look like pilot incompetence. Take it from the pros, "the pilots sucked." The sad part too is that a child was seriously injured.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

US and Russia will resolve Ukraine on their terms with concessions...

Editor's note: ...with Zelensky and Europe left out of the negotiations. The UK's psychopathic leader Kerl Stürmer (Swiss-German) and his handlers (central bank connected war profiteers) want to send UK's youth to Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers while US and Russian delegations met in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia "bringing the US and Russia significantly closer to resolving Ukraine." The British people themselves made it clear they do not want to be a part of the European Union or any European government. The Russians led by the impeccable statesman Sergey Lavrov in negotiations in Riyadh made it clear any European nation including all NATO country's soldiers and that includes British and any "peacekeepers" in Ukraine is unacceptable. It is being reported there are no weapon stockpiles in Europe ("Europe has no future") and likely Britain as well. It is anyone's guess how Britain and Europe are going to do "maintenance" on Ukraine. 

Magic: The belief in Federal Reserve fiat paper currency notes created out of nothing

Editor's note: Now that we know what the "deep state" (Peter Dale Scott) with a parallel system of finance is where was the alleged $4.7 trillion used? When this is discovered then we will suddenly come to the realization the world we thought we were living in is an entirely different type of arrangement. Disappeared? Where too? Off the book dark projects? Advanced technology? DUMB facilities? Israel (DOGE is not auditing accounts for Israel)? Offshore accounts? Magic: The belief in Federal Reserve fiat paper currency (your energy) created out of nothing.


Behemoth government vampire squid is sucking and siphoning endless amounts of money

February 18, 2025 | By 2nd Smartest Guy In the World

By Steve Watson

Elon Musk's DOGE has discovered that an unfathomable amount of taxpayer money has simply vanished into a black hole and cannot be traced.

In an X post, DOGE notes that $4.7 trillion is unaccounted for, because the federal government did not record where the money was going.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Under Stürmer the turmoil in Britain can only lead to civil war

Editor's note: There has been several sources talking about a "civil war" taking place in Britain under PM Starmer (German-Swiss alias "Kerl Stürmer").  With recent events going on in Britain this seems to be where the country is headed. Several months ago, Elon Musk mentioned the UK was heading towards civil war. The turmoil that is happening in Britain seems to be going on more frequently when the other day an Islamic gazebo giving away copies of the Koran was swept away by British patriots in Liverpool.

"Stop hiring these goddamn bureaucrats."

Editor's note: In Ezra Pound's book Impact: Essays on Ignorance and the Decline of American Civilization Pound wrote, "Stop hiring these goddamn bureaucrats." The reason why he wrote this is because massive bureaucracies destroy the arts.

Weaponized paper currency

Editor's note: The love affair with gold imposed on the world and manipulated by central bankers (gold price determined in the pirate City of London) goes back thousands of years and we are about to see something happen with the the alleged 8,000 tonnes of gold held by the US. Are the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve (see how the Federal Reserve "stole the American dream" by artificially inflating home prices by manipulating inflation rates) preparing to revalue gold and monetize America's reserves under President Trump? If so, what would it mean for the global financial system and the U.S. dollar? There are also reports the British have transported a large amount of gold to Fort Knox. If Elon Musk's DOGE operation goes into Fort Knox to audit the gold stored there some precautionary advice has been given.  If an audit is conducted cut into a good cross section of gold bars to make certain they aren't tungsten (see below).

Social Security: "The biggest fraud in history?"

Editor's note: What will DOGE ultimately uncover buried deep inside US government agencies and institutions? This is a massive gravy train but where has all the money been siphoned off too?

Western terrorist tactics transferred to the Ukrainian military translates to genocide and atrocities

Editor's note: What we are seeing happen in Ukraine is a deliberate attempt by the western-financed Ukrainian military shifting to a "scorched-earth strategy." This strategy is no longer considered a "violation of human rights." It is genocide and the captured Ukrainian POWs by the Russian military are confirming this fact in interrogations. The Russians have been very transparent at the UN and according to the UN Convention, "genocide is the deliberate creation of conditions of life for a group which are calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part". This is exactly what the Ukrainian armed forces are doing in the occupied parts of the Kursk region and Donbass. The Russian military will have no other choice but to put down Ukrainian soldiers like rabid dogs that have been infected with a mind virus installed in them by western agencies like the US NSC. This demonstrates how the psychologically crippled minds of western degenerates in these wonk tanks and intelligence agencies gets transferred to the Ukrainian military who are actively involved in atrocities and war crimes. The circumstances for the Ukrainian military are so dire a Russian drone video taped a distraught Ukrainian soldier who stopped in a snowy field and shot himself in his head with his rifle. One more dead Ukrainian to toss into a nondescript grave.

Soaked In Blood. AFU Found Guilty Of Mass Murder In Kursk Region And Donbass

Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to 'help Ukraine resist' exposed

By Kit Klarenberg | February 15, 2025

Newly-leaked documents reveal a crew of military academics pitching the US National Security Council a series of extreme strategies for Ukraine, from IED's inspired by Iraqi insurgents to sabotaging Russia's infrastructure to propaganda “from ISIS' playbook."

Conceived under the auspices of the UK's University of St. Andrews, the plans were outsourced through third parties to ensure "plausible deniability."

Sunday, February 16, 2025

DOGE, digital identities, Starlink satellites, Neuralink all for "team humanity" or the "biodigital architecture of oppression"

Editor's note: There are always alternatives and in the case of digital identities simply say, "no thank you." Why would any American take Elon Musk at face value despite his DOGE (charter ends in July, 2025) operation (started by Obama but rearranged under Trump) when he wants to put a fine mesh and a microchip in your brain to connect you to his constellation of Starlink satellites (14,000 by 2027) via his Neuralink? That way in the coming years everyone is all digitally plugged in nice and tidy. What is being built here while Americans are reveling in Musk's DOGE battering ram slamming through the front doors of federal agencies is a "biodigital system or architecture of oppression" (see Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State). Musk & Co. are dismantling the bureaucratic state for the technate as thousands of bureaucrats start leaving Washington. Alex Jones says, "President Trump and Elon Musk Are 100% pro team humanity." Really?

Whether Through Biden, Harris, or Trump — Digital IDs Are Coming to America

Now, it all makes sense.

September 2, 2024 | By vnninfluencers

This article originally appeared on The Last American Vagabond and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Derrick Broze

The Biden Administration is considering an Executive Order for digital IDs, picking up where Donald Trump's left off during his time in the White House.

$20 billion and counting,,,

Editor's note: Washington DC was operated as a massive criminal enterprise on a colossal scale with Citibank laundering $20 billion funneled to NGOs to drive the Democratic Party's power. The newly appointed EPA Chief Lee Zeldin revealed the "shocking abuse in a last minute heist."

EPA head Lee Zeldin reveals no real oversight of shocking $20B Biden admin funneled through Citibank: 'Tip of the iceberg'

European leaders are their own worst enemy

Editor's note: It seems the Europeans are determined to destroy Europe as the EU's economic condition and financial circumstances rapidly deteriorate because of the disastrous policies of years of socialism. Europe's only way out is to "conquer then strip mine Russia of its resources" (natural resources estimated worth at $75 trillion) as Germany's buffoon-in-charge Scholtz "declares an emergency." It seems Europe's leadership (central banks have no way out of the debt trap except by war) are determined to destroy Europe just as Ukraine has been destroyed under another buffoon Zelensky (with the sniffling itchy nose). Another buffoon is France's Macron who works for the central banking apparatus (France's national debt) that are doing everything they possibly can to go to all out war with Russia even calling for a 200,000 strong European army ("legitimate targets") to intervene in Ukraine. The insane megalomaniacs who run Europe were organized under the EU to prevent this type of war from occurring and they just moved back to square one not learning anything over 60 years. To show people just how out of control Germany is under buffoon Scholtz (see "This is an absolute gold"), Rheinmetall AG the German arms manufacturer located in Düsseldorf, Germany plans on opening an ammunition production facility in Ukraine. Good luck with that stupid decision because the first pallet of ammunition to be moved out of the facility the plant will be hit with several Russian missile strikes. The Americans told Europe to get lost as President Trump just ejected America from the back seat of the car driven on a "joyride" by Ukraine:

No place for EU in Ukraine talks – Trump envoy

Although Western Europeans may not be at the table, the region’s interests will be taken into account, Keith Kellogg has said

February 15, 2025 | By RT

The EU may not be at the table when the US holds talks with Russia over Ukraine, US Special Envoy Keith Kellogg said on Saturday at the Munich Security Conference. However, Kiev will undoubtedly be present, he added.

The Sordid Family History of John Forbes Kerry

Editor's note: With events happening faster than Americans can keep up with concerning the Trump administration with the Roman Caesar signing one edict (EO) after another, John Kerry several months ago at a WEF conference was complaining about "how difficult it was to govern." Oh really, you don't say? What an irony: Forbes Breaking News provides us with coverage of congressional hearings with Matt Taibbi referring to John Forbes Kerry. What a sordid history as John Kerry's bio is all cover to hide his Brahmin past. Kerry inherited a substantial $28 million in assets (including holdings exceeding $220 million in various investment sectors as of 2023), holds dominion over more than 8,000 acres of land and can boast about an impressive array of mansions and villas across the United States. Kerry is simply a spokesperson for whatever his oligarch overlords task him with including being a "climate tsar".

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Enjoying the shit show?

Editor's note: These communists are all 14th Amendment subject citizens; corporate creations. Yet, they are elected to US congressional offices where they conduct their communist subversion. Censorship is illegal in America. Something Vice President J.D. Vance told Europeans much to their dismay at the Munich Security Conference. This isn't to support Vance either because everything seems so artificially set up with "Vance being astroturfed" ("a speech like no other") for the future. The traditional right "being throttled and starved of oxygen." The conservatives are just as culpable as the leftists in this shit show. Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and 14th Amendment subject citizen wants to "finish the job" of the DNC, that is to overthrow the Constitutional Government of the United States. Pressley wants censorship to continue and to be paid for. The Communist Control Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. §§ 841–844) needs to be pulled off the shelves, dusted off then aggressively reapplied. The Communist Control Act of 1954 is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954. This law "outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations."

It was the British Boyz, as usual, at the bottom of that dogpile as we say good riddance to John McCain

Editor's note: Can anyone else see the incredibly long-running conspiracy here through John McCain when he was still alive? British "Generational Witchcraft" is operating here although we are going to put aside the accusation of "Satan's involvement." Profound hideous secrets from the British empire for centuries. Some years ago, Don Nicoloff researched a long series of published articles meticulously going through the McCain bloodline biographies and concluded John S. McCain III was a British agent-in-place asset explaining why McCain's activities were obviously out of touch with America and were "anti-American." Don Nicoloff's conclusion was "the infusion of King Edward's bloodline into American politics through the McCain bloodline and the military/industrial complex occurred by secreting the McCann-McCain clan into the U.S. via his United States and Roosevelt bloodlines and then into the U.S. Navy." The evidence shows that John Sidney McCain III, through his father and grandfather, was directly connected to the British Crown via Prince Albert/Edward VII. 

International Public Notice: Good-bye, Finally, to John McCain

February 14, 2025 | By Anna Von Reitz

Finally, official confirmation of what we have known for many years -- that Congress, through various backdoors, was funding the very "Terrorist" organizations they were using as front-groups to conduct mercenary and intelligence operations in the Middle East.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Russia: Gear up the Germans are coming

Editor's note: The German "defense" (war) firm Helsing scored a contract to provide Europe's proxy military in Ukraine against Russia with 6,000 of their HX-2 AI Strike Drones to go after Russian military assets. Is this part of a previous contract that hasn't been delivered on yet? War is business. Nobody makes any money with peaceful resolutions. The thing about it is after the previous Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schröder, the Germans have turned into a nasty brood of racists towards Russia. Gerhard Schröder defended Germany against the US and was friends with Russia's Vladimir Putin. Can't very well sell sophisticated weapons when friendships are in place. 

A coming bank war?

Editor's note: This blog since its inception has published many posts on central banking and how central banks control entire economies and countries. This blog has also published the work of others on the need for monetary reform with an entire archive of articles on this important subject. There are a couple of financial analysts who have reported that President Trump is going to go up against the Federal Reserve and Jerome Powell (any guarantees on the CBDCs?)in a coming "bank war" reminiscent of the bank war in 1832 between President Andrew Jackson and the European central bank hitman sent to the US Nicholas Biddle. One of the most powerful banking families in Europe, and no it's not a Rothschild, is the Wallenberg family that financed both the allies and Hitler's Germany during WWII. Alex Krainer in this linked article writes, "commenters said that the US is dominated by the banking cartel of the Wall Street - City of London axis of evil, that these bankers hate Russia and will not allow friendly relations between the two powers to hold." This is one reason why Lord Acton stated: "The issue that has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." If China can go from "rags to riches in four decades" why can't America - again?

Ukraine will not join NATO as the criminal regime in Kiev collapses

Editor's note: The investigation by the Foundation to Battle Injustice concludes the guy in black (despite continued western media lies) sitting across the table from Vice President Vance in the video below and his associates in Kiev are "engaged in the inhumane and illegal practice of the removal embryos from pregnant Ukrainian women as a source of income for the Kiev regime." These embryos are then sold to high-ranking politicians in the EU and the UK. There are also ongoing investigations into child trafficking out of Ukraine. This is an ongoing investigation where the next part will be to detail how the embryos are transported from Ukraine and who their intended recipients are. The investigation reveals the forced removal of fetuses in some cases from kidnapped Ukrainian women that are then sold to buyers in the EU and UK. A Foundation to Battle Injustice informant claims that after several successful operations in 2023, Zelensky and his associates "developed two schemes to extract embryos from pregnant Ukrainian women for sale in the west." Now that Ukraine will not be joining NATO Russia will decide Ukraine's and the fate of the criminals in Kiev, the Russians will finally put Ukraine out of its misery on Russia's terms.

Ambrosia Syndicate: Zelensky's regime oversees mass embryo seizures and their sale to high-level EU and UK buyers

Thursday, February 13, 2025

President Trump rags on Ireland

Editor's note: Ireland is under intense assault by large numbers of migrants who are now involved in a continued litany of violent crimes against the people of Ireland. If this is in fact what is going on in Ireland then why did President Trump "mock Ireland" rather than offer support considering the large numbers of illegal migrants in the US who are now returning south? Just like what is happening in America the migrant criminals in Ireland must be deported. Just like the transgenders are a "fashion accessory" for psychopaths using social engineering to make society weak and malleable, mass immigration is destroying Ireland.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is low hanging fruit

Editor's note: DOGE's operations cutting out fraud, waste and abuse is all well and good getting the American people excited about the prospect of an open and transparent government but USAID exposure is likely really just cover. USAID operations have been turned over to the US State Department under Marco Rubio. When President Trump states he is going to make Canada the 51st state, take Greenland and rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, how is he going to do all that without an effective force used for political destabilization in these places? We are seeing audits in these government agencies now an audit of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) claimed to be Pocahontas' "shakedown racket." Right, the CFBP has been a very useful construct for the Democrats, but are we going to see DOGE's geek team go inside the Office of Net Assessment (Highlands Group), the NSA (like when the NSA clearly broke the law) and DARPA? Are these entities going to be audited by Musk's geek squad? The CFPB under Warren is low hanging fruit.

Oh Boy – DOGE Team Now Reviewing Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, The Elizabeth Warren Shakedown Racket

February 7, 2025 | By Sundance | 519 Comments

If you thought the USAID revelations were alarming sunlight, just wait until you see the apoplectic fits of rage about to come out from the Democrats, the DNC affiliated community activist groups, and the professional leftists who all rely upon the financial mechanism of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The blunt truth is...

Editor's note: ...assassinations are normal business for empires. If Americans would really like to know why the FBI acts the way it does counter to what most Americans think is legal and constitutional, it is because the FBI was set up by European specifically French aristocracy to protect wealthy oligarchs who have come to power in the US. Wouldn't it be nice for a change like Revolver News (see Are you ready? Mike Benz reads aloud from CIA's 'assassination manual') has asked, "if the FBI put even a small fraction of the effort they used to hunt down J6 grandparents into finding Seth Rich's killer?" What a lot of people want to know is why the FBI and the CIA act with impunity including carrying out assassinations like with the FBI's direct involvement in the assassination of Martin Luther King? The factions of oligarchs who own America did not want Donald Trump to become president and they did everything they could to prevent his presidency. It is now being revealed the FBI won't allow over 11,000 hours of J6 footage to be released "because it would expose undercover agents and confidential human sources." Caught involved in terrorism. 

Looking into our circumstances...