Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Mitt Romney's Shill Team

Editor's note: The Mormon Church was the creation of the British and as hard as that is to accept the Mormon Church has always been anti-American. Mitt Romney has all the talking points down concerning Biden's State of the Union address. Apparently, Romney thinks Biden has done a good job on foreign policy (Blinken was brushed off in Africa), Ukraine pushing back on Russia's "awful bad guy" Putin, keeping Russia from invading central Europe and NATO countries (Trump says he will end the war in Ukraine when he becomes president) and keeping your mind focused on the Republicans and the Democrats (politicians hiding behind "progressive politics"). Mitt Romney keeps you focused on the spectacles to "keep you your eyes off the real world." Mitt Romney also has shills working in the alt media for him:

Mitt Romney's Shill Team

Some previous materal on the Mormon Romney:

*Asshats: Mayor Butterstick and George Schwartz With Mitt Romney, Uranium and Barisma Holdings

A Mormon involved in planning your health care and taking care of your children online? Shouldn't you be responsible for that? Maybe the Mormon cunning and slick dude doesn't want children going off the "health reservation"?

Romney and health care: In the thick of history

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