Sunday, March 24, 2024

ALERT: At this point anything is possible

Editor's note: This is a public announcement. Every American needs to take precaution and know where you are and your personal circumstances. All venues whether concerts, shopping malls, theaters, large public gatherings if attended should be looked at from the view of being a potential target for a false flag attack on America. DO NOT depend on law enforcement or the federally subcontracted corporations like the ATF, DHS and the FBI. You personally need to have situational awareness no matter where you are. These agencies would be likely participants in any false flag attack piggy-backed off an exercise. Considering what happened in Moscow anything is possible with the global corporate syndicates and the oligarchs who control them.

"The tyrannical Biden Regime is desperate to the extreme to lock down the whole place and will likely use multiple fall flag mass casualty events and terror operations and reckless warmongering to do so."

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