Thursday, March 7, 2024

All Commentary Aside...SKYNET

International Asymmetric Biowarfare weapon taster for Abel Danger

This is the critical existential threat we face made by men.

Sir Oliver Klosov

We have all seen parts of what's coming: Something Elon Musk describes as way worse than 911. A military induction of all the migrant illegal aliens as the military of the state enforcing this.

Get out of the cities.

~ Klosov

Editor's note: If anyone doubts the validity or accuracy of Dr. Jordan Peterson's testimony above on the collusion between the government (largely privatized by federally subcontracted corporations) and corporations, you owe yourself a few extra minutes to listen to this discussion on China. This is in reference to Dr. Jordan Peterson's statement "there are now 700 million CCTVs in China under the rule of the CCP." What we are facing "will be the end of dynamic creative efforts by individual human beings that we cherish in the west." If you do not comprehend the urgency or understand the consequences of what is being discussed here you are urged to listen to this discussion:

This is how young male immigrants including many Chinese will be utilized after being brought into the US. There are now over 1.5 million Chinese who live in California and their numbers are projected to grow being the fastest growing immigrant ethnicity to California.

Alert! Col. Macgregor Warns Dems Plan To Turn Guns On US Citizens Once Military Recruits Illegals

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