Editor's note: The meek literally will inherit the Earth. The surface. What do these billionaires know the rest of us don't? What does the "
deep state" (Prof. Peter Dale Scott) know that the rest of us don't as they continue to stock their DUMB (built by the "breakaway civilization") facilities all financed by an alternative parallel system of finance? Why do the "elite" continue to release information telling us aliens and UFOs are from out there when they are not? We have reported previously on
DUMB facilities being constructed and how they have been financed. We have also reported on an underground
ancient civilization underneath the Grand Canyon offering evidence and an explanation what it was built for. What do these billionaires
fear? They
fear the Phoenix event and they know it will appear in May, 2040. The elite are on a timeline. The last Phoenix event occurred in
1902 (on a 138 year cycle) but the elite got off lucky that time. We are not going to spend time elaborating what the Phoenix event is. That can be obtained from
Phoenix Arcanum. Sorry you billionaires. It's not that easy. Enjoy the ride with all your vanity.
Billionaires Burrow Bunkers
March 22, 2024
"If you had a billion dollars, would you build an underground bunker? I wouldn't. But practically every billionaire alive today is. And they're doing it with a sense of speed and urgency.
Do they know something we don't? If so, why haven't they warned the rest of us?
by Mike Stone (henrymakow.com)
Yogi Berra famously said, "You can observe a lot by watching." There's a tremendous amount of truth in that statement. You CAN observe a lot by watching.