Friday, September 29, 2023

"We need more fresh meat for the meat grinder!"

Editor's note: This slaughter in Ukraine is really something: estimated 350,000 - 400,000 dead, missing and horrifically injured. Probably far more. Over 6 million Ukrainians forced to flee, 8 million internally displaced, a ruined economy, thousands of businesses closed and thousands of homes destroyed, the majority unemployed with an average yearly salary of $7,500 and Zelensky has personally made over $20 million. There are no strategies for achieving any peace, no blueprints for conducting elections, and no possibility of military "victory". The US sociopathic Neocons who have a pathological hatred of Russia want to drag this out indefinitely. The Russian soldiers are saving the lives of Ukrainian soldiers the best they can. If you are a Ukrainian soldier get on the Russian military's radio frequency they left open for you and get yourselves out now. Go back to your families and stop this insanity. 

"We're all slavs you idiot." ~ Russian soldier after he captured a Ukrainian soldier.  

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger 

Sir Oliver Klosov

- Imagine my surprise..

Did someone say draft?

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the Military Industrial Complex to our society. It employs millions of people, and it brings in hundreds of billions of dollars each year. The Military Industrial Complex has always been one of the central pillars of our economy just like it did in Rome before Rome went bankrupt and fell from to heavy a bureaucracy to collect taxes. It wasn't taken, it was rejected in the provinces' that were tired of the same old tax for war mantra when they stopped forking over their money to Rome's insanity.

Empires suck as time goes by...take a look outside people...what do you see?

Needless to say, those that run the Military Industrial Complex want the gravy train to continue, and so politicians that are pro-war are showered with campaign contributions. In both major parties, politicians that are pro-war greatly outnumber those that are anti-war, and that is not likely to change any time soon.

When general Smedley Butler said: "WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives." there any doubt that corruption lives in this racket? But its more than corruption, people have to die for a reason to spend and spend and spend...because "War is Peace"

But the racket is so imprinted on the consciousness of the elite that now if the Military Industrial Complex suddenly disappeared, it would leave a giant, gaping hole in our economy that would be extremely difficult to fill. Today about 2.1 million people are employed by the defense industry. According to Acara Solutions, a major MIC recruiting firm, their average annual salary is $106,700, 40 percent higher than the national average. The companies they work for produced revenues in 2022 of $741 billion. But the soldiers drafted to die only make about $25.000

How much of their production is high-priced junk, no one knows, but if the war in Ukraine is any indication...the performance of their products is not going well.

The MIC also includes active-duty uniformed personnel of 1.37 million and reserves of 849,000. There are 750 U.S. military bases in more than 80 countries outside of the U.S. More than 100,000 U.S. military personnel are stationed in Europe. Annual salary and benefits of the military are currently $146 billion per year.

Then there are the civilian employees. According to the DoD, it employs more than 700,000 civilians "in an array of critical positions worldwide," with compensation totaling about $70 billion. According to the Government Accountability Office, we may also add 560,000 contractor employees, whose compensation is typically higher than the career workforce.

We can also add hundreds of thousands of executives, managers, employees and contractors of the three-letter Deep State agencies, such as the CIA, NSA, DEA, FBI, and now DHS, etc., who interface with the MIC day in and day out and are part of the same fabric of state-sanctioned force and enemy identification and interdiction.

In the entire history of the world, we have never seen anything quite like this.

But to keep this machine running, it has to be fed human beings that are forced to fight for them. And In the current mess, The Ukrainians are running out of warm bodies and simple mercenaries are not enough. They have already lost 75,000 men and have literally been grabbing men off the streets and throwing them into vans, but America didn't care because it wasn't our sons that were being forced to go to war; to senator Lindsey Grahams delight: "The best money we have ever spent."

Well that's about to change.

The Military Industrial Complex certainly does not want this conflict to end and has no intention of backing down. So more warm bodies will be needed just like Vietnam.

That is one of the reasons why there has been so much chatter about bringing back the draft here in the United States. And make no mistake, the stage is set to draft young American boys and young American girls into military for no other reason than to keep this criminal operation going. I can smell the flag waving tidal wave approaching to kill off our kids for their profits. But it doesn't matter what you or I think. The Military Industrial Complex wants to make even more money, and our politicians want to keep the campaign contributions rolling in and they need bodies to keep that money pouring in.

Do you want your children to be fed into a meat grinder on the other side of the globe to keep this war economy alive?

Dimitry Medvedev said recently:
"It seems that Russia is being left with fewer and fewer options but to come into direct conflict on the ground with NATO; an openly fascist bloc like Hitler's Axis, only bigger. Their problem is their wonder weapons are not capable of defeating ours."


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