Thursday, September 21, 2023

It's all fake. Everything is created to distract you.

Hanlon's Razor

First published September 20, 2023

I am back and you didn't even know I was gone. I was in Austin for my 60th birthday this week, taking a break from the papers. Good times were had. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, cards, and gifts I got from readers via email and mail, I appreciate it.

Now for Hanlon's Razor. This is the adage that you shouldn't assign to malice anything you can just as easily assign to stupidity. It is named after some recent guy who may have read Robert Heinlein, but my feeling is it goes back to one of the Roman writers like Horace or Ovid. I am pretty sure it comes from there though I have no immediate reference and am not going to dig. Like a lot of these simplistic adages, it looks good if you pass it by at 90 miles per hour. But as we have seen from my years of research, it is a false adage. And I suspect not only false, but misdirecting. Once again, we see that the rulers would prefer you to think they are not evil, just incompetent. Which is why they lead with their stupidest people like Bush and Biden and so on. It's all just a terrible accident, we had the best intentions, really!

They are leading with it again after Covid and the vaccines. We are supposed to believe millions of people were accidentally murdered, or murdered themselves via negligence. But that isn't what happened. This time we were there and saw it all with our own eyes. It wasn't history, it was in the present, so we are all primary witnesses, primary sources. Only the terminally naive or dead asleep could ever convince themselves the events of the past four years were an accident, happened naturally, or were due to human error or incompetence. This was the most thoroughly planned, staged, and managed event in human history, with more people paid off by Pfizer than existed a few centuries ago. The worldwide coordination of message, propaganda, and mandates was awe-inspiring. The lies told right to our faces by a million stooges, lackeys, mandarins, and goons were awful in their transparency, horrible in their malice, terrible in their assumption of our infinite gullibility and irrationality.

Some of these lackeys are recently in the news, like Howard Stern or Sean Penn. Joe Rogan has said that Stern used to be the man but was ruining his legacy after Covid. Nope. Stern, like Penn and all these other Hollywood and media creeps, was always just a paid agent of Chaos, it has just become blindingly obvious since Covid clarified all the waters. The vaccine was like an acid you add to a dark liquid, which suddenly turns it clear. Stern and the rest of these folks are now earning the legacy they always deserved.

And we now see it has nothing to do with ignorance. None of this was a mistake. Stern, Penn, and the the others aren't mistaken. They are complicit in mass murder. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and thrown from a high cliff.

I have some adages for you, to replace Hanlon's Razor and others.

Never assume that someone who has profited from an event didn't create it.

Accidents do happen, but very few big events are accidents. I have never studied one that was. I have

also never studied an event and found it to be as advertised. Given who is running the world, your best guess should always be that the mainstream story is false and that the hidden truth points right at the usual suspects. These people do make mistakes, as we have seen, since they are criminally sloppy and think you will believe anything. But those are always mistakes of execution. The event as a whole is never a mistake, an accident, or a "natural outcome". It is fully managed from the ground up for their benefit and your detriment.

The vaccines have just been more proof of that. Do you really think multiple poisons get into vaccines by accident or oversight? "Oops, our lab just happened to be contaminated with ten different kinds of lethal poisons, and they all ended up in the vaccine while we were in the bathroom checking our hair."

Do you think that thousands of poisons just accidentally entered the food, water, and air supply in the past 75 years by accident or oversight? "Gee, no one ever thought putting rat poison, toxic plastics, weed killer, and hormone disrupters in the food and water was a problem. It never occurred to us to produce healthy, unadulterated food with just a few pure ingredients. We are silly little scientists with tiny brains and can't be held accountable for things like ingredients. We didn't do it on purpose, honest!"

It is amazing to me that after more than a century of explosive admissions of vile and malignant behavior by government scientists, academia, the military, and corporations that anyone would still think to take a Hanlon's Razor seriously. Of course these things are done with full intent and malice, since they have been proved to be over and over and over. History is little more than a litany of skullduggery, always perpetrated by the same black-hearted families. With only a little digging, we have found them hunkered below every atrocity ever recorded. With only a few exceptions, we can now spot them from just a name and a nose. As Princess Leia said, we can smell their foul stench from a mile away. It hangs in the air and no wind will blow it away.

OK, my readers have asked me to comment on a few other things in the news in the past week, starting with Russell Brand's new event. He has been accused of rape or molestation by several women and demonetized by Youtube. Within a couple of days, UK Parliament had sent a letter to major outlets, including Rumble, asking that they act against Brand. By that alone we know this is fake, since Parliament ought to have more important things to attend to than the cancelling of Russell Brand. That shows us this is an important project of MI6, and that MI6 instructed Parliament to play along. MI6 probably drafted the letter themselves.

This is all another managed event, of course, since Brand is of the families. Yes, he has been on the right side of some issues recently, but that is all controlled opposition. I suppose they tapped him for this stage play for two main reasons: 1) to sort of salt in and parallel the whole Trump fake conviction for rape/molestation/whatever that was supposed to be. Every famous man in the world has had to volunteer for this split-the-sexes/Men-are-Pigs project in the past decade, so why should Brand miss out on the fun. But his participation is especially silly, seeing that—like Harvey Weinstein and many others—he is gay. Brand has no interest in raping or molesting women, and all his previous high profile couplings with women were just the standard Hollywood beard couplings, meant to sell him as a stud and make the women look straight as well. 2) Like Andrew Tate, Brand's popularity at Youtube is largely fake. Brand has a larger audience than Tate, since he does have some charm. He is sometimes funny and a fairly good speaker, but like everyone else promoted, his numbers are mainly mist. They just make them up. For that reason he was mostly being wasted, and they needed to get his real numbers up somehow. The only way to do that in Modern America is to manufacture some tragedy or crime, then sell it 24/7 through the controlled mainstream media. With Brand they can also use the alternative media, since he is plugged in through Infowars, Zerohedge, and all those places. Before you know it they can create a somewhat genuine spike in his numbers, drawing your attention off the real world. They can sell him as sinned-against, with the big bad blue boys out to get him, generating crocodile tears and your sympathy, with which they can spin you in the required direction.

But the larger game here is to get you used to the idea you can be cancelled, demonetized, fired, or otherwise crushed for accusations. It isn't true, but if you believe it is true, then you are as good as toast. You will have fallen for the bluff. Not only has Brand not been convicted of anything, he has not even been charged. This is just words pouring from the mouths of anonymous people, which has the legal standing of pillow mites. Innocent until proven guilty, remember, and you cannot fire, suppress, or repress an innocent person for no reason. That would fall under the heading of Civil Rights violations, as well as just being flat out unConstitutional and illegal, by all precedent back to the Magna Carta. No one can do that, and that includes Google, Youtube, Tiktok, Twitter, and all other big companies, whether they are connected to the government or not. There is a lot of titter about private companies being able to do whatever they want, but that is simply not true. Private companies cannot negate the Constitutional rights of their employees in any way shape or form, and that includes not only free speech but all other legal rights, including the right to not be judged by the press. Firing someone for unproven accusations is illegal, since if companies could do that they could just make up whatever stories they wanted. Yes, companies try to do that, but they very often get caught, especially if these things end up in court. That's why companies lose lawsuits for illegal termination, remember?

But they would prefer you forget that. They want you to censor yourself from fear of getting fired, since many people don't know there are a lot of laws on the books to prevent exactly that. If you study the news in any given week, you find lots of proof of that to this day, since people are winning lawsuits all the time on these subjects. They are winning lawsuits about their freedom to speak freely in chatrooms, emails, forums, or other social media. They are winning lawsuits about their freedom to put signs in their yards or to wear shirts with messages or to talk on the street. Cities, states, companies, and the feds are all losing huge amounts of money to these suits, but they aren't getting the message since the percentage is still just a trickle. Most people won't sue and they know that. They also know that they can always pay these judgments with taxdollars: government workers aren't personally liable, though in the case of mayors and governors, they probably should be in some cases. Private companies can raise prices to pay judgments, so they get you coming and going.

Anyway, the point is everyone fired or injured during Covid and the vaccine push should be suing his bosses and the government, and if you can't afford an attorney don't let that stop you. Argue your own case. Tell the judge and the jury what happened and you will probably win. Lawyers for big companies and the government are all corrupt and nobody likes them, not even judges. And especially not juries. Those lawyers most often aren't even good at their jobs, and are just stuffed shirts. That is the truth and don't let them bluff you or buffalo you. Tell them to stuff their loud voices and their expensive haircuts, and that their clients will be paying your rent and grocery bills for the rest of your life.

You will tell me that prominent people have lost lawsuits on censorship to Youtube and other places, but as I showed in my paper on John Stossel, those suits were faked as well. They fake these lawsuits to scare you away from filing your own, but don't let them fool you. The big companies are losing the real lawsuits, see for example Alex Berenson. Some have told me RFK, Jr. just lost a suit against Youtube and Google, but he didn't. He only lost his request for a restraining order while the trial was in process, but the lawsuit was just filed in August and so it couldn't be decided by mid-September.

Just last week an important appeal was lost by the government and Big Tech, on their right to work together in censoring Americans. Even that was managed, since the appeals court just shifted the job of censorship away from the CDC and White House and to DHS, DHHS, and the State Department. But my point is that story sets precedent for any real lawsuits, where—argued in the right way—those parties censoring can be found liable for millions in damages, including personal liability for government officials who ignore this court's general findings on censorship.

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Read the entire essay above and learn why. Americans should just "cancel" British MI6 and the UK parliament. That is the best option.

UK parliament letters likely written by British MI6 for the punks in the UK parliament:

Rumble Hits Out At UK Government's "Disturbing Letter" As Video Site Defends Letting Russell Brand Monetize Content

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