Sunday, September 10, 2023

California Residents: Leave

Editor's note: See our archives on the destroyed corporate Bolshevik Apparatchik run state of California. It is probably correct to suggest the city of San Francisco was deliberately destroyed to make room for a smart city. The digital Bolsheviks running the state of California including Newsom (cult of personality is a Nikita S. Khrushchev concept) work for Silicon Valley. It explains possibly why billionaires associated with Silicon Valley bought up around $1 billion of land close to San Francisco to create more of their digital "fantasies".  What is being built in California is a post human sh*thole.


Source: PJ Media

It's Really Time for Parents to Move Their Families Out of California

By Matt Margolis | September 9, 2023 
AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

If you're a California resident and a parent, you really ought to leave the state now. On Friday, the California Assembly passed AB 957, which means that a parent who doesn't "affirm" their child's "gender identity" could lose custody of that child.

AB 957 amends the state Family Code to include "a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child."

The bill is now headed for Gov. Gavin Newsom's desk, where he will most certainly sign it.

A recent comprehensive study found that there is no medical benefit for young people to receive so-called "gender-affirming care." A study conducted by the UK nonprofit organization Sex Matters found that the alleged benefits of "gender-affirming care" are "no greater than a placebo effect." While the United States seems to doubling down on this insanity, our European friends have started to realize the dangers.

Flashback: California Is Transitioning Into a Sanctuary State for Pedophiles

In July of last year, England's only transgender clinic closed due to concerns that doctors were performing surgeries without considering children's mental health. Several other European countries, including Sweden, Finland, and France, have all dialed back on pushing transgender "treatments" for children because they have begun to recognize the harm it does to kids. Studies also show that as many as 90% of young people who "identify" as transgender but are not encouraged to transition (socially or medically) will no longer identify as such upon reaching adulthood.

The case for butchering children is so weak that earlier this year, an expert witness for the Democrats was unable to cite any evidence of benefits for transitioning children.

Meanwhile, California has been leading the nation in radical transgender laws. Last year, Gov. Newsom signed a bill, SB 107, which made California a sanctuary state for child mutilation by offering legal protection to parents of gender-confused children from other states where "gender-affirming care" for kids has been restricted.

Please go to PJ Media to continue reading.

Bolshevik Nomenklatura activity in California:

Pandemic of retail THEFT: Democrat county supervisor now regrets stupidly backing a radical crime bill that legalized shoplifting in California

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