Sunday, September 3, 2023

We don't face a revolution

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

The question has been posed often enough about when the population will have enough and will rise up and conduct a revolution to get our personal sovereignty back. But bigger things are happening nowadays

We should remember that the reason we 'won' against the British in 1776 was not because we overthrew King George III it was because George was tiring of the expense of fighting one war across an ocean with the colonies and another with France.

The British Empire was still there after 1776 and remained an empire that would have a go at in in 1812 but again, its expensive to prosecute a war an ocean away.

What we face is not a revolution, we face a Revelation.

the revelation is that the power structures that built the west are aging and weak and desperately trying to hold onto power. Russia and the rest of the world are just not falling for the bullshit the west has been shoveling into their nations and are walking away.

The idea that we will have an armed revolution is pointless to consider. Things are just not bad enough and the gloss is off the utopian rose of the west so to speak. It's withering and as people around the world, (not in the western plantation) see this they see also that the western forces are spread so thin that mostly everyone can just point and laugh as their outdated and underperforming weapons are on full display in Ukraine.

The United States under the uni-party has ruined the brand and people are not buying the old routines of coming in and corrupting a puppet government into letting a color revolution put him or her in power while the western colonial war military complex open bases to quell opposition, sell weapons to them while raiding their natural resources.

That doesn't fly any more especially in Africa it seems.

And yet, there is every reason to have adequate fire power to keep your castle safe from marauding liberal insaniacs once their utopian dream ends and there is some chaos in their lives.
But a civil war? I doubt it. Things will never get as bad as the poverty leading to the French revolution here because the people control commerce now not the king.

However some clever hand held EMP pulse devices might come in very handy to turn off military equipment that somehow arrives to 'maintain order'. And a few of us are working on those little heart breakers.
Get some popcorn and sit back and watch the world change, think good thoughts and good things will happen. Here's some good advice...

- Klosov

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