Monday, September 18, 2023

No One Expects the Liberal Inquisition

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov placing my bet on the ones in the trees.

Well, Russell Brand is having his chain yanked for going too far out of the yard. And they are using the same old mantra of "he was a bad man in his youth" and there is no statute of limitations regarding behavior. Russell Brand is under a liberal inquisition attack. 

You know, consensual sex, fun, hallucinogen experimentation with the opposite sex, probably willing to be under the influence of the drugs and rock and roll provided by ...well you know who got that started here in the 60's....they started in the Kazarian Empire about 800AD.

Now they are just called the elite. Now anyone can be a member!

It's easy to be a citizen of this experiment you just have to realize that when a move produces the most pain it is the right move - because it was done correctly. (yeah, you should reread that last bit).

Yes things have changed, true enough. But the 'they' recorded everything all their pets, including Russell, were allowed to do; to control them later with blackmail and well constructed narratives employing innuendo if they ever got too much popularity or said too much...and the color of the 'Narrative story' changes from wow wasn't it great when we were young and left mostly alone to run wild and free having fun; rompin' and stompin'!


This was terrible use of fame to seduce poor women into sexing it up with him, someone fun and uninhibited during a time when the women were vulnerable (meaning naturally horny at that age like everyone is supposed to be)...

...and now, because there is no statue of limitations against the whims of the elite...Russell took it too far for them on Bill Mahar's show recently, politely discussing the facts about the obscene amount of money Jewish pharmaceutical owners have made from a poison...

...funded the by the saps, the taxpayers, at 'warp speed'...

...and paid to deliver to the arms of these same saps by government mandates to mask up and take it...or else for a virus that was admitted to have a 99.% survival rate...just like the common cold or flu.
It's an old dismal threat that they will back up with the police...don't take it and lose you livelihood or take it and lose your life...what'll it be kid!?

A "damn the torpedoes full warp speed ahead!" Idiocy that any rational person, like Russell and his writers, (I bet he has some) could see as a grift of epic proportion - then he proceeded to lay it all out succinctly and specifically on a nationally syndicated television show before Bill Maher or the guests or the staff in the control room - or the broadcast network owners invested in Pfizer - could stop him.

His got'cha moment... but did he weigh the reality described by Dostoyevsky to understand the risks? 

We will see...
And now will come the pundits with the worn out 'rise up and revolt before it's too late' articles that we've all heard over and over and over and over and....

First they came for Dr. Mercola
and no one stood up
then they came for Greg Hunter
and no one stood up
then they came for Russell Brand
and no one stood up

...then they came for you...

...and seriously, be confident... no one will stand up for you either. Don't be silly, its highly respectable of them becoming a Nathan Hale for a minute to excite the monkeys on the ground to act against tyranny but there a price that is paid these days. Why?

Because it's a shit show now-a-days as the elites sit high up in the trees like the foolish monkeys they are; jerking off and throwing their own shit down on the monkeys below that can't secure a place in the trees.

Correct me if I'm wrong on this...and that's why I'm putting my money on the guys in the trees.

But I liked you Russell, don't get me wrong, it took a lot of guts or purple microdot to go and lay it out on Bill's show. Good on ya!


There is a reason for the statute of limitations law. So get real about this youth fun bit. It's just the way it is:

More on Russell Brand:

COVID-19 was a GAE military operation, RFK Jr. reveals

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