Wednesday, January 25, 2023

They Kill rats now before they leave the ship

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - watching from the sidelines

Sir Oliver Klosov
What happens when a ship sinks? Who leave first?

The RATS of course. But Ukraine kills them before they can leave the ship and tell the world what the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens have been doing there. Mostly its money laundering billions of misappropriated funds raided from the collective wests treasuries into the hands of the know, the same old story of weak hands forced to hand over their wealth to strong hands. But the show is interesting to watch from the sidelines. The saying: The worlds a stage and the people are always cannon fodder seems appropriate nowadays.

The moves are breathtaking on this game board as the leaders of the collective west make their moves. Like Janet Yellen in Africa warning them not to deal with the eastern block because they will 'take advantage of them with trade deals' (translated, they will make money with you instead of us forcing you to hand over your wealth at gunpoint).

Or how the Ukrainian security services having already put a bullet in the back of the head of President Zelensky's top negotiator Denys Kiryeyev prior to CIA Director Burns arriving in Kiev, then CIA Director William Burns rushing to Kiev to secretly meet with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

Then coincidentally, shortly after CIA Director Burns left Kiev, a helicopter exploded killing the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky, his First Deputy Yevgeny Enin and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lubkovich assassinations that point to a CIA cover-up of Biden Crime Family activities in Ukraine before Russia obtains evidence when taking Kiev—and is a CIA cover-up that today saw Ukraine ousting from power a top President Zelensky adviser, four deputy ministers and five regional governors.

You need a score card to follow all these moves but a really interesting one is the Biden Crime Family corruption in Ukraine. well known by top Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska, who owns multiple large corporations in Ukraine.

To protect his Ukraine corporations from the Biden Crime Family, in 2018 it saw Deripaska seeking the advice of American citizen Sergey Shestakov, who was a former diplomat of the Soviet Union prior to obtaining US citizenship—to aid Deripaska, it saw Shestakov enlisting the services of top FBI official Charles McGonigal, the former head of counterintelligence in the Federal Bureau of Investigation New York City field office who received $225,000 in cash between 2017 and 2018 from the Chinese energy conglomerate working with Hunter Biden—and as part of the CIA cover-up to protect the Biden Crime Family, both Shestakov and FBI official McGonigal were arrested and charged yesterday with helping Deripaska evade sanctions, and taking money to investigate one of his rivals, otherwise known as the Biden Crime Family.

As to why Deripaska chose to work with top FBI counterintelligence official Charles McGonigal was because McGonigal triggered the Russiagate hoax against President Donald Trump and knows where all the bodies were buried by both the Biden Crime Family and Clinton Crime Family.

In the past, McGonigal also led the cover-up investigation of the 9/11 false flag attack. but there more!

McGonigal began his FBI career orchestrating the cover-up investigation of TWA Flight 800, that exploded on 17 July 1996 shortly after taking off from New York City killing all 230 passengers and crew. Not well presented to the public is that TWA Flight 800 became the first and only air disaster in American history investigated by the FBI, not the FAA, and was an FBI cover-up confirmed by President Barack Obama pilot Captain Andy Danziger, who mysteriously died in October-2015, just six months after he released his April, 2015 bombshell open letter "TWA Flight 800 Was Not Blown Up By A Faulty Fuel Tank; It Was Shot Down. I'll Always Believe That, And Here’s Why," wherein he revealed: "The FBI only summarized the interviews in its reports; the witnesses weren't permitted to see what was written or to review the reports, and the NTSB only received summary reports in which all personal information was redacted…And maybe most importantly, the witnesses weren't permitted to testify”

Quite a show, eh?!

So now the only questions is: Who will be the last rat standing in the killing field called Ukraine?

The rats ate all the food in the Ukrainian store house while the US continues to feed them:

Latest Resignation Scandal Reveals Massive Scope Of Kiev regime's corruption

While eliminating others:

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