Friday, January 20, 2023

Are we going to get cyber punked?

Editor's note: Of all the news coming out of the recent WEF 2023 meeting in Davos, the one news that caught our attention was the WEF predicting a "catastrophic cyber event in the coming within the next year." Those associated with Schwab's operation, like big tech, are not predicting a cyber event. They are planning to likely pull one off in 2023 to take the internet offline if only temporarily. And then when it is brought back on online after a couple of days maybe longer, it will be heavily censored and restricted. What's with all this talk about "misinformation" going around including this schmuck who was at CNN, Brian Stelter who now shows up as a hired "misinformation" gun (host) for the WEF? One reason could be that all the information circling around the internet could be now relegated to a "misinformation" classification. That would be all the reason these people working closely with big tech need to implement a "catastrophic cyber attack" to stop you from accessing good information. Then there is the latest from Elon Musk (his job is to hoodwink you): Trashing the WEF saying "the WEF is a front for world government." You don't say? Get Musk to answer this question: Why do the elite who showed up in Davos with $2,500 a night hookers (could be a planted story to enrage you even more) for after dinner drinks and some nightly entertainment (any children in that mix?) prefer gas powered cars over electric cars?

Source: Valiant News

Panelists Predict 'Catastrophic Cyber Event' At World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum panelists say a "catastrophic cyber event" is all but certain within the next two years.

By Andrew White | January 20, 2023
Panelists at the annual 2023 World Economic Forum summit in Davos, Switzerland are predicting that the world will face a "catastrophic cyber event" within the next two years. A clip of Jeremy Jurgens, the WEF’s Managing Director and head of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, made the chilling remarks this week based on the results of the organization's "Global Security Outlook Report 2023."

"We're here today to share the findings of the World Economic Forum’s Global Security Outlook Report 2023," Jurgens said. "The most striking finding that we found is that 93% of cyber leaders and 86% of business leaders believe that the geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years."

The report "examines the cybersecurity trends that will impact our economies and societies in the year to come," outlines how businesses should be more oriented to face potential cyber threats, and recommends an increase hiring cyber experts based on "diversity and inclusion" as a "broad solution."

"Cyber talent recruitment and retention continues to be a key challenge for managing cyber resilience. A broad solution to increase the supply of cyber professionals is to expand and promote inclusion and diversity efforts," an executive summary of the report states on page 4.

Please go to Valiant News to continue reading.

Some ancillary laughs:

World Economic F*ck'em

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