Saturday, January 21, 2023

Internet of Things (IoT): They Can See You Pee and Your Last Constipation Episode

Editor's note: Some supplemental reading before we get to the hard core stuff on surveillance, tracking and the mechanics of digital WiFi monitoring.

360 Degree Surveillance: How Police Use Public-Private Partnerships to Spy on Americans


No camera? no problem!!!

January 20, 2023

Two cell phones, or a laptop and a cell, or anything else with wireless (as long as there is a pair) can map you without a camera so accurately your body position is clearly known. This report says Wifi routers but leaves out the fact that anything with Wifi, even a camera or wifi memory card, can be used to track where you are and what your physical position is even if you have taped over all your cameras. LOVELY.

You can now be tracked this accurately with a Wifi signal alone. You know - Star Trek tricorder/robocop type image.

You can see in the center image the guy is dribbling a basketball and the wifi is fast enough to accurately capture that movement. Obviously this works through walls, which means your house can easily be scanned with the cheapest of the cheap cheap crap now, the advantage they are stating is that this method is a lot cheaper than spending money on a camera.

Internet of things, privacy lost. If this is published, they have been doing this with your WiFi devices for at least a decade. No wonder why we can never seem to win!!! I don't see any reason why they can't use this to simply produce full detail black and white images that have everything in the room shown, the green line guys are probably outdated fiction. The bottom line: Your WiFi is all the camera "they" need.

Your neighbor's WiFi is all the camera they need to scan your home, who says it needs to be YOUR signal they will use, and you can't tell every neighbor to shut it off. Looking at my WiFi neighborhood, I can be scanned from 37 different angles. OOPS, they just saw me pee, and they definitely watched that last constipation episode. THAT is probably what they are using at least some of those supercomputers for.


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