Sunday, December 4, 2022

We Are Going to See the Proxy Regime in Kiev Hanging From Scaffolds

Editor's note: The epitome of the genocidal and racist Nazi (see Newly Leaked Documents Reveal Network Of SBU Agents In Donbass) proxy regime in Kiev going after churches and priests. The proxy regime in Kiev is being pressed to the extreme by their enablers in the US and in the UK to antagonize Russia into an all out war. The Russian people have become enraged by this recent move by Kiev to go after churches and priests. But even worse, is that the regime in Kiev have sent Ukrainian soldiers fighting against Russia to a meat grinder and that is no exaggeration. The Russian military have saturated Bakhmut with MLRS missile attacks with devastating consequences. Sending the Ukrainian military up against the Russian military with and estimated 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead and an equal number horrifically wounded is not "genocidal?"

Source: War News 24/7

Zelensky fears for his overthrow: Persecution pogrom with dozens of attacks on churches & monasteries - The Orthodox Church under Moscow is outlawed

Great anger in Moscow: "Zelensky and his circle will be the first to be hanged"

December 12, 2022
Great anger has been caused in Russia by the new move of Ukrainian President V. Zelensky to outlaw the Orthodox Church under Moscow and to order the Secret Service SBU to carry out dozens of raids on Orthodox churches, religious institutions and monasteries.

The SBU even raided the 1,000-year-old Orthodox monastery of Pechersk Lavra in Kiev!

Officially, the Ukrainian security services were looking for saboteurs among the priests. The Ukrainian security service SBU has interrogated dozens of senior clerics, subjecting some of them to electronic truth tests.

More than 30 priests have been arrested for passing information to Russians.

The Ukrainian agency stated in its conclusion that it "found printed material that denies the existence of a native Ukrainian population, Ukrainian language and questions the right of Ukraine to exist as a state." 

Now we are talking about a Zelensky-Putin war until the end. Several Russian Officials are now speaking openly about the need to get the Ukrainian president out of the way at all costs before he destroys his entire people on the suicidal course he has set.

Zelensky and the Ukrainian leadership fear coup operations from within. This is the conclusion that many Russian analysts come to, and it makes sense. The Ukrainian Army has tens of thousands of dead, over 130,000, is without water, heating, etc. and without any possibility of recovery with Zelensky at the helm.

The Orthodox Church is outlawed

The government of Volodymyr Zelensky is preparing a law that will prohibit the operation of churches under the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine.

Many parishes and priests, mainly in eastern Ukraine, remained under the umbrella of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, which in May officially severed ties with the Russian Orthodox Church over the invasion of Ukraine. However, Kyiv is concerned that the latter still facilitates the infiltration of Moscow's agents behind the scenes.

And so, as part of a crackdown on Moscow-linked churches, Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council urged the country's government to draft the law after a series of raids on parishes and monasteries believed to be taking orders from Moscow in the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Please go to War News 24/7 to continue reading.

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