Thursday, December 22, 2022

Commercial Pirates - Captain Jack Zelensky Is the Foreign Sales Rep in Ukraine for US War Contractors

Editor's note: We agree with this assessment but at the same time the central banking model is based on war. There is no getting around this fact. The other aspect is people are going to have to die in order to strengthen the US economy post Ukrainian proxy war (see The Claim That The Ukraine War Advances US Interests Discredits The Claim That It's "Unprovoked") that is based on weapons manufacturing. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, foreign fighters and Russian soldiers are going to have to die. This is in addition to the massive carnage of property and thousands of civilians who have already been killed and seriously injured (not to mention appalling war crimes) and there is no end in sight. So far, an estimated $110 billion has been dropped into Ukraine. Ukraine's Zelensky is a pirate and is a weapon sales rep for Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrup Grumman. He even showed up in Washington with the appropriate military attire. There is no other way to interpret this war in Ukraine. Commercial pirates laundering money back into the US for weapons manufacturers. 
Captain Jack Zelenski in Washington walking off with an additional $44 billion for US weapons manufacturers.

US Weapons Industry Running the War in Ukraine 
By Dr. Benjamin Braddock | December 21, 2022

The money earmarked for Ukraine is largely going to the U.S. weapons industry. The defense establishment sees the transfers as a way to offload aging inventory and rearm with newly manufactured weapons, while also testing new weapons systems against a peer competitor in theater.

There is a pervasive idea that this is all just some benevolent giveaway to a foreign country but the reality lurking under the surface is that the defense establishment is making rational strategic moves to assure American military dominance for the future.

Europe is now spending significant amounts of their budgets for rearmament and building their militaries. The American defense industry will profit handsomely from this, with NATO becoming much more militarily powerful as well.

There is always chance of unexpected events to derail planning, but from a forecastable perspective the American empire looks to be very strong for many years to come. There are weaknesses in this regime, but other regimes have even bigger weaknesses.

Most America Firsters have a sort of schizophrenic demand for a post-war 50s/60s consumerist economy and lifestyle coupled with a pre-war noninterventionist foreign policy and traditionalist culture.

But these can't be coupled, you can only pick one set.

I've seen no convincing signs that the masses are willing to return to a republican form of government if it means giving up the privileges that come with empire. Therefore, the political system will continue to act as an imperial power rather than a national one.

Under that framework, this kind of prioritization makes sense. I don't like it, but I understand it.

Builds expertise and capital which can be later used in non-military manufacturing sectors.

See explosion in 50s/60s U.S. manufacturing dominance as a consequence of WWII.

This is how the "deep state" (Peter Dale Scott) works usually associated with "defense" contractors that ping pong back and forth precisely what they did during the "cold war." First Russia rolled out a new weapon system, then the US rolled out its version. The Russians are also testing out some serious killing machinery in Ukraine as well. The Russian military have been dropping laser guided artillery rounds right on top of Ukrainian military assets with pin point accuracy.

The US military runs deep through the media:

A good analysis of what it will take in terms of the US overtaking the Russians in Ukraine. And the Russians can do it far less costly.

Note: Speech protected under articles 18 & 19 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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