Friday, December 16, 2022

The Red Thread in the Pacific Northwest

Source: Technocratic Tyranny

By Vicky Davis | November 30, 2022

If you were a communist and your mission was to destroy an opposing military, what better way than become involved in base closings, military spending reductions and military community redevelopment? One of the great ironies of history will be that the U.S. Congress funded the communist movement in the communities of the military that allegedly defeated communism in Europe. The following is a historical sketch of how it happened and how they came to infiltrate the Pacific-Northwest.

The Marxist/Communist movement in the Pacific Northwest seems to be led by an organization called the Western States Center (WSC) located in Oregon. Recently while looking at the Oregon Secretary of State's business registry, it was found that a man named Dan Petegorsky was the Executive Director and Registered Agent for the WSC from 1996 to 2010. Prior to that, Petegorsky was the Western Regional Director for the Peace Development Fund (PDF).

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Banner of a community group supported by the Peace Development Fund showing the unmistakable black fist of communism.
Continue reading the history of PDF in particular, 1998 – Sustainable Communities noting community media projects and 2000-01, the Cross-Border program, 2006-2007, 30 year celebration of "building peace." "Sustainable Communities" was one of the task force initiatives of Bill Clinton's President's Council on Sustainable Development that was organized in 1993.

PDF: 30 year Timeline

In 1984, Peace Development Fund began an exciting new training initiative called the Exchange Project. In an effort to extend support beyond grants and help provide grassroots groups with better organizational, fundraising, goal-setting, and resource development skills . . .

Notice the Pacific Northwest groups trained by PDF.

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According to their history, the PDF was established as a non-profit in 1981.
The Peace Development Fund is more than a grant-maker: our model of philanthropy involves direct funding, advocacy where appropriate and partnerships built around mutual respect, sharing of resources, and transparency of planning and decision-making. We endeavor to be a key "go-to" foundation on issues of peace, human rights, social justice and environmental protection. We work to counter-balance dominant power structures by moving resources and sharing decision-making with activist groups and communities.
"In 1984, Peace Development Fund began an exciting new training initiative called the Exchange Project." In an effort to extend support beyond grants and help provide grassroots groups with better organizational, fundraising, goal-setting, and resource development skills . . ."
The groups that were trained by the Peace Development Fund constitute the Red Thread in the Pacific Northwest. Do searches on Portland, Boise, Spokane, Eugene for starters. Look at the names of the groups for the mission of the group.

In the PDF timeline, between 1992-1995, the Peace Development Fund:
PDF collaborates with the Center for Economic Conversion (CEC) and the National Commission on Economic Conversion and Disarmament (ECD) on the Conversion Leadership Project (CLP). The CLP was designed to assist selected model grassroots conversion projects through financial support and technical assistance in both conversion strategies and organizational development. The CLP's overarching objectives were to enhance significantly the effectiveness of conversion activities in achieving local and regional conversion of military economies to productive civilian activities and to promote demilitarization of our nation's foreign and domestic policies. . .
Please go to The Technocratic Tyranny to continue reading.

The only way Bolsheviks can fraudulently exist is by lies, lies and more lies...

They Lie Just About Everything

This is how corporate Bolsheviks think:

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