Sunday, April 3, 2022

Western (Including the Media) and NATO Support of Ukrainian Fascist Hyper Nationalist Motivated (Ethnic Hatreds) Atrocities

Editor's note: The Ukrainian military (and Georgian mercenaries) are committing horrendous atrocities on Russian soldiers and they are apparently not concerned about discovery providing images and video of their atrocities. They don't care what the world thinks. The Russian military left the city of Bucha (suburb of Kiev) and as they did, the Ukrainian fascist terrorists staged the killing of an alleged 80 civilians (see Sitrep: Operation Z) in order to make it look as though the Russian military were responsible for the killings. The UK media (British intelligence; British Bullshit Corporation Whitewashes Ukrainian Nazis) then started running news articles about how the Russian military were looting and pillaging in Kiev taking what was stolen to Belarus to be sold. The UK media is cunningly ruthless in their war propaganda. The war propaganda being put out by the UK's The Guardian is vile and disgusting. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the Russians are sacrificing themselves to end the horror terror criminal bitch state of Ukraine created by psychopaths. One thing is absolutely apparent: NATO (Five Eyes fully committed to Ukraine) needs to be fractured then dissolved. 


Source: South Front

Ukranian Soldiers Carried Out Executions of Russian POWs (Photos)
On April 3, the Ukrainian media exploded with alleged Ukrainian victories in the Kiev region, which was left by Russian forces a few days ago. Various fake videos were made in the region in an attempt to balme Russian soldiers in war crimes. The artificial hysteria supported by unprofessionally staged videos is aimed at "balancing" the numerous reports of war crimes of Ukrainian nazis confirmed by civilians from Mariupol, the Donbass region and other war-torn regions.

On April 3, a new horrifying photo was shared by Ukrainians on the social media. According to the Ukrainian media, it shows the "wounded" Russian soldiers who were left behind by their comrades. That was presented as another victory of the AFU.

However, it is clearly seen that the servicemen are not wounded, but killed. There are also their weapons laying next to the corpses on the ground.

Ukrainian nationalists did not take a long time to reveal the truth. More photos from the spot shared on the social media confirmed that another group of Russian servicemen was executed by the AFU.
After shocking videos of tortures and murders of Russian prisoners of war (POW) by Ukrainian nationalist militants shocked the international community and undermined the Kiev's "Western partners" who supported the murders with weapons, Kiev took unprecedented measures. Nazi fighters and "emotional Ukrainian soldiers" were reminded that they are members of the "Ukrainian, ie European Army" and it was prohibited to "share videos of murders of Russian POWs online", but not to commit crimes!

Earlier on April 1, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation claimed that Ukraine had informed London that it does not intend to comply with the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War. New cases confirm the fact.

Atrocities being carried out on Russian military:

SOTT has an updated more detailed analysis of the crimes and atrocities being regularly carried out by the fascist lunatic ethnically motivated hyper nationalists in Ukraine including what is happening in Bucha.

NewsReal: Bucha False-Flag - Sanctions Gas Theater - BRICS Dismantling Dollar Domination

The ethnic hatreds run deep in the region and few outsiders can really comprehend the level of this historical hatred:

Total loser strategy meaning it has been left up to NATO (reconstituted Nazis):

Look what is going on in the US. More of the same tight corporate relationship between the Pentagon and weapons manufacturers cutting sweet deals:

This is authentic journalism and reporting from Ukraine. Discard the shit the western media is vomiting out about Ukraine as the media is ramping up its propaganda to gear up for a larger war in Ukraine based on these incredibly false and fabricated accusations of atrocities being blamed on the Russia military. Gonzalo Lira presents a clear analysis of what is going on in Bucha (suburb of Kiev) after the Russian military reconnoitered for Donbas.

This is real war journalism...


Russia, Ukraine and the Law of War: War Crimes

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