Thursday, April 7, 2022

Chronology of British Control Over Cryptocurrencies - Call to Action

Editor's note: Make no mistake about it the British empire is in full control. The pirate City of London extending its full grip over the death cult of commercial warfare. The following republished material is a segment from a larger post put out by AIM on the British control over cryptocurrencies readers might find useful. Those who are profitting from cryptocurrency trading promoting the idea of their "decentralized cryptocurrencies to escape control" - and ultimately digital slavery - are not expected to do much since it would compromise their cryptocurrency investment payouts in US dollars. The entire AIM post can be found at:

Cryptocurrency Unmasked

Source: AIM

April 7, 2022

Given Daddy Venables' psycho-bio life, and Brother Sir Tony Venables' carbon credits advocacy at Oxford, Phil J. Venables' control of Goldman Sachs and Google clearly reveal their agenda to implement the British Pilgrims Society's "new world order" replete with sociopathic digital control of all financial, social and carbon-based life-form transactions on planet earth.

Call to Action:

1.  Close down all their offshore bank accounts where taxes have not been paid;
2.  Close down the Senior Executive Service (SES);
3.  Close down the U.S. Patent Office until British SERCO and QinetiQ are kicked out and the Office reformed without attorneys;
4.   Kick out the British Crown Agents;
5.   Kick out the Prince's Trust from America;
6.   Prohibit British peers from any involvement in U.S. government, education, healthcare, commerce, NGOs or government
7.   Close the Federal Reserve;
8.   Close the IRS;
9.   Demand that the Rothschilds and their interlocked banks disgorge holdings worldwide;
10. Do not implement cryptocurrency of any kind due to its endemically ruinous nature regarding property and privacy;
11. Stop debt slavery by usury or any other method of oppression;
12. Stop opium, cocaine and human trafficking;
13. Enable a truly free press; and
14. Return elections to paper ballots and bipartisan, unbroken chain of custody.

Please go to AIM to learn more then take action.


The tentacles of the British corporation Serco strangle America. It is likely Serco has complete control over the US national security state including control over the USPTO.

The British Crown Agents have control over USAID and feed intelligence to direct the "climate change" agenda:

The British are a major influence over the WEF and as such are moving to destroy Detroit:

The World Economic Forum's Plot to Murder Detroit

Close the Federal Reserve and restore a national bank:

The British empire current war on Russia:

US and Britain Are in a War With Russia

Henry 'Death' Kissinger was always aligned to the British crown and even admitted it in an obscure interview while he was acting as a double and possibly even triple agent for the KGB. It is likely Kissinger is either a Khazar or he has Khazar traits that are extremely malevolent towards humanity. 

Predatory Khazar Nephilim traits extended into Britain:

Actionable intelligence:

Leading to the total subversion and destruction of western societies:

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