Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Bandéristes

After having shown that the war in Ukraine was prepared by the Straussians and triggered on February 17 by Kiev's attack on the Donbass, Thierry Meyssan returns to the secret history that links the Anglo-Saxons to the Banderites since the fall of the Third Reich. He sounds the alarm: we have not been able to see the resurgence of Nazi racialism in Ukraine and in the Baltic States for thirty years, nor do we see that many of the Ukrainian civilians we welcome are steeped in Banderites' ideology. We are waiting for Nazi attacks to begin in Western Europe before we wake up.

VOLTAIRE NETWORK | By Thierry Meyssan | PARIS (FRANCE) | 12 APRIL 2022

Joachim Ribbentrop and Georges Bonnet sign the Franco-German Commitment to peaceful collaboration (1938).

This article is a follow-up to:

1.   "Russia wants to force the US to respect the UN Charter," January 4, 2022.
4.   "Washington and London, deafened", February 1, 2022.
8.   "Russia declares war on the Straussians", by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 5 March 2022.
9.   "A gang of drug addicts and neo-nazis", 5 March 2022.
11. "Ukraine: the great manipulation", March 22, 2022.
13. "The war propaganda changes its shape", 5 April 2022.


The massive support of the United States and its allies for the Ukrainian Banderites against Russia is comparable to the support of the same side in the early days of Hitler’s Germany against the USSR. Let us remember that absolutely all Western states without exception believed, at one time or another, that the Nazis were the solution to the economic crisis of 1929. Only they seemed to offer a credible alternative to capitalism. Of course, almost all of these people changed their minds when the Nazi danger turned against them. As an example, let us recall that the French Foreign Minister, Georges Bonnet, enchanted by the Jewish policy of the Reich, proposed to his German counterpart, Joachim von Ribbentrop, to deport French, Polish and German Jews to a distant colony, Madagascar [1]. On December 6, 1938, the same Georges Bonnet signed the Franco-German Commitment to Peaceful Collaboration with Joachim Ribbentrop, the Reich Foreign Minister.

British Prime Minister Neuville Chamberlain organized the Munich Agreement of September 30, 1938, which liquidated Czechoslovakia for the benefit of the Reich [2], while the Governor of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman, stole 27 tons of Czechoslovakian gold to help strengthen the Nazi armies [3].

Or Prescot Bush, the father of President George H. Bush and the grandfather of President George W. Bush, invested in 1940 in the factories of the Auschwitz prison camp (which only became an extermination camp in 1942) [4].

After the fall of Nazism, these people were not brought to justice. On the contrary, efforts were made to close ranks and to forget these felonies. Let us be careful not to repeat the same mistakes!
Radio Liberty in Munich. Stepan Bandera, the leader of the Ukrainian Nazi collaborators, and Said Ramadan, Hassan el-Banna's heir at the head of the Muslim Brotherhood, worked there at the same time.


During the Second World War, the theoretician of Nazism Alfred Rosenberg and Minister of the East (Ostminister) entrusted the Latvian Gerhard von Mende to organize the rallying of the peoples of the USSR to the Führer Adolf Hitler. In doing so, he devised a model for the manipulation of minorities that was taken up by the CIA after the fall of the Third Reich. With the help of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, Von Mende created schools for mullahs in Göttingen and Dresden, had a Grand Mufti appointed in the Crimea, and enlisted Eastern SS regiments. He was also the handler of the Ukrainian "nationalist" Stepan Bandera.

In Washington, Presidents Truman and then Eisenhower decided to focus on psychological warfare against the Soviets. The CIA created AmComLib (American Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of the USSR), which operated Radio Liberty from Munich. It recycled Gerhard von Mende. It was he who proposed the establishment of a mosque in Munich, which was eventually entrusted to Said Ramadan (the son-in-law of the founder of the Brotherhood Hassan el-Banna) [5]. It was also he who settled Stepan Bandera's problems and recycled him to MI6 and the CIA [6].

[Image] SS Division Das Reich

Stepan Bandera's former deputy and Nazi-imposed Ukrainian Prime Minister, Yaroslav Stetsko, was on the instructions of the Third Reich one of the founders of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) during World War II. He continued the ABN during the Cold War, this time for the United States. As such, he became a pillar of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) formed by the CIA [7].

The headquarters of the ABN was in Munich, from where Stepan Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko conducted sabotage operations in the USSR. The chairman of the ABN was the Dane Ole Bjørn Kraft, former chairman of the North Atlantic Council (the civilian authority that commanded the Allied

[Image] ABN

forces). Several operations were planned in collaboration with the CIA and MI6, i.e. under the supervision of Frank Wisner (Nicolas Sarkozy’s grandfather by marriage) and Kim Philby. But the latter betrayed the Crown and passed on information to the KGB, which failed [8].

One of Yaroslav Stetsko’s collaborators, Lev Dobriansky, became U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas, while his daughter Paula Dobriansky served as Under Secretary of State for Democracy (sic) in the George W. Bush administration. It was Mrs. Dobriansky who financed for ten years historical studies aimed at making people forget that the Holodomor, the great famine that hit Ukraine in 1932-33,

[Image] Azov Regiment

also devastated Russia and Kazakhstan, and to make them believe that it was decided by Stalin to eliminate the Ukrainian people. This myth is manipulated by the Banderites to make people believe that the Russians have hated the Ukrainians for centuries. The European Parliament endorsed it in 2008 [9]. Afterwards, Paula Dobriansky held high positions at the Reuters agency and now works at the Atlantic Council. She was vice-president of the NED during the Maidan putsch.

Please go to Voltaire Network to read more.

None of this matters of course to the US because US weapons and munitions manufacturers as well as the British will sell weapons to anyone through corporate private networks ("rat lines") running through the US, Britain and NATO. It is a mystery as to who exactly in Ukraine are going to be receiving all these alleged weapons going into Ukraine since as you can see from the linked Sitrep: Operation Z below, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are being killed, captured and surrendering.

Get real? How so? Too much profit in weapons and munitions sales. NATO is going to empty out their obsolete weapons and munitions stores into Ukraine and then purchase new stocks.

Putin's War in Ukraine Is a Watershed. Time for America to Get Real.

If this is any indication about what is being attempted in Ukraine we need to go back to this article. Thierry Mayessan in his article above linked an earlier article about "how stunned Israel is about the neo-Nazis" in Ukraine. No they aren't. That's just cover. The Judaic oligarch Ihor Kolomosky with the help of Victoria Nuland is financing the Azov fascists in Ukraine. Kolomosky also holds Israeli citizenship. The Ukrainians are in Israel apparently trying to cut deals with Israeli weapons manufacturers but so far have been turned down, however, there are other reports that Ukraine is receiving weaponry from Israel. Everyone of these weapon and munitions manufacturers want a cut of the action in Ukraine.



Milestones of Ukraine's Transformation Towards a Far-Right Puppet-State

Russia and Vladimir Putin are up against the centuries old western central banking commercial warfare Roman death cult: 

Russia Claims Ukraine War is 'Meant' to End 'Unabashed Expansion' of NATO and U.S. Military Domination 'on the World Stage'

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