Monday, August 16, 2021

The 4th Estate Infuriates Me

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent at Large

Sir Oliver Klosov.
I happened to watch a Fox new Sunday with Chris Wallace interviewing Mike Pompeo the former Secretary of state. 

I had to re-script this interaction. Here's what the American people really needed to hear...

Chris Wallace: Mr. secretary, now that the Taliban has retaken Afghanistan is there anything we can do to prevent terrorist attacks in America coming from Afghanistan now that we are not there?

MIke Pompao: Are you fucking kidding me? We were never at risk from terrorists before we started acting like terrorists. If Canada decided to 'Liberate' us do you think we would put up resistance because thats what the Taliban are in Afghanistan...fighting for their homeland. I could give a shit about who they pray to, its their country. However Well Chris if the truth be told, we should get into the 'way back' machine with Mr. Peabody the week before 911 and arrest the traitors inside the pentagon, think tanks and the war monger capitalists and make sure we never went. We should have arrested the Mossad operatives that loaded the twin towers prior to 9/11 in a false flag operation during the planned Global guardians war game that was practiced in the gulf of Mexico 90 days before and thrown these cheeze balls into prison.

Chris Wallace (jaw dropped to the floor): uh...uh...that's not the script here today. 

Mike Pompeo: Script? Fuck you, you weak minded wiper of other peoples bottoms. Our international standing has been lost by our continual 'nation building' and overthrowing governments to rape their natural resources in the name of 'liberation' to establish freedom and civil rights. What is it now? 90 nations we've destroyed?

Chris Wallace: But Mr. Secretary

Mike Pompeo: But what you little screeching magpie? (looking into the camera) Listen America, you need to gun up and man up and take this country back. Me? I'm going to Disney World....I read a book yesterday that changed my mind. You should read it.

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