Saturday, August 28, 2021

It's not if you're paranoid, it's if you're paranoid enough

International asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent at Large

Sir Oliver Klosov
Humans are pretty simple, they keep using the same patterns throughout history...especially the idiots that have stolen government... a form of stolen valor...they don't deserve any respect as they are THIEVES...only our readiness to fight and take them down...downtown to chinatown and fed to the pigs. 

Something big is coming if we don't fight it; using the vaccinated - unvaccinated 'for your own the cage in the back of a police car...'for your protection' excuse to commit a crime of a magnitude only a solar event could top...elimination of 90% of our species. You better wake the fuck up and get weapons and ammo...what happened in NAZI Germany is happening right under your nose.


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