Wednesday, August 25, 2021

DoHS Insider Blows Whistle on Int'l Child Sex Trafficking Gangs Exploiting 'Reasonable Fear' Loophole

Editor's note: Know your enemy, his patterns and his capabilities. 

The Department of Homeland Security (DoHS) is managed and its upper level executives are vetted by the Senior Executive Service (SES). The SES is full of rogue bureaucrats, white collar traitors, Pilgrim Society operatives and Crown Agents of the British Privy Council. 


August 25, 2021

Project Veritas released a new video Tuesday with a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) insider blowing the whistle on a federal government "loophole" that enables migrant gang members to get away with sex trafficking and other crimes.

The DHS Insider sat down with Project Veritas' James O'Keefe and explained how the current immigration system is broken.

This would be a huge story, if Joe Biden hadn't just ordered the execution of 10,000 Americans by abandoning them in Afghanistan and if we weren't living in an asymmetrical war that includes the weaponized migration of millions through the Mexican border.


DoHS Insider:
"Once an [illegal immigrant] informs the US government that they have some type of fear, or that their life is in jeopardy, or they'll be persecuted, or they may be tortured, they are put in what's called the 'reasonable fear [category]'…Once [a migrant gang member] makes the declaration of, 'My life is in danger and I may be harmed if I return home,' they're taken off the [Transnational Organized Crime] watchlist. That makes it a giant loophole…

"Some of these [migrant gang members] are encountered by Border Patrol and they're asked right away, 'Do you fear for your life if you are deported?' They'll say no, and then the next day they'll say yes.

"It's almost like they [migrant gang members] are coached, 'Hey if you get caught, just go ahead and say this.' 

"It is not true that migrant gang members are in danger if they were to be returned to their country of origin.

"These are the people that are causing danger in those foreign countries. That's why they're on the Transnational Organized Crime [TOC] watchlist. So, they are allowed to stay in the country while they wait for the asylum claims…They will be able to file for what is called the Employment Authorization Card. This essentially is a work permit, and they're allowed to stay legally under the protections of this [permit].

"This to me is a bigger problem than terrorism is right now within the country…Every single one of these Transnational Criminal Organizations are involved in sex trafficking."

These guys have absolutely nothing to lose...and they continue to pass through a porous US-Mexican border intentionally left open: 

Editor's note: On average, female military trainees do better on the shooting range than male trainees. The reason for this is because most American males at one time or another in their upbringing have had some type of an experience with ballistic weapons and consequently, have picked up some bad habits. Female trainees on the other hand, do not have this "problem," so there is an unlearning curve when they go through weapons training. This gives female military trainees an edge. There is also another important aspect that is overlooked. Male military inductees between the ages of 18 and 24 are driven by ego. 
Compared to males, females are driven by a survival instinct. When you run out of ammunition as a male you go hand-to-hand combat to kill your opponent. Since females are obviously disadvantaged in the muscle department wielding a combat knife, their weapon is the edge and their survival tool. For females in combat that weapon is their great equalizer. The greater their ability to deploy that weapon along with ammunition the better their chances are of survival with no ego involved. In a general way, females are more adept at group success dynamics. Females compared to males will put a clamp on their egos to do the necessary tasks required to survive. When it comes down to shear survival do you want people in your group who are ego-driven or survival-driven? Swallow your pride men, and start working out your group dynamics. Gear up women...because the DoHS isn't going to do it for you.

The US-Mexican border is wide open:

Deploy this...

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