Monday, August 30, 2021

Prochaine étape : reconstruire une meilleure plantation

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent at Large

Sir Oliver Klosov
Trudeau's sinking ship is just the beginning of the second act of the play. Japan calls for ivermectin, Denmark lifts all restrictions, Israel turns its back on the vaccine…. 

I suspect you will see this being presented as a win for the anti-vax side, but it's a ruse to lull them into a false sense of success in stopping the madness. In fact, it's a way to delay the correct response of overwhelming the government, and is being used as a military diversion tactic to quiet the outcry for justice, to run out the clock and get in place a 5G cell phone total totalitarian control grid. An internet kill switch will be practiced in October: test it and call it a solar flare glitch, a computer error, Rooski hackers… but it's a war game test. 

Cyber Polygon Concept 2021

The ever-expanding digitalization tightens the "interconnectivity between people", companies and countries – not to mention surveillance capabilities. The secure development of "ecosystems" across the globe "will determine the future of humanity for decades to come".

The genocidalists' depopulation goal has already been achieved: they have done the calculation and the number of vaccinated + number of breakout cases + variants + number of collateral inoculations = Mission Accomplished.

All the people who survive this "future determined for decades to come" are intended by the criminally insane globalist death cult to be the "new niggers" on the build back better plantation…. Now how about a false-flag event at the UN Building – its land provided by the Rockefellers (remember the Port Authority's World Trade Center?) – to celebrate 9/11 and generate misplaced sympathy for jetsetting globalists: would Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild be viewing the proceedings from their vulture perch at River House again?

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