August 13, 2021 | by Karl Haemers
Certain Jews continue to emerge into view as the Covid phenomenon grinds onward and upward. Previous essays explored the many Jews active in the pharmaceutical industry and public health agencies, developing, promoting and profiting from covid vaccines and other power plays. I also looked at Jews of the World Economic Forum, an epicenter of beneficiaries of the covid pandemic. Also in the news again recently, Dr. Joseph Mercola topped the list of the "disinformation dozen" identified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate and referenced by President Biden as the greatest threat to global public health, for challenging narratives about covid and vaccines. Previously, Mercola called out his defamation enemies, but I identified the real Jewish enemies he failed to name.
Not to say that the vaccine hysteria is some kind of Jewish plot, but it's no surprise that Jews as an integral part of our elite, are heavily involved. Now we examine one Jew in particular, stepping into the public spotlight to declare that Talmudic doctrine justifies medical tyranny and lockdown control.
Peter Hotez
Dr. Peter Hotez is a longtime proponent and promoter of vaccines and an ardent vaccines-cause-autism denier, even publishing a book whose title denies vaccines caused his own daughter's autism. Hotez complained when nineteen books questioning vaccines were better sellers on Amazon than his. Now twenty-eight precede Hotez's book. Hotez has offended many parents of vaccine-damaged children by calling them "a hate group. They are a hate group that hates their family and hates their children."
Hotez's essay of late April published in the prestigious science journal Nature, "COVID vaccines: time to confront anti-vax aggression," displays the author's militant aggression in the subtitle: "Halting the spread of the coronavirus will require a high-level counteroffensive against new destructive forces." Hotez rails against "anti-vaccine groups" and states "The bad guys are winning, in part because health agencies either underestimate or deny the reach of anti-science forces, and are ill-equipped to counter it." Hotez has a solution: "The United Nations and the highest levels of governments must take direct, even confrontational, approaches … and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States." This is typical of the militancy and violence-promotion of Hotez, who projects his own aggression onto others:
A high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the UN secretary-general could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures. The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril.Here Hotez equates people and groups posing legitimate scientific and medical questions about vaccine safety and efficacy with "terrorism" and nuclear Armageddon. He also equates these concerned people and groups with the political right-wing: "Many far-right extremist groups that spread false information about last year's US presidential election are doing the same about vaccines."
In his most recent tirade of July 28, "Mounting antiscience aggression in the United States," published in the journal Public Library of Science, Biology, Hotez develops his anti-right wing theme much more virulently, in fact leading with it in the summary: "There is a troubling new expansion of anti-science aggression in the United States. It's arising from far-right extremism, including some elected members of the US Congress and conservative news outlets."
The first of these enemies Hotez identifies is Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, Republican, who introduced a bill to investigate National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Disease director Anthony Fauci, whose many policy reversals, lies, exaggerations, obfuscations and conflicts of interest are now legendary. Hotez lionizes the man however, blaming Green for her "attempt to humiliate a prominent American scientist."
Hotez's partisan divide and conquer diatribe continues with a criticism of a Republican House Select Subcommittee to investigate the origins of the covid pandemic, as allegations emerged of Fauci's NIAID funding of the Wuhan virology lab. To Hotez, this is heresy, and he says "the hearings took on a sinister tone"—without giving any explanation other than "pointing fingers." Hotez also gives no data on his accusations that "Fox News anchors promoted fake claims regarding deaths from COVID-19 vaccinations." Tucker Carlson's data were taken directly from the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VARES).
VARES has received a lot of criticism over the years, some of it founded. Some critics have argued for a long time that VARES undercounts vaccine injuries. A report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 concluded that "fewer than one percent of vaccine adverse events are reported" by the VARES system. Fewer than one percent. So what is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured by the vaccine? Well, we don't know that number. Nobody does, and we're not going to speculate about it. But it's clear that what is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal. It's not even close to what we've seen in previous years with previous vaccines.Next Hotez cites three authors to support his thesis that the "far right" and "America First" faction is attacking scientists (including himself) in pursuit of a "modern day authoritarian regime": Steven Levitsky, Waldemar Kaempffert, and Anne Applebaum. All three are Jewish (Kaempffert I could not confirm, but his origins from New York City, views of "Nazis," and work at the New York Times are suggestive). This looks glaringly like a Jewish mutual admiration society. A glance at the current President's cabinet confirms it, as does a look at the President's primary speech writer. To Hotez though, the threats come from "Experts affiliated with far right-leaning think tanks" and "intellectuals on the dark web."
Most vaccines are not accused of killing large numbers of people. The Menveo vaccine, for example, is given to people around the world, often children, to prevent bacterial meningitis. In this country, only one person died from that vaccine in the entire period between 2010 and 2015. One. So, compare that to what's happening now. In just the first four months of this year, the U.S. government has recorded more deaths after COVID vaccinations than from all other vaccines administered in the United States between mid-1997 and the end of 2013.
Hotez demands two solutions: a letter of support from the President and leaders of federal agencies, and expanded protection for scientists from "right-wing extremists," including extending "hate crimes" laws to cover the fantasy "attacks", Hotez imagines. His first demand is likely to get fulfilled, given the general pro-vaccine stance of the administration. The second is a measure quite consistent with the anti-free speech attitudes that are now high on the wish list of Jewish organizations and the left generally.
To fully confirm the Jewish embeddedness of Peter Hotez, we refer to his 2017 essay "'Science Tikkun': Repairing the World through the Science of Neglected Diseases, Science Diplomacy, and Public Engagement." Hotez affirms that the Talmudic concept of tikkun olam translates as "repairing the world," something only the Chosen People are capable of, and something they are obligated to do for the rest of us. Here is how Hotez defines science tikkun:
We define Science Tikkun broadly as an added role for leading U.S. scientists to elevate the profile of their knowledge and findings, and educate leaders in the areas of government, business, religion, the military, the media and other sectors in order to improve the human condition.One of the ways the world is broken is within the human immune system, and one way that Talmud is going to fix this is through vaccines. Such is the logic of Peter Hotez.
Two years later in 2019 he revisited the concept in another PLoS essay titled "Science tikkun: A framework embracing the right of access to innovation and translational medicine on a global scale." Here he further explicates the concept of tikkun olam: "According to some religious scholars, the ancient Jewish framework of repairing the parts of the world still left undone after the creation arose some 500 years earlier during the 16th century." We must forgive Hotez his syntax here, since he is a vaccine promoter, not an accomplished author. He is not saying the creation arose 500 years earlier, but that the Jewish framework for repairing it did. This framework actually assumes the Creator left some aspects of the world un-created or under-created, and only Jews are capable of completing them.
Hotez is open about declaring a term for this new Jewish-completed world. He is concerned about "ensuring that the world's poor continue to receive access to innovation and technologies in this new world order." He deploys the term again in a broader summary statement:
The new world order of science and technology gaps engendered from the opposing forces of successes due to global vaccine and NTD [neglected tropical disease] programs versus opposing social determinants of shifting poverty and blue marble health [poor people in wealthy societies], urbanization, war and conflict, and anti-science movements affords us an opportunity to expand our science tikkun definitions. Here, I redefine it as initiatives led by scientists to address the innovation gaps in global health and neglected diseases allowing illness and disease not only among the world's vulnerable populations but especially among the huge numbers of poor living amid wealth and prosperity. A fundamental tenet of science tikkun is that vulnerable populations have a fundamental right to access innovation. In this context, science tikkun can take on several different dimensions.It goes without saying that these dimensions allow profiteering off of the world's poor through corporate techno-science, especially vaccines, and dismissal and suppression of any indigenous natural health approaches, termed by Hotez "anti-science." This is one example of how people like Peter Hotez are "repairing the world."
Of the twenty-six references Hotez lists for this essay, he is the sole author or co-author of twenty-three of them. He clearly doesn't have a low self-esteem problem.
We don't need people like Peter Hotez lecturing us about "right wing extremists" and "conservative media" threatening the lives of the world's poor by questioning vaccine safety. It's hard to think of an Extremism more of a threat to the world than the concept of tikkun olam being used to rationalize any and all proposals.
Real science would not only allow, but welcome study and debate of the vaccine safety issue. Hotez is part of the extensive cabal working to protect the pharmaceutical industry and global public health infrastructure from scrutiny. Many voices beyond Tucker Carlson have presented their data on vaccine safety, especially now when the CDC's own data shows extraordinary numbers of deaths (12366 as of July 30) in temporal proximity to covid vaccinations. Vaccine programs have been halted in the past upon evidence of far fewer deaths. Yet Peter Hotez denounces all this as right-wing conspiracy theory, because in his own mind he is uniquely qualified as a member of the Chosen People to fix what is incomplete about the human immune system. He considers it "anti-science" and I am sure "anti-semitic," to doubt him.
This is a damn serious and sobering possibility (seeking answers in this war against civilization):
The theories emerge (update on "best guesses"):
Nazism is Zionism:
This isn't surprising in the least. Now just imagine if there existed a well educated resilient and highly suspect general population? Predatory criminal corporations like Pfizer wouldn't exist.
Get ready:
Pfizer's lawyers and accountants set up shell companies to take the hit in legal cases for damages against Pfizer or to cover up criminal activity.
Pfizer - Pharmakeia 👹👀
— Verum Bellator (@VerumBellator1) August 15, 2021
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