Friday, March 19, 2021

The Greatest Crime Against Humanity

by Miles Mathis 

First published March 18, 2021

Many are calling the Coronafake the greatest crime against humanity of all time. Is it? Not even close. It is certainly a great crime against humanity, shocking in its transparency, but it isn't even the greatest one now being pushed. In the past century, it barely makes the top ten. Unless they make it permanent, it can't even compete with the purposeful destruction of art, the purposeful destruction of beauty, the purposeful destruction of music, the purposeful destruction of youth, the purposeful destruction of food, the purposeful destruction of air and water, the purposeful destruction of family, or the purposeful destruction of science. It is just a part of the purposeful destruction of health, which definitely puts it somewhere in the top ten, but by itself it hardly qualifies. Only as part of that larger theme does it perhaps leapfrog some of these others.

But even then, it isn't the biggest crime against humanity ever, or even the biggest crime against humanity currently being featured. That would be. . . the purposeful destruction of sex and sexuality
I sometimes get questions about the tranny project, but I can't answer them except in this way, by including the question of trannies in this larger umbrella project of destroying sex. Transsexuality and sister issues are usually sold as a continuation of the liberation project of the 1960s, tied to feminism, gay rights, and human rights. But that is all a smokescreen, since none of this is occurring naturally. It isn't any form of progress, which is why I can consider myself a liberal and progressive while still being against it. Transsexuality is just a part of a much larger project, and I use the word project on purpose: it is another CIA project, founded and funded by the Phoenician Navy for specific purposes. There is no doubt about that, and you have to be dead asleep not to see it.

Primarily, sex and sexuality are being destroyed to control population growth. Someone thought making us all confused little eunuchs, chopping off our dicks and breasts, would be an efficient way of getting the world population down fast, and it may work. But there are many other goals here as well: the destruction of masculinity lowers the threat of revolution; specific groups can be targeted, such as the poor or the financially useless, making this a form of mass eugenics; and it can also be used by the Phoenicians to target a more general enemy—Gentiles. By giving the ruling class a pass on this sexual destruction, their people—whoever they are—will be given a breeding advantage. Knowing this project is a fake, they will be able to avoid it while the rest of us are decimated.

Ultimately, this project will fail, since the rulers aren't just targeting us here, they are targeting Nature. They can't win against Nature. In the long run she is sure to win. But they can cause incredible amounts of chaos and harm, and already are. They can't destroy sexuality, but they can pervert it and suppress it, using it as a weapon against their targets.

Seen in that light, perhaps you can understand that there is no such thing as transsexuality. It is just another mass theater project of Intelligence, complete with a bag of stupid new terms and rules you are expected to memorize. A top example would be the word "cisgender", which means identifying as the gender you were born to. I hope you can see that "cisgendered" is just another word for "gendered", making it redundant. In almost all cases, gender is a biological fact, not a choice. You are born gendered, and "identification" has nothing to do with it. You can't choose to be the opposite sex anymore than you can choose to be a different color or to be a different species. You are free to pretend to be those things, but that is a different question. You can pretend to be a tiger or a unicorn all you want, but that doesn't make you one.

Besides, the clinical prevalence of gender dysphoria is on the order of .00005 of the total population, or five people in 100,000, so we don't really all need to learn a new vocabulary for this. If five people in 100,000 were born green, we wouldn't need to coin a new term for "born non-green” and all memorize it, would we? "Hi, I am a cis-colored human, glad to meet you!" The absurdity of the whole project passes all bounds. I can tell you that, outside this paper, I will never use the word cisgendered.

I say "in most cases", because of course there are hermaphrodites, born mixed, and they have to choose what they wish to be to a certain extent. Being both male and female, they can be one or the other or both if they like. But there is no way we can all be treated as hermaphrodites without making a huge purposeful mess of the whole subject. Which of course is the point: we are being taught we are all hermaphrodites, for the express purpose of destroying all solidity and permanence. Nothing could be a clearer sign of Project Chaos.

And of course this makes the term cisgendered even stupider, because most of those who have gender dysphoria are hermaphrodites. In fact, what they now call intersex is far more common than gender dysphoria. About 1 in every 2000 babies is intersex, which is a lot more than you might think. That means it is ten times more common than gender dysphoria, which barely makes any sense. It would imply that only one in ten intersex people are confused about their sexuality. Which would imply that even with mixed chromosomes or genitalia, most people know who and what they are. They are either born knowing or they make a firm decision and are fine with it. For this reason, I think it would be interesting to hear what some of these non-dysphoric intersex people think about the current project. My guess is a lot of them aren't really onboard. But of course you won't hear from them. You will only hear from the ones paid to cause trouble.

But even hermaphrodites are not transsexuals. They have not switched from one sex to the other. If anyone cannot be a transsexual, it is a hermaphrodite. Being both, no switch could possibly be involved.

So when I say I don't believe in transsexuality, that is what I mean. It isn't a real movement, being no more than an another CIA project. Most of the transsexuals you are sold in the media aren't transsexuals, even by the given meaning, since they haven't had any surgery. They are just crossdressing agents from CIA actors equity. You can believe they are real trannies if you like, but I don't. I don't believe anything I am told anymore, but especially things I am told by the media, academia, big tech, or government.

Don't bother sending me hate mail or making death threats, because I don't believe in that, either. All death threats and hate mail are generated from the same place as the tranny project: Langley and the psychological operations units on every military base in the world.

Besides, I happen to think I have a right to think what I wish, and to write it down. And I don't just think I have that right: I actually have that right. It is called free speech. If you are free to think you are a tranny, then how can I not be free to think you aren't? If I had species dysphoria and thought I was a dog, would you have to confirm my identity? No. My dysphoria would be my own problem, wouldn't it? What if I started identifying as a god, based on my ultimate personal freedom to do so?

Would you have to treat me as one? If I demanded worship, would you have to kneel?

No, the whole idea of government forcing people to accept CIA projects is the very definition of tyranny. Forcing people to believe in transsexuality is like forcing them to believe in the Moon landing. Which may be the next step. If you can fine people or jail them for not believing in transsexuality or the Holocaust, soon the whole world will be locked up or paying in installments for not believing in Trump's hair, Biden's nose, or Anderson Cooper's integrity. After watching the 6 o'clock news, you will forced to sign an affidavit confirming you fully believe and accept every story, down to the weather report.

Which proves I am not transphobic. Phobic means fear, and I have no fear of transsexuals. I don't fear them, I dislike them, which is not the same thing. I dislike them because I am sure that most of them are CIA agents, and the rest are disgusting. I have zero interest in being around cross-dressing or genital-mutilating people, and that was true before transsexuality became a thing. I didn't wish to hang out with cross-dressers back in the 70s or 80s, so why would anything have changed for me? Am I supposed to find them more fascinating now that they have allegedly had surgery? No. They are not required to like me and I am not required to like them. I understand that a lot of people don't like me, for whatever reasons they may have. I am fine with it. I don't require they like me. I don't pretend that they are Miles-phobic. They don't fear Miles, they dislike Miles. Fine. They do their thing and I do mine. That's how life is.

You will say the difference is, I am trying to outlaw them while they aren't trying to outlaw me. They aren't denying that I exist. Hah, exactly opposite to the truth, as usual. I am not trying to outlaw anyone, I am simply refusing to fall for the project. And of course many people ARE trying to outlaw me and deny I exist. That would be the same people running the tranny project: the CIA. They deny I exist all over the web, trying to convince people I am a limited hangout, a disinfo project, or the front for a writing committee. And they do want to outlaw me, since they would love to de-platform me somehow, either by destroying my websites or by revoking my free speech. I am already unwelcome at Yahoo, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and many other places, and Google is attacking my site rankings. Trannies are being promoted like never before, while I am being censored and suppressed like no one ever before. They used to call me the New Leonardo, but I am becoming the New Galileo: the only thing left is hauling me before an Inquisition.

At any rate, I bring not peace, but a sword, and that sword isn't for poor trannies. They have been cut up enough by our society, and any real ones have my pity. I may not wish to hang with them, but my sword isn't raised against them, it is raised against those who are running the big destruction schemes against sexuality, family, art, science, and health. The trannies are victims just like me, though they may not realize it. We all are.

I don't believe in trannies, but I do believe in mental illness. All of us are now mentally ill to some degree or another, and it is because we have been brought up in a society run by psychopaths. To the extent we believe what we have been told, to that extent we are mentally ill. The umbrella project of the past century, Operation Chaos, was promulgated with the express purpose of making us mentally ill, since the mentally ill are easier to control. A growing segment of the population is mentally ill to a marked degree, and those who now think that gender is a matter of identity are among the furthest gone. I don't think that many people really believe it, since it is not believable, but with the mentally ill, what they actually believe isn't the point: it is what they say they believe. The governors don't care what you really believe in your heart of hearts. What matters to them is what they can make you say. They know that with enough pressure, they can make you say anything, and enough pressure has now been applied to make a fair percentage of people say they believe gender is a matter of identity. They have to say they believe it to maintain acceptance in their group. If they are liberal like me, their group is now pushing this idea hard, and most people aren't strong enough to push back. They aren't strong enough to say, "friends, that idea was planted in our group by Intelligence, and we should tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine". They can't do that because they have been taught that sentences like that don't sound liberal. Liberals don't talk like that, conservatives do. Only conservatives make strong "black and white" statements like. Only conservatives are conspiracy theorists who dislike the CIA. Liberals are "nice" people who want to get along. They are squishy relativists who don't have strong opinions.

None of that is true, since liberalism has nothing to do with relativism, but these are the divisions we have been taught. The rulers have wanted to destroy liberalism, so they have purposely linked it to every weak-kneed belief in history, including relativism, conformity, equal-time, and anti-hierarchy. This guarantees that no one with any sense or strength will join the new liberal parties, assuring their self-destruction and self-immolation.

But let us return to what I just said about the governors making you say you believe things. That is a key here, and I don't want you to have missed it. Because that is how they break you. Applying this terrible pressure to you to force you to say you believe things you don't believe, in order to remain in the group, is the greatest tool they have in destroying sexuality and all these other things. The destruction of science, art, health, family, and all the other top ten would not be possible without first destroying the individual, and this is how they accomplish that. For once you have reached the point you will say you believe something you don't, you are toast. You have been broken. Your inside does not match your outside, and you remain aware of that. A raging suppressed conflict has been created, and this conflict is the source of all neurosis, psychosis, and other mental illness. You may have other internal conflicts, but this is the main one one that feeds and reinforces them all.

Sounds awful, but the rulers love it. They installed it on purpose, since it achieves many things for them. To start with, it makes you a consuming machine, consuming psychiatric and other medical products at an accelerating pace. But you become a better consumer of everything else as well, including compensating products of all kinds, including alcohol, tobacco, porn, junk food, guns, ammo, and entertainment. Being broken makes you more desperate to fit in, which makes you even more susceptible to media and all its propaganda.

As far as the trannies project goes, we know it isn't an isolated case of progressiveness or even less a natural outcome of history, because we see it arriving pre-packaged with a lot of other transparent and absurd propaganda, including—as I have already mentioned—the perversion of language. Words are being redefined, coined, and outlawed at an incredible pace. See the delisting of all kinship terms like mother, father, son, daughter, etc. What does that have to do with trannies? Nothing, but it does fit into the larger destruction-of-sex project. And notice that the destruction of kinship terms also destroys family at the same time.

They are even trying to delist all the words for "breast", like boob, tit, and all the others. Not because those words are slang or derogatory, but because they are normally applied to females. They want you to believe females don't exist anymore. The words female and male are being delisted as well. You aren't a male or a female anymore, you are a person with identity and infinite freedom—except the freedom to refuse all this shit. If you refuse it, YOU will be delisted.

Again, there isn't a chance in hell this will stick. The word projects will be forgotten as quickly and as fully as Ebonics. But the damage it is causing won't fade so fast, since the chaos will not end. When this project fails it will be followed by another one even more asinine and more divisive, since you will remain a target until you forcibly remove the bullseye painted on your ass.

I am telling you one way to do that is to refuse all their new terms, in this field and all others. Keep using the words you have always used, the older the better. You don't need a new lingo every year. If people claim to be offended by normal words, ignore them: they are probably agents. Yes, language is always in flux, and you can always find better ways to express yourself. But that will be done by consulting an old dictionary and making some rational choices, not by letting the CIA feed you terms. I advise you to look backwards for better words, not forwards. Although that sounds reactionary or regressive, it isn't. The CIA has flipped everything, and culture is devolving at an astonishing pace, both physically and intellectually. So if you want to be smarter and more sensible, you actually have to return to the past. A lot of the words and ideas of the 19th century are far more progressive than the words and ideas now, so hit the archival books sections of Ebay and Abebooks instead of current events sections at Barnes and Noble or the New York Times. If you do, you may figure out how to get that target off your ass permanently.

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In the UK oligarchs there "deliver cognitive impacts" to keep their peasant/slave class in line and under control.


This is absolutely related because it involves sexual pathology:

Recent evidence supporting the above essay:

Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity

Some of the origins of gender ideology and critical race theory being spawned out of intellectual cesspools referred to as universities in what was once "America":

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