Monday, March 29, 2021

1666 to the Age of Corona - Bankers and Other Rogues (Parasitical Elite) - Battle of the Boyne - Class of Usurers - East India Company - Private Control of Money - City of London Gets Torched - Founding of the Bank of England in 1694 - The Same Criminal Banking Superstructure Through Time - Nothing New Under the Sun

The Year the Bankers Set Fire to London 

First published March 27, 2021 

My working title doesn't exactly bury the lede, so let's get right to it. The Great London Fire was the clandestine operation of the City of London's banking and business cabal, its purpose being 1) to divert public attention from the cabal's legislative schemes and 2) to accelerate the national debt and ultimately achieve a "great reset" of the financial system. More on that later. The connection is almost too obvious to avoid, yet virtually every historian avoids it, since they are paid to. I'm not going to convince you by painstakingly unfolding the details of the event. My method will be much simpler and more convincing. All I need to do is show you the lasting financial and political impact of the fire and who were its beneficiaries, and it will become apparent that those same actors must have had a hand in its creation. Nowadays all history must be read backwards in this way, starting with effects to get at the cause, since we know that historical events are dominated by a very small cadre of actors, mostly bankers and other rogues from ancient lines.

Speaking of Bankers and Other Rogues, the first clue that sparked my interest in this topic came from a little book of that title by Alexander Del Mar. Del Mar was the Director of the Bureau of Statistics and the Mining Commissioner to the US Monetary Commission of 1876. Del Mar doesn’t say anything about the London fire, but he does point our attention to the significance of the year 1666 for the banking system. In his own words: 
From the remotest time to the seventeenth century of our era, the right to coin money and to regulate its value and by limiting or increasing the quantity of it in circulation, was the exclusive prerogative of the State. In 1604, in the celebrated case of the Mixed Moneys, this prerogative was affirmed under such extraordinary circumstances and with such an overwhelming array of judicial and forensic authority as to occasion alarm to the moneyed classes of England, who at once sought the means to overthrow it. These [means] they found in the demands of the East India Company, the corruption of Parliament, the profligacy of Charles II, and the influence of Barbara Villiers. The result was the surreptitious mint legislation of 1666: and thus a prerogative – which, next to the right of peace or war, is the most powerful instrument by which a State can influence the happiness of its subjects – was surrendered or sold for a song to a class of usurers, in whose hands it has remained ever since.
Del Mar goes on to detail exactly how this was done:
The object of the East India Company, their backers the landlords of England, their colleagues the goldsmiths of London, and their agents in Parliament…was: First, to remove the restriction upon the exportation of coins and bullion. Second, to get rid of the State seigniorage upon the coins. Third, to usurp the prerogative of coinage for themselves.

These objects they accomplished by means of separate measures… By this device the extent and importance of the alteration escaped attention.
In other words, by tucking the necessary language into separate pieces of legislation spread over many years, the British citizenry were kept in the dark about the full implications of these Parliamentary acts. Sound familiar? They use this same tactic to this very day.

The first two goals were accomplished by the 1663 Staple Act, while the third and final nail was hammered in by the 1666 Coinage Act. The stated goal of these laws, as Wikipedia puts it, was "to facilitate the overseas operations of the charter companies." That's a delicate way of saying these laws essentially gave the East India Company completely unchecked freedom to import and export as much gold and silver as they wanted for their own profit, and even minting their own coins with the EIC logo rather than the royal English seal. Put simply, the EIC became its own sovereign nation, which has since proliferated into the all-powerful corporatocracies that shape our modern world.
Here is an Indian Half Anna from 1835. Notice the insignia looks like an official government seal; but it isn't. It's the crest of the EIC, which was a private, for-profit company. just like the Federal Reserve insignia printed on every U.S. bill looks like, but is not, an official government seal – since the Federal Reserve is an unregulated consortium of private, for-profit banks. The whole modern central banking system can be traced back to the EIC and its close associates in the goldsmith’s guild, the peerage, and Parliament. The motto of the EIC (shown in abbreviated form on the coin) tells you as much: Auspicio Regis et Senatus Angliae. This is usually translated "by command of" or "under the authority of" the king and senate of England, but of course the literal translation is "under the auspices of". In case you don't know, that means with the support and approval of. Legally, it does not have to mean you are doing it for them or that you even answer to them. That means the entire country of India was not ruled by the British government but was in fact the property of a private corporation for over two centuries. (India is still owned by private interests, of course, unless you are naïve enough to believe its citizens actually gained "independence" in 1947.)

But the fact most pertinent to our topic is that 1666 marked the legislative replacement of sovereign money with private money in England, and only months before the Great London Fire. To understand how these events connect, let's jump ahead to 1683, when the City of London Corporation defaulted on its loans. This is the first major default in modern history that is well-documented. I refer you to the research of Nathan Sussman. Here is his reconstruction of the City of London's financial situation:
This graph is worth a thousand words, as it clearly shows the cause and effect of the 1666 fire and the 1683 default. In case you didn't know, the City of London Corporation was not (and to this day is not) a government body, but a private, for-profit corporation as its name suggests. It was to land what the EIC was to sea. The City of London is essentially a sovereign nation located geographically within – but totally independent of – the political entity known as the Kingdom of Great Britain. As Sussman notes, it "enjoyed privileges and rights, especially lack of control by Parliament and lack of accountability to any other institution in England." Inside the City of London are the corporate headquarters of the banks and their various financial operations centers.

So, the Great Fire was directly responsible for the 1683 default of the City of London. So what? Well, the City of London's financial issues led to the Parliament initiating a Quo Warranto trial against it beginning in 1681. In other words, terminating its charter and thereby revoking its sovereignty. They accomplished this in June 1683. Sounds like a good thing, right? Except that revoking its sovereignty meant the Corporation was no longer a legal entity responsible for its debts. When it defaulted a few months later, there were no repercussions for any of its shareholders. No one went to jail and no one paid a dime. Who was hurt in all of this? The taxpayer, of course. Look at the previous graph again, and you'll see the Corporation had been receiving government funding through the Orphan Fund, a.k.a. taxpayer money. And yes, the Orphan Fund was supposed to be going to orphans, not to rich capitalists and aristocrats. What's more:
The informed and wealthy managed to bail themselves out before default.
If you're lost at this point, let me unwind it for you. Rebuilding London after the Great Fire caused an explosion in the City of London Corporation's debts, forcing it to default 16 years later. But through some legal maneuvering none of its shareholders were ever held responsible for this unpaid debt, much of which was borrowed directly from the Treasury and the Orphans Fund. Of the remaining loans provided by private individuals, the average Joes were left holding the bag while the well-connected investors got all their money out in time.

But it gets worse. The default of the Corporation was only one of two major defaults precipitated by the Great Fire. The other was the default of the Crown itself in 1672, which triggered the Great Stop of the Exchequer. The king at this time was Charles II, a descendent of the northern crypto-Jewish Jagiellonian dynasty that Miles has formerly traced all through the royal lines of Europe.
It seems one of Charles' primary tasks was to ratchet up the national debt as much as possible. He did this through the Third Anglo-Dutch War among other things. By '72 the Crown was no longer able to service its debts and ceased repayments to the goldsmith-bankers. Here we get the meat of it:
One important legacy of the Great Stop of Exchequer was the founding of the Bank of England in 1694. The founding of the Bank of England put an end to defaults such as the Great Stop of the Exchequer. From now on, the British Government would never fail to repay its creditors.
We are told lots of sob stories about bankers who lost their shirts when the government defaulted. It's possible some bankers at the bottom of the totem pole were burned, but on the whole it was a massive boon for the banking industry, since the creation of the Bank of England guaranteed the bankers would always be repaid. How exactly that follows is left vague, but I can give you a clue. The Bank of England was the frst institution legally allowed to issue loans without any assets to back them. They simply created loans out of thin air, which nevertheless had to be repaid with real money plus interest. This is the central fraud of the modern banking system, which most people still don't get, even though the Bank of England itself admits it. This is how the bankers ensured they would always be repaid: when you only lend out Monopoly money, even the smallest repayment becomes gravy.

But that still leaves the question: who specifically was behind the fire? To give you a clue, the fire occurred during the longest-running Parliament in English history, known as the Cavalier Parliament. It lasted from 1661 to 1679, accounting for 18 years of Charles II's 25-year reign. That should raise a huge red fag, indicating that the bankers had several high-priority agendas that needed rubber-stamping during this time. Indeed, a quick read through its Wikipedia page shows the Cavalier Parliament's 18 years were a time of pretty much constant crisis in England, followed by fascist legislation and sundry nefarious dealings. Remember, this was the very beginning of the Restoration period, immediately following Cromwell's Commonwealth. Reading history backwards as we are now obliged to do, it's clear the Commonwealth era was simply a setup for the Restoration, during which time some of the most fascist and pro-banking legislation got pushed through – all with the approval of Charles II and the Cavalier Parliament. This included the Corporation Act and Clarendon Code which gave massive power to the protestant (Komnene controlled) church; the Quaker Act which curbed religious freedom; the Licensing of the Press Act which gave government power to censor the press; laws promoting the English linen industry (who would want to do that? I'll give you one guess…) and various mercantilist laws that gave special privileges to the EIC; the highly unpopular hearth tax, which required tax collectors to go inside people's homes to count hearths; and the infamous Poor Laws which were laws against the poor, not for them. Speaking of which, it was under the Cavalier Parliament that England's pauper population grew to unprecedented numbers, which just goes to show how unabashed these wig-headed aristocrats were about enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else. It was the most blatantly corrupt government Britain had ever had up to that point. They even made up a fake story about tax money earmarked for the Second Anglo-Dutch War being embezzled by court officers as an excuse for why the war had gone so badly. In reality, it was the wig-heads themselves who pocketed the money. Charles II launched an investigation into the embezzlement accusation which, surprise, surprise, turned out inconclusive.

The two-party Whig and Tory system can also be traced back to the Cavalier Parliament. A subgroup had formed a loose association known as the Cabal Ministry – an early prototype of the modern-day cabinet system – which was accused of being more or less a "deep state". (There's nothing new under the sun, is there?) In response, a group of MPs formed the Country Party, bound together "by their suspicion of corruption in high places". Controlled opposition, no doubt – I wouldn't be surprised if their slogan was "drain the swamp" or "MEGA" (Make England Great Again).

Point being, the Cavalier Parliament had absolutely no scruples, making it far easier to entertain the thought that they could have deliberately orchestrated the Great London Fire. They had already figured out that crisis = profit and had proven themselves competent administrators of this business model.

But let's name some names. Remember that Del Mar averred that the aristocrats in Parliament were in league with both the goldsmith-bankers and the EIC to engineer the final substitution of private money for sovereign money in 1666. Was there someone with ties to all three? There were several, but Sir Josiah Child makes an easy case study. In fact, Del Mar calls him the "arch intrigant" behind the 1666 Coinage Act.
He was an economist, mercantilist, politician, and Governor of the East India Company. His father Richard was a "merchant of Fleet Street". We get the usual lie about his coming from common stock and working his way "after much struggle" (those words come directly from his Wikipedia page) to become an "agent to the Navy Treasury". What that job entitled is anyone's guess. He "amassed a comfortable fortune", though we aren’t told how, and became a "considerable" stockholder in the EIC. This was all in his 20s, mind you. By age 28 or 29 he was elected to Parliament. He was later re-elected to Parliament in 1673, during the Cavalier Parliament. Del Mar even tells us that Child wielded his influence to keep his buddies in Parliament, which pretty much tells us that he was the unspoken leader of the Cavalier Parliament.

But did he have banking ties? They try to hide them, but the link is his father's connection to Fleet Street. That was one of the main arteries of the City of London, and two of the highest profile banks had their headquarters on this street, including Hoare & Co. and…Child & Co.

Child & Co. is the third oldest bank in the world today and the oldest bank in the UK, predating the Bank of England. It is believed that the bank became the model for Charles Dickens' fictitious Tellson's Bank in A Tale of Two Cities. It has one of the most exclusive client bases of any bank in the world, including the Big Four professional services firms of Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. It was started by Sir Francis Child.

Please go to Updates to read the entire essay.

Linen industry controlled by the City of London's 3rd of 108 Worshipful Companies the Worshipful Company of Drapers (wool and cloth merchants):

Esoteric history of the establishment of central banking related to the ritual Battle of the Boyne involving Charles II discussed in the above essay. The ground work was prepared for the control of private money:


Ireland: The Land of the Pharaohs (online book and highly recommended)


Bringing us up-to-date to "modern" times after 500 years of private central banking and their magic money delivers this on our back doors...
"I'm going to delete your bank account."

"I'm going to delete your DNA"

"I'm going to delete your Facebook account."

"And I'm going to delete your society."

What is the way out of this? Know the law, yourself and history. Understand this has to be a holistic and systems approach. Know where you stand in law. Then extract yourselves with a sense of urgency.

Gemstone University (overview of the world system of bondage)


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