Monday, March 15, 2021

Extortion: Take the Covid Injection to Return to "Normal Life"

Editor's note: This communist interviewed by CNN slipped up and stated the real reason for the Covid lockdowns was to enforce the vaccines (injections and a medical procedure). The communists dangle the carrot out of a legitimate pandemic and a legitimate vaccine (injection). If either the pandemic or the vaccine (injection) were legitimate, this in and of itself would be the carrot dangling in front of the horses nose. What the communists are proposing though, is slavery, confinement and economic and financial punishment as the "carrot" to accept the injections and whatever the hell ingredients are contained in the injections.


Covid injection carnage being archived:

BOMBSHELL: Doctor Loses 22 Patients After COVID Vaccine

In the injection manufacturer Moderna's company nomenclature off their website, Moderna stated somewhere their injections were a "software of life." Maybe this was debunked or meant in a different context, but what is clear now is that with CRISPR it is being alleged "dual-core computers can be built inside human cells. Using CRISPER are these Covid injections the interface for 5G and 6G technology?

A compiler for biological networks on silicon chips

Interesting character (check Weissman's image out on Wikipedia with the face mask on). Weismann is connected to University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Business School) where social impact bonds are being developed that seem connected to these injections in some strange way:

Drew Weissman

The next act for messenger RNA could be bigger than covid vaccines

This is extremely dangerous what is happening with Covid and what these injections are doing. It is not surprising the available information on Covid injections and the Covid "pandemic" is intentionally made confusing so that no one will be aware of what is actually coming at us:

Is this astroturfing for the pharmaceutical companies?

A Coming COVID Catastrophe!


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