Friday, May 8, 2020

Technology and the Sabbatean Cult - Retarding Ethical and Moral Development - A.I. Developing the "Brain" - Masons Doing "Research" - Light Lodges/Dark Lodges

Ed.'s note: That title is going to leave a lot of people scratching their heads. We recently pulled out some history and republished it here pointing out the Masonic lodge Henry Kissinger (remember that film Dark Side of the Moon?) has been associated with, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. We would prefer not to use the term "Illuminati" because it is not an exact description of these Masonic networks. The following material was pulled out of the dustbin of history and republished to illustrate further these Masonic networks weaving their way into Israel. If you want to learn more about the "Illuminati" in historical context, the book Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati is perhaps the best authoritative source.


For our purposes here, we want to start to find out why this Masonic cult goes into Israel as the "startup machine" as Israel now dominates technology in the areas of microprocessors; 5G; autonomous systems; A.I.; robotics; highest technological advances in its military; drones; water (irrigation); agriculture; "2nd eye" (according to Benjamin Netanyahu) of the Five Eyes nations (Israel is the 6th eye); energy. We're not interested in the Illuminati, that's a distraction, but what we are interested in is the advancement of technology and those who are trying to monopolize it.

Nietzsche: "Power Makes Stupid" - Industrial Zionism Solidifies Power - Henry's West Bank Real Estate Scam - Quatuor Coronati Lodge - Demographic Reference: Hollywood; Gambling; Wall Street; Luxury

The London-based Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 (its Latin title meaning Four Crowned Ones) Henry Kissinger is connected to is a Masonic lodge dedicated to Masonic research. Founded in 1886, the lodge meets at Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street. Masonic research into what exactly? What is most notable is that Walter Besant (Palestine Exploration Fund) was one of nine Masons (they were dissatisfied with the history of Masonry) who originated the Quatuor Coronati Lodge in London. Walter Besant had a brother Frank, and Frank Besant was married to Annie Besant. Annie Besant had links between the early airship inventors and secret societies that were supposed to have been working for both "positive and negative outcomes." From 1907 until 1933, Annie Besant was president of the Theosophical Society which allegedly tried to "protect and hide the amazing technology" they discovered. The hidden technology was related to air travel. Is the real purpose behind A.I. technology to build a "brain" that would generate enough "thinking power" to build a hyper-drive system for space travel? Of course, this is all speculation but nonetheless, a legitimate line of inquiry as we examine the "startup machine" in Israel.

It is possible certain "Light lodges" may have some access to ancient technologies that shadow lodges attempt to corrupt the use of later on. Private archives like maybe the Vatican and British Museum would have access to some ancient technology from their imperial conquests and excavations. It was known Nikola Tesla's (tessellation) father worked in the Vatican archives. Not the best technologies from ancient civilizations though; release of those technologies likely awaits our ethical maturity as a civilization (at this point it doesn't even look possible), perhaps something Annie Besant knew and was working at preventing from being released. When people turn away from "True Source" and thus cast shadow into their lives, their supply of wisdom dwindles. There are then no ethical or moral restraints. Then we come to this possible scenario: Is the Sabbatean cult discussed below focused on deliberately destroying our ethical and moral development? Once all ethical and moral development is retarded or destroyed, guess who gets the monopoly on the technology?

The Devil's Trick: Unmasking the God of Israel


Tel Aviv Police Raid Illuminati 

By anonymous | Published in AntiShyster magazine Volume 7,  No. 3, 1999

The reason our national Constitution provides numerous "checks and balances,”" three branches of government, elections every two years, and the rights of free speech, free press and ownership of firearms is simple: to protect us from all governments’' natural urge to tyranny. Our Constitution is the first and only constitution to enshrine and legitimize "antigovernment” attitudes." A healthy distrust of government is the essential characteristic of all that can be truly called "American”."

I am, therefore, somewhat amused when organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) imply that virtually all constitutionalists, militia, and members of the Religious Right are  "paranoid”" or otherwise irrational since they embrace antigovernment attitudes.

In fact, distrust and even paranoia concerning government is almost universal. Reportedly, there are so many levels of secrecy beyond "Top Secret”" in the U.S., that some levels only include two or three members of government’s upper echelon. In so far as some government officials limits access to information in ways that exclude most of the rest of the government (and all the American people), it’s a good indiction that even our highest officials are paranoid and embrace "antigovernment” sentiments."

Further, the political "paranoia" that disturbs the SPLC and ADL is not confined to the USA. What follows is an article written by a Jewish subscriber which illustrates a bit of the "paranoia" that also animates modern Israel. (Fearing a measure of political retribution from the Jewish community, the author requested his identity be concealed.) Point: paranoia concerning government is universal and in most cases rational.

In fact, given that government feeds on fear, may even create fear in the body politic, it’s ironic that government would also castigate some citizens as “"paranoid”." Apparently, fear comes in two flavors: Politically Correct and Politically Incorrect. Those fears that support government are P.C.; those that criticize government are P.I.

Yes Virginia, there is an Illuminati. One’s worst suspicions about the "Conspiracy Theory”" of history can now be confirmed.

In May of 1996 residents of a Tel Aviv neighborhood allegedly complained to police about noise emanating from an apartment. Police, under circumstances not yet clear, entered the apartment with a reporter and found a rather unusual scene. According to the newsletter Inside Israel:

"The walls were covered with Latin scrip. Skull and bones graced the shelves, swords crossed and not were mounted above an alter. Five doors led to secret passageways, with red blinking lights signaling whoever was within, that intruders were present."

In the brief and slightly publicized aftermath of the raid, a flurry of stories appeared about the influence of Masons and their role in the peace process, which is unpopular among large segments of Israel’'s population. Masons were initially blamed for the apartment and its cult-like decor.

It turns out that President Clinton, King Hussein of Jordan, and the late Israeli prime minister Yitchak Rabin were all Ma- sons and Masonic officials played a major role in facilitating a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.

According to sources quoted in Inside Israel, the Masons are eagerly lobbying for influence with keepers of the Temple grounds for some apocalyptic event before the year 2000. The Temple is an important part of Masonic lore.

But their Grand Master in Israel issued a statement de- nying that the weird apartment had anything to do Masonry. He actually claimed that the apartment was rented by a cult called the "Illuminati" which had nothing to do with Freemasonry, and demanded a public apology from the newspaper which broke the story.

The newspaper which broke the story, by the way, was a well-established left-leaning publication known as Davar Rishon. After decades of publishing, it went out of business shortly after printing the story.

More strange tidbits are emerging.

In October of 1995, the Italian publication La Republicca reported on the hold Masonry has over Israel’'s government. It turns out that the former Mayor of Jerusalem, Ted Kollek, is also a Mason, whose last year in office witnessed a meeting between him and David Rockefeller for the purported reason of establishing a branch of Chase Manhattan in Jerusalem. Inside Israel revealed that the day after Rockefeller left, Mayor Kollek flew to Egypt for the first time in his life to discuss the future of Jerusalem. Simultaneously, the PLO began a campaign of liquidating dissidents who were attempting to derail their peace process. The timing of the Rockefeller visit was uncanny.

The most bizarre and perhaps historically significant event to follow has been the emergence from obscurity of a cult that has been unheard of for centuries. The Illuminati has a kind of precursor, known as the “Sabbatian” movement. Historically, "Sabbateans" have been involved in radical, and Masonic-type movements. Others were prominent in finance in nineteenth century Europe.

Most known Sabbatians live in Turkey, although there are undoubtedly followers of the cult elsewhere. They keep a very low profile. Perhaps one reason is that they practice wife swapping with the deliberate intent of creating “"illegitimate”" offspring. It is their goal to produce from these illicit unions the reincarnation of the founder of their cult, Messianic pretender Shabbatai Zvi who passed away in Albania three hundred years ago after starting a movement that perverted everything Judaism stood for.

Sabbatian emissaries recently visited Jerusalem and asked to be allowed to reunite with the Jewish people from whom they split in the seventeenth century. They were told that they have to formally convert back to Judaism and presumably cease their weird practices. Reportedly, this requirement hasn’'t been well-received.

Observers of these subversive influences in Israel see a deliberate attack on modern Israeli society and institutions from the outside. From these events, one sees some of the worst implications for national security in Israel.

Prominent Rabbi Moshe Antelman (who once lived in America but now resides in Israel) reminds us that under no circumstances should anyone believe Masonry, Illuminism or Sabbatianism have any relationship with traditional Judaism. Rabbi Antelman considers the Illuminati presence in his country to be that of a fifth column and he is working with other Israeli patriots to expose it. Antelman, whose writings are available from the John Birch Society, feels his opinions on the Conspiracy have been vindicated. The bad news now is that Prime Minister Netanyahu, who built up expectations among Israeli nationalists, has just been revealed to be a Mason.

Finally, the worst aspect of all this is that not one word has been beard about the Illuminati apartment or Masonic controversy in any American publication.

Davar Rishon was no doubt read by foreign correspondents; and Israel is filled with reporters. Why the news blackout in the United States? Certainly any story about the Illuminati and/or the Sabbatians deserves some coverage.

In any event, for those who question the truthfulness of the existence of the Illuminati conspiracy, new evidence has emerged which may finally set the record straight.

The bottom line in politics seems to be this: It is only reasonable and rational if I fear "them”"; however, it is irrational, inexplicable, paranoid and delusional if “they” should fear a fine fellow like me. No matter which side we’re on, to the extent the other side seems threatening, we inevitably view "them”" as so strange they must be crazy, unworthy of any rights, and subject to acts of extreme prejudice.

The great irony is that government, which grows on and often creates fear, also castigates those who succumb to "“politically incorrect”" fears as "“paranoid”." This is somewhat like cocaine dealers complaining about the recent increase in the use of heroin.

Another point concerning organizations like the Souther Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League: Both of these organizations are at least heavily influenced — some argue dominated — by members of the Jewish faith. And yet, both organizations advocate gun control and even criminalizing the possession of guns by common Americans. I find it interesting, even hypocritical, that these organization do not advocate gun control for citizens of Israel (who commonly own arsenals and automatic weapons most American "gun nuts”" only dream of).

But more importantly, it is at best curious that any Jewish organization would advocate gun control. Historically, Jews are the natural prey of fascists and tyrants. They are few in number, often better educated than their fellow citizens, and believed to possess inordinate wealth. Who better to blame and persecute in the event of a social collapse? The Spanish Inquisition, the Nazi Holocaust, the Soviet purges all displayed big government’s natural appetite for Jews. But at least two of those government's (Nazi’s and the USSR Communists) had installed absolute gun control before they started predating on Jews.

Please go to AntiShyster to read the entire article.

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