Sunday, May 31, 2020

HyperNormalisation Inside America - Officially-Encouraged Delusional State - Silicon Valley Big Tech: Systems of Stability and Control - Vlad the Gaslighter - Bankers and Oligarchs Get Reality While You Get Fakery - Replicating Progressive Art Galleries

Ed.'s note: It is time for us to become acquainted with Vladislav Surkov if you don't already know who he is. Surkov was Vladislav Putin's PR man, or media spin doctor and he is consummate in his work making Edward Bernays look like a crude form of the Wizard of Oz. Vladamir Putin dismissed Surkov known as the "Grey Cardinal," back in February, 2020 with no reason given for his dismissal. Surkov came out of the 1980s and early 1990s avant-garde progressive movement in Russia. When communism fell the avant-garde was used exclusively by the wealthy Russian oligarchs who became billionaires based on Russia's oil industry. The method for transferring Russia from communism to a "fake democracy" (called "sovereign democracy") where there is free capitalism but still retained oligarchical power over state institutions the previous Soviet Union had. This was the beginning of the new Russia.

HyperNormalisation is a 2016 BBC documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis. The documentary presents information that governments, bankers, financiers, and technological utopians have, since the 1970s, given up on the complex "real world" and built a simpler "fake world" run by corporations and kept stable by politicians. If you examine America's big tech firms like Twitter and Facebook this almost describes them precisely. In fact, the word hypernormalization was coined by Alexei Yurchak (see Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation), a professor of anthropology who was born in Leningrad and later went to teach in the US at Berkley. How much evidence can we uncover that Alexi Yurchak's theories have been applied by big tech firms in Silicon Valley? If you want to take a deep look at how Yurchak's theories have been applied in American politics and perhaps through social media try reading Fake Unreal and Absurd by Alexi Yurchak. Adam Curtis' documentary HyperNormalisation is no longer available on YouTube but is preserved in full at Vimeo.

The purpose of Surkov was to keep Putin in power under the "fakery" That Putin would give power back to the Russian people. What Surkov did in a very subtle and effective way was gaslighting people on a large sophisticated scale. When the circumstances involving Ukraine in Odessa and the Black Sea ports erupted it led to a sort of strange almost surreal type of civil war in Ukraine that is ongoing. Nobody knows who us fighting who and many of the battles looked staged. Like scenes of gunfighting on the streets while people were walking by going shopping like they were extras in a movie. Then the stage specter of a curfew and lockdown in Ukraine then in the middle of all that a huge Christmas parade where thousands of people assembled.

Then the Pussy Riot babes showed up bringing social agitation which was probably staged to increase the power of the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church. Pussy Riot attacked the church and the state and the results are the church and the state are now one in Russia. The is where the gaslighting used by Surkov was brought in. The "shock art" used by the avant-garde has always been used by bureaucrats and politicians behind state power. Baking a cake of a black woman then when cutting the cake it starts screaming. This is avant-garde state-sponsored gaslighting. This is what Surkov does extremely well for the oligarch class running Russia and is designed to confuse you. Surkov termed this as "non-linear warfare" and it is being aggressively applied to your psyche.

Vladimir Putin stopped using Surkov this past February, 2020 which means Surkov was free to sell his services. Now we have evidence that Surkov might be working for the Clinton criminal syndicate as well as for the "deep state" (Peter Dale Scott) and the Neocons in the US. What we are seeing with the "resistance" in the US with these recent riots and staged fakery, are the same tactics used by Surkov in Crimea and Ukraine. We saw Tom Hanks be the first celebrity in the US to "get" the coronascam virus and all the strange stories coming out of social media. This is all part of the gaslighting going on with the coronascam and now these riots that are being directed and produced by the "deep state."

Remember Tik Tok and all those doctors and nurses dancing in videos posted on social media like Facebook and Twitter related to this coronascam? That is precisely how non-linear warfare is being applied. The results are brilliant: One group of people who know what is going on with state-sponsored gaslighting will stay away and avoid all political discourse. Then another group of people will say just leave the politicians and bureaucrats alone because they are saving the world from coronavirus. We saw this with the 8:00 o'clock clapping in London for the NHS workers who helped "save" British from the coronavirus. That is gaslighting at its finest Surkov-style tactics par excellence.

What we need to look at is to see of Vladislav Surkov was hired by the "deep state" in the US to run the COVID-19 coronascam. Then as this coronascam operation is collapsing they have switched to running this black-white racial confrontation going on resulting in very real deaths. These creatures running this actually brought bricks in and left them for Antifa and other radicals to start pelting through glass windows. The reporter right in the middle of a riot says: "the crowds are not being unruly" while wearing a mask to protect himself from coronavirus.

That is non-linear warfare through the media. And we have already looked at how Quantitative Easing in the west is also how this non-linear warfare is being used against Americans. Vladislav Surkov has been hired out and he is doing what he has been paid to do. What we should be doing is looking at the people who hired his services. The political elite and their banking and oligarch masters hired Surkov because they saw ho effective he was in Russia. Is this why Putin released him? So that he could be hired out in the US where his gaslighting techniques are being carried out through the coronascam and now these riots? The state propaganda organs like CNN and the media are implementing Surkov's tactics. If you are totally confused by what's going on with idiots in New Jersey holding up a placard that says "I can breathe" you are being gaslighted by Vlad.


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