Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What's It Going To Be: Global Warming Or Global Freeze?

Ed.'s note: Could be a good ploy. Convince the global Lilliputians there is "global warming" and then promote it like religious fanatics when in reality we are headed for a mini ice age. Might be a good way to knock off a good segment of an unprepared population. Might want to start thinking about installing some of those high tech greenhouses with systems installed to maintain higher temps for growing vegetables. The Child Climate Goddess claims that "fossil fuels are literally killing mankind" indicates a "project" going on here. Good idea, little goddess, lets get with the program here and instead of trashing civilization and putting a blood libel out on half of humanity, why not offer a solution? That solution would be thorium. And little goddess of green, it's not "fossil fuel", it is abiotic fuel. So get your facts correct please.

News update for 2 December 2019: Global Warming Swindle: A Scheme To Redistribute Wealth

News update for 2 December 2019: Ahead of COP25, Child Climate Goddess Greta Demands 'Complete Dismantling of Colonial, Racist, Patriarchal Systems of Oppression'

Source: Technocracy Rising

Dear Greta: Your Climate Worship Is Just Rebranded Paganism


The underlying religious nature of global warming fanatics has been plainly evident to anyone who would care to look at it, but here is the bottom line: It is the return of outright Paganism to the modern world! ⁃ TN Editor

We're seeing sexualized dances, hallucinogens, worshiping nature, confessing sins in pagan animism, worshiping purified teen saints, all to promote a supposedly greater cause.

Lynn Townsend White Jr., an American historian from Princeton, wrote an influential essay in 1967, at the height of the cultural revolution in Western campuses, arguing that Christianity and Judeo-Christian values are responsible for ecological disaster and climate change. The essay, naturally, was adapted by generations after, ironically almost like a document of faith.

The central argument went like this. White argued, "The victory of Christianity over paganism was the greatest psychic revolution in the history of our culture. … By destroying pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects."

If nothing else, the last few days should be enough to prove that Western civilization, a product of more than 1,500 years of Judeo-Christian values, is facing its most significant and sustained challenge in centuries from tribalistic paganism, a force that seeks not only to turn back time but essentially to destroy the entire current edifice.

Greta Thunberg and the Church of Mother Earth

As secular liberalism destroyed the fundamental ties that bind society — faith, flag, and family — the human instincts for faith — to believe, worship, submit, and fear — didn't just go away but manifested in various other pre-civilized tribal ways. For example, a liberal seminary encouraged its students to skip classes to pray and confess sins in front of potted plants. In Switzerland, 250 people in full funereal garb mourned the apparent approaching death of a glacier.

That is why members of "Extinction Rebellion" do what they do. Extinction Rebellion is an apocalyptic cult that wants to radically end every thing around you, from your private cars to the burgers you eat and the plastic chairs in your yard. It is a cult that was formed after its founder took psychedelic drugs and prayed for "social change." Members have blocked D.C. and London intersections, "twerking" the way people in a pre-civilized era would perform a fertility dance to pray to Gaia.

And then there’s Saint Greta, our perpetual teen of sorrow. I have been comparing her worship to Joan of Arc ever since she was invited to the British Parliament, the birthplace of modern democracy. She was surrounded by buffoons nodding their heads like they were listening to gospel truth.

I wrote about her long before the new woke-capital fanatics adopted her as a pawn. In a recent speech to the U.N., while clearly having an emotional meltdown, she told assorted leaders, voice trembling, that they have failed the children and history wouldn't be kind. The "gatekeepers" immediately hailed her as a brave savior as well as a vulnerable, autistic teen who shouldn’t be bullied.

So, there you have it. Sexualized dances, psychedelic hallucinogens, worshiping nature, confessing sins in pagan animism, worshiping purified teen saints, and throwing them up on an altar, bereft of their childhood, to promote a greater cause. Add to that witches hexing Brett Kavanaugh, and having an Ouija board to invoke the spirit of Karl Marx, and everything old is new again.

The reality is, of course, completely different. Much less than destroying the planet, climate change isn't even a settled science. Conservatives don't disagree that climate is changing. That is a straw man. Conservatives, however, are opposed to hysteria, have skepticism about the rate of the climate change, and would like to see an actual cost-benefit analysis of the radical changes being demanded.

More important than that, conservatives understand that climate change is cynically used by a certain section of people to justify their political goals of steering the West away from its way of life, a way they perceive to be evil and harmful, hetero-patriarchal, and capitalist. How? Appealing to the faith-based part of human brains, the need for subservience, and propping up children as human shields.

The Left Created a Climate Crisis and Worships It

Consider a new letter by more than 500 scientists, which the mainstream media completely ignored. It urges the United Nations to have an open debate between scientists from both sides of the argument and states there's "no climate emergency." The report goes on to say, among other things:
The world has warmed at less than half the originally-predicted rate; Climate policy relies on inadequate models; More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth; There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent; There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.
In short, everything you're being told is wrong or flawed, and you're a chump who is being taken for a ride.

Source: RT News

Thousands of tractors plow through Berlin streets in protest at new green regulations (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

November 26, 2019

Up to 5,000 tractors descended upon the German capital on Tuesday to protest the government's latest agricultural policies and environmental protection regulations which farmers claim are too restrictive.

German authorities estimate somewhere in the region of 5,000 tractors and 10,000 farmers entered Berlin in a slow-moving convoy, bringing the capital to a relative standstill at certain points. The protesters eventually gathered at Berlin's iconic landmark Brandenburg Gate.

LIVE: German farmers hold tractor protest in Berlin over agricultural policies
Chancellor Angela Merkel's government made the proposals back in September to curb the use of pesticides and herbicides to better protect the country's insect populations, while also placing limits on the use of fertilizers to protect Germany's groundwater.

Disgruntled farmers feel there should be consultation and cooperation between conservationists, environmentalists, farmers and the government to create policies that are effective at protecting the environment while maintaining German agricultural competitiveness.

Please go to RT News to read the entire article.

Source: Martin Economics

Pole Shifts & Climate Change

November 26, 2019

QUESTION: Good morning, Mr. Armstrong. Last week, you wrote about the north and south poles flipping. Has Socrates ever suggested that the earth could flip so that the north and south poles move to where the equator is now; that is, has the earth ever moved sideways? I live in Edmonton, Alberta and, at one time, north-central Alberta lay in the tropics and was characterized by swampy river deltas; the rivers had their sources to the west and flowed into a large lake. Fossils clearly show plant, fern, and tree species that are now found in Florida and Louisiana. Even more exotic like ginkgo trees were present. Dinosaurs and other assorted reptiles thrived. Could it be that Edmonton and area swung to the north, thus killing off the dinosaurs?

Thanks for all that you do!!!


ANSWER: We were provided the data on all the pole shifts going back millions of years. Each time the plates move (expand), a strip of new lava appears on the seafloor. It is magnetized to where the north pole is at that time. So we have all that data and it is also in Socrates. The poles shift on the Sun is every 11 years. But here on Earth, it appears to be about 720,000-year cycles for a major flip. We are clearly in the time slot for a pole shift. But because there is not a human record explaining what it was like during such an event, it is very hard to speculate if it is a sudden defrost. Some have been frozen while eating lunch, which may have taken place in Siberia with the frozen mammoths.

It is part of our database on nature which was fed into Socrates. This is how it has been able to correctly forecast major changes in weather from the historical databases we have gathered. It does appear that 2032 is also the culmination of climate change which is part of the cycle that is historical and has nothing to do with humans. We are nothing but a fly on an elephant's rear end that can be swatted off in a second in the long-term scheme of things.

New Jersey was also underwater. Much of the State has the Pinelands which is sand. Where I grew up, we had clay pits where kids used to hunt for dinosaurs fossils since they discovered some in that area. Over millions of years, the rising and falling of the coastline deposited minerals underground, culminating with the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago when plants and trees began growing in what is now New Jersey.

I find it really funny how the Global Warming people warn that coastal cities will sink because the ice will melt. Again, these people offer absolutely no historical evidence to support their claims and they completely fail to address the fact that it was the end of the ice age when coastal land began to appear in areas they claim will sink.

Please go to Martin Economics to read the entire article.

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