McConnell claims that Marcy, former Senior Counsel for Detention and Deportation at the INS, and Serco, the world’s biggest outsourcing company and air traffic controller, launched the KSM network in 1994 and used National Visa Center, FAA Contract Towers and Con Air (JPATS) assets to move KSM and his friends into controlling positions from which they could ensure that the Operation Bojinka crime-scene investigation would be aborted.
McConnell notes that the M.O. of the KSM (Kristine Serco Marcy?) crime scene is always the same: Serco's air traffic controllers impute ad hoc way points into target aircraft through the U.S. Air Force Space Command and his former Chief Operating Officer of the Small Business Administration sister uses set-aside contracts to pre-position Con Air aliens with visas at the crash scene to remove evidence of uninterruptible autopilots or transfusions of tranquilizer gas.
McConnell challenges his sister and Rupert Soames, Serco's April Fool's Day Chief Executive Officer, to respond to his allegations while reminding them of the Jeffersonian dictum "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever."
Prequel 1: #2188: Marine Links Con Air Sister Visa Center To Down Low Serco Waypoints, Boeing 9/11 Set Asides
Meet Marcy
Bombshell! Proof That Malaysia Flight MH17
Was Diverted Over Ukraine War Zone!
ATC Global 2013 - ITT Exelis Workshop
"FINAL – Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot Down Boeing #MH17
FLASH UPDATE: Industry Outlet Confirms Carlos (@spainbuca) as ATC at Borispol in Kiev
(See the Text of Carlos / @spainbuca Tweets Below the Article)
Original: EturboNews (ETN Global Travel Industry News) – July 17, 2014
ETN received information from an air traffic controller in Kiev on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
This Kiev air traffic controller is a citizen of Spain and was working in the Ukraine. He was taken off duty as a civil air-traffic controller along with other foreigners immediately after a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft was shot down over the Eastern Ukraine killing 295 passengers and crew on board.
The air traffic controller suggested in a private evaluation and basing it on military sources in Kiev, that the Ukrainian military was behind this shoot down. Radar records were immediately confiscated after it became clear a passenger jet was shot down.
Military air traffic controllers in internal communication acknowledged the military was involved, and some military chatter said they did not know where the order to shoot down the plane originated from.
Obviously it happened after a series of errors, since the very same plane was escorted by two Ukrainian fighter jets until 3 minutes before it disappeared from radar.
Radar screen shots also show an unexplained change of course of the Malaysian Boeing. The change of course took the aircraft directly over the Eastern Ukraine conflict region.
Some tweets received suggest this may have been a secret military uprising against the current Ukrainian president under the direction of formerly-jailed Prime Minister Timoshenko.
According to other rumors, the black box for this crashed Malaysian Airlines flight was taken by Donetsk separatists. A spokesperson for the rebel group said this black box would be sent to the Interstate Aviation Committee headquartered in Moscow.
The First Deputy Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk, Andrew Purgin, stated that the flight recorders of the crashed aircraft will be transferred to Moscow for examination.
Sources say the Rebel group leadership hopes this would confirm the Ukrainian military actually shot down this aircraft. This was reported by the news agency Interfax-Ukraine.
ETN statement: The information in this article is independently confirmed and based on the statement of one airline controller and other tweets received.
Translated from Spanish by Luis Lopez
Source: Tweets by Spanish Air Controller – @spainbuca @R_of_R @gbazov @spainbuca copy of tweets here … …
— johnny peterson (@JPexsquaddie) July 18, 2014 CHRONOLOGY OF @spainbuca's TWITTER FEED
10:21 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Autoridades de kiev, intentan hacer que pueda parecer un ataque de los pro-rusos
"Kiev Authorities, trying to make looks like an attack by pro-Russian"
10:24 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Ojo! Que puede ser un derribo B777 Malaysia Airlines en ukraine, 280 pasajeros
"warning! It can be a downing, Malaysia Airlines B777 in ukraine, 280 passengers"
10:25 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Cuidado! Kiev tiene lo que buscaba
"Warning! Kiev have what they wanted"
10:25 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Vuelven a tomar la torre de control en Kiev
"[Military] has taken control of ATC in Kiev"
10:27 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El avión B777 de Malaysia Airlines desapareció del radar, no hubo comunicación de ninguna anomalia, confirmado
"The Malaysia Airlines B777 plane disappeared from the radar, there was no communication of any anomaly, confirmed"
10:30 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Avión derribado, derribados, derribado no accidente "
Plane shot down, shot down, shot down, no accident"
10:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Kiev, tiene lo que buscaba, lo dije en los primeros tw, kiev es responsable @ActualidadRT
"Kiev have what they wanted, I said in the first tw [Tweets], Kiev is responsible @ ActualidadRT"
10:35 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Un accidente muy normal no es, no están amenazando en la misma torre del aeropuerto de kiev,
"An accident that is not quite normal, they are threatening us in the same tower of Kiev airport"
10:35 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nos van a quitar, nuestros tlf y demás de un momento a otro
"they will take from our phones and others stuff at any moment"
10:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Antes de que me quiten el tlf o me rompan la cabeza, derribado por Kiev
"Before They remove my phone or they break my head, shot down by Kiev"
11:12 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nosotros tenemos la confirmación. Avión derribado, la autoridad de kiev, ya tiene la información, derribado, estamos tranquilos ahora
"We have confirmation. Plane downed, Kiev authorities already have the information, downed, we are calm now”
11:13 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Que hace personal extranjero con autoridades de kiev en la torre? Recopilando toda la información
"What are doing foreigners with kiev authorities in the tower? Gathering all the information"
11:15 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Cuando sea posible sigo escribiendo "When possible I´ll keep writing"
11:48 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El avión B 777 voló escoltado por 2 cazas de ukraine hasta minutos antes, de desaparecer de los radares,
The B777 plane flew escorted by Ukraine jet fighter until 2 minutes before disappearing from the radar,
11:54 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Sí las autoridades de kiev, quieren decir la verdad, esta recogido 2 cazas volaron muy cerca minutos antes , no lo derribo un caza
"If kiev authorities want to tell the truth, It's gathered, 2 jet fighters flew very close minutes before, wasn’t downed by a fighter"
12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nada más desaparecer el avión B 777 de Malaysia Airlines la autoridad militar de kiev nos informo del derribo, como lo sabían?
"Malaysia Airlines B777 plane just disappeared and Kiev military authority informed us of the downing, How they knew?"
12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 A los 7:00 minutos se notificó el derribo, más tarde se tomó la torre nuestra con personal extranjero q siguen aquí
"7:00 minutes after [plane dissapeared], the downing was notified, later our tower was taken with foreigner staff, they still here"
"12:01 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En los radares esta todo recogido, para los incrédulos, derribado por kiev, aquí lo sabemos y control aéreo militar también
"all this is gathered in radars, to the unbelieving, shot down by kiev, here we know it and military air traffic control also"
13:15 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Aquí los mandos militares manejan y admiten que militares a otras órdenes, pudieron ser, pero no, los pro-rusos
"Here the military commanders manage and support it could be military following other orders, but no, the pro-Russian"
13:29 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El ministro del interior si conocía que, hacían los cazas en la zona, el ministro de defensa no, .
"Interior Minister knew what the fighters were doing in the area, the defense minister didn't.
"13:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Militares confirman que fue ukraine, pero se sigue sin saber de donde vino la orden
"Military confirm It was Ukraine, but still does not know where the order came from
"13:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Hace dias lo dije aquí, militares de kiev querían alzarse contra el actual presidente, esto puede ser una forma, a las órdenes de timoshenko
"Days ago I said here, kiev military wanted to rise against the current president, this may be a way, ordered by timoshenko [following timishenko orders]"
13:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los cazas volaron cerca del 777, hasta 3 minutos antes de desaparecer de los radares, solo 3 minutos
"The fighters flew close to 777, up to 3 minutes before disappearing from the radar, just 3 minutes"
13:43 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Se cierra el espacio aéreo "
Airspace closed"
13:45 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Se cierra el espacio aéreo, por miedo a más derribos
"Airspace is closed, more downings feared"
15:17 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Control militar entrega ahora mismo de forma oficial que el avión fue derribado por misil "military control now officially [say] the plane was shot down by missile"
15:23 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El informe oficial firmado por las autoridades militares de control de kiev ya lo tiene el gobierno,,,, , derribado"
Government has the official report signed by the control military authorities in Kiev,,,, [plane] shot down”
15:26 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En el informe se indica de donde abría salido el misil, y se especifica que no proviene de las autodefensa en las zonas rebeldes
The report indicates where the missile had come out [from], and specified is not from the selfdefence in rebel areas"
15:34 – 17 de jul. de 2014Los radares militares si recogieron los datos del misil lanzado al avión, los radares civiles no “Military radar collected data from missile fired to the plane, civilian radars didn't"
15:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los altos mandos militares no ordenaron el lanzamiento del misil, ,,alguien se le fue la mano en nombre de ukraine
"Military high command did not gave the order to fire the missile, someone screw it ine the name of ukraine"
15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Para el que no lo sepa, digamos así, hay militares a las órdenes del ministro de defensa y militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior
"For those who do not know, Let's say, there are military under the orders of the defense minister and military under the orders of Interior Minister"
15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior conocían en cada momento lo que sucedió, "The military under the orders of Interior Minister knew what happened all the time ."
16:06 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Mandos militares aquí (ATC) torre de control, confirman que el misil es del ejercito de ukraine, "Military commanders here (ATC) control tower, confirm that the missile is from the ukranian army,"
16:07 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Mandos militares que si lo sabían y otros mandos que no,
"military commanders that knew it and others didn't ,"
16:08 – 17 de jul. de 2014 290 personas inocentes muertas, . Por una guerra inútil, donde el patriotismo se compra con dinero
"290 dead innocent people. What a useless war, where patriotism is bought with money"
16:09 – 17 de jul. de 2014 La forma de tomar la torre de control minutos después sabiendo todo los detalles, rápido nos hizo pensar que habían sido ellos
"The way the control tower was taken minutes after & knowing all the details, made us think that they [made it]"
16:10 – 17 de jul. de 2014 La cara de los militares que llegaron más tarde diciendo pero que habéis echo, no dejo dudas
"The face of the soldiers who came later saying [what you just did], no chance for doubts"
16:12 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Es tal la decadencia que los militares acompañados de extranjeros que llegaron primero nos llegaron a pedir que dijéramos su versión
"Such is the decline that military who came first accompanied by foreigners came to us asking us to tell their version"
16:13 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nuestra respuesta, fue, estos radares no recogen el lanzamiento de misiles, los militares si, ya no quedaban dudas
"Our response was, these radars do not collect the launching of missiles, the military ones does, there were no doubts""
"Airliner irreversible-control anti-hijack system
US 6845302 B2
Directed toward universal commercial-airliner application as an air/ground-lifesaving function, this cost-effective retrofitable system enables airliner-pilots to conveniently actuate an inconspicuous AIRCIA™/enable-switch,—thereby instantly disabling onboard flight-commands to render the airliner's guidance-system irretrievably placed into total reliance upon its existing autopilot-system in RF-communication with encrypted remote ground/air-intercept personnel. Acting to virtually confound any criminal-attempt by a hijacker to commandeer an airliner, the airliner thus becomes flown only as directed by an authorized remote/flight-control station in cooperation with the airliner's remotely-reprogrammed onboard avionics-system, automatically vectoring the airliner to land safely via the existing avionics/autopilot-system at a designated airport. The AIRCIA™-system is initially verified for flight-worthiness operation upon every routine preflight/check-list procedure, its master ECU/restore-switch being accessible externally of the aircraft-interior. Support-system options include SmartCard®-interfacing, and automatic is engagement of AIRCIA™-system in event of natural-cause pilot-incapacitation, and ATI (automatic/tranquil-Infusion) which introduces tranquilizing-gas into the airliner's entire interior."
"This section of the website explains the entry process (also called "registration") for the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) Program, which is the first step in pursuing a diversity immigrant visa. Additional steps are covered in subsequent pages, and are displayed on the visual flow chart above.
Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides for a class of immigrants known as "diversity immigrants," from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States. A limited number of visas are available each fiscal year. The DVs are distributed among six geographic regions and no single country may receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year.
For a list of countries/areas by region whose natives are eligible for DV-2016 and DV-2015, please refer to the DV Instructions.
The requirements for the DV program are established by U.S. immigration law. If you are planning to register for the DV program, be sure to look closely at the requirements for this type of visa.
Note: There is no cost to register for the DV Program."
"When should I appear for my immigrant visa interview? The U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi receives applications for immigrant and diversity visas on an appointment basis only. Applicants for immigrant or diversity visas will receive notification of an appointment at the U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi via a letter from the National Visa Center or the Kentucky Consular Center. The U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi also accepts petitions from U.S. citizens resident in the UAE on a limited basis and will notify immigrant visa applicants of their appointments. For further information on immigrant visa interview appointments, please refer to our Immigrant Visa Interview Appointments page on this website."
"The United States 9/11 Commission Report notes that, "By his own account, KSM's animus toward the United States stemmed not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel."[18] However, on August 29, 2009, The Washington Post reported from US intelligence sources that Mohammed's time in the U.S. contributed to his becoming a terrorist. "KSM's limited and negative experience in the United States — which included a brief jail stay [and an exploitable profile in the Serco/Marcy National Visa Center database] because of unpaid bills — almost certainly helped propel him on his path to becoming a terrorist," according to this intelligence summary. "He stated that his contact with Americans, while minimal, confirmed his view that the United States was a debauched and racist country."[19] …
Transfer to Guantánamo [by Kristine Marcy's Con Air for a waterboarded confession] and hearing before his Combatant Status Review Tribunal[edit]
On September 6, 2006, then-American President George W. Bush confirmed, for the first time, that the CIA had held "high-value detainees" for interrogation in secret prisons around the world.[86] He also announced that fourteen senior captives, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, were being transferred from CIA custody, to military custody, at Guantanamo Bay detention camp and that these fourteen captives could now expect to face charges before Guantanamo military commissions.
In a September 29, 2006, speech, Bush stated:
Once captured, Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi bin al Shibh, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were taken into custody of the Central Intelligence Agency. The questioning of these and other suspected terrorists provided information that helped us protect the American people. They helped us break up a cell of Southeast Asian terrorist operatives that had been groomed for attacks inside the United States. They helped us disrupt an al Qaeda operation to develop anthrax for terrorist attacks. They helped us stop a planned strike on a U.S. Marine camp in Djibouti, and to prevent a planned attack on the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, and to foil a plot to hijack passenger planes and to fly them into Heathrow Airport and London's Canary Wharf.[87]
In March 2007, Mohammed testified before a closed-door hearing in Guantánamo Bay. According to transcripts of the hearing released by the Pentagon, he said, "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z." The transcripts also show him confessing to:
Organizing the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,
The Bali nightclub bombings,
Richard Reid's attempted shoe bombing,
Planning the attacks on Heathrow Airport and Big Ben clock tower in London,
Daniel Pearl's murder in 2002, assassination attempts on Pope John Paul II,
Pervez Musharraf and Bill Clinton.[88]
Because war, for sure, there will be victims. When I said I'm not happy that three thousand been killed in America. I feel sorry even.
Killing is prohibited in all what you call the People of the Book, Jews, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. You know the Ten Commandments very well. The Ten Commandments are shared between all of us. We all are serving one God.
—Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, before his tribunal[33]
On March 15, 2007, BBC News reported that "Transcripts of his testimony were translated from Arabic and edited by the U.S. Department of Defense to remove sensitive intelligence material before release. It appeared, from a judge's question, that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had made allegations of torture in US custody." In the Defense Department transcript, Mohammed said his statement was not made under duress but Mohammed and human rights advocates have alleged that he was tortured. CIA officials have previously told ABC News that "Mohammed lasted the longest under waterboarding, two and a half minutes, before beginning to talk."[89] Legal experts say this could taint all his statements. Forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner, M.D., an expert in false confessions, observed from the testimony transcript that his concerns about his family may have been far more influential in soliciting Mohammed's cooperation than any earlier reported mistreatment.[90]
One CIA official cautioned that "many of Mohammed's claims during interrogation were 'white noise' designed to send the U.S. on wild goose chases or to get him through the day's interrogation session." For example, according to Mike Rogers, a former FBI agent and the top Republican on the terrorism panel of the House Intelligence Committee, he admitted responsibility for the Bali nightclub bombing, but his involvement "could have been as small as arranging a safe house for travel. It could have been arranging finance." Mohammed also made the admission that he was "responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center Operation," which killed six and injured more than 1,000 when a bomb was detonated in an underground garage, Mohammed did not plan the attack, but he may have supported it. Michael Welner noted that by offering legitimate information to interrogators, Mohammed had secured the leverage to provide misinformation as well.[91]"
"Serco Services Inc. 10-K 2006
Throughout this document, we occasionally distinguish between SI International, Inc., as a company separate from its subsidiaries, and SI International, Inc., as a company combined with its subsidiaries. In order to clarify which entity we are referring to in various discussions, we use the terms "SI International, Inc." and "SI International" to refer to SI International, Inc. without its subsidiaries. All other references, including “SI," "the Company," "we" and "us" refer to SI International and its subsidiaries.
NVC Contract Award. On January 31, 2006, in a recompetition for our expiring National Visa Center, or NVC, contract, we were awarded the successor contract for the NVC contract by the Department of State. Under the contract, we anticipate performing over 20 million immigrant visa transactions each year at the NVC in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and at the Kentucky Consular Center in Williamsburg, Kentucky. The prime contract has a one-year base period and four one-year options with an announced value of approximately $84 million, inclusive of the options.
We are a provider of mission critical information technology and network solutions primarily to the Federal Government. Our business is guided by our experienced team of eight executive officers and over twenty-five other corporate officers who manage and are responsible for successfully growing our business. As of the end of fiscal year 2005, we employed over 4,000 employees. Approximately 85% of our employees hold Federal Government security clearances or have passed National Agency Checks. Approximately 15% of our employees hold Top Secret security clearances. A significant portion of our employees who hold Top Secret security clearances also hold Sensitive Compartmental Information clearances, which permit us to bid on highly classified projects.
Our broad set of contract vehicles gives us extensive reach and enables us to deliver a full range of our services and solutions to the Federal Government. The strength of our service offerings and information technology expertise allows us to maintain substantial relationships with clients, some of whom have been clients of ours, or of one of our acquired businesses, for over 20 years. In fiscal 2005 and fiscal 2004, we derived approximately 75% and 81%, respectively, of our revenue from contracts on which we acted as prime contractor. Acting as a prime contractor provides us with stronger client relationships, as well as the visibility and access to new work that are not available when acting as a subcontractor. Our total backlog as of December 31, 2005 was approximately $854 million, of which approximately $191 million was funded. See "—Backlog" for a discussion of how we calculate backlog.
Item 1A. Risk Factors Risks Related to Our Industry
We depend on contracts with the Federal Government for most of our revenue, and our business would be seriously harmed if the government ceased doing business with us or significantly decreased the amount of business it does with us.
We derived 98.1% and 96.6% of our total revenue in fiscal 2005 and in fiscal 2004, respectively, from Federal Government contracts, either as a prime contractor or a subcontractor. This includes 46.9% and 52.8% of our total revenue in fiscal 2005 and in fiscal 2004, respectively, that we derived, either as a prime contractor or a subcontractor, from contracts with agencies of the DoD and Intelligence community. We expect that we will continue to derive most of our revenue for the foreseeable future from work performed under Federal Government contracts. If we were suspended or otherwise prohibited from contracting with the Federal Government generally, or with any significant agency of the DoD or the Intelligence community, or if our reputation or relationship with the Federal Government or any significant agency of the DoD or the Intelligence community were impaired, or if any of the foregoing otherwise ceased doing business with us or significantly decreased the amount of business it does with us, our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results would be materially adversely affected.
The following chart provides certain information regarding our four largest contracts for fiscal year 2005, in terms of revenues:
"Opened in 1994 as the successor to the Transitional Immigrant Visa Processing Center in Rosslyn, Va., the NVC centralizes all immigrant visa preprocessing and appointment scheduling for overseas posts. The NVC collects paperwork and fees before forwarding a case, ready for adjudication, to the responsible post.
The center also handles immigrant and fiancé visa petitions, and while it does not adjudicate visa applications, it provides technical assistance and support to visa-adjudicating consular officials overseas.
Only two Foreign Service officers, the director and deputy director, work at the center, along with just five Civil Service employees. They work with almost 500 contract employees doing preprocessing of visas, making the center one of the largest employers in the Portsmouth area.
The contractor, Serco, Inc., has worked with the NVC since its inception and with the Department for almost 18 years.
The NVC houses more than 2.6 million immigrant visa files, receives almost two million pieces of mail per year and received more than half a million petitions from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) in 2011. Its file rooms’ high-density shelves are stacked floor-to-ceiling with files, each a collection of someone’s hopes and dreams and each requiring proper handling.
The NVC also preprocesses the chief of mission (COM) application required for the fi ling of a petition for a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV). Such visas, for foreign nationals who have performed services for the U.S. government in Iraq and Afghanistan, require COM concurrence before the applicant can file a petition with USCIS. The NVC collects the requisite documents from such applicants and, when complete, forwards the package to the U.S. embassies in Baghdad or Kabul for COM approval"
"Update on Serco's Strategy Review including the Contract & Balance Sheet Reviews; capital structure and funding; latest trading and outlook
Date : 10 November 2014
… Strategy Review: Serco's future to be as an international B2G business. A successful, innovative and market-leading provider of services to Governments. Core sectors: Justice & Immigration, Defence, Transport, Citizen Services and Healthcare.
In the Americas Division, our work for the US Affordable [Obama] Care Act (ACA) has begun an expanded first option year. Other awards in the period included: career transition services for US soldiers; health outreach services for the US Naval Reserve; deployable medical systems solutions also for the Navy; and two contracts for fleet maintenance services for commercial clients. In total, the ACA and all other awards in the period are valued at over $550m. Meanwhile, our contract supporting the Department of State's National Visa Center and Kentucky Consular Center (NVC/KCC) came to an end during the period, as did some Acquisition and Program Management support work for US intelligence agency customers. C4I2TSR services for the US Air Force and Naval installation task order work under the Sea Enterprise frameworks are also reducing. …
For further information please contact Serco:
Stuart Ford, Head of Investor Relations T +44 (0) 1256 386 227
Marcus De Ville, Head of Media Relations T +44 (0) 1256 386 226
Jonathan Glass, Brunswick T +44 (0) 207 404 5959
Analyst and institutional investor meeting…….
Download PDF [PDF, 387 KB] (Please note: this link will open the page in a new browser window)"
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
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