Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Is It Just a Coincidence?

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

-we've seen this script before

Israel is such a problem. Iraq was such a problem but so was Vietnam.

Vietnam had vast off shore oil deposits that American Oligarchs wanted so they killed around 3.8 million people in total and after the war negotiated a deal to obtain the oil. Not all of these were military personnel; nearly half of the deaths of the Vietnam War were the deaths of civilians caught in the fighting.

In Iraq the US wanted to steal the vast oil deposits from Saddam Hussain. ORB International, an independent polling agency located in London, published estimates of the total war casualties in Iraq since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.At over 1.2 million deaths (1,220,580), with More than 120,000 children killed or maimed. Leslie Stahl interviewed secretary of state Madeline Albright about the death of children.

"We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima," asked Stahl, "And, you know, is the price worth it?" "I think that is a very hard choice," Albright answered, “but the price, we think, the price is worth it."

Worth it for who exactly?

Israel is just beginning and it looks like the same story just a slightly different plot since off the coast of Gaza is a vast natural gas deposit waiting to be tapped for a hungry EU.

Israel invented HAMAS with the US intelligence agencies to hobble Yasir Arafat and the PLO...it's the perfect example of the law of unintended consequences. And the Russians are not falling for their bullshit anymore.
Turn around is fair play. The pity, and historic tragedy of these banker wars is the civilians and children maimed or killed instead the cowards that initiated them.

Yes, you banker rat bastards, I'm pointing at you.

~ Klosov

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