Wednesday, October 18, 2023

How to cure a cold or flu infection.

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

-I never listen to experts in the medical industrial complex.

There's a reason I follow Asymmetric Biowarfare attacks...

My father administered the Hippocratic oath when I was 10 years old. He was a Doctor. According to the rules you can only be a doctor if a doctor administers the oath. And he also said "Now that you are a doctor, don't trust doctors...think and research the truth for yourself."

Boy was he right.

With that in mind I offer you my research.

While sharing a room with Benjamin Franklin at an inn here one night in the fall of 1776, John Adams said he was fearful that the damp air would give him a cold and asked his roommate to shut the window.

Franklin replied with an extended explanation that colds are caused by 'animal substances' in the perspired matter from our bodies.'' The harangue quickly put the future President to sleep - with the window open.
Franklin was actually describing viral shedding; recognized now as an aspect of viral infection. So let me take a minute to reveal something you certainly aren't being told about the cold and flu or any lab manufactured 'gain of function' virus bioweapon.

In 1928 Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu viruses enter through the ear canal. The medical community dismissed his findings. According to Dr. Simmons, contrary to what you may think or have been taught about how you catch the flu or the cold there is only one way that you can catch the two, and that's via the ear canal not through the eyes or nose or mouth as most have believed.

In 1938 German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide in dealing with colds and the flu. Their data has been ignored for over 60 years.

It is important to begin treatment as soon as symptoms appear. If treatment is started promptly effectiveness seems to be in the 80% range.

The flu is not caught through the nose although it will get down the bronchi but not from the nose. From the ear drum. The tympanic membrane is a layer of epithelial cells that can allow pathogens like viruses to pass through into the inner ear and then via the eustachian tubes into the throat and lungs where there are vast fields of epithelial cells for virus to conquer. However, I remind the reader of Dr. Hannah Budayeva who discovered if you increase the amount of NAD in the cells, it activates Sirt1 and Sirt2; two critical deacetylase molecules in the nucleus and cytoplasm that take acetyl virus code start and stop tags on the lysine locations along the code sequence (and for the sub genomic codes as well to make the spikes, shell, etc.)

virus can't replicate any part of itself without the acetyl tags. That's where Resveratrol keeps you healthy. It by stimulates 5 times the production of NAD in cells to activate sirtuins.

To cure the flu or cold if you get it, use a cap full of 7% hydrogen peroxide poured in each ear and left there for a minute as the bubbling and popping stops. Then do it again in 8 to 10 hours. I ended a flu I had for 4 days in 12 hours using this technique. By the end of the second day after using this it was gone.

Not all my writings are political, but I still don't trust AMA doctors...


Ivermectin archives:

Some related reading:

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