Thursday, October 5, 2023

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? – Genesis of Gain-of-Function – Kill Shot: CIA's SV40 Cancer Weapon – It Took a Dystopian Novel To Demonstrate We Are Living in a Dystopia – The Ultimate Contest: Will the "Androids" or the "Sheep" Win?

Editor's note: The paradox is if you kill the "android" would you become an android yourself in the process of killing him? In our post-Covid injected world who are the "androids" and who are the "sheep?" In this discussion, can the mRNA vaccines [injections] reprogram the genes and promote cancer, you might be able to ascertain who a few of the "androids" are. The "sheep" of course are those who have been Covid injected and are now at risk of being killed by the sudden appearance of "turbo cancers." Some articulate researchers have called this a "Nazi problem." 

Philip K. Dick (Blade Runner) in doing research for his book The Man In the High Castle studied the "Nazi mentality" and discovered all these people were highly intelligent but were all recklessly deficient in some manner of corresponding appropriate emotions. Dick found out that these highly intelligent people were so defective emotionally the word "human" could not be properly applied to them.

In Philip K. Dick's dystopian science fiction novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, he attempted to differentiate between authentic human beings and the reflex machine that Dick called an "android." He was trying to find criteria that would be applicable to actual human life as we know it now. That its qualities show for example in the schizoid affective type to the flattening of affect to inappropriate emotions and hallucinations. Android is a metaphor for people who are physiologically human but psychologically behaving in a lethal non-human way. Although these "androids" are highly intelligent they are deficient in some manner of affect and emotion making them highly defective and dangerous to the rest of us.

These "androids" are pathologically and psychologically defective human beings. Dick discovered these androids were so defective and so lethal to the rest of us human beings that it might be necessary at some point to confront them. Putting it bluntly it would mean confronting them and killing them. The problem is would the sheep then become like the "androids" if we wiped them out? The paradox is that if you kill an "android" do you not become and android yourself in the act of killing him?

(Image: Dr. Alton Ochsner)

There is probably no better an example of an "android" type that Philip Dick wrote about in his novel than Alton Ochsner. The National Institute of Health (NIH) even has a special page on Alton Ochsner. Ochsner fits Dick's description of a psychologically malfunctioning or defective and pathological human being. Ochsner demonstrated himself to be incredibly lethal (injected a healthy man with his bioweapon) and dangerous to human beings but he was never confronted being protected by the totally Nazified CIA. When you watch the investigative report linked below Kill Shot: The CIA's SV40 Cancer Weapon, pay close attention to Alton Ochsner's connections to the genesis of gain-of-function research, weaponized in COVID-19 in Dallas, Texas in 1963 leading up to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. You will immediately come to the conclusion that Ochsner fits all the criteria of being an "android" type of defective human being written about in Philip Dick's novel. Do we become inhuman by killing the "androids?"


October 4, 2023

In the summer of 1963, a young girl found herself caught up in a clandestine covert operation to eliminate Fidel Castro. This wouldn't be a shot heard around the world, but rather, a silent shot of super cancer causing poison, derived from a monkey simian virus called SV40.

This tale has everything from murder, espionage, a tragic love story, to bioweapons and the genesis of gain-of-function research, weaponized in COVID-19.

A couple of "Androids" were discovered involved in felony criminal activity at the Pentagon:

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