Sunday, October 15, 2023

Hamas connections go back to the Muslim Brotherhood

Editor's note: John Brennan reminds us of Martin Bormann during the Third Reich. Brennan is like a Bormann on steroids. Brennan spent time in Egypt at the American University probably cutting his teeth on the Muslim Brotherhood because it was in Egypt's universities where the Muslim Brotherhood was most active. Later, Brennan was likely involved in running the Osama bin Laden operation (vetted for the 9/11 intelligence operation through the Muslim Brotherhood). It is stated Brennan speaks Arabic but how much Arabic can you learn to speak and write in a year? Brennan's thesis apparently was about "denying the existence of absolute human rights" and he argued in favor of "censorship on the part of the Egyptian dictatorship." Good ideas for the CIA to implement. John Brennan of course was the CIA director under the alleged Muslim Brotherhood member Barack Obama. The hatred and animosity exploited in the current seemingly religious war between Israel and Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood) has now gone to new levels as religious Jewish IDF soldiers pray from their Torah (with their Saturn talismans) on top of their Merkava tanks.

National Security Whistleblower Has Evidence Obama Spied On and Blackmailed Israeli Intelligence

October 13, 2023

Many of you have probably heard of Hammer and Scorecard and you may have heard of the computer scientist, Dennis Montgomery who created this software for the US Government. Pete Santilli calls him "The Reaper", because he harvests everything.

In this video, Pete says:
"We have evidence right now, in possession of Team Jesus – it's all backed up – stealing those discs didn't do anything, because The Reaper has everything and he's got insurance policies and Deadman Switches. No joke.

"And by the way, they tried to stop him from testifying in Federal Court, to what he knows about all of this. And guess what the judge said? 'He's revealing crimes against the United States of America. You cannot prohibit him from disclosing that, because you cannot put a Top Secret security privilege on crimes against the United States of America.

"So, within the past 6 weeks, I think it was, he was compelled by a judge to give his testimony. Major, major revelation. This has to do with the information about the blackmail, the surveillance, the co-opting – everything – against Israeli intelligence services.

"Guess who has the remaining balance of the discs? Mike Lindell. He was entrusted with these discs…

"Mike Lindell, you ever notice how confident he is, as they take everything away from him? Have you ever noticed that? You know why? Because, he's got the goods and he's got the law on our side and he's got all of our patriots on our side. OK? That's why.

"We're never backing down. We're not gonna stop. They could – let's say they launch a drone strike against My Pillow. It's not going to stop this information from coming out.

"Why Netanyahu doesn't go to the podium and say, 'Hey, we wanna know what you did to our intelligence services. What information is on those five discs?'

"Right now, that's being suppressed by the US Government – or the Bad Guys in our government. I was told not to talk about those discs.

"In light of what's going on in Israel and in light of the fact that
Barack Obama's Muslim Brotherhood-supported Hamas just so happened to have all the right information to get past the Iron Dome and Israeli intelligence to basically be standing down, while tens of thousands of Hamas troops come plowing over their border – why would we not want to bring this forward to Netanyahu?

"Why doesn't Israel launch a drone strike against John Brennan? Why? If you're gonna bomb Hamas, why wouldn't you not bomb John Brennan, who’s literally, he’s had blackmail against your intel services? He owns them!

"Barack Obama literally had a terminal in the White House. How do I know that?"
Last August, a federal judge compelled Dennis Montgomery, developer of the Hammer and Scorecard software to testify about the data that he took and blew the whistle on: that John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the entire Cabal that took power after they assassinated JFK, they've been using supercomputers housed at a facility in Fort Washington, Maryland to "Rule the world through crimes against the United States of America."

In a previous report, Pete Santilli explained that, as part of Dennis Montgomery's immunity agreement with the FBI in 2015, he handed over six disks of data to former FBI General Counsel James Baker – who later became Twitter's Deputy Counsel.

This happened "In a SCIF, in Florida," says Pete Santilli, who says this story fell in his lap, due to his association with Cliven Bundy, whose lawyer is also the lawyer of Dennis Montgomery.
Pete says of Fort Washington, "They built a separate NSA, Barack Obama did – and the CIA. Because the NSA is restricted. They're part of our military. They can't violate our Constitutional rights.

So what do they do? James Comey at Lockheed,
John Brennan, he built a private organization, private contractor, they set it all up. They built a supercomputer and they set it up in Fort Washington, Maryland – and that man you just heard designed a system…that could surveil all of our enemies that were using encryption through pornographic videos, giving al Qaeda and ISIS [Editor's note: and the Muslim Brotherhood?] all of their operational orders.

"This system was so powerful, to go get bad guys, it was so revolutionary that the government stole it from him and then started using it and pointing it towards the American People.

"This is in the court record. He discovered that when they stole his technology and then started using it, he put some bit of code in there to let him see how they were using it!

"And he was able to get into – and still, to this day – he's that level of hacker, he has the highest level of security clearance, SAP [Special Access Program]…

"He has all of the data. He put it on disks, he went, in 2016 – and a large portion of those disks contained all of the evidence of the surveillance that they used during the
Bundy Ranch Crisis. I have the serial numbers. Isn't that interesting?
"But after 2019, this name came up and it was related to the attorney from the Bundy Ranch Crisis…this guy was part of my Bar Complaint against the attorney who screwed him and set him up for failure.

Please go to Forbidden Knowledge to continue reading and to view video clip.

News update for 16 October 2023. Is Maher Bitar a Muslim Brotherhood asset?

Top Biden Intel Official Outed as Palestinian Activist Has Some Very Dark Associates

Another question. Is Maher Bitar a British intelligence asset? He came through Oxford:

Archives on the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Muslim Brotherhood as assassins

The Muslim Brotherhood as an auxiliary force of MI6 and the CIA

Did Israeli intelligence create Hamas out of the Muslim Brotherhood to monitor and counter any potential attack on Israel at some point? In 1987, shortly after the outbreak of the First Intifada against Israel on 9 December 1987 Hamas was founded by Palestinian imam (leadership position) and activist Ahmed Yassin. Yassin was eventually assassinated in an Israeli missile strike in 2004. Ahmed Yassin studied at the Cairo Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Why would Israel intentionally assassinate this guy who was confined to a wheelchair? To further incite the Muslim Brotherhood? It emerged out of his Mujama al-Islamiya, which had been established in Gaza in 1973 as a religious charity (the best mechanism or structure for gathering intelligence) involved with the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood:

Chapter on the Muslim Brotherhood:

What are the connections inside the Israeli government if any with the Muslim Brotherhood that might have played a role in the Hamas attack on Israel?

Was it possible Jamal Khashoggi had revealed too much about the Muslim Brotherhood and was this the reason he was assassinated?

The Muslim Brotherhood ideology has spilled over into Iran:

Globalist private intelligence networks created the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Germans first went into Egypt followed by the British in order to expel the Germans. The British took over running the intelligence on the Muslim Brotherhood and over Palestine to use them as a globalist battering ram. It was also likely that Yasser Arafat had connections to German intelligence. And it now seems the communist goal was also to weaponize political grievances in Islamic countries. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded by Hasan al-Banna in 1928 and it was always thought the Muslim Brotherhood was trained by the Germans under Hitler. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini travelled to Europe and allied the Brotherhood with Hitler and the German Nationalist Party.

In light of the Muslim Brotherhood networks being exposed it is probably because Barack Obama is running the White House through their thoroughly compromised criminal stooge-in-charge Biden:

Biden Regime Secretly Funneled $75 Million to Hamas Days Before Attack 

Who is this guy and what are his connections to the Muslim Brotherhood? Is he an intelligence asset?

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