Sunday, July 9, 2023

Unchartered territory on murder rates in America

Editor's note: Jamaica has one of the highest murder rates in the world at 56.4 murders per 100,000 population. Chicago has one of the highest murder rates in the US with 1,556 people shot to-date with 306 dead. Most of the murders taking place in the US (America is one big crime scene) are committed by blacks (statistics depending on source vary wildly and do not reflect black on white murders) and it is getting worse. In 2020, there were 21,570 murders nationwide. That's just in 2020 and the numbers are going to be higher in 2023. Consider for a moment that is roughly 60,000 people shot dead in America over a three year period. Those are war statistics. This man from Afghanistan who served in the army of Afghanistan and acted as an interpreter for U.S. special forces was gunned down by black teenagers in Washington DC:

He served the Army in Afghanistan. He was killed driving for Lyft in D.C.

Source: The Unz Review

Bow Before Blackness: Non-Stop Black in Brave New Britain


Chuck the Cuck is at it again. Our so-called king Charles III, who lives in luxurious palaces built by Whites and enjoys a millionaire’s life funded by Whites, has once again spurned Whites and sanctified Blacks. The staunchly republican and anti-monarchist Guardian approvingly reported how Chuck has "hailed the pioneers of the Windrush generation." Seventy-five years ago a ship called the Empire Windrush brought one of the first batches of Caribbean Blacks to Britain. They were unwanted, unneeded, and would prove disastrous for Britain, but what does that matter to Chuck the Cuck? Those Blacks were "indomitable," he has said, and it was vital for Britain to recognize their "remarkable legacy" and to “celebrate the immeasurable difference that they, their children and their grandchildren have made to this country."

Indomitable Windrush pioneers: the gerontophile mass-rapist Delroy Grant and rapist-murderer Leroy Campbell

Chuck's sycophancy was so extreme and his rhetoric so far removed from reality that you could almost suspect him of satire or sarcasm. But no, he was being absolutely sincere about the "Windrush generation," which is the smarmy name recently devised by leftists for the low-IQ Caribbean Blacks who began enriching Britain with murder, rape, robbery, educational failure, incompetence, welfare-dependency, and anti-social behavior from the late 1940s. Chuck's son and heir Prince William was also being sincere when he said that "we are forever grateful" to the Windrush generation for making the British "a better people."

Well, I don't know whether Chuck will live long enough to be put on trial for treason, but I think William will. One of the questions I'd like to see William asked when he is put in the dock is this: "Who is Delroy Grant, what were his remarkable achievements, and where did he come from?" If William doesn’t have an answer — and he very probably won't — the prosecuting counsel can tell him that Delroy Grant is a prolific Black sex-criminal who specialized in raping and robbing elderly White women and that he came to Britain from Jamaica in the early 1970s.

Horrible crimes committed by Caribbean Blacks

In other words, Grant is a member of the saintly Windrush generation. After he learns about Grant's contributions to Britain, William can be asked how he would have felt if his own elderly White grandmother, Queen Elizabeth the Evil, had been one of Grant's scores or even hundreds of victims and whether he would still have felt "forever grateful" that the Windrush generation had changed Britain for the "better."

But that won't be the end of the questions for William and other traitors about the "remarkable legacy" of the Windrush generation. There is an embarras de choix when it comes to horrible crimes committed by Caribbean Blacks against British Whites who would otherwise have lived long and peaceful lives. For example, I'd also like to see William asked to imagine how he would have felt if his mother or wife had taken the place of the White nurse Lisa Skidmore, who was raped and murdered by another member of the Windrush generation, Leroy Campbell, in 2017. And how would William have felt if his daughter had taken the place of Mary-Ann Leneghan, the 15-year-old White schoolgirl who was tortured and raped by a Black gang for hours in 2005, before having her throat cut as she pleaded desperately for her life.

The leader of that Black gang was the son of a probable Windrush "pioneer" called Tony Thomas, who later pretended to the BBC that he was sorry about being a "fringe father" and abandoning his son and other illegitimate children. All of them were brought up at the expense of British Whites, like the many thousands of other illegitimate children fathered and abandoned by Blacks in Britain. How does Prince William feel about that huge expense and about the vastly disproportionate number of violent and acquisitive crimes committed by Blacks here? I suspect he won't have good answers for any of those questions. Like his father, he is as unremarkable for his intellect as he is remarkable for his treachery. But who needs intellect when it comes to understanding the true nature of Blacks? It is very easy to prove that the Windrush generation and its descendants have been a curse on Britain, not a blessing.

Kings of the curse

It’s also easy to prove that Jews have been central to the imposition of that curse on Britain. After mass migration from the Caribbean began, a predatory Jewish landlord Peter Rachman (1919-62) made big profits in London by renting bad housing at high prices to Blacks who were unpopular as tenants because of their criminality, noise, and anti-social behavior. Indeed, Rachman used violent and noisy Blacks to drive White tenants out of houses he wanted to buy or convert into flats. Decades after Rachman’s heyday, another money-hungry Jew, Alex Langsam, is making more big profits from more non-White invaders. Langsam, who has been nicknamed the "Asylum King," owns the sardonically named Britannia Hotels, which was "the worst hotel chain for ten years running, according to a survey conducted by consumer group Which" and which rakes in millions from government contracts for housing so-called "asylum seekers" from the corrupt, diseased, and violent Third World.
Two Jews who used Blacks against Whites: Cyril Salmon and Peter Rachman

Langsam's father was a refugee from the Nazis and Langsam has said: "My father was the most nationalistic person I have ever come across. Britain saved his life and gave him a living and he instilled that in me. I am grateful for what this country has given me." I bet he is: according to the Daily Mail, he is being given £100,000 a day for housing the next generation of Third-World criminals and tax-eaters. That's Jewish "nationalism" in Britain; in Israel, Jewish nationalism takes the entirely opposite form of building high-tech fences to keep Third-World enrichers out. As Jews are well aware, Blacks are a curse on any Western nation that accepts them as residents. But that's precisely why Jews are so determined to keep Blacks out of Israel and keep them flooding into America and Europe. Blacks are the most harmful, unintelligent, and unproductive of all groups. That is, they are the group that least resembles Whites and is most suitable for destroying White civilization.

Better for Blacks, worse for Whites

As a first step towards that tantalizing goal, the hostile Jewish elite worked to transform Blacks into the archetypal saintly victims of White oppression. Kevin MacDonald has documented how the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in America was organized and funded not by Blacks, but by Jews. In Britain, the Jewish lawyer Anthony Lester (1936-2020) boasted of how he used the tactics of his fellow Jews in America to begin taking freedom of speech and association away from Whites in Britain too:

Please go to The Unz Review to continue reading.

On their way to Britain and they are given a free pass all the way (payback time for centuries of colonization):

Yes, let's hope so for the sake of the Finns:


I'm Glad There Is a Race War in France (Even If Whites Aren't Fighting)

Using Britain as an example this is a step in the right direction for America: secure the border:

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